• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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It's been three days since Mongor led his army to the outskirts of United Equestria for a divide-and-conquer sequence to thin the numbers and ensure victory when they march into United Equestria; Mongor specifically commands the Lizards, Chameleons, and Diamond Dogs to celebrate, then plot their advances to storm United Equestria's district before seizing their castle and leaders. The Diamond Dog Guard has decided to release Moondancer, Grubber, and Grogar from imprisonment, hoping Mongor doesn't detect suspicious activity.

Moondancer is drained from the severe experimentations of Mongor and sustained injuries that'll put any creature on the brink of death. Grogar can barely stand on all four hooves from the devastating blow he suffered from Mongor's minions after uniting the three nations under his control. Grubber would guide the Diamond Dog Guard through a scenic route where he believes a clone of Discord would be incognito once the Diamond Guard Dog leaves the premises.

The Diamond Dog Guard is grateful that his Exo-Suit can lift more than ten tons and would easily carry Grogar, Grubber, and Moondancer. He is the only Diamond Dog with guilt as the others are bloodlust; however, knowing that the Exo-Suit has a detection locator chip, it'll be complex to spring up an excuse, especially with his kin more likely to tear his limbs off for betraying Mongor's Regime.

The Diamond Dog Guard decided to inspect Mongor's laboratory to read the inscriptions of the Exo-Suit he possesses; it depicts strength and mobility fifty times the speed of pegasi's flight velocity, which will give him the endurance to carry and run speedily to United Equestria. Then, he starts reading the map the Chameleons marked for Mongor during their expeditions with their new gear. There are many scenic routes to each of the eleven districts, including Castle Central of the United Equestria.

After reading more of his Exo-Suit and documenting the best passageway, the Diamond Guard Dog leaves Mongor's laboratory with a map; he deactivates the homing device by pressing a button on the left shoulder pad. It indicates to Mongor that one of his forces has decided to go offline for stealthy purposes, making him not worry.

Sighing in relief, the Diamond Dog Guard returns to the containment center to free Moondancer and Grubber of their bindings, then Grogar. Moondancer drops since her strength is nonexistent until she gets medical services; Grogar barely moves while he feels a heaviness in his left eye. Only Grubber didn't sustain injuries; however, he hoped District 11 received his transmission about the invasion on his island days ago.

"I will carry the three of you to United Equestria; the scenic route I found will take three hours of travel when I accelerate the Exo-Suit's capabilities."

"Buddy, I know a shortcut that'll lead us to an incognito clone who'll take us straight to Castle Central!" Grubby informs the Diamond Dog Guard.

"Construct a white flag that way so United Equestria doesn't attack me... I have valuable information that'll turn the tides of the impending doom," Grogar said, trying his best not to sound strictly demanding while having some authority in his tone.

"Fine," The Diamond Dog Guard leaves Moondancer, Grubber, and Grogar alone for ten minutes to forge a white flag for all to see; then he removes the ring off of Moondancer's horn, enabling her to use magic; however, he forgot that Mongor's incinerating red gemstone bullet nullified her usage.

The Diamond Dog Guard puts Grogar on his back while holding Moondancer and the white flag, allowing Grubber to climb to his shoulder, hanging on tight. The Diamond Dog Guard jumps out of the mines to a hole one of the Diamond Dogs dug days ago when searching for gemstones.

"Hello there," An affectionate and comforting sound, the Diamond Dog Guard turns to confront the new creature. "Do not worry. I'm not here to harm you."

"Twi-Twilight..?" Moondancer sees Harmony still in the apparition of Alicorn Twilight Sparkle.

Harmony shakes her head. "I am not her; I'm the embodiment from the Tree of Harmony. I am Harmony."

Grogar grunts at Harmony; Harmony does a doubletake when she sees Grogar without his iconic horns. She's puzzled and concerned about Grogar's distress and senses something peculiar within Grogar's body.

"Don't mind him," The Diamond Dog Guard says. "He and Moondancer suffered tremendously by a new tyrant who wants to dominate the wills of everyone and kill anyone that opposes him in ways no sane creature, no matter how demented their mindsets are; we drastically need assistance on ending this Devil."

Harmony becomes frantic with the idea that the Heavens and Hell are starting the apocalypse; Harmony has seen many monsters since her existence and is aware of the Holy and Unholy battlegrounds. Speaking of the Devil is a sign that a war unlike any other is imminent; no amount of magic or Friendship can overcome a battle between Heaven and Hell.

"What did you do?!" Harmony points at Grogar since he's the only creature capable of creating a monster so horrific as to unleash havoc and destruction on innocents.

"I unleashed someone beyond the genocide of Midnight Sparkle into our world untamed; you want more information, I desire some stipulations that'll go according. If you and they deny me of that request, I'll leave you all in the dark and watch how everything falls apart."

"It's-" Grogar silences Grubber's speech.

"Silence! The grown-ups are speaking about the balance beam in Equus, and I know you're fully aware of the consequences of leading astray without equilibrium. Right, Harmony?" Grogar chuckles, knowing more about Equus' well-being if things shift in the opposite direction.

Harmony steps back; it takes an instant to reluctantly agree to Grogar's statement since he has valuable information regarding the Devil he birthed, also knowing what happens to a world when it becomes one-sided. "Very well," Harmony uses her magic to teleport the core to Castle Central's meeting hall, where all leaders of the Districts are present to discuss the fallout of several cities in ruin and many powerful creatures in agony by sources beyond comprehension.

"GROGAR!" Everyone shouts in shock and horror at the sudden appearance of the Father of Monsters; also, they want retribution for the crimes he'd committed that they're aware of or not aware of.

"Before you start any judgment on the Father of Monsters, he has crucial information to discuss if we want to avoid further collapse on everything we built on," Harmony decrees, hoping to calm everyone's nerves about Grogar's involvement that has everyone spooked for weeks.

Princess Celestia approaches Grogar and becomes spaced out by his unfortunate appearance; the injury on his head is alarming since no hero in history has ever wounded the Father of Monsters sorely. Grogar looks away in shame despite having self-assertiveness in being in the presence of harmonic creatures.

The Diamond Dog Guard puts Grogar on the floor; since Grogar hasn't eaten in days, he slumps, and his head lands harshly on the floor. Princess Celestia, Shining Armor, Discord's clones, Prince Rutherford, Empress Ember, Gilda, Tempest, Pharynx, and Princess Skystar see how weak Grogar is after learning much about his history and dominant power.

Royal Guards take Moondancer to seek medical attention while the leaders tend to Grogar for an utmost meeting regarding the future of United Equestria; Grogar mentally prepares himself for the backlash from his peers when they learn and discover his true intentions of taking Equestria and the rest of the world back within his grasp.

"Grubber!" Tempest gallops to greet her friend after finding no survivors at the Storm Nation's island; she had searched for three days and nights without rest. She holds him tightly, sobbing in the embrace.

While the two are in an embrace, a clone of Discord analyzes Grogar's condition and shudders tremendously after realizing a horrid truth about his shape.

Grogar groans anguishly in his weakened state; he barely blinks in the enemy's presence, who'll soon be his unholy allies for the impending war that won't go well.

"With Grogar's testimony about the current situation regarding our future, we will provide him amnesty for his crimes since he swallowed his pride about our imminent hereafter," Harmony announces the declaration, which gathers unwelcome attention, complaints, whines, and flat-out cursing, which the clones censored when they blew the air horns.

"You can't be serious! That thing caused my brother to get captured and maimed!" Pharynx shouted at Harmony after discovering the fallout of his brethren and sistren; not even the younglings were spared from the carnage and devastation in his homeland.

"My Dragons are missing, and you expect me to forgive the Father of Monsters for enacting as Acnologia?" Empress Ember wants to execute Grogar for bringing calamity upon her subjects.

"My best friend Gabby, Grampa Gruffs, and many Griffons vanished without a trace after blood was shed in a battle nobody foresaw!" Gilda is livid about Griffstone's fallout when she decides to return home for the festivities.

"I will never forgive a demon that desires to bring suffering and ruin; I will not accept any apologies from Grogar!" Princess Skystar displays hatred at Grogar after discovering the horrid truths the other day.

"You've given me far too much credit; however, I didn't initiate the idea of crippling a kingdom's strength," Grogar chuckles for getting accused of a heinous atrocity that'll go down in the record books. "That glory belongs to the demon I unleashed..," Grogar regretfully sighs, which is unnerving for everyone in the room to hear Grogar's dissatisfaction.

"You're the catalyst that brought forth a demon who obliterated several homelands and captured civilians and military personnel! You're the sole reason why every one of us is in a mess you devised for your ambitions, Grogar! Start taking responsibility!" Princess Celestia painfully reminds Grogar of his misdeed for bringing a calamity unlike any other.

Grogar laughs after hearing Princess Celestia's rant. "Touché, Celestia."

"Although Grubber knows what is partially happening within our lands, Grogar made a compelling case moments ago when we spoke. We will allow amnesty for the information he holds and the restoration of his health and magic!" Harmony stomps her left front hoof on the ground, making her validation evident to the surrealness of the situation.

The groans and complaints become silent due to Harmony's authority regarding the dangers that await.

The clone of Discord proceeds with Harmony's command, using his chaos magic to restore Grogar; however, his sorcery remains uplifted due to the gemstone's effect. Grogar groans since his ability to perform his sorcery is still invalid due to Mongor's pellet. The clone of Discord did not recover his missing eye and replaced it with an eyepatch.

"No more delays, Grogar," Princess Celestia demands to know what has occurred during his imprisonment.

"Buddy, stand beside me so I can explain everything to everyone," Grogar calmly calls for the Diamond Dog Guard; now he becomes afraid of Grogar's calmness.

The Diamond Dog Guard stands beside Grogar, revealing the Exo-Suit to everyone in the conference; they oohed and awed at the sight before becoming afraid.

Grogar turns to everyone, taking a deep breath after imagining the horrid, dreadful looks of the leaders in the room; he closes his eyes, mustering enough confidence to say the name he now fears in humiliation. "On February 29th, when the stars aligned themselves, I used the unfathomable power to ignite the mirror portal to open a new dimension to retrieve an ace to overthrow United Equestria since it became complex to exact my revenge after gathering much power that was taken from me by Gusty the Great. On February 29th, I summoned Spike Knightwalker into our realms."

"YOOOOOOOOU WHAAAAAAAAAT?!!!!!!!" Princess Celestia, Shining Armor, Discord's clones, Prince Rutherford, Empress Ember, Gilda, Tempest, Pharynx, and Princess Skystar shout in horror and anger. Harmony is taken aback by the stunning revelation since she remembers the encounters he and Fairy Dragon had during the United Species' movie nights.

"SPIKE KNIGHTWALKER IS A SADISTIC KILLER WITH A BLOODLUSTED MINDSET FOR TORTURING THOSE THAT PRACTICE WIZARDRY!" Gilda reminded Grogar about Spike Knightwalker's self-ambitions when it was revealed about the Celestials' Guild involvement during his childhood. "YOU REALIZE THAT THE MEMBERS OF THE GUILD THAT SCARRED HIM FOR LIFE ARE ALIVE AND WELL HERE?!" Gilda irately speaks for everyone in the room.

"I know, which was why I summoned him to begin with. I needed a tactician with his Lieutenant status to help bring an apocalypse so I could seize the world and regain my authority. My entitlement for creating fear throughout the lands..," Grogar sighs pitifully. "However, when he first arrived, I didn't take accountability for the possibility of his reformation."

"He's good...?" Shining Armor ponders the thought of Spike Knightwalker becoming a good fellow since Edolas and Earth Land are supposed to be opposite realms. Many others in the room ask the same question.

"Indeed; when I first spoke to him, he sounded like a good simpleton, not the sadistic warrior I wanted, so I informed Spike Knightwalker about God's plan to restore Hell since he killed the Celestials and they were overtaking Hell to create a paradise."

Everyone in the room, even Harmony, is silent about the brilliant idea of tricking Spike Knightwalker into following his legion.

"Spike Knightwalker told me much about his eight years of life-changing experiences; he's a father of two and married a Fairy Tail Wizard living the best life. Spike Knightwalker told me, and he refused to become the person he detested, so I enchanted him with a separation spell, allowing his darkness to consume his mind and take over. The goodness of Spike Knightwalker remains trapped as the real demon is free to do my bidding until he attempted a successful coup that overthrew my plans for conquest."

"How did Spike Knightwalker succeed with the coup, Grogar," Princess Celestia knows Grogar hasn't revealed all of the evidence within his testimony.

"When I had control of Spike Knightwalker, I referred to him as Sadistic Spike Knightwalker and made him work on weaponry more advanced than Midnight Sparkle's Techno-Magic-Soldiers using the materials from the Storm Nation's recycle plants and other machinery. Also, I instructed the Diamond Dogs to retrieve their allies for a vital task since the numbers of United Equestria vastly outmatched my power; the Diamond Dogs brought the Lizards and Chameleons. After freeing Lord Tirek and procuring my Eternal Cataclysmic Secpter, I made Lord Tirek train our armies as Knightwalker continued to work in his makeshift laboratory, designing weapons beyond imagination to counter anything United Equestria can use at disposal."

"That's not answering the question!" Prince Rutherford slams his front hooves on the table, alerting Grogar to quit stalling.

Grogar ignores Yak's rant to proceed with his explanation. "With Sadistic Spike Knightwalker in our realms, his use of magic returned, enabling him with ideas for our soldiers to utilize against the enemy. After Lord Tirek and I discussed the potency within every ally, he decided to use the Dragon's craving kryptonite as an eternal weakness for every creature. He studied every color and used different spells to infuse his creation into a weapon unlike any other. I sent the Chameleons to retrieve Dragon eggs to conduct his experimentation on them once they hatched."

Empress Ember is ready to maul Grogar to death after discovering the cause of the disappearing eggs during the past few weeks. Pharynx, Tempest, Prince Rutherford, Gilda, and Shining Armor hold Ember in place, trying to calm her down before unleashing an angry wrath.

"Sadistic Spike Knightwalker would maim the younglings with his inventions, testing every gemstone color, writing the inscriptions for the potency from to utilize and discard; then, he set his eyes on Moondancer, a Unicorn that wandered off in the wrong territory, allowing Sadistic Spike Knightwalker to further his investment on Moondancer. He showed me his invention, and I relished every second of his malice until I made a fatal error that cost me an eye and my magic. I taunted him, and one gemstone bullet dispersed my defense bubble, incinerating my left eye and eradicating my magic. The bullet came from his pistol, and in a few days, I lost control of everything; my armies, my allies, turned their backs against me for Sadistic Spike Knightwalker."

"Talk about karma for creating a monster," Princess Skystar is pleased to hear about the downfall of Grogar's uprising.

"Princess, this next part won't sound pleasing and comforting for your ears!" Grogar barks at Princess Skystar for having the audacity to find pleasure in his pain.

Princess Skystar gulps, seeing Grogar livid, made her tremble and hide underneath the table for comfort.

"Sadistic Spike Knightwalker turned me from a threat into a defenseless toddler; not only did he weaken me, but he also took my scepter and yanked my horns off my head! He wears them like a crown!" Grogar shed tears at the humiliation of revealing his tale and reliving the moments in his mind. "Sadistic Spike Knightwalker declares himself as Mongor, the Demon of Fear. My scepter turned into a scythe, and he's the catalyst for why Griffonstone, the Dragon Lands, Changeling Hive, Mount Aris, and the Storm Nation island are in shambles and obliterated. He sent the Diamond Dogs, Lizards, Chameleons, Lord Tirek, and himself to seek and destroy. Everyone succeeded, and the mines are full of prisoners; most got paralyzed, and those that use magic are useless."

The room is full of dread by Mongor's ascent and the fallout of Grogar's demise by the Demon of Fear; now, they are asking questions about the Exo-Suit and how to defuse them or counterattack.

"The Exo-Suit holds many-" Grogar gets interrupted and covers his ears after a loud high-pitch wave emerges from the Exo-Suit; it gets louder, causing every creature to wail from the pain and shatter all windows of Castle Central.

Laughter from the speaker of the Exo-Suit sounds off after the high-pitched noise frequency ceases; The Diamond Dog Guard feels his heart pounding rapidly in fear, making him wish he didn't have the Exo-Suit attached to his spine.

"HOW?!" Grogar frantically shouts after hearing Mongor's chuckle; it reminds him of his uprising in power.

"The Exo-Suit on the Diamond Dog that betrayed my regime and attempted to silence himself for stealth purposes; however, the Diamond Dog Guard failed to realize by deactivating the locator chip, a live audio recording gets turned on instead. Also, another feature of the Exo-Suit is to document live footage of what it sees, and I know what the leaders look like except for District Ten. Harmony," Mongor chuckles after an explicit thought comes to his mind. "You'll witness the cessation of your peace as you'll watch despair and misery become the sole rulers of Equus; there is no help, no future, no counteraction from my invasion!" Mongor activates a failsafe switch on the Diamond Dog Guard's Exo-Suit.

The Exo-Suit attached to the Diamond Dog Guard scans him as crossbones images flash, indicating a termination protocol to initialize; he howls in torment while feeling his organs squished. The clone of Discord attempted to remove the Exo-Suit off of the Diamond Dog Guard with his prowess and received a whiplash from the defense sequence, causing the clone to crash into several walls.

Princess Celestia, Shining Armor, Pharynx, and Empress Ember attempted to use their combined magic to extract the Exo-Suit off of the Diamond Dog Guard's body, then met a similar fate to the clone of Discord, getting repelled and colliding into several walls.

"The notes! I took the aaaaaaaaaah!" The Exo-Suit causes a spontaneous combustion, incinerating the Diamond Dog Guard. The Exo-Suit shoots a laser, burning the notes he took, then disintegrates itself, leaving no traces for analysis to copy and recreate a new or design a countermeasure.

Princess Skystar, Gilda, Prince Rutherford, Tempest, Grubber, and Grogar are stunned to see the full extent of the Exo-Suit's failsafe procedure if anyone were to betray Mongor's regime; the notes the Diamond Dog Guard took got reduced to ashes.

Princess Celestia, Empress Ember, Pharynx, and Shining Armor return to see the ashes where the Diamond Dog Guard stood and the little hope they had vanished; the clone of Discord enters the room and uses his chaos magic to restore what the Exo-Suit destroyed; however, his power got negated.

"Mongor had everything planned..," Grogar would have never thought of executing a betrayer beyond the distance and questioned the demented mindset of Mongor's intelligence furthermore. He's now more afraid of Mongor than ever before.

Harmony turns to Grogar after theorizing potential answers from his explanation. "Grogar, do you remember how to reach Edolas?"

"I do, however, without a mirror portal, I cannot perform the ritual necessary; plus, I don't have the unquestionable magic power to perform such a feat. I would need an ample supply to teach someone the usage of the spell."

"Why Edolas, Harmony?" Princess Celestia is eager to know about Harmony's decision rather than contact Earth Land and bring back the Fairy Tail Guild for aid.

"Spike Knightwalker's friends and family are vital for him to regain control of his body and mind; setting him free would thwart Mongor's schemes with an internal struggle, allowing us to use the Dagger of the Tribunal to separate the two and finally end Mongor right there and then."

"Dagger of the Tribunal..?" Grogar remembers the penalty of using the dagger and wonders if the effects would reverse the unusable to usable.

"What kind of magic power would you need to unlock the doorway to Edolas, Grogar?" Princess Celestia turns to her unholy ally to further understand the usage and make preparations for the occasion.

"I would imagine using the Crystal Heart, any creature with magic power, different relics, clones of Discord, and District Ten to concentrate in unison, allowing the wielder to create the portal to our realm and Edolas. I need a mirror portal; does anyone have notes to recreate one?"

"The Castle of the Two Sisters may have what we need since our library got wrecked during Midnight Sparkle's onslaught at Canterlot," Princess Celestia answers Grogar's question in bitterness but with hopefulness.

"If anyone is expecting an apology from me, my explanation is what you need to hear; know that I made a mistake, but I won't repeat history with any attempts of bringing an untamed animal from other dimensions."

"Shining Armor," Princess Celestia is unhappy with the command she'll entrust Shining with.

"Yes, Princess?" Shining Armor trots to Princess Celestia, already knowing what she'll ask of him.

"Send a message to Princess Cadance about Grogar's arrival since he'll be helping us resolve this dilemma."

Shining Armor sighs deeply, knowing how much effort will be put into the letter while training the Unicorn Royal Guards into concentration unison magic. Shining hoped the Guardian Dragon would not flip out and attack Grogar for unleashing the Demon of Fear in Equus.

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