• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Spike vs Midnight: Endgame

Author's Note:

Happy New Year, Everyone!

Spike's Crystal Fairy Guardian Dragon Theme
I give credit to MLPMekarm for picking the song I had in mind.

Battle Theme Between Spike and Midnight

Spike punches Midnight; Midnight catches Spike's punch which causes severe burning.

"Aaaaaaah!" Midnight screams from the pain; Spike uses his tail to knock Midnight Sparkle to the ground.

"Demon Spiral Death!" Midnight Sparkle's hands are aqua blue and crimson red, combining the two to create a spiral flare with immense force and destructive power at Spike.

Spike uses his forearm to deflect Midnight Sparkle's Demon Spiral Death; it collides at a mountain top instead. Everyone at the Crystal Empire watches in awe at Spike's incredible power. The Crystal Ponies are cheering the loudest for their savior.

"I can't believe what I'm seeing," Applejack watches Spike battling Midnight Sparkle. Midnight Sparkle can't land a hit on Spike due to the nature of the Crystal Heart.

"It's crazy to think over a year ago Spike was Twilight's assistant. Now, he's a super-powered dragon!" Pinkie shouts in excitement.

"I can't believe Spike is fighting Midnight Sparkle as a crystal dragon. It's insane as to how far he's grown in Earth Land," Rainbow said.

Princess Luna and Princess Cadance watch the extravaganza and cheer Spike on while having mixed feelings for Midnight Sparkle. Shining Armor watches Spike and worries that the Crystal Heart within Spike will obliterate Midnight.

Every Earth Land Wizard cheers for their comrade; Lector, Frosch, and Carla comes out of hiding and regroup with their friends to watch the final showdown.

Midnight Sparkle uses her aqua blue flames to create a flaming shield. Spike punches through her shield, snuffing it out in the process.

"Crystal Flare Roooooooar!" Spike unleashes his Crystal Green Flame at Midnight Sparkle.

"Demon Wraaaaaaaaaaaath!" Midnight unleashes her Aqua Blue Flames at Spike's Crystal Flare. Unfortunately, Spike's Crystal Flare overwhelms Midnight's attack. Midnight Sparkle feels the full force of the Crystal Flares and gets sent flying back.

Spike flies after Midnight Sparkle. Midnight Sparkle summons storm clouds and shoots blistering snow, knowing the cold is Spike's weakness. She remembers the ice bucket prank and how it made Spike rive in agony.

"The cold does not affect me!" Spike flies through the blistering winds. Then he sees Midnight's hands glow green, getting ready to absorb his magic.

"You're mine!" Midnight grabs Spike's head. "I'll take your power and kill you, Fairy Dragon! Then I'll kill everyone you love dearly!" Midnight tries to absorb his magic power. However, she feels a sharp blade stabbing her on her side. "Aaaaaaaaah!"

Spike's left arm becomes a sword arm; The same one when he fought the Dorma Anim Black Sky with Natsu, Gajeel, and Wendy. He yanks his left arm out of Midnight's side. Blood splatters on the ground.

"I will never allow you to harm my friends and family!" Spike punches Midnight Sparkle in the face and knocks a tooth out. Spike knees Midnight Sparkle in her gut, causing her to cough blood. "Explosion Cataclysm!" Spike jumps back, and Sparkling Green explosions hit Midnight Sparkle underneath, the devastation also has cleansing properties, causing Midnight to rive in agony.

Midnight Sparkle falls to the ground hard and pants heavily. She looks at Spike. "His magic power is overwhelmingly powerful! Despite what I have, the Crystal Heart is too strong!"

Spike walks up to Midnight Sparkle. He conjures a crystal fireball to end the madness. "For everything you pulled, what you schemed, wickedness will never succeed. You once killed my sister, nearly killed my friends, my family, and you killed a piece of me that I loved dearly," Spike sheds a tear in remembrance of Fairy Rage. "This is for those you harmed and killed in your relentless pursuit of selfishness!" Spike's Crystal Fireball grows bigger.

"Spike, wait!" Midnight Sparkle pleas. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry that I allowed myself to go insane! Please, let me go, and I'll go on a redemption path!" Midnight Sparkle is in tears. "I love you! I still do! Please, give me the chance to show I can change!"

"Why would I believe in a deceiver!" Spike aims his Crystal Fireball at Midnight Sparkle.

"Nooooo! You can't take me away from my friends and family!" Midnight Sparkle crawls away. "I'm the Princess of Friendship! Equestria needs me!"

"You betrayed them the moment you attacked your homeland! You're not the Princess of Friendship! You are the Princess of Deceit and Evil! And, EQUESTRIA WON'T BE NEEDING YOU ANYMORE!" Spike proclaims.

Midnight Sparkle shoots gushing winds of flames at Spike and flies. She takes out her artifact and hopes she has enough power to return to Earth Land. It doesn't faze Spike.

"Crystal Cleanse Blast!!" Spike claps his claws and press forward a powerful wave of magic energy the Crystal Heart gave him. The powerful wave is so dense it engulfs Midnight Sparkle. It's so bright that everyone for miles has to cover their eyes.

"No! No!" Midnight Sparkle's body starts disintegrating. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Midnight Sparkle's horn releases a small matter of dark energy that takes form. It vanishes before the cleansing effect of Spike's attack gets to it. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Midnight Sparkle tears up while her body disintegrates even more. "I LOVE YOU, SPIIIIIKE!!" The last words Midnight Sparkle spoke.

The bright light vanishes and all that remains of Midnight Sparkle are glittering dust. Spike pants due to the spell's usage. He released more magic power to ensure Midnight Sparkle's demise.

"The Brave and Glorious triumphs!" The Crystal Ponies cheer loudly after seeing glittering dust falling from the skies.

"Yeah! Spike defeated Midnight Sparkle!" Happy shouts.

"I can't believe it! Spike defeated Midnight Sparkle!" Rainbow Dash can't believe Spike pulled it off.

"Twily..," Shining Armor lowers his head. "I'm sorry."

Every Earth Land Wizard and every creature celebrates. Wendy runs up to Spike while he reverts to his size. Spike is still a crystal dragon and takes a deep breath. He looks up to see the moon lowering down and the sun rising.

"Twilight. I stopped loving you the moment I realized how you were treating me. I was the slave you loved, not the son you raised. That is why you are irrelevant to me. Your final words have no meaning for my life going forward," Spike takes a deep breath. "Enjoy your days in hell."

"Spike!" Wendy runs up to Spike and hugs him. "You won!" Wendy is happy to see Spike.

"I have you and our friends to thank," Spike smiles. "They were vital for ending Midnight's reign of terror."

"Hey, Spike!" Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Gray, Erza, and every Earth Land Wizard run up to him.

"You did it, buddy!" Natsu puts Spike on his shoulder.

"Way to go!" Happy throws the thumbs up.

"You were impressive," Kagura said.

"Impressive, he was a God taking on a demon!" Gajeel said.

"Well done, Fairy Dragon. Makarov would be proud of you," Jura said.

"Each of you did great defeating those soldiers out there as well as Midnight's allies," Spike replies.

"I will say, fighting King Sombra was like fighting Skiadrum except for the crystals."

"I have bragging rights for slaying a God that turned into a demon," Orga said.

"I slew a Storm God with Wendy helping me," Sherria said.

"The Thunder Legion, Celestia, Pinkie Pie, and I took out Midnight's army at the mirror pool," Romeo said.

"I am so glad I got to give Midnight Sparkle a beating," Natsu said. "Thanks for teleporting me at the right time, Spike."

"Hey, are you okay, Shining Armor?" Princess Cadance walks up to her husband. Shining Armor is in tears.

"I watched my Twily getting destroyed. I failed my Twily as an older brother."

"Shining," Princess Luna walks up to him. "You've lost a sister but still have another," She refers to the Twilight that came from the human world. "You can still be a brother."

"I know... It's just.., how am I going to explain to mom and dad about this?"

Chrysalis is glad that Midnight Sparkle is defeated but, she feels dead inside due to losing Terax at the hand of that demon. A medical clone comes up to Chrysalis, with Terax waking up.

"Mommy?" Terax yawns.

"Terax!" Chrysalis turns to the medical clone. She sees Terax fully restored and has no scar on his eye. "Terax!"

"Mommy!" Terax flies into her mother's arms. He cries in happiness while feeling Chrysalis' heartbeat.

Chrysalis cries in happiness while holding her son. She smiles and looks at the medical clone. "Thank you."

"I love you, Mommy!"

"I love you too, Terax," Chrysalis kisses her son's head.

While Spike celebrates their victory, every creature approaches Spike. They invite his friends to have a celebrational meal at the Crystal Castle.

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