• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Fairy Tail vs Tartaros: Part 2

Spike, Wendy, Lucy, Carla, Michello, and Michelia arrive inside the guildhall. Spike falls over, still feeling the weary effects from Jackal's explosion curses. Lucy explains that Natsu took off the moment Michello told Natsu where the last former Chairman lives.

"That's not good. Considering Natsu taking off like that, I suspect he knows something we're not aware of," Makarov said. He's worried that Erza and Mirajane may be running into a trap. Cana sent the two to the last former Chairman of the Magic Council just an hour ago.

"I'll take care of Spike," Porlyusica gives Spike medicine to help him recover quicker.

"Thank you, Porlyusica," Spike takes his medicine.

"You're welcome. I advise you to be more careful when you encounter a demon of Tartaros. The same goes for you, Fairy Rage. The two of you can't afford to become reckless with the Thunder Legion out of commission for the time being."

"Understood, Porlyusica," Spike and Fairy Rage say in unison.

"Any word on the possible three council members that are body-linked with Face?" Lucy asks.

"As of now, the members are not known. We need to devise quickly to find these three and protect them at all costs," Makarov says.

"Right," Lucy, Wendy, and Spike nod.

Happy flies Natsu as fast as he can. "What's the deal, Natsu?"

"I figured it out, Happy. No one, not even the current council members, should know where the former councilmen were. Or where this Face thing is! So how the hell did Tartaros find out?!"

Happy horridly gasps while putting some thought into it. "Wow, dude, you figured something out without Spike's help."

"By now, Spike has figured it out. Someone must be aligned with Tartaros to tell them about the whereabouts of the former council members."

"Who would do that, Natsu?" Happy asks.

"I'm not sure. It must be someone powerful. Someone high up in the council or someone doing enough research to find the exact coordinates where ever former council lives."

"Could it be that Twilight punk Spike had mentioned?"

"If it is her, I hope Spike doesn't mind I scorched her to a crisp. Keep flying, Happy; We need to get there before Erza does!"

"AYE, SIR!" Happy increases his speed and flies faster than before.

Half an hour later, Happy and Natsu arrive at the former Chairman's home in the forest. The house is demolished with many battle scars all over. Several weapons from opposed Tartaros Soldiers are scattered in front of the house.

"We might be too late..," Natsu sees what's left of the carnage.

"This is not good," Happy said. He's worried about Erza and whoever led the charge.

Natsu and Happy run inside the home. "Erza!" Natsu calls for his friend.

"Mira!" Happy call for his friend. He looks around a bit. "No one's here."

"Yea, they haven't been long, though. I can smell them," Natsu starts sniffing. "What could have happened to them?"

"I don't smell Erza but, I smell burning herbs," Happy is picking up a different scent in the room.

Natsu sniffs for the herbs and locates a table with a cup of tea left. He gets closer to the cup to whiff the scent of the tea.

"You picking up anything, Natsu?"

"Yea, it's been laced with a drug."

"Like a knockout drug? You don't think Erza and Mirajane got kidnapped, do you?"

Natsu becomes livid and slams the floor in anger. Fire bursts through his hand and incinerates the room; Happy flies to dodge the flames of the outburst.

"The Former Chairman is working for Tartaros, Happy!" Natsu angrily roars, wanting a piece of Tartaros for kidnapping his friends.

"Crap! That means Mirajane and Erza fall had fallen into a trap devised by the Chairman. The Chairman caught our friends by surprise."

"Yea, but we're going to find them," Natsu takes a good whiff of Erza's scent. "I have a lock on Erza, Happy! Let's fly!"

"Aye, Sir!" Happy grabs Natsu and takes off.

Erza wakes up and notices she's in a containment cell. She's shackled to the wall, only wearing her long black shirt.

"You've awoken, good," Kyôka said. Kyôka is a half-human/half-aviary demon. She wears a skin-tight suit that emphasizes her chest, reveals her thighs, and partially exposes her buttocks. Her shoulders and arms are concealed by a long, striped jacket with flaring sleeves, a four-way split tail back, and a tall and gaping collar that completely conceals Kyôka's neck. Sleeves cover most of Kyôka's hands and take the form of sharp and scaly talons while a thick pair of bands wrap around the woman's thighs, stopping where a similar set of bird-like feet. Kyôka wears an intricate helmet covering most of her face except for her eyes and mouth. From the sides of the helmet, two long wing-like pieces of hair protrude, curving out around her face.

Erza struggles a bit. Her strength and magic are nullified due to the shackles she's wearing. "What is this?"

"You're a captive of Tartaros, now," Kyôka informs Erza.

"What did you do with Mira?" Erza demands. "And the Ex-Chairman? You took them too?"

"Crawford is alright, but no one took him," Kyôka smirks. "He's our comrade, you see, and surprisingly useful, one at that. It's thanks to him that we secured a fine specimen as you."

"You're lying!" Erza proudly states. "The Chairman will never betray us!"

"Oh, but he would, and he did," Kyôka relishes Erza's struggling. "Struggling away, your shackles are infused with bane particles. So, good luck using magic."

"Why isn't Mira here? What have you done to her?!"

"I've kept her alive. Actually, I'm about to improve her. She'll make a fine slave with a little work."

"NOOOOOOO!" Erza screams, not wanting Mirajane to suffer a fate with Tartaros. Kyôka grabs her cheek fiercely.

"Listen closely. I need you to answer a simple question. Where is Jellal?" Erza gasps. "The Chairman has told me you and Jellal are close."

"And..," Erza pants a bit. "What do you care?" Kyôka releases her grip on Erza's cheek.

"Because I need to find him," Kyôka spawns a whip from her finger and lashes Erza. Erza screams in agony. "I have this special curse I use for interrogations. It makes a home in your pain receptors and sets them to overdrives. You'll feel all sorts of agonizing pain unless you tell me," Kyôka lashes Erza a second time. "Now, speak."

"I.., ... I wouldn't..," Erza pants from the agonizing pain. "Even if I knew, I wouldn't speak."

"Our initial plan is to hunt every former council member one by one. Now, there's no need. We found three that's been keeping Face sealed away. Naturally, we disperse of the first two, but the last eludes us."

"No..," Erza fears that Jellal is the last seal.

"Once Jellal dies, we will unleash Face."

"That.., can't be..," Erza fears of losing Jellal to Tartaros' schemes.

"Oh dear, did I say too much?" Kyôka relishes Erza's fear of losing someone she cares about. "Chances are, you'll never tell me where he is now. Even if you do know."

"I don't! Jellal and I haven't spoken in a really long time," Erza claims.

"Perhaps that's true, but if you do know and tell me, I'll let your comrade go free," Kyôka entices Erza with her offer. "But, if you don't," Kyôka lashes Erza again. Erza screams louder than before. The impact is more severe. "Then the both of you will have to die."

"I'm telling the truth! I really don't know!" Erza shouts. The pain within her body is overwhelming her.

"You're asking for the wrong name," The door opens within Erza's containment unit.

"I don't recall summoning you," Kyôka gets serious. Her demeanor changes.

"You'll be wasting your time trying to find Jellal with this one's information. I advise you should be asking where a certain someone is to take us to him."

"Oh, then who should I be asking for?" Kyôka asks. She's eager to know what she has to say.

Erza looks up to see the demon in the room. She becomes paralyzed in fear at the sight of the demon. She has an aqua blue fire around her eyes. She wears a dress, showing off the colors of black, dark purple, light purple, and dark pink. The demon's hair color is the same purple with a pinkish streak, and it floats upwards. She also wears dark purplish-pink knee boots. She has a long, purple tail, and her skin is dark purple, just like her eyes. She has a glowing turquoise horn with a black magical aura. She has black feathery wings that slightly glow in an aqua blue aura.

"Ask for Spike the Fairy. I know that Erza knows where he is. You see, from my encounter with these two a few months ago, Spike the Fairy has a unique ability for teleportation. I'm sure by containing and probing Spike's mind. Spike will be a great asset of teleporting to Jellal in our means of activating Face."

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Erza struggles frantically, which struck a nerve in her. Kyôka is enjoying the reaction from Erza. Fear, anger, and worry all mixed up.

"Well, now I know what I need to do to extract Fairy Dragon's whereabouts. Well done, Midnight Sparkle."

Midnight Sparkle leaves the containment unit while Erza screams and curses at Midnight Sparkle. Kyôka lashes Erza.

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