Apparently, she possesses the auspicious accolade of having the most lewds of any fictional character. For once, Twilight was not pleased to learn something.
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... Huh.
I'm not sure what to do with this information. Still, you presented it in a very entertaining way. Thank you for that.
Could you provide a link to your research in the author's note?
As the person who shared this research, I should note some things.
First of all, the comparison with Miku comes from this 4chan screencap from a number of years ago:
A search on rule34 dot paheal dot net reveals that Twilight Sparkle is the most popular character tag, followed by Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Naruto, Pinkie Pie, AJ, and Lara Croft. (Sailor Moon is between Twi and Shy but I'm not counting that since it's a series tag and a character tag, I believe.) Thus, we have that all of the Mane 6 are in the top 10 for Most Porn.
From what I understand, someone else has done a similar comparison of characters across e621, derpibooru, gelbooru, and pixiv, and gotten Twilight as still the most popular character, but I have yet to discuss this result with the person in detail.
This would basically show with high certainty that Twilight has the most porn art available online out of all fictional characters. Given the pace of history and cultural dissemination, I think it's reaosnable to assume that this makes her the most porned character out of anyone created in the past century. Prior to that, I don't think any fictional character got quite as popular.
So really, the only ones who have a chance are historical and religious figures. I suspect that some of the Greek Gods might be able to compete, simply because they're presented in a lot of different media, but one could argue that porn of Marvel's Thor isn't the same as porn of the Norse God Thor, in which case the numbers are probably a lot dicier.
See Undome Tinwe's comment.
Here's a thought; what would Sci-Twi have to say about this?
Oh GODS that hits my sides! I do not regret reading this! Twilight is marked and to make it worse that she is immortal is just fantastically funny!

"Twilight..." begins Twilight
"I DIDN'T NOMINATE YOU FOR ANY AWARDS!" Sci-Twi yelps as she jumps 6 feet into the air.
"I didn't say anything about that yet." Replies Twilight.
Twilights ears flit forward, "Whats that buzzing sound?"
Sci-Twi's hand teleports to her pocket, the buzzing immediately stopping, "N-nothing! I dont hear anything! I-I dont know what you're talking about!" She stammers as her face goes beet red.
Twilight stares at her human counterpart for a minute before teleporting back home without another word.
Sci-Twi sighs with obvious relief on her face, "It would have been pretty awkward if she found out about this." She says pulling out a Mini Lab Vortex machine with touch functions. "I really hope she likes her birthday present. This should make mixing alchemical potions MUCH easier than having to shake them or stir them with a rod."
I have no words. This is just... wow.
This is meta as fuck and I love it.
Man, I remember a while back when Chun-Li was the ruler of the porn roost, and BronyStories was actively tracking the meteoric rise of the pony girls on rule 34 in real time, and the moment Twi overtook Chun-Li as the porn queen. This was.....fuck, FIVE YEARS ago now. I had no idea she'd fallen so much further behind since then. Not only are all six Pony girls ahead of her now, but also Princess Peach, Lara Croft, and even fuggin Naruto? When did fuggin NARUTO launch into the porn-stratosphere like that?
Oh well, anyhoo, cute and funny little story.
Genuinely surprised that Renamon doesn’t apparently merit a Top 10 spot.
Also, holy crap, FiM has had a frankly stunning impact on our pop culture. And porn culture. This is kind of amazing.
During the tracking of that meteoric rise of pony peeps, the top 10 were all the mane 6, Chun-Li, Tifa Lockhart, Lara Croft, and Princess Peach.
If you cut the ponies out, though, the top 10 individual characters NOW becomes, in order: Naruto Uzumaki, Lara Croft, Peach, Chun-Li, Link, Hinata Hyuuga, Sakura Haruno, Gwen Tennyson, Misty, and Wonder Woman.
(Nami from One Piece appears at first glance to be in this mix but there's some name overlap there, and narrowing her search to just include One-Piece results drops her by a couple hundred images.)
Renamon is then 11th, behind Wonder Woman by barely 50 images. Or 17th, if you put the mane 6 back in.
So she's pretty up there still. Top 20 is nothing to sneeze at.
They had us in the first half, not gonna lie.
Don't worry, Twilight! I know exactly how to fix this situation! You just need to get every Equestrian citizen to start pumping out porn of someone else.
Use your princess authority to make a reward for pornographic pictures of Celestia. Every lewd drawing of your mentor pays up to 8 bits depending on quality. In no time at all, she'll have that record and floating title. And you bet your flanks she'll wear it proudly.
Yeah, I don't know where I heard it, but I've seen Renamon credited as single-handedly revitalizing the furry porn community in the early 2000s.
Ah, excellent, a one website deep search using a website primarily popular in the only market mlp has major penetration in, lol.
I mean, the other websites the others looked at help, but... you're not really hitting any websites popular in India or China. Kind of giant markets.
Congratulations Twilight!
Could've sworn that was Krystal.
I think Twilight Sparkle herself deserves some analysis as to why she’s seen as attractive enough to draw so much porn of her.
First of all, she’s extremely appealing to the eyes on her own. Look at that color scheme. Violet with navy hair with a twist of pink like Neapolitan ice cream but without the chocolate or vanilla. Everything about her appearance suggests a sort of soft femininity, from her clipped princess-cut bangs to the fact that she looks like the walking embodiment of a hairspray and tampon aisle. And then she speaks, and you hear Tara Strong’s girl-next-door voice come out, and your arousal inexorably proceeds to its next phase. By the time you realize she’s a lonely virgin nerd, you’re already at full frickin’ mast.
Twilight Sparkle is the distilled essence of a hundred magical girls, rendered down into their essential oils. She is pure dakimakura and bishoujo statue fodder, with legions of swooning otaku kneeling before her majestic form. To top it all off, she’s not even human. That’s an amazing feat.
“It’s not 3.6 Twilight Sparkle pics. It’s fifteen thousand.”
“What does that number mean?”
“It means the Bronies have won. 40 Twilight Sparkle pics today, 48 more tomorrow, and it will not stop, until the entire continent is covered in Purple Smart porn.”
Shoot, you're probably right... But Krystal and Renamon are both primary-colored fox ladies, so I don't feel too bad getting their contributions to pornography mixed up.
Are you seriously giving Undome Tiwme shit for not being sufficiently rigorous in their research of the most popular fictional character in pornography?
im sad no one pointed out to rainbow if twlight the most popular that could mean there is porn of her as well she just not number one
Praise be to the goddesses of the Porn Pantheon!
Coverart sauce: (SFW)
I love how I went to Paheal’s Rule34 page and the first pic of Twi was one by Cubedcoconut of Twi looking slyly over her shoulder, LIKE SHE KNOWS.
Twi, if you don't want all those lewds you shouldn't be so damn fine!
*sigh* No, no, I know that's not helpful. Look, Twi, if you want to get rid of this title, there's a woman you've got to call...
Chun-Li, ma'am.... we need you to rise to the challenge once again.
I did some surface level research before I read the comments, and I came to the same conclusion as half the comments. Twilight still wins but not by the margin stated in the author's note, and a broader and more difficult analysis would be necessary to verify this across the entire internet.
I prefer Renamon to Krystal design-wise, given that she's less obviously designed solely to be a fetish figure.
But yeah wow, poor Twilight.
Usually this would be a silly concern, but this is Twilight we're talking about.
Oh wow, I want to see this research! A link or something, please, if you don't mind!Saw comments.Well, now I have a dubious but very interesting piece of trivia!
While short, this story was amusing. Heh, I wonder how Twilight will deal with the dubious honor of having "Most Porn" floating above her at all times.
Also, I might have to say...
I'm one of the guilty parties.
Well, she is attractive. I don't know exactly what it is about her, but I think her endearingly neurotic tendencies, her tendency to become anxious, and the way she developed connected with and impressed me.
And, of course, if you're mentally attracted to someone, that often starts to spill over into physical attraction...
Seems I can't go a whole day without learning something new, can I?
When I first read the description, I thought it meant that Twilight had the most porn of other fictional characters than anyone else in the multiverse, which would have been a funny read. But this was also good.
I am disappointed that Rarity was unable to answer the question about taxes. That could have gone in a dozen different directions.
9703117 HERESY!! No ridiculous Sonic character can ever displaces the Digimon Sex Goddess!
9702863 Renamon may top some furry lists, but we're talking about online overall. There aren't that many furries compared to just general normie pervs. The fact that Renamon is so high on the list regardless indicates her astonishing sexiness crosses all the boundaries!
“Actually digimon don’t have genders.”
No canon line was ever more ignored in any fandom.
We'll know what to do with it when the time comes...
I can't even...
Whether we like it or not...
Do we have a division between Twi and Sci-Twi?
Meanwhile, in an alternate reality, Molestia sits, rubbing her forehooves together, saying,
I would like to point out that on e621 Twilight comes first with 26411 posts and Rainbow dash comes in second with 20539 posts.
On rule34 none of the mlp characters do not come first, but in order from the show twilight still comes first followed by Fluttershy.
I'm too lazy to research, I'm not surprised since it's mlp and there is a lot of porn of the show, but I thought Fluttershy would be first.
You don't have to query every image board or booru there is. You just have to find a single character with anywhere near that number of unique porn art in existence. So far I've been unable to - you'll be hard pressed to find 26k porn pics (e621, it's about 50k for explicit and questionable combined on Derpi) for most fandoms, let alone characters. And that's even if we count the trash made in Source filmmaker and other low brow stuff like that. You're free to present evidence to the contrary.
9703586 Pfft, they're programs. Programs can be... improved.
I guess because she's the main main character?
MLP is in a somewhat unique position in that it's really, really simple for the fandom to draw things about it. There are no hurdles in translating from a text-based to a visual medium, the characters aren't human so there's less uncanny valley involved (though you can also anthropomorphize or humanize them), and the undetailed, cartoony style of the show means that an artist can choose to flesh characters out in whatever way they want while still having them remain clearly identifiable. It also gets to draw from an existing base of furry artists that human-based fandoms are mostly locked out of.
I'd imagine that things would be pretty different when it comes to written fanfiction, where those aspects mostly don't apply.
I feel like drawing lewd art of Twilight now just to further the cause
That doesn't disprove my point about excluding the majority of the earth at all, lol
I'm not giving them shit, I'm saying 'your statement only holds for specific websites browsed by specific groups withstrong trends towards specific regions'. Hell, e621 is a furry website that doesn't exclusively host porn, I'm not terribly surprised she's beating out ben10 over there.
Again, it doesn't matter what is the target audience or reach of the site he polled, all that matters is the number he came up with and whether or not you can find anything that tops it. If the research is so bad, you're free to present evidence to the contrary. A single Indian or Chinese site with a single fictional character with over 26k unique porn images of them will do. You're acting as if abroad there's some huge walled-offpart of the Internet we don't have access to where there's stuff we've never seen, but in reality it's the foreigners who flock to the western sites, beating their meat to western production. Hell, I'm not a native English speaker myself.
Well. This is a thing. I am legitimately unsure what to think about this.
At first it was funny, but by the time I finished it I felt bad
When I read the story, my first reaction was "that can't be right". Before reading any of the comments, I went and checked Paheal - there are, at the time of this post, 18,322 results for twilight_sparkle.
how the fuck did that happen
Edit: The my_little_pony tag has over 128k results on Paheal. DAMN.
Edit: A search for my_little_pony and excluding all of the mane 6 still comes up with almost 61,000 results - nearly half.
Edit: Based on where I could find the first gen 4 picture, there were fewer than 100 my_little_pony pictures there prior to gen 4.