• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2015
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Thought Prism

Founder of Thought Prism Games. Check out my work at thoughtprismgames.com!


This story is a sequel to Rekindled Embers

Thanks to the efforts of Emberglow, her fellow Elements, and all who stood against tyranny, the twisted heart of the Holy Equestrian Diarchy was exposed and expunged. Some time has passed since then, and all the creatures of the land have settled into a new normal. While there are those who still cling to their old fear and hatred, the seeds of change have been planted in the hearts of many who once blindly followed a bigoted faith. Others have already embraced peaceful coexistence, following Emberglow’s example.

But sudden, unfathomable arrivals trigger a seismic shift, upending what everypony thought they knew and threatening to undo everything Emberglow and company achieved. Can they uncover the real truth once again and protect Equestria? Or will renewed violence and conquest sweep across the entire world under the purview of those who would claim absolute power?

Edited by LysanderasD and the inspiring applezombi
Cover Art by JodTheCod

Come join us on the Rekindled Embers Discord!

Chapters (6)

Found in what remained of Ponyville XXXX years after the Event.

Chapters (13)

Pinkie is extremely unsettled when the words comprising the story she's in are suddenly replaced by emojis.

An entry to Bicyclette's A Thousand Words Contest under the Experimental category. I'm also somewhat generously going to call it Humor.

Chapters (1)

Daring Do turns up a lead on an artifact stolen years ago, but the culprit is not someone she expects to meet: her future life partner, a mare more than wild enough to keep up.

An entry into Bicyclette's Crackshipping Contest. Coverart by nazonazopowerfu.

Chapters (1)

“Something’s wrong with that one; it’s been infected! Those ponies won’t be able to handle it on their own! I shouldn’t intervene, but they need help in a BIG way. Time to make a call…”

Sunny Starscout and her friends new and old were about to leave Zephyr Heights when a giant monster suddenly bursts out from nowhere, attacking the city! However, just as it seems all hope of defeating the titan is lost, a set of peculiar action figures mysteriously appear before her. Can our new pony heroes work together and master their awesome power? Or will Sprout, aided by a deeper darkness, triumph?

A crossover with Studio Trigger's SSSS Dynazenon, no prior knowledge needed, though it will spoil the anime a bit. Also an entry to FoME's Imposing Sovereigns III Contest, using the prompt (Twilight)/(Patience). Desktop reading is recommended for the music links.

Chapters (1)

Even across eons and lightyears, love blooms. But everything beautiful withers away in time.

An entry to Scampy's SunFlower Shipping Contest, and winner of the Made Gay for Gadot Feel Extremely Gay Feelings Ribbon. She never said we couldn't submit crossovers, and I'm kinda obsessed with Lancer now, so here we are. No prior knowledge of Lancer is necessary to enjoy this story. Actually, you don't really need to know about EQG either.

Chapters (1)

What began with an off-beat idea to make dildos from beans, after a journey spanning years, has led our heroines here, to a pivotal confrontation at a simple house party. This gathering is cut short in the last way Sunset Shimmer would have expected: with the mighty Beanos rising at last, her dread machinations plunging the world into turmoil. As an army of beandroids descend upon Canterlot City, sowing the seeds of despair as well as the seeds of actual bean plants, Sunset can no longer stand idle. Once more united under a common cause with her old friends, and some old enemies, the final battle for Twilight Sparkle’s soul is nigh.

The conclusion to the timeless tale of the Beanis, in the only way that makes sense: with giant anime robots. A Gurren Lagann pastiche, no prior knowledge of the show is required. So, no, the title is not a typo.

Chapters (5)

To stop a grave threat from unleashing havoc upon all the realms, an infamous rogue warlock, the king of demons, and a student of a lost arcane art must embark on an epic quest to the most dangerous part of Equestria. Well, dramatically speaking.

Honestly, how is this the first crossover anybody's written with The Owl House? I literally had to make the group. Seriously, the show is incredibly funny and well-written, one of the best cartoons to ever come out of the US, I'd say. If you haven't seen it yet, Disney has the first episode freely available right here. You should be able to appreciate this story well enough after just the one. Oh, and the coverart is by Kurukoo on Deviantart.

Chapters (5)

There exists an item of such tempestuous power, of forsaken woe and glorious splendor, that those who are aware of it only speak its name in whispers. And yet, the temptation always reappears, the prospect of dreams fulfilled too alluring for the ignorant to resist. Throughout the realms, its origins and exact appearance vary, but the results of its use almost never leave those mortal fools walking away happy. It is called the Deck of Many Things. And one just fell into the outstretched hooves of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. May fortune save them from their doom.

(You don't actually need to know anything about D&D to understand this. Not knowing what's coming might actually make the experience even funnier, honestly.)

Coverart by Zetamad

Chapters (1)

Lily Valley moves to Fillydelphia to get away from the often terrifying happenings now commonplace in her hometown of Ponyville. She immediately regrets this decision when Grogar shows up in her backyard.

Luckily, the old goat isn't quite as threatening as she initially assumed. At least, not in the way she originally expected. No, the only thing in danger from Grogar is her chastity.

Written for the May 2020 Pairing Contest.

Chapters (1)