Rainbow Dash and Rarity returned from a trip that the table in Twilight’s castle sent them on. It was not, what most would call, a fun trip. Upset, both mares understandably have some questions regarding the nature of the map. The pair and Twilight might very well learn the answers to those questions, and also that some questions are best left unasked.
Inspired by a conversation with Tired Old Man.
Well, jeez. I wasn't expecting any of that. But I think that's a good thing. This made me laugh pretty hard, and I liked it a lot. Hopefully it gets featured!
End of the Line reference!
The scary thing is, I had the exact same idea, only I had pony instead of a dog and...well, it wasn't quite as funny. Actually, it was more of an "And I Must Scream" scenario.
...I don't think I'm going to write it.
You took a page from Silent Hill...and made it make sense somehow...freaking hilarious I love it!!!
Let's keep it here for reference. :)
You should have more conversations with Tired Old Man.
In fact, you two should meet up and have a conversation in the real world! The story that would come from that would probably be the funniest story in the world!
Justice, if I ever ask you a question again, do me a favor and tell me the answer's going to be a full story if you're typing an answer in Skype for over five minutes.
Oh god, that was glorious.
Huh. For some reason, when you said there was a dog living inside the cutie map, my mind went immediately to Ruff Ruffman. Am I the only one who made that connection?
This had me in stitches.
(You and Tired Old Man need to have more conversations.)
I think we're all missing the important question, why in fausts name was there a EXPLOSIVE BARREL STORE! near an orphanage, a kitten store, and a kitten orphanage?
It could have been worse. It could have been an oil emporium, the National Straw Museum, and the headquarters of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Dynamite.
You know what, I'm actually tempted to use that one seriously. After all, they do have that biggest ball of twine...
That was certainly...different.
Amusing, but different.
It's confirmed. Rarity doesn't piss.
This was good.
7657744 None of them piss or shit. They use outhouses for the same purposes as cloppers do.
Everything is better with Patrick Warburton.
Wow. Doge controls the Cutie Map. Headcanon accepted.
7657473 I figured it was a Silent Hill reference
Well, that actually makes more sense than a lot of the Magic Table stuff...
Rarity lets make out!
You have 22 minutes dear.
I'm on it.
Down the hatch!
you have 21 minutes...
Okay, what did I just read? It was amusing sure but it left me feeling like WTF?
Hah! Now I'm going to be imagining Flash with Harry Goz's voice forever.
Metal gear solid anyone?
I pulled a literal spittake at this. For several reasons.
And what came right after it nearly made me fall out of my chair laughing.
...you are friends with Pinkie Pie, right?
This was hilarious!
Was...was this partially inspired by an episode of Star vs FOE? The specific dog breed makes me ask.
I see you threw some Brian Reagan in there hahaha
And then there's this:
Nice to see Love Tap and the Dazzlings are keeping busy!
Well, that's probably the most creative take on what is quickly becoming the latest tired fandom trend (the table talking).
Disappointed that it was not a ponies+Foucault thing.
I'm actually imagining the dog as Toby Fox, even though the Annoying Dog is actually a Samoyed.
I tried sticking with Kronk's voice but for some reason I kept getting kind of a Dan Aykroyd vibe.
Patrick Warburton is best tiny manifestation of cosmic force!
Of all the things, it had to be a doge.
Under these circumstances, this is truly the only course of action.
In Minnesota.
Sorry, I couldn't help it.
Whinnysota, you mean.
Thank you for telling me to read it in that voice. The story went from funny to amazing because of it.
What a way to include a reference. And make it even weirder yet funnier. Good job
For being, what I assume, is the anti-Discord, Order isn't very bright! He could have gotten out of their retaliation by saying he sits on problems until they've matured. Because people need conflict in order to see what the consequences of their actions are/would have been, to prevent from doing it again!
Good ol Silent Hill joke endings.
Heh. Twilight wants her stress-relieving smoochies.
8015604 hah more like stress relieving this is censorred shame on you
I'm pretty sure the alternatives were a Pound Puppy and a Corgi, but Justice just didn't want to risk inspiring too much sympathy for the mutt.
You were playing Silent Hill, right?
Is there any real better way to give friendship than by derailment, something weighing approximately 1/3rd the weight of Celestia's flanks, flying at 1/2 Pinkie Pie speeds right to the target of ones' affections?
flame (or fire either one works).
Yep dogs are evil.
This was hilarious! I have my own plans for the Map, but still...hilarious!
Sealab 2021 joke! I love it!
Missing a "fire" here
Order is now voiced by Danny Devito, and no one can stop me