• Member Since 21st May, 2013
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


I have no heart and my avatar makes everything sound sexual. Also, It's pronounced "sam-ee".


Starlight spends a lonely night in her office, thinking about her life and its purpose.

The results aren't pretty.

Inspired by all those bottles in Starlight's office.

Translation MLPMihail, edited by repitter and FoxcubRandy:
🇺🇦Ponyfiction.org link🇺🇦
🇺🇦Gdocs link🇺🇦

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 28 )

Starlight opened the cabinet, thinking of her poor liver


Her stomach twisted and turned when she realised that it was one of the empty bottles she’d filled with her rage before.

Okay, I did not see that coming. XD I wonder how it tastes?

Letting out a powerful roar, Starlight ran out of her room, leaving scorched hoofprints on the floor. She galloped across the corridor and jumped, hitting the window and piercing right through it.

My kind of action scene! ^^


I wonder how it tastes?

Probably somewhat spicy, with a dash of disappointment.

In my opinion, she's sexually frustrated.

Well, there's always Ocellus, but I guess Starlight would go full "do not want" on this one.

It's not like Trixie will show up in her office and made love to her with no regrets.

You almost had me feeling somewhat sorry for Starlight. Then she threw a door at Spike. Then my usual feelings of hatred surfaced. good job! :D

Maybe this always happens when Trixie is away.

Well, she didn't quite know he was there. But then, blasting the door is never a good idea in Equestria (I guess Twilight should settle for replacement door that falls apart when struck, so you get light debris rather than the whole door to the face).


yeah, have the person with issues help people with issues

sorry, had to get that out since the premier

I think there's a thing called empathy that exists, where if you've had problems in the past, it makes it easier to understand the problems of others so you can help them out easier

Didn't care for this one, I'm afraid. Not sure what happened. The humor didn't click with me, and the whole thing felt a little aimless. I'm actually not even sure what I was supposed to find funny or interesting, but that's clearly not the general opinion, so I guess I just lack the right foundations to get it.


yeah but i'm reminded of the Dilbert strip where they hire a public speaker who has performance anxiety

You know things are bad when Starlight, of all the ponies, is the voice of reason from time to time.

I think this one was pretty light on humor, and the humor there was was largely situational.


So, shrapnel wounds instead.

Probably easier to survive, not to mention that shrapnel may miss or Starlight might just make a hole in the door rather than blasting the whole thing out of its hinges. So, generally, less stuff flying towards you.

You actually hate yourself. Starlight is just an innocent bystander.

She's the voice of reason most of the time.

Because, anyone who actually pays attention to the show would realize the Mane 6 and Spike have more issues then her. Like all the times Twilight has tried to use brainwashing magic.

Hey there Samey90! I have reviewed this fic as part of the Reviewers Cafe, please find this review here. Great story and I hope to hear from you again!

This review is brought to you on behalf of the group: Authors Helping Authors
Name of Story: Starlight Glimmer (Finally) Loses It
Grammar score out of 10: 10/10
Well, I can cross "seeing Starlight Glimmer getting pissed in both senses of the word" off my bucket list.
Good descriptive details regarding her intoxicated state of being
It was fucking hilarious! :rainbowlaugh:
We do not know why she has an alcohol problem.
Berry Punch not being an alcoholic?! You're kidding, right?
I'm very certain at least somepony in the School of Friendship would have noticed Starlight Glimmer got absolutely smashed at some point or another.
Notes Section (how you can improve your fic, at the very least an elaboration of Pros and Cons section)
It would be nice to know why Starlight has such an alcohol problem. Maybe it could have been guilt for what she did in Our Town or that whole "stop the Sonic Rainboom to prevent the Mane 6 getting cutie marks" thing.
Enjoy your review! Please help me out by looking at my story/ this story:A series of unfortunate events that leads to another redeemed villain, yay!

Wow, this group is alive? Nice :pinkiehappy: I'll take a look at it later.

Cheers! Especially since my story could do with a few more likes and comments! :pinkiehappy:

Upon the thought of bottles, Starlight turned to her liquor cabinet. Most of the bottles were labelled with names of magical potions, but those were just in case Twilight or some curious student asked. Starlight knew well that “Hair-growing potion” was actually Prench absinthe, “Hard Stick Brew” was ouzo she’d gotten from some shady-looking minotaur, and “Super Strength Concoction” was Berry Punch’s brandy. Which, indeed, could give the drinker quite a lot of strength.

:rainbowdetermined2: "Hey Starlight, you still got some of that hair potion left? Rarity thinks she can out-hair me, but I'll show her. No, don't get up, I can get it myself. Huh, I don't remember it being green." *chug*

Cue Rainbow Dash somehow reaching the lightspeed...

And causing a Dashpoint?

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