• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen 9 minutes ago

Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran


Twilight sends Spike shopping at the market. He returns with a strange furry fruit. Overcome with curiosity, Twilight tries it.
The original Twilight Eats a Peach story. Accept no substitutes!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 176 )

YES! And just to be that one guy... First!

That honestly took longer than I expected.

Oh My God you cheeky bastard you! Now Obs will have to LINK this in his post! HAHA!

Even scarier is that it kinda works! we don't see peaches mentioned alot in the show! Well, have my exhausted mind's like and may Obs see what he has caused!:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:
I'd high five you if i wasn't separated by digital screens.

I literally just got done reading Tagged Story Abuse and I saw this story. That is hilarious. :rainbowlaugh:

Edit: That was a funny story. I'll fav it but Celestia help you if you abuse my trust.



And I prefer nectarines myself.

5 Moustaches
Thumbs up and favorite!

May God have mercy on your soul.

I'm pretty sure this is going to be a thing until at least mid-2014

Enjoy your stay in Peachland! :pinkiecrazy:

Peaches are awesome, but I think this needs a bonus chapter where Rainbow Dash is forced to by a pear instead of a peach because of Twilight's binge-purchase and subsequent consumption of all the peaches in Ponyville.

:ajbemused: Ain't nopony in Ponyville stupid enough to go buyin' no pears. Not if they know what's good for them.:ajbemused:

Did you really just write this? Really???

To be fair, Obs had it coming. Create fake story title, check! integrate stupid fake story title into site blog, check! Watch as fanbase scrambles to create said story, check! Now we wait.:pinkiecrazy:

I'm glad the new stories list wasn't flooded with "Twilight Eats Peaches" stories though.

I guarantee you that by midnight tomorrow, there will be at least two in the feature box

ALAS! I read diligently, in the hopes that these see BOX STATUS!

Warning, the Peach-Pocalypse approaches..:rainbowdetermined2:

Gotta love that this was inspired by a blog post scolding people for abusing the story tagging system... but great nonetheless.

When I read the blog post and saw this first in the "New Stories" box, this was my reaction...

3644829>>3644824 I've never gotten the opportunity to eat a pear.....which baffles me, since I have, in my yard, a large pear tree that refuses to bear fruit, and has not not bore fruit for as long as I've lived in this house.

Looks like Twilight is going to have to move to the country, cause she's going to eat a lot of peaches. :pinkiecrazy:

Reading this, I imagine Nick Cage saying "I could eat a peach for hours..."

Otherwise good read xD especially considering.:rainbowlaugh:

Is this featured yet?

I get that reference.:pinkiecrazy:

His soul? It's your fault this is even a thing! :rainbowlaugh:

That is singularly unfortunate.
I like pears.

Where's the blog post, now?

So this is a thing now?
...I'm okay with this.:twilightsmile:

I find that ironic considering I have two apple trees and a pear tree in the middle. Even better how one of the apple trees is about 5 times the size of the other one, and grows macintosh apples. Meanwhile, the other makes a mess in the yard with all of the petals. And the best part, is that none of the animals eat fruit from the pear tree, only the apples.:eeyup::ajsmug:

You win the nightly internet.
I bow before your greatness.
Edit: Welp, there's the feature box's first hit. How many will follow?

- "Hey Twilight, you can't eat all these f-ing peaches!"
- "F- you I can't eat all these peaches!" :twilightangry2:

I just fucking love this fandom.
Also, congratulations on the almost instantaneous feature!

The Peachpocalypse is upon us all!

Bow before your fuzzy overlords!:pinkiecrazy:

Poor girl could eat peaches for hours...


could that possibly be a dead rising 3 reference?

Imagine the fat chick as Twilight and the food as peaches.

"Yo Applejack... Ya'll right?"


PONY.MOV, of course :twilightsmile:

Juuuust got it. Looks like hard times ahead for Peachy!


No reason to stop . . . there's a Twilight Sparkle eats Peaches group now.:pinkiehappy:


Is this featured yet?

Yes, if mature is turned off.


Did you really just write this? Really???

All that time playing with Peregrine Caged's Fic-A-Day prompts paid off :pinkiehappy:

You had to have been expecting this. I think it was a ploy to get stories about Twilight eating peaches. Well, it worked. There's even a group now.

I'm waiting for the fanart to flood in. Those poor bastards over at EqD are going to be wondering where all the Twilight + Peach images suddenly came from.


I could eat a peach for hours...


I think I need to fave this out of sheer principle.


It's not like this didn't have a precedent. Or have we already forgotten about the Interior Design Alicorn?


You insane bastard.

What have you unleashed??

~Skeeter The Lurker

Well played, sir. Well played. :twilightblush:

(I... what?) :twilightoops:
(I don't even...)
(...ugh. They don't pay me enough for this.) :facehoof:

(I, for one, welcome our new peachy overlordth.) :twistnerd:
(...you're weird, Twist.) :unsuresweetie:

And Twilight eating peaches soon becomes the new Twicane and that stupid Rainbowsmirk. :facehoof:

As soon as I saw that blog post, I knew that this would happen (I'm sure, many did).

For a story, inspired by a post about story tag abuse, that was actually pretty nice and amusing. Ends a bit suddenly, though. I kinda crave a sequel. Also, I kinda want to know what the deal was with the centipedes, so I also kinda crave a prequel.

Also, Twilight having a peach addiction is my headcanon now.

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