Favourites 72 stories



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It's true, Celestia has a lot on her plate: the stewardship of Canterlot High School has recently fallen into her lap; her dear younger sister has recently started a job at the very same high school; and the details of her romantic life are... best left unsaid. Any sane individual wouldn't want to add a child to that mix, but those adorable bright blue eyes were irresistible.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Sins of the Mother

The Dazzlings once tried to take over Canterlot High, but what about their human counterparts? What happened to them? Adagio Dazzle is the legal guardian of her two younger sisters, leaving her with quite the predicament of raising them. She has to sacrifice her own personal life to provide for her only family and this hasn't been a problem so far. That is until a certain fiery-haired woman convinces her to be friends with her. Will this friendship lead into something more? Will this social life Adagio is building for herself negatively impact her sisters? Let's see~

Chapters (6)

Queen Chrysalis, against her better judgement, accepted Starlight's offer of redemption after her hive, and her plans, exploded around her. Now, the next day, she wants nothing more than to go on with her miserable life. Her children have other plans.

This takes place in the same universe as my alicorn Starlight story The Tiniest Changes, but can be read on its own perfectly comprehensibly.

I'm marking this as incomplete, because I suspect I will revisit it when I'm in the mood to write Chrysalis, but the first chapter was written, and functions, as a standalone story.

Chapters (1)

In the narrow alleys of Canterlot, Twilight, a dreamy orphan, grows up hidden in the shadows of the mighty Sun Empress Celestia. Through a series of surprising events, Twilight suddenly finds herself in the role of Celestia's personal apprentice. However, with this new position also come strange dreams that haunt her at night, and the monarch's behavior towards her becomes increasingly enigmatic and atypical.

Twilight's life takes a dramatic turn when she looks behind Celestia's carefully maintained facade. While rummaging through forbidden archives, she discovers censored documents that not only reveal the truth about her past but also Celestia's secret plans for the fate of the world. Caught between loyalty to Celestia and the urge to find her own identity, Twilight must decide how far she is willing to go to uncover the truth and avert the impending doom.

Every lover of a strong and clever Twilight will get their money's worth here. There are some very dark, but also very sweet scenes.

I appreciate any help, feedback, and criticism.

Chapters (6)

Sunset Shimmer is a former tyrant, half-pony freak, and CHS' resident Friendship Chick. Twilight Sparkle is a former loser, absolute genius, and a complete nervous wreck.

When the new Twilight transfers to CHS, Sunset doesn't think much of her. But it doesn't take long for the two to become best friends — and change each other's lives in ways neither saw coming.

The first year of Sunset and Twilight’s relationship, told in real time through vignettes, text messages, snippets, and more.

Every chapter in this story takes place at a specific date and time on the 2023 calendar.

Pre-read by Posh and Quill Scratch.

Cover art by LZjian79 and Hiru315.

Chapters (37)

This story is a sequel to Mutual Interests

After finally coming to accept others into her life, Sunset's outlook takes a turn for the better. It's not perfect, though. Now she has a whole new set of problems: Others still walk on eggshells when she's around, the teachers still eye her with caution every chance they get, and she still has to get used to the intricate nuances of friendship. But with her friends by her side, and even the occasional help from unlikely sources, can Sunset help her fellow students see the new her? Or will the consequences of her past consume her future?

And who is this new teacher and why does he seem so interested in her?

Thankfully still edited by Ersmiller
And now Proofread by The Fan Without a Face
Images by Uotapo

Chapters (30)

When it comes to reunions, they're usually awkward. That is the understatement of the century when Adagio meets Sunset Shimmer once more. Trying to get away from the situation doesn't help. Unfortunately, Adagio is caught in a tricky situation. Forced to either defend her ego or walk away from Shimmer defeated, Adagio falls victim to pride's inhibitions. She has to prove she's better than Shimmer, right? The only question is "will she prove herself before new feelings develop for her former enemy?" Love can come from anywhere. Let's just hope Adagio can avoid it this time. She has a bet to uphold.

Chapters (1)

It's been a few weeks since the Friendship Games. This world's Twilight Sparkle is struggling to adjust to her new school and her new friends. Sunset sees this, and resolves to help ease Twilight into their group in any way she can.

A late night encounter, a pep talk, and a little bit of whipped cream – all things that seem insignificant on their own – cause Sunset to reflect on how she feels about her new friend and herself. Is she really just trying to be a good friend to Twilight because it's the right thing to do, or do her motives run deeper than even she realizes?

11/21/22 Update: New cover!

1/26/23 Update: Big thanks to EileenSaysHi who has edited and proofread this story!

Tagged as teen for tobacco/alcohol use and profanity. Nothing spicier than that.

Hope you enjoy! :twilightsmile:

Chapters (12)

Rainbow Dash is a simple mare. She loves flying, she loves napping, but most importantly of all, she loves her friends. She loves her family. She loves the little tortoise who sleeps in the corner of her bedroom. She loves her town, she loves her country, she loves her world.

She's never thought about what she would do without it all. She's never thought about what she would do if she woke up one morning, only to discover that the world had passed her by. She's never thought about what she would be willing to do, how far she would be willing to go, to get it all back.

Featured 7/2/22 - 7/8/22

Chapters (6)

Sunset Shimmer, personal student of Princess Celestia, is the most gifted Unicorn in Equestria. She has long-neglected personal connections in favor of studying and ambition. Celestia, concerned by her student's behavior, searches for a way to help her student grow as a pony. As a last resort, her thoughts turn to Starswirl's Magic Mirror, that it could show Sunset a new way, or to a path of darkness, but then something or rather somepony comes as her solution. Sunset now finds herself teaching her own student, a bookish and anti-social young Unicorn named Twilight Sparkle. Can the two form an actual connection, or will their anti-social tendencies lead to disaster?

(A What if scenario where instead of showing Sunset Shimmer the Magic Mirror Celestia brings Twilight Sparkle to her to teach)

Chapters (1)