• Published 6th Mar 2024
  • 1,345 Views, 27 Comments

The Crying of the Sun - InkStone

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Notes in the Case of S. Shimmer

Author's Note:

It took me too long to figure out how to add an image...

This is a brief interlude before next chapter. Optional read, but it will add a bit more context to the plot.

Comments ( 9 )

I’d recommend a transcript of the form as a backup, but this is a very nice bit of immersive storytelling.

Doctor Feelgood??! :rainbowlaugh:

You sir, are amazing!

Sure wasn't expecting this, but it's gives us a good idea of what's coming next/up. :applejackunsure:

I second that recommendation. image hosting sites delete the images one in a while, it would be sad if someone finds this story a few years later and is not able to see the image.

Nice KISS Reference

Darcy #6 · May 14th · · ·

holy shit, this fic is very promising, i love your prose! keep up the great work!

Great start! Looking forward to reading more. :twilightsmile:

Ok what the hell? This hooked me up worse than coke and pizza.

I really like your writing style and am invested in the story. I hope to read more of you soon!

A younger Sunset would be a bit more trusting and less sensible to reveal her origins to Celestia, regardless of whether she believes it or not.

I'm liking this.

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