This story is a sequel to Sins of the Mother
The Dazzlings once tried to take over Canterlot High, but what about their human counterparts? What happened to them? Adagio Dazzle is the legal guardian of her two younger sisters, leaving her with quite the predicament of raising them. She has to sacrifice her own personal life to provide for her only family and this hasn't been a problem so far. That is until a certain fiery-haired woman convinces her to be friends with her. Will this friendship lead into something more? Will this social life Adagio is building for herself negatively impact her sisters? Let's see~
Wow, this needs more attention. Hauntingly well written and beautiful in its own way. I would be a little gun shy on this, I've seen a lot of stories about a suffering Adagio that never get updated. But this is so far too good for me not to be excited.
As always, have a great day~
Thank you so much for your compliments~ It really means a lot to me and I will keep your words in mind~ I probably won't update this until I finish A Shimmering Heartbreak, but if you like stories about Adagio suffering a little bit, maybe look at my other works~ That's primarily what I write after all~
. One letter away from home was a good one. The rest all look like I might want to read as well. Thanks so much
Oh, apparently I did already
Thanks! I'm glad you like my writing and I hope to give more in the future~ And I hope you do check out some of my other works, especially since I love some of my other stories more
I was not expecting rainbow rocks to be canon in this universe but now my interest dobled!
I'm glad you're interested! My updates for this story will probably be pretty slow, but yeah~ Let's just say this Adagio is not the same one we got to know in Rainbow Rocks~
Getting interesting.
I hope the next chapter is interesting as well~
When is the next chapter?
To be honest, I'm not sure~ I think it will probably release sometime next month, but yeah. It really depends on if I have the time due to university~
Ah got it thank you for informing me and others who were wondering the same thing
The shipping has now commenced.
Also yes new chapter, and very good one too.
Anyways can’t wait for the next one
If you like Sundagio, it's pretty much all I do since more than 90% of my works are Sundagio. But anyway, I'll see you next chapter~ 
Thanks for the compliment~ I liked writing this chapter since it was a lot of fun~
I love this tie in idea. Yes, amazing, I'll be looking forward to seeing how this might play out.
Lots of building layers going on here. I have so much anticipation.
A very sudden but pleasant surprise getting the chapter so soon ^^! One thing that makes me wonder is how much time has passed since RR? Like pumpkin cake is pretty old here to be sonatas age (11). So did RR take place 11 or so years ago? The cmcs are older than their pony counterparts so would it be the same for the cake twins?
I'll take this into consideration and explain the time difference sometime later~
That's a very good question~ Honestly, I sorta planned for this story to be around 8-9 years after Rainbow Rocks, giving the Mane 7 sufficient time out of high school to establish themselves in their career fields. So, to answer your question, the Cake twins are probably a couple years older than their pony counterparts, but the story happens 8 years later. So, mid-twenties Adagio and Sunset~
EDIT: Also, Sonata is almost eleven. She's a couple months away from that birthday, so yeah~ The only reason I point this out is because it's important later on~
I was worried we were getting set up for sonata to have a big disappointment after the pinky promise, but then I saw Mrs. Cake and felt better. So now my greatest fear as to a potential boot drop is this turn aria seems to have taken and if it is genuine. Still loving even bit of this.
Given, I have sort of set up that status quo for my writing, so I understand that. Sometimes, I will give just pure fluff~
Aria is still a rebellious teenager, but she has a soft side every now and again~
Everyone assumes I have some sort of boot to drop with my stories~
Also, turn Aria has taken? What do you mean?
I feel like having a rebellious teenager in the house could cause a fun moment after this chapter. Adagio explains where she's been, Aria looks at her for a minute before suddenly just asking, "so when did you go lesbian?" "What??!! What Are you talking about???" "You lost track of time walking around a park with someone for hours just talking about your lives. And they just so happen to be a girl." "That's not gay." "It's definitely not straight."
Another great chapter.
XD That's legit hilarious. I am so tempted to include this. I guess it'll really depend on how the story goes for now. XD Aria can definitely be like that~
Feel free to use any ideas my depraved mind generates, I wouldn't have said them out loud if I wanted to lay claim to to them. May they bring you good fortune on the next chapter.
Don't you mean 'me' not 'I' ?

Also, what Aria did, is so getting her in trouble later.
Poor Sonata.
Holy shit!
I'll believe it when I see it Aria.
So sorry Adagio.
Sonata is so gonna be heartbroken in the future when learning about the lies you've been giving her when she was younger.
Huh, I was kinda expecting red over orange.
Poor Adagio.
Well, this is a sundagio story, so orange being Sunset's favorite color is almost a given in this context~
And yep~ This story is sort of filled with pain for Adagio~ I will get back to writing it someday soon
She's definitely in for it once she learns why.
As long as it makes her happy, is a good sign she's improving with making friends.
Everyone gets scared, no matter their age.
https://m.I hope you don't regret this one Adagio.
'I'm already' not 'i already.' That makes no sense.
Still, it was too close.
Bullying someone for being noisy I can understand, but kindness and unique, no...
Thank you for the update.
Ho shit
Actually now I’m curious of what happen to there father
Baymax:”oh no”
You said it baymax, you said it.
And shit, what in the name of luna did aria get herself into now.
Why does she have needles in her messy room?
And it'll be just another few years til Adagio will get her wish.
At least it's not all bad.
Damn it Aria why!?!?
Who would event want to think that almost every day.
I hope it's an actual project and not a lie of hers.
I knew it was gonna end badly.
Well, I never really thought about their mother much more than the fact that he isn't involved either. So, think about it as much as you want~
What did she get herself into?
You're so angry at Aria XD I can't help but chuckle a bit at that~
oh so the sunset in the story is pony sunset, I thought it was going to be human sunset, now this is really interesting, also Im a little confused, this story is an AU right? no in the same universe as your other sundagio fics
I'm glad you think it's interesting and I hope it continues to intrigue you~
Yeah, this story is an alternate universe as compared to the Sundagioverse I am writing~ This story is completely separate from that, but I did think it would be interesting to see how Sunset would interact with the human Adagio. Especially since I'm taking such a different approach to Adagio's counterpart.
Also, what did your deleted comment say? I didn't get a chance to read it.
At first you had my curiosity, but now you have my attention.
And I hope to keep it~
For the Horde!
Wait, wrong franchise...
I think the prequel mentions him basically bailing on them after Sonata was born. Assuming their harridan of a mother didn't murder him and sell his organs for drug money.
This is a lovely cliff, I shall hang from it until the next episode! Spectacular view.
I'm glad you think the view is nice~ It is a very high cliff~
Still so hard to experience, but so well done its compelling. Adagio isn't going to be able to keep her sisters away from Sunset now. She needs a friend Sunset probably won't take no for an answer. I just hope she learned from before and doesn't assume the worst. Aria is going to need support right now I'm guessing.
Most likely the second thing happen
because I use twitter so much that I always forgot that you can edit your comments in fim.... so it was the same comment lol I deleted it because of a grammar mistake, and for the story mhmm it's have been quite interesting looking for more of this story