Hobbyist writer, I also write non MLP stories at http://www.fanfiction.net/~Greatazuredragon
"You're so vanilla!" "You're like the Fairy Bread of Australia!" Anonpencil - 2019
If someone tells you something is true, question it. If it is true then questions can not hurt it.
Working to better myself. Please consider supporting via my Ko-Fi link!
I love to write, I love to read, and I love this community! If there's a story I want to read that doesn't exist yet, I'll write it myself.
A natural born editor, sometimes I edit blank pages into stories.
Late-blooming fan with way too many story ideas in his head. Have written before, but this is my first serious foray into the world of fan-fiction.
Life gave me lemons, and with them I made horsewords. Try and figure that out.
Hey,my name is Evi and I'm from Greece.My fav pony is RD and I'm a big Wonderbolt fan.I love making new friends so,if you want to chat with me,don't be afraid to say hi ^^
Time flies. Have fun. Preferably not at the expense of others.
Although it left it, it knew that it was right, it made it down, because it didn't know what's up.
A gamer who likes to write stories. My mind is like a mouse who... Whoa! That would be an interesting idea for a story!
I'm a nut with too many people in his head that all want their story told.
After seeing huge bursts of power from one universe a Q decides to investigate
Specialties include comedy, robots, and precision strikes to your feelings. Hobbies include hat and watch collecting. May contain alcohol.
Mentality: Wicked Age: Whatever I feel like Favorite hobbies: Ponies, superheroes, HTTYD, Kingdom Hearts, Crossovers and GAMES
A thirtysomething Brony from Pennsylvania with a library degree. I also have a Patreon.
I became an enthusiastic Brony when I discovered MLP:FiM between seasons 3 & 4 via the review/analysis community. I hope you like my contributions.
“Disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government and business." Also, hugs. Hugs are good.
A writer from Finland. Don't know if there's anything else to add really.
Just some guy who started trying to actually write something after almost two years of lurking. Apparently people like to read the stuff that goes on in my head. Huh.
It's been far too long my dear guest. I will be your humble host for tonight's... arrangements. I hope to serve you to the best of my... abilities.
How did I get here? Oh wait... Now I remember... Ponies. Amature artist and wannabe writer. Guess I had to start somewhere...
A writer of various scribbles, I've recently become enamoured of Ponydom, and have done my limited best to write a few stories. I hope people enjoy them.