I like to cut things.... it's my hobby!!!
Quietly fending off story backlogs, house sized spiders and responsibility in general since 2014.
17 year old Applejack fan from Georgia, am a fan of film, tv, anime, history, practically everything nerdy
i'm a fan of mlp,jurassicpark,dbz,sonic and halo
My enemies wear smiles on their faces... But i grin back just as wide.
When you feel you lost the right path start from the beginning and try a different course.
i like star wars wish that i could have the powers of both sith and jedi what more could a guy want. Other than a lighsaber hahaha!
it's not whether it's wrong or right it's what is wrong or right
I'm a high school student living in the NW America hoping to get a job inthe digital art's, I have been learning some Japanese and am very knowledgeable when it comes to melee wepons and arcane arts!
"There is an art to being a cookie. One cannot be too sweet or too salty or too raw or too cooked. A perfect cookie is a cookie that strives to achieve a mean of each and every proportion."
I am part of the Royal Lunar army. When I am not on duty, I write.
Friendship is my favorite color, aside from no longer using this account.
reality is an illusion the universe is a hologram buy gold bye
I am a Christian anime artist who likes to watch/ doodle cute talking candy colored horses
Aspiring writer from the Kingdom of Thailand with desire to share the happiness that is pony to the world and all those who would listen and read.
I am a Dyslexic Bi-Polar Aspie with a strange fixation on small equines.
"I hereby challenge you, Ponyvillians: anything you can do, I can do better. Any takers? Anyone?" - Trixie Lulamoon
So why does it always seem to be? Me looking at you, you looking at me. It's always the same, it's just a shame, that's all
Guess who's back! I'm gonna try to return to my writing.