• Member Since 20th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen February 20th


Late-blooming fan with way too many story ideas in his head. Have written before, but this is my first serious foray into the world of fan-fiction.


Vacation · 12:38pm Sep 9th, 2021

Just dropping a brief note that I will be offline for about a week starting today while I am on vacation.

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The State of the Geek · 11:20pm Mar 25th, 2020

Hello, all. It may seem I have not been all that active lately, and with things as they are in the world, I thought it would be good to make this post.

First off, a long overdue link to some fan art by Lawra.

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New art commission for Pandemic · 12:09pm Aug 28th, 2019

Dogman15 commissioned another art piece for the Pandemic universe, this time of the character Star Singer from the original story. Enjoy!


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Retrospective and the future · 12:12pm Jul 1st, 2019

Hello, all. Sorry this post has been delayed, but I've been spending some time catching up with other authors' stories in the Pandemic universe. Before I continue, I was given a link to some artwork concerning Jenny and Laura from the original story, commissioned by reader Dogman15. Enjoy!


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On vacation · 11:51am Jun 20th, 2019

Hi, all. Just a brief message that I will be heading out of town later today and may be offline during that time. I should be back late Monday.

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Personal update · 1:51am Dec 20th, 2018

Hello, all. I thought I would take the time to share a few things that have been going on in my life that may affect the update schedule for Pandemic: Aftermath.

First of, something most readers already know: I will be going out of town for a week starting tomorrow and will likely not be around here much. If I do log in briefly, I likely will not respond to PMs or comments until I get back. Updates for the story are scheduled to resume January 6th.

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Wasn't even paying attention ... · 7:07pm Sep 16th, 2018

... but I apparently hit 500 followers and just happened to notice it now.

Thank you to all my readers for the continued support. I hope to continue to entertain you with my stories, and I hope to continue to receive your comments and criticism on them.

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A change to the update schedule · 9:29pm Aug 24th, 2018

Hello, all. Just a heads up that after my normal posting this Sunday (8/26), I will be skipping one weekend. The next update after Sunday will be 9/9. This is partially due to the Labor Day holiday weekend, but I also discovered I'm not happy with the way some scenes are arranged in upcoming chapters that I have done in draft format and want some time to reorganize them.

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New story posted · 3:25pm Jul 22nd, 2018

Hello, everyone. As promised, the new story has been posted, Pandemic: Aftermath. After debating about how many chapters to post at once, I decided to go with one at a time, as this is far less stressful for me. The chapters overall are larger than they were in the previous story, so hopefully this means there will be more content at any given time in lieu of multiple chapters.

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Tentative start date for the new Pandemic story · 12:54pm Jul 8th, 2018

So I will try to commit to July 22nd as the date for posting the Pandemic sequel. I am not sure of the exact update schedule yet or how many of the initial chapters will be posted. It will all depend on how much editing vs. new material I can do in the next two weeks.

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