A thirtysomething Brony from Pennsylvania with a library degree. I also have a Patreon.
Data-Scientist-in-Training and voracious fic reader. Occasionally edits/proofreads for people he likes, and even publishes story chapters once-in-a-blue-moon. Thinks he's a reneighssance pone.
One day I will return. / The ending has loopholes. Use them. Make an even brighter future.
"If it explores new possibilities or evokes the slightest excitement, it has no merit." —literary scholars, probably
I travel space and time, searching for perfection, for safety, and for purpose. I may never find it, and I may get lost, but the important part is the journey, not the destination. Enjoy it or remiss.
I am a: geek/nerd, roleplayer, gamer, Minecraftian, Metalface, troper and a huge fan of webcomics. Oh, and a brony....
PS: Formerly 'Jonshine' - changed to match an available email address, JonOfEquestria [at] googlemail.com
An indecisive procrastinator who, when not trying to figure out what to do with himself, writes like a speeding glacier. 日本語が分かりますか?
CvBrony here, you can call me Cv ("cee vee"). My wife poked me hard enough to try the show, and a bit later, here I am. Now with Patreon!
Just another brony, not totally sure I'm going to write anything for this site, but I love the site and its fics.
Powered by Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/CastIronCaryatid)
Be kind. For everyone you meet, life is a hard battle.
Fimfiction's premier writer of fics that never quite fit into any of the categories.