• Member Since 28th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 21st, 2018


But it's better if you do.

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New Year's Quote

"That's right world; Another year is gone, and I'm still fuckin' here."

Comments ( 63 )
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Ah yes, but barely.
Please don't lose faith in me. :fluttershysad:

1696313 I thought you didn't ship RariJack... I have lost faith in you...


Ah yes, am I still alive and well.
So you've missed me, huh? Well I'm flattered to hear that.
I just haven't been on FimFiction in a while due to school and lack of remembrance to check this site out. :twilightblush:
But do not fear, I have not forgotten about one of my favorite authors on this site. I will be sure to check your out your stories soon, tonight actually. :twilightsmile:

You've been MIA from my comment sections for a while... I've done a lot and was wondering if you wanted to have a look?

Hello again!
I'm sorry to hear that about your story, but I'll read the sequel for Desperate Measures soon when it comes! :twilightsmile:

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Season 5; Episode 5 · 8:28pm Apr 25th, 2015

Basically what I learned is:
The writer likes Fall Out Boy, Cloudsdale frickin moves, Rainbow Dash hates goodbyes, and she's way clumsier than me.

See my friends, this episode and many others is why Rainbow Dash is my second favorite character.

Report schmitthappens21 · 272 views ·

An Old Bio

This was my bio, before they did something different on FimFiction. I can't believe it's still there.

Life Is Way To Short to Take It Slow, So Full Speed Ahead! And Seize The Day!

(The Past Is The Past, But Remember The Good Times That Made You Laugh.)