Starlight and Trixie come up with a new way of avoiding paying taxes.
Prereading by SockPuppet
Cover by Horses are Fuckin Weird
Reading by Skijarama
I have no heart and my avatar makes everything sound sexual. Also, It's pronounced "sam-ee".
Starlight and Trixie come up with a new way of avoiding paying taxes.
Prereading by SockPuppet
Cover by Horses are Fuckin Weird
Reading by Skijarama
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oh hey
it's my image lol
Love the cover art, but the mismatch of the box shapes is messing with me.
You seriously I did the reference to SpongeBob
Trading Places reference? Instant win.
Huh, I see you're on all horse sites.
I only noticed it now (as in, I felt the lid was too small, but I didn't notice the shapes don't add up). Still a great pic.
Indeed. At first Trixie's line was "You like science, don't you?", but I decided that since the cover is already a SpongeBob reference, I might as well make another one in the story.
This movie was my first thought when I came up with Trixie checking the stock exchange (guess one can't be a travelling magician forever).
to be fair it's like that in the original scene too
Genuinely funny, but I feel like this doesn't quite have an ending, but just kind of runs out.
Identifying with someone doesn't make you one, which is why Trixie's plan failed in the first place. But Starlight’s plan is quite viable.
All right get in.
I understood that reference
I mean, I guess...
close enough
This is honestly a pretty reasonable reaction to having to pay taxes compared to some of the others I've heard.
Trixie, get yourself ordained as a minister of your own religion.
I feel like it's easier to just hide your loot in your mattress to avoid taxes lmfao
Change the word “Alive” to “Sentient, Conscious being”. Then they can keep their property, but still have to pay taxes.
I'm suing you for copyright infringement.
(jk obvs, story looks fun)
Yeah, I wondered where to go from there, but I guess a courtroom fic would be too much.
Having a cult beforehand probably helps.
Oh yeah, it kinda fits Equestria.
Now I wonder what you have in mind (I thought of Gerard Depardieu for a moment, but that's probably less crazy).
I'm not sure Trixie would be able to be a religious leader without trying to usurp the deity position (she's the greatest and most powerful after all).
Not sure vamponies would agree to that (being immortal, they probably accumulated a lot of wealth and their taxes would be huge).
Heh, now I have to sue the author of the other fic called Manehattan Blues...
Oh, boy, this was a hoot! The cover made me think at first that Starlight and Trixie were trying to convince Twilight to commit tax fraud!
However, a horrible thought came to me. Does this mean that Twilight may have inadvertently made Fluttershy homeless?!
Maybe Fluttershy, despite being a vampony, identifies as alive...
Living (or alive) oppressors?
Are you crazy?! I'm not getting in that thing! I stoned right now, and I just don't know it? Because that's the only way this would make sense.
I love stories that effortlessly walk the line between genius and absurdity! Take my upvote and a good hearty chuckle
I'm surprised Twilight's mane hasn't turned stark-gray due to having to deal with these two lovable nuts. :D
Brilliant and damned funny. :D
If Trixie is legally forbidden from doing anything, then how does she even have income to be taxed to begin with?
It's easier for Starlight and Trixie to move to Brazil's Equestria equivalent
Here there is only tax on the purchase of household appliances...
Unless you're dumb enough to rent rather than buy a house.
Alicorn magic, I guess.
Whatever she gathered before she was legally unalived. Which is quite a lot since she dumped housing costs on Twilight.
Surprisingly, in one fic I had Trixie owning a casino in pony Brazil.
You think she could be listed as Trixie's dependent and call it a day.
So is Luster Dawn's Father a Hanged Pony and/or Cnezt'xuxz the Incubus? Or was Cnezt'xuxz the coverstory? Or am I overthinking it?
There are dozens of stories about characters here not wanting to pay taxes but I think I love this one the most.
Gambling (apart from betting on the lottery) is illegal here.
The truth is probably even worse. For all we know, Sunburst may be her mother.
Indeed. It's especially common for Trixie.
By the cover art, I was kinda thinking Starlight and Trixie were gonna put Twilight to sleep and bury her alive as some sick joke.
That image already ...
Who else but them!!
Hahahahaha 🤣
I heard of those nutjobs!!
Non citizen nonsense hahah
Never worked. Never will!!
I probably don't get the last twist.
Apparently Spoiled Rich is descended from demons. Which explains a lot.
I enjoyed the first two seasons of The Witcher and found this very funny.
But I also didn't get the last twist. (Is vealthy part of some pun or a misspelling like Trxie?)