• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Leekips Future Heaven

Spike wakes up and sees the beautiful blue skies and white fluffy clouds. He stands up to see gorgeous green fields as far as the eye can see. Spike walks up to a pond and looks in the reflection. He looks seven years younger.

"My Emblem," Spike places his claw on his Fairy Tail Emblem then sighs sadly. "I remember," Spike replays the last memory that gave him scarring on his chest. Twilight Sparkle using her sword to remove the emblem after possessing him. "Am I in Heaven or Hell?"

"Spike!" Wendy shouts from afar.

"Wendy?" Spike turns around, expecting the worse.

"Spike!" Wendy runs up to Spike and leaps into his arms.

"Wendy..," Spike sniffs and cries a little. He holds Wendy in his arms and sobs.

"It's okay, Spike," Wendy holds him dearly.

"I'm sorry," Spike falls to his knees, holding Wendy. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry.., I'm so sorry..."

"It's not your fault. You were ambushed and possessed," Wendy rubs his back.

"I thought I was going to Hell," Spike sniffs. "Where are the others?"

"Home," Wendy smiles. "The guildhall is not far from here," Wendy grabs Spike's claw and runs. She navigates Spike to the Fairy Tail Guild. After a few minutes, Wendy shows Spike the Fairy Tail Guildhall, standing tall and majestic in a peaceful town that resembles Magnolia.

Spike smiles then frowns. "Are the others holding a grudge on me for eating and killing them?"

"No. We know the truth. Everyone does. Stop delaying, and let's go!" Wendy cheers Spike up.

Spike walks down a small hill with Wendy. He opens the door to see all of his friends inside. Gajeel is eating iron, Natsu and Gray are fighting each other, Lucy is talking with Levy, Erza is talking with Master Makarov, everyone else is enjoying each other's time and company.

"Hey, look who's finally home!" Wendy gets everyone's attention.

Everyone in Fairy Tail turns to see Spike for the first time in a long time. There's a moment of silence while Spike looks at everyone in the guild.

"He's home!" Natsu shouts happily.

"Welcome back, bro," Gajeel chuckles.

"Spike..," Erza is lost for words. She's so happy to see Spike in the guildhall once more.

"Hey, you finally made it," Gray said.

"Now, Fairy Tail is back together," Laxus said.

"Hey, Spike! So glad to see you again!" Romeo said.

"Hey, Spike!" Lisanna happily waves at him.

"Manly Dragon has come home!" Elfman shouts.

"Our Fairy Dragon has come back to Fairy Tail!" Master Makarov happily proclaims.

Everyone in Fairy Tail is happy that Spike came home. They hold no grudges for led to their demise.

"We're a family again!" Lucy cries a bit and runs to Spike. She hugs him lovingly as a sister would. Spike cries in Lucy's arms.

Erza walks up to them and hugs both of them. She couldn't help but cry as well. Several members of Fairy Tail are crying in joy and happiness. After the hug, Spike starts apologizing to everyone that he had no control of himself.

"No need for apologies, Spike. We know what went down. Twilight Sparkle possessed you and tried to force you back home with your life ruined beyond redemption," Master Makarov explains.

"Yea," Levy nods. "We know you didn't intend on slaughtering us."

"I wonder if Twilight got shipped to Hell for what she pulled," Spike ponders a bit.

"My Uncle, Atlas Flame, is in charge of Hell, Spike. He's making sure Twilight gets her due for everything she pulled."

"I've seen the torture that bitch is enduring. It's only the beginning," Mirajane smiles. "I should know. I have a part-time job working in Hell. Today's torture in cacti poking the sensitive parts jamming in place I rather not speak."

"Spike, never forget. We are your family; we all love you as we love each other," Makarov said. "We may fight, we may argue, we may disagree with certain things, but one thing is affirm. We are Fairy Tail. So are you."

"I have a loving, kind family," Spike cries in happiness.

"Enough with the waterworks, let's party! Eat! Drink! And Make Merry!" Master Makarov decrees.

"You know what's the best part, Spike?" Wendy smiles.

"What?" Spike smiles at Wendy.

"We're together, forever," Wendy sheds some tears of happiness.

"I love you, Wendy!"

"I love you too, Spike!"

Wendy and Spike kiss each other. After a minute, the two party in the guildhall and celebrated seven years of catching up to do. Spike ate, drank, and fought with his friends and family the Fairy Tail way. For the first time in a long time, Spike felt great happiness, and he will cherish each moment with everyone, forever.

Crocus. Current timeline. Five days later, after the Grand Magic Games.

It's 8:30 at night in Crocus. All the guilds that protected Crocus are having a Grand Banquet in Mercurius. Everyone is suited and dressed well except for Spike.

"C'mon Spike, put something on. We're in the King's Castle," Elfman said. "Be a real man and dress like a man."

"I'm not a man. I'm a dragon. Also, the outfits and suits here don't help with my tail, spikes, and wings."

"What about the white suit you wore during the Grand Magic Games?" Gajeel asks.

"When I teleported it, it turned to ashes. I have nothing to wear. Besides, my junk isn't visible. Can you see it?"

Elfman and Gajeel whistle and walk away. The answer to Spike's question is obviously no, but it's an uncomfortable topic to speak of.

"Spike," Erza looks down at him. She's glaring at Spike, which the others are afraid of seeing. "Please put something decent on. We're in the King's Castle."

"No. There is no clothing here that's compatible with me. Especially with my spikes, tail, and wings."

"At least put on a tie and a hat," Erza suggests.

"No. I'm fine just the way I am," Spike replies.

"I think Spike looks handsome just the way he is," Wendy said. She's wearing a white dress, black tights, white shoes, and yellow bows on her pigtails.

Spike is lost for words seeing how beautiful she is. Wendy holds Spike's claw. "You look beautiful, Wendy."

"Thanks," Wendy kisses Spike's cheek.

Erza sighs. "I'll give you a pass. Please, wear something for the next party we have," Erza walks away a bit.

"Let's try some of the food out," Spike suggests.

"Yea," Wendy nods.

Spike and Wendy go to different tables to check out the food they have. Sherria goes up to them.

"Hey, you two. How are you?" Sherria asks.

"Hey, Sherria," Wendy is happy to see Sherria. "I'm great, thanks.

"I'm good, Sherria. Thanks for asking. How are you?" Spike asks.

"Great! Hey, mind if I join the two of you for searching yummy food?"

"Sure, I don't see why not," Wendy said.

"Yea, definitely," Spike nods.

"I'm surprised that the Kingdom doesn't have any clothing for you, Spike," Sherria said.

"Yea, well, I'm fine without clothing. Also, I already got scolded by some of my guildmates. They hope that I don't 'embarrass' them in the King's presence."

"Bummer," Sherria said.

"It's fine, no worries," Spike chuckles.

"Hey, Spike," Lucy walks up to him.

"Hey, Lucy," Spike smiles.

"Are you at peace with your Uncle?" Lucy asks.

"Yea. It was amazing to see and hug him for the first time. I'll always treasure that moment."

"That's great. Have you seen Natsu?"

"No. I guess Natsu wants to make a grand entrance to the party."

"Alright, then," Lucy smiles.

"Hello, Lucy," Princess Hisui walks up to Lucy. "Wow, it's the Fairy Dragon himself."

"Yea, that's me," Spike slightly chuckles.

"Why are you not wearing any clothes?" Princess Hisui asks.

Spike sighs. "There are no clothing that's compatible for me to wear. You want to join the bandwagon of telling me that I need to wear something?"

"No, no, you are allowed to dress however you like. I understand, as we never had any ideas for dragon clothing. You'll get a pass. Also, where is your um..," Princess Hisui tries not to make the question more awkward than it already is.

"I have a unique ability to make it visible whenever it's necessary. Right now, it isn't. Plus, you couldn't even feel it. You didn't see the other dragons that came through the Eclipse Gate flashing their junks, did you?"

"No," Princess Hisui shakes her head.

"There you go," Spike answers.

"So, how are you, Spike?"

"I'm great, Princess Hisui."

"That's great. Enjoy the food and help yourself," Princess Hisui smiles.

"I will!" Spike said. He, Wendy, and Sherria go food searching while Princess Hisui and Lucy talk.

"Wow," Spike, Sherria, and Wendy said. They are gazing at a golden gelatin with exotic fruits inside.

"It's so sparkly it looks like a jewel," Wendy said.

"Yea, it's beautiful. I wonder what it tastes like," Sherria said, mouthwatering with expectations of deliciousness.

"Let's try it," Spike gives Wendy and Sherria a plate and spoon.

"Thanks, Spike," Sherria and Wendy say in unison.

Spike, Wendy, and Sherria take a bite out of the dessert. "So good," Their tastebuds feel like it's in heaven.

"Oooh, I bet it's yummy," Mavis Vermillion is next to Spike and Wendy.

"You're here?" Wendy is confused.

"Who are you talking to?" Sherria asks Wendy.

"Mavis Vermillion. First Master of the Fairy Tail Guild." Fairy Rage explains. "Only those bearing our guild's emblem can see Mavis Vermillion. To you, we're talking to a spirit."

"Ooookay?" Sherria is still confused.

"Mavis, can you eat?" Spike asks.

"I wish," Mavis sighs. "Sorry, I can't help myself. All these foods here look so delicious. I wish I have a body to possess to eat. Can I borrow-"

"No." Fairy Rage answers Mavis Vermillion's question before she can finish it.

"Darn, he's smart," Mavis Vermillion admits. She goes to haunt other people of their food.

Spike takes another bite of the gelatin and have his tastebuds feel like heaven again. He, Wendy, and Sherria finish their dessert and start looking for new foods to eat. Spike, Wendy, and Sherria try the molten chocolate lava cake.

"Wow, this is delicious," Spike finishes his molten chocolate lava cake.

"I know," Wendy is lost for words with the sensation of eating this dessert.

"Can't talk, must eat," Sherria said after tasting the dessert.

Kagura walks up to Spike. "How are you able to wear your birthday suit?"

Spike groans; he's getting tired of the clothing topic questions and suggestions. "None of the clothes are compatible with me. Princess Hisui says I'm fine since the Kingdom has no clothing for me."

"Good to know. Also, I have something on my mind that I want to address to you," Kagura said.

"What is it?" Spike asks.

"Two things. One, I want a rematch against you since you sensed that Leekips during our fight. Second, how did you and Erza start the brother-sister type relationship?"

"I'll be glad to take you on anytime, anywhere. I owe you a real fight. Second, I spoke to Erza, and she reflected a lot that was bothering her. After our conversation and sharing some secrets, we decided to have a brother-sister type relationship."

"Wow. So did you know about what happened to my brother Simon?"

"I didn't know Simon was your brother. Erza told me the explicit details on what she remembered. It wasn't pretty."

"Hey, Kagura," Erza greets Kagura.

"Hey, Erza," Kagura replies.

"I have a proposition. Can we let go of our pasts and be friends?" Erza smiles.

"No," Kagura answers which made Erza frown. "Because I rather be your sister," Kagura slightly turns away from Erza.

"Do you mean it?" Erza smiles. "You're such a little sweetheart," Erza pulls Kagura into a hug.

"Hey, can you please let go of me? It's embarrassing!"

"Now that you have a sister like Erza, I guess I'm your brother?" Spike slightly chuckles.

"Come here, you," Erza and Kagura pull Spike in their hug and smile.

"I would love to have a brother like you," Kagura admits.

"Awesome," Spike smiles.

"Dragon!" A Royal Soldier throws his spear at Spike. Erza and Kagura catches it. It nearly hits Spike's head.

"Dude, relax. It's the fan-favorite Fairy Dragon," Another Royal Guard says.

Kagura and Erza walk up to the Royal Soldier.

"You dare defile a loving embrace between three siblings?" Erza deathly glares at the Royal Soldier.

"How dare you interrupt my first family moment," Kagura coldly stares at the Royal Guard that threw the spear at Spike.

The Royal Soldier sweats like crazy in front of the two. Erza and Kagura beat up the Royal Soldier and stuffs him in a garbage can.

"That'll be the rest of you if you dare throw another spear at my brother!" Erza coldly states while glaring at the rest of the Royal Guards.

"Try a different stunt regardless, and I'll use my Archenemy Sword on your asses!" Kagura threatens the Royal Guards standing by.

"Sorry, Ma'ams!" The Royal Guards say in fear.

Kagura and Erza return to Spike. "Now, where were we," Erza and Kagura go back to hugging Spike a bit. After a moment, they let him go.

Spike meets up with Laxus and the Thunder Legion. They are eating at a table.

"Seriously? Put some clothes on," Freed said.

"No kidding, we all have to do our part and dress appropriately in the King's Castle, Spike," Bickslow said.

"The next person that asks me about clothes, I'll do what the dragons were supposed to do," Spike is getting agitated with the clothes topic.

"Relax, Spike. No harm here. Just enjoy the food," Laxus said.

"Yea, lighten up," Gajeel said.

"I'm just tired of saying the same thing about the clothes. The Kingdom doesn't have anything for me to wear!"

"Okay, okay. Here, have some wings," Gajeel gives Spike a plate of wings.

"Thanks," Spike starts eating.

"Alright, I owe Natsu a drink," Sting has a bottle of orange champagne.

"It's good stuff. Top shelf!" Lector said.

"Salamander ain't here, pal," Gajeel answers.

"Aw, man. Where's Natsu?" Sting asks.

"No clue. Natsu could be anywhere," Spike answers.

"Oh well, you're close enough, Gajeel," Sting pours a glass for Gajeel. "A toast. To the Fairies and Tigers," Sting and Gajeel drink.

Sting, Rogue, Rufus, Orga, Lector, and Frosch see Yukino for the first time since her banishment from the guild. They apologize to Yukino and promise that Sabertooth is a whole new guild that values friendship like a family. Yukino smiles and accepts.

"Are you kidding me? Don't be such an idiot!" Kagura shouts. She had a little too much after drinking alcohol. "Did everyone just forget that her life is in my hands? Since I'm the one making the rules here, I say she's gotta join Mermaid Heel."

"What!?" The Sabertooth Guild said in shock.

"Huh?" Yukino doesn't like the sound of that.

Sting approaches Kagura. "You're completely wasted."

"It doesn't matter. Yukino belongs with us, and you can't stop it," Kagura replies.

"Sis," Spike pulls on Kagura's dress.

"Yes?" Kagura turns to Spike. It's the first time in a long time that someone called her Sis. Mainly Simon, but still, the feeling of hearing the term Sis makes her feel alive.

"Can you please allow Yukino to return to her guild? It's where she belongs."

"Sorry, we have an agreement to uphold. Yukino's life is in my hands."

"Stop right there," Erza said, butting into Spike's and Kagura's conversation. "We won't standby while you'll decide Yuknio's fate."

"We're manly," Elfman said.

"That's right. If Yukino chooses to be in any guild, it'll be ours," Lucy said.

"Yea," Gray concurs.

"Personally, I think there are too many girls to compete for Gray's attention," Juvia said.

"She looks a lot like me," Lisanna said.

"I never thought about joining Fairy Tail," Yukino said.

"No way; A woman that is as beautiful as you are," Eve started the statement for the Trimen of Blue pegasus.

"Deserves nothing less from the most beautiful guild," Hibiki added.

"So, join us," Ren finishes the statement.

Ichiya takes a sniff. "Such intoxicating parfume."

"We love to have you in Blue Pegasus," Jenny said.

"If she wants to be part of the best guild, there's no question to be part of Lamia Scale," Lyon said, getting into the midst of the recruitment party.

"We've been totally macho, but I think our guild can use a womanly touch! I know we lost the Grand Magic Games, but ain't no way we're going to lose this battle!" Bacchus shouts.

"Wild!" Quatro Cerberus chants.

"Hey, hold on! Don't do this," Yukino doesn't want this kind of attention.

"Time for another Fairy Tail win," Master Makarov said, getting into the midst of another victory for Fairy Tail in the recruitment process.

"I like to show everybody here what a wild spirit can do," Goldmine, the Master of Quatro Cerberus, said.

"I'll spin you!" Ooba Babasaama said.

"The masters are getting involved? This is crazy," Wendy said.

"That's love for ya," Sherria said.

The guilds pick up the bickering and turn it into a rampage brawl to see who gets Yukino in their guild. Tables are smashed, expensive-looking vases are broken, food and drinks splattering all over the place. Wendy, Sherria, and Spike are under a table, keeping their distance from the senseless violence. Yukino cries in happiness that everyone is caring about her.

Colonel Arcardios makes an entrance and orders everyone to conclude the senseless violence. He uses his sword as a gavel to alarm everyone. The fight comes to an end.

"Finally," Spike comes out of hiding with Wendy and Sherria.

"Two things I want to announce. In honor of your performance during the games and bravery for facing the greatest danger this Kingdom has ever known, his majesty would personally like to deliver this message to you. Second, put some clothes on Fairy Dragon! Show some respect in the King's Castle! It's embarrassing."

Spike turns to Arcadios. His eyes are burning orange.

"Oh shit! Spike's pissed!" Gray shouts.

"Not good!" Erza said in fear.

"Spike, calm down!" Lucy waves her hands, hoping he doesn't do anything.

"Don't do anything now!" Master Makarov tries to calm him down.

"I told you you're okay!" Princess Hisui tries to calm Spike down.

"Fairy Rage! Roooooooooooooar!" Fairy Rage unleashes his Sparkling Orange Flames directly at Colonel Arcadios. The top of Mercurius falls apart from the roaring attack. Colonel Arcadios is scorched while his clothing turns to ashes. He also becomes bald from the attack.

"Uh, Yukino, you can go to Sabertooth. I don't think I want to piss off my brother for the rest of the night," Kagura said in fear of angering Spike even more after witnessing Arcadios scorched.

"Hungry Wolf Knights, get Fairy Dragon," Colonel Arcardios commands while covering his lower part.

"No way. You're on your own," Kama said. The Hungry Wolf Knights don't want to poke the dragon's anger.

Spike takes a deep breath. His eyes are back to green again. "Much better."

"Arcadios, apologize to the fan-favorite Fairy Dragon now!" Princess Hisui commands.

"He burned my clothes to ashes, and he made me bald!" Arcarios responds.

"He's been heckled all night cause our clothing doesn't suit him well. We don't have any dragon clothing for him to wear. You apologize right now!" Princess Hisui commands, sounding a bit more angry than usual. Everyone around her gives Princess Hisui space.

Colonel Arcardios is taken back from Princess Hisui's demeanor. He now knows that he was in the wrong for calling Spike out in front of everyone. "My sincere apologies, Spike the Fairy. It was rude of me to call you out like that."

"It's fine," Spike flaps his wings.

"Spike, where are you going?" Erza asks.

"Elsewhere so I don't embarrass everyone or the King when he arrives," Spike flies out of the area.

Natsu makes his grand entrance wearing Toma E. Fiore's crown. "All hail King Nats-" Natsu sees Spike leaving. "Hey! Where is Spike going?"

Everyone turns to see Natsu and feels embarrassed while the King is wearing his Pumpkin Head suit. He's jumping to get the crown back. Now, everyone in the room feels guilty for giving Spike a little hard time about his nudeness when Natsu took it a bit further by dressing up as the King. Wendy leaves the banquet to go look for Spike.

Spike is sitting on a bench near the flower maze garden, looking at the night skies.

"You okay, Spike?"

"I'm okay. I held in my anger a bit from the annoying questions. Look, I needed to get away from the unnecessary attention because the clothing is not suitable for me. Tensions are already rising because of it. I'll head back once things simmer down."

"Well, there'll be more parties than this to enjoy. After all, we're heading home to celebrate Fairy Tail as the number one rank guild in all of Fiore. That means another party at the guildhall."

"Definitely. Also, Fairy Tail Team B did technically won, so we'll get to be in charge of the losing team."

"I wonder what Gajeel, Mirajane, Laxus, and Juvia may be doing with Erza, Natsu, Gray, and Lucy." Fairy Rage laughs a bit, thinking of the possibilities.

"Only time will tell. I know what I'm doing with Wendy."

"I'll be sleeping when the day comes."

Spike starts reflecting on a lot of things that transpired during the Grand Magic Games and the war between dragons. He thinks about the possibility that Twilight Sparkle is somewhere in Earth Land.

An hour later. Spike continues to reflect on all the good that has happened and all the adventures he embarked. Wendy uses her nose to find Spike sitting on the bench. She was worried about him and felt that his feelings were hurt during the backlash.

"Hey, Spike," Wendy walks up to him.

"Hey, Wendy. I guess the party is coming to an end?"

"No. Honestly, I don't know. Right after you left, Natsu made a grand entrance imposing as the new King of Fiore while the King was jumping to get his crown back. Everyone felt embarrassed by the situation that they felt bad for giving you a hard time."

Spike lightly chuckles. "That's funny. All the time pent-up on me; was swayed to Natsu."

"So, how are you feeling?"

"I'm okay. I needed to get out of the unnecessary attention. It's a time of celebration, not ridicule on my nakedness."

Wendy sits next to Spike. "You're handsome, Spike. Let no one tell you otherwise on what you need to do, silly," Wendy smiles at Spike.

"Hehe. Thanks, Wendy."

"So, you want to head back?"

"Nah, I want to be with you out here," Spike holds Wendy's hand.

"How about we go to the center of the maze garden, dance there, and go to the Honeycomb Inn. Spend more time together?"

"I would love that."

Spike and Wendy walk together through the maze garden. They are now at the center, surrounded by all sorts of beautiful roses and flowers. It's a similar type-field when they danced near the Rainbow Cherry Blossom Tree. This time, the music coming from Mercurius is faint.

"Ready, my Marvelous Wendy?" Spike smiles.

"Ready, my Radiant Spike," Wendy smiles.

Spike and Wendy start ballroom dancing in the middle of the maze garden. The two are locking eyes as they move. They move in circles in perfection, twirling in style and enjoying each other's company during the beauty of the night. While they dance, Wendy reminisces the first time seeing Spike and getting to know him. As for Spike, he recollects his favorite memories of being with Wendy. To two shed a tear of happiness and kiss each other after they danced. They hold each other during the kiss.

"That was wonderful, Spike," Wendy sighs happily.

"So are you, Wendy," Spike kisses Wendy's forehead.

After a moment, Spike and Wendy leave the maze garden and walk to the Honeycomb Inn. They order room service and sit on the balcony with a beautiful view of Crocus and the night sky. The two enjoy each other's company even more.

It's midnight, and all the guilds leave Mercurius. They had a good time celebrating and partying, but the Fairy Tail guild is uneased. It was hard for them to continue the celebration happily when Spike wasn't around.

"Man, I can't believe you guys scolded Spike for not wearing anything. Don't you know he's naked all the time?" Natsu said. He's eating his drumstick.

"For something important as this, it should have been necessary on his part," Gray said.

"You're a freaking hypocrite, you know. You strip in public places all the time," Happy said.

"You came in your underwear first before putting anything on," Macao said.

"The point is, we were in the wrong," Erza said. "I hope he isn't mad."

"I hope he didn't shed tears," Lucy said. "I should have gone after him."

"Man, that party was awkward the moment Spike unleashed Fairy Rage," Mirajane said.

"He held in his anger and couldn't hold it in any longer. I'm glad he didn't kill Colonel Arcadios," Carla said.

"Man, I wonder where he is and doing," Gajeel said.

"I hope Spike is doing alright," Lisanna said.

"Hopefully, the next party will be more memorable than what transpired," Elfman said.

"It will be. We're celebrating Fairy Tail as the best guild in Fiore. That means another party for Spike," Master Makarov said.

"Kinda a bummer since Spike didn't really get to enjoy the food the palace had," Natsu said.

"Don't remind us," Lucy said.

"Well, here's our place," Mirajane said. Laxus, Gajeel, and Juvia enter the Honeycomb Inn. When they enter their room, they saw Spike and Wendy sleeping together in their bed. Spike and Wendy look peaceful and happy in their sleep. Laxus, Gajeel, Juvia, and Mirajane grab their stuff and leaving the two love-dragons in peace.

"Well, I guess those two finished the celebration," Mirajane said.

"Might as well bunk in with Salamander and let them know about Spike and Wendy," Gajeel said.

Juvia runs to the Honeybone Inn in hopes of sleeping with Gray like Spike and Wendy are. Spike and Wendy hold each other close in their sleep as they can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring.

Author's Note:

Additional Information:

1. Future Lucy's Heaven plays out the same. Whatever she remembered, it's a blur including Spike the Fairy.

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