• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Divide & Conquer

Author's Note:

I return with newfound energy to keep going as new ideas come. More chapters are in store without a long stretch of waiting. Thank you for waiting.

"MY BROTHERS!" Mongor addresses the Chameleon, Lizard, and Diamond Dog armies; Lord Tirek is listening to his new idea after watching the humiliating defeat Grogar endured at the hands of the Mongor. "Today," Mongor raises his scythe, slashing the air and creating a temporal rift. It's an orange vortex with black strands swirling. "We will conquer our enemy by weakening their forces, destroying their hope, and making a statement that they'll never forget!" Everyone roars with a sound of triumph.

The portal reveals a gloomy island where blimps and air cruisers are patrolling the skies; they have the Storm Nation's symbol. The Chameleons, Lizards, and Diamond Dogs watch with the anticipation of going through wreaking havoc on any they see; Lord Tirek knows there's no magic for him to consume for strength and power.

"ASTER!" Mongor's command booms with authority, echoing the mines. "You are your battalion shall march into the Storm Nation's island, lay waste to any resistance, and ravage any technology that will benefit United Equestria."

"Consider it done, my lord," Aster bows in respect to his commanding officer and leads his army into the portal; upon arriving, he and the Chameleons land in the square district, bombarding the innocents and annihilating any buildings that look like weapons' bureau.

Storm Nation Creatures sees the onslaught of the Chameleons as Grubber decides to patrol the community. Grubber commands the guards to take down the new enemy while he retreats to HQ and notifies Tempest of an invasion.

"Take this!" Aster activates the missile sequence, shooting multiple blue gemstone explosives; Storm Nation Creature gets encased in ice.

"Firing!" Emerald shoots orange gemstone bullets at the frozen Storm Creatures with the mini turret, killing them on impact when several limbs rip off the icy imprisonment.

The civilians are sickened to see such demolition from the Chameleons and flee for their lives; more Chameleons appear and intrude on the island, combating the defenders and surpassing them.

Grubber runs with the crowd while many more troopers come to defeat the menace with their weaponry; however, the screams from his brethren verify that the new threat is more ominous than Midnight Sparkle's Techno-Magic-Soldiers. Something about the weapons attached to the Chameleons made Grubber more frightful about other invasions conceivably happening across Equus.

Grubber enters the HQ and sprints up the stairs while many civilians arrive, pursuing shelter from the rampage caused by the Chameleons. The HQ doesn't have protection mechanisms, only guards on their outposts, guarding the area with air patrol with bombs mounted to deploy.

Grubber is in his office on the twenty-eighth floor; he sees the bloodbath laid waste by the Chameleons, eradicating the soldiers while holding the innocents as prisoners from the window. Grubber starts a Morse Code to United Equestria District Eleven for Discord's clone to translate the message. Screams ululate in the building, making Grubber panic and send the Morse Code quicker.

"While the Chameleons take care of business," Mongor slashes with the scythe, creating a new gateway. It's gold with white strands swirling, revealing Griffonstone. "Lizards! Time to crush the Griffons. Slither, I'm empowering you to exhaust their air power and reduce their weaponry to ashes."

"Sir, not to be disrespectful, but aaaah!" Dino, a purple Lizard, dodges a magic bullet from Mongor's pistol.

"To answer your inquiry about these preys of United Equestria," Mongor intercedes Dino's question, already knowing what he wanted to ask. "We're terminating their Air Force. Although we can soar, why share the skies with the foe?"

"He has a good point," Fido said; he knows after many scout assignments that United Equestria has many creatures that fly and would cause a headache down the road.

"The flyers of United Equestria are the Storm Creatures with their technology to fly, Griffons, Hippogriffs, Dragons, Changelings, Pegasi, and Alicorns; more than half of their powers can fly, and we are only less than their entire army, regardless of our superpowered-Exo-Suits. To win this war, we must eliminate a strength of theirs to keep them leveled so we can overwhelm them. That's why we're targetting the homelands of those who fly, to secure our objective is one step nearer," Mongor calmly and terrifyingly expresses with his rationale.

"We will gladly take on the Griffons and overpower anything they have in store for us," Slither said; he and the Lizards are ready for combat.

"LET'S GOOOOOO!" Dexter, a lime green Lizard with lab glasses, shoots many rounds at the ceiling and charges into the portal with his squadron as Slither takes the lead.

Grampa Gruff is celebrating the anniversary of Griffons becoming new with Friendship in the town square. Many Griffons have put up many decorations, set up long tables for the potluck lunch, and set up a stage for short performances and karaoke.

Gabby returns from her mailing duties and arrives on time to help her friends before celebrating a momentous event. She sees a portal opening and believes Gallus wanted his friends to celebrate with his family. Instead, Lizards come guns-blazing and shooting yellow gemstone bullets, paralyzing every Griffon they see.

"AMBUUUUSH!" Gabby gets shot and taken down by Dexter.

"A purdy little Griffon," Dexter places his left foot on Gabby's head; she snarls in frustration and wants to kick his head off. He laughs and unleashes a barrage of yellow gemstone bullets at any Griffon he sees.

Some Griffons holding spears chuck them at the invading Lizards coming through the portal with all their might; they reflect off the Lizard's Exo-Suits, enabling them to aim their weaponry at the Griffons. Those Griffons that threw their lances became awestruck with terror, realizing their downfall ended before it began.

Grampa Gruffs watches much of his kin paralyzed from the neck down, striking fear into his heart; he commands the remaining Griffons to seek refuge at United Equestria and alarm them of an opposing foe unlike any other. To his dismay, Grampa Gruffs notices several Lizards activating their flight mode and eliminating potential escapees fleeing Griffonstone. He watches his brothers and sisters drop like flies after getting shot by yellow gemstone bullets.

Slither soars and lands in front of Grampa Gruffs. "There's nowhere to run, old-timer," He laughs in delight while watching many more Griffons drop like rain after getting shot with their weaponry.

Many Griffons surrender to the Lizards' dominance since they're helpless to defend themselves from the onslaught; also, their children are saddened and filled with fear of death.

Grampa Gruffs wants to fight Slither but knows he's frail and outmatched by his superiority. "Don't kill my children..., please...!" He pleads with the King of Lizards, huffing in sadness.

"Your children got infected with a paralysis gemstone; they need us to care for them now!" Slither gloats over the Griffons' despair.

"Y-Y-You monster!" Grampa Gruffs staggers with his speech in fear of the unknown.

"Yet, your allegiance is with those that stole our homelands and left them in ruins; you are among the monsters themselves, and we're going to purge them!" Slither shouts coldly and steadies his aim on Grampa Gruffs' chest. "Be glad you'll live to witness how everything develops!" Slither laughs menacingly and fires Grampa Gruffs in the chest, contaminating him with paralysis. Grampa Gruffs falls over and bellows in anguish, feeling his limbs and muscles tightening and stiffing, unable to move except his mouth.

All Griffons within Griffonstone cry in horror as the Lizards seize control of their homeland and ravage their belongings. Slither notifies Mongor about subduing all Griffons and intends on bringing them to base to seal them away forever.

Mongor delivers steel cages to Griffonstone for the Lizards to trap them inside for transport. Many younglings were lucky to be with their parents, while others were unfortunate to be separated by those in the military. Every Griffon got muzzled to reduce their groans, whines, and cries.

Every Lizard that captured the Griffons and locked them in cages pushes them into the portal they came out of; they become disheartened and fearful of their friends and family possibly enduring punishment beyond belief for the oppressors' pleasure.

Grampa Gruffs becomes frightened at the margin of creatures wielding their Exo-Suits. "NOO!" Grampa Gruffs screams in thought after seeing Lord Tirek. He fears other Kingdoms falling to his regime; then his eyes are on Mongor, and he resembles someone more terrifying than Grogar. "That fellow looks like... Holy shit! That's the crazed-up Knightwalker from Edolas!" Grampa Gruffs is absolutely terrified by the shocking disclosure.

Mongor smiles in delight at his soldiers' success. "You've done well for acclaiming the Griffons and neutralizing their forces. Are there any survivors of the invasion?"

"No one left in Griffonstone, my lord," Slither informs Mongor about the Griffon's populous status. "The rest are residing in United Equestria. We have thinned their numbers, my lord."

"When this is over, we want the Griffons as our slaves," Dexter sees his prized pet in a cage, isolated from all the others. Gabby glares at Dexter but dreads the unknown.

Many Lizards arrive with the cages the Storm Nation creatures used to keep Equestrian Ponies contained; the Chameleon soldiers return with Storm Nation technology to keep United Equestria from elevating themselves.

"My lord, we've also come with resources that United Equestria would revolutionize to contradict your impending strikes, and I bring a pet for your glory," Aster reveals a small cage that contains Grubber. He's muzzled and shackled.

Grubber is rattling in his confinement; he wants to get even with the invaders that destroyed the island. "Who is this punk, and why does he look familiar?"

"I have no interest in that swine; send it to kingdom come."

"Wh-What does he mean by that..?" Grubber becomes worried about his life in the clutches of his captor; he thinks of the worst since he witnessed bloodshed by the Chameleons.

"As you wish, my lord," Aster takes Grubber and follows his brothers to the containment units of the mines; he thinks about messing with Grubber to instill more fear into his soul. "Hey, little fella," Aster chuckles devilishly. "You're probably wondering who that scary demon was, right?"

Grubber would say yes; however, due to the muzzle blocking his speech, he nods. "Maybe that Lunar Princess can enter my dreams so I can expose that punk who did this to us!"

"See that poor fool over there!" Aster directs the cage's sight for Grubber to see Grogar in a weakened state. Grogar opens his right eye and stares at Aster detestably. "He brought forth the most devastating creature from another world for conquest and attempted a coup. Grogar summoned Spike Knightwalker, who is now Mongor, our leader of the invasion plans, while Grogar rots!"

"Nooo! Not him! If Spike Knightwalker saw Twilight and Guardian Dragon, he would go ballistic and put all of us through hell!" Grubber whines and starts acting crazy in his cage, trying to find some way of escaping the wrath of a sadistic killer.

Aster laughs at Grubber's misery. "There's nothing you can do to prevent the end of your world!"

As the Chameleons and Lizards put away the prisoners in their cells, Mongor creates another vortex with the scythe. It's blue with multi-color strands like a rainbow swirling.

"Diamond Dogs, you will infiltrate the Dragon Lands and decimate the Dragons' magic power," Mongor commands, knowing that the Diamond Dogs wanted retribution for the humiliating defeat a few weeks ago.

"Mongor, no disrespect, but you are dispatching the wrong squad to overthrow the Dragons; I should go instead," Lord Tirek wants to devour the Dragons' energy since they're the most promising source of overwhelming power.

"Denied, Lord Tirek, for there is another country you'll eradicate the magic from," Mongor twirls his scythe and opens another portal. It's green with multi-color strands.

"I understand, Mongor. Although Dragons are more omnipotent than Equestrian Ponies, even Alicorns, I should aid the Dogs."

"Although you would accumulate considerably more than Equestrian magic to regale on, this is not your mission, Lord Tirek; this task belongs to the Diamond Dogs. Dragons have always taken gemstones from the Diamond Dogs while belittling their existence, consuming their treasuries and returning for more."

Lord Tirek sees the image of the portal reveal the Changeling Hive with many Changelings using their magic for flight and shape-shifting. "Oh, I understand. The Dogs would be stupid and fall to their antics."

"Precisely," Mongor concurs, causing the Diamond Dogs to exclaim hurtfully due to the remark. He turns to the Diamond Dogs, complaining instead of proving their intellect and subduing the Changeling Hive. "Proceed with the raiding and reclaim what's rightfully yours."

The Diamond Dogs take a deep breath and use their humiliating defeat the Dragons unleashed as motivation to bring forth a calamity unlike any other; the Diamond Dogs howl their warcry and rush into the portal while Lord Tirek enters the Changeling Hive.

Many Dragons roam in the skies, practicing their magic prowess and becoming potent by the second with the fear of Grogar running amuck in Equus. The Diamond Dogs arrive near a training camp, watching many Dragons training with each other.

"Hey! I know you scumbags!" Clump remembers the Diamond Dogs when they nearly took Rarity and Cozy Glow hostage. He approaches them and pauses, eyes widening at the weaponry that looks superior to the Techno-Magic-Soldiers.

"Payback is a bitch!" Rover shoots multiple rounds of yellow and red gemstones at Clump. The bullet pierces his body, infecting his usage to perform any magical feats and paralyzing his body. He falls over like a statue without shattering.

Clump grunts and growls in suffering; the bullets are worse than any needle. "RUN AWAY!" Clump alarms his brethren and sistren to flee from the Diamond Dogs; blood oozes from his wounds, indicating the severity of the situation. His voice bellows in the Dragon Lands; however, instead of taking heed, the Dragons pursue to suppress the Diamond Dogs' wrath.

Fido, Spot, and Rover led the brigade and assaulted the Dragons on the high and low grounds, both sides roaring and howling their warcry.

Despite the immense powers and strength Dragons possess, they are no match for the Diamond Dogs' deadly offensives; the gemstone ammunition used by the Diamond Dogs freezes many Dragons in agony, rendering them helpless. Some Dragons try to eat the bullets to regain their strength, but this only leads to their demise. Ingesting a gemstone pellet has an unfortunate and deadly effect; many Dragons succumb to the fallout of the gemstone's effect. Others that used their potency instead of magic suffered harshly from the brute strength the Exo-Suits enhanced the Diamond Dogs; they knocked teeth out of their mouths, causing the Dragons to spit blood, received critical blows when punched in the stomach, and broken limbs when they ganged up in close-quarter-combat. Using defense spells and magic becomes futile due to the arsenal of the Exo-Suits; the gemstones pierce the Dragons quicker and eradicate them.

A Dragon named Maar unleashed a barrage of pink flare orbs at the Diamond Dogs' armor, but their shields held substantial. She watched as her siblings fell to enemy fire. Two Diamond Dog Guards tackle her hard and break her wings; they threaten to snap her neck unless she surrenders, which she does comply with.

Former Dragon Lord Torch joins the battle but gets swiftly defeated by Diamond Guard Dogs, who fly around and shoot yellow and red gemstone missiles. When they explode, the gases filter the air, going into the bloodstream and lungs of any creature and corrupting them based on the gemstone's effect.

"KILL HIM! TEAR HIS WINGS APART!!" Fido commands his soldiers to shoot more projectiles at Torch. Some Diamond Dog Guards grab his wingspan and pluck the bones off his backside. Torch wails while unable to move any part of his body as more Diamond Dogs conjure their thought process to create energy blades to stab Torch's body from all angles.

Many Dragons saw their former king getting dominated by the Diamond Dogs and attempted to flee from the scene; however, the Diamond Dogs flew and quelled their advances when they shot or stabbed them. Punching them caused severe bruising and organ failure since the Exo-Suit's physical strength multiplied the Diamond Dogs immensely.

Within the hour, the Diamond Dogs collected all the gemstones the Dragons harbored and tossed the paralyzed ones in the portal like packages getting dropped off. Many younglings were put in cages, crying for their parents.

The Lizards and Chameleons put the Dragons in different cells now that they are useless in combat. Teenage and young adult Dragons remain in paralysis while the enormous ones get ripped to shreds since the mines wouldn't house such behemoth Dragons. The Diamond Dogs return with thousands of crates of their precious gemstones and would give an ample portion to Mongor to resupply their ammo.

Lord Tirek clenches his fists in anger, lamenting that the Dragon's magic that could have magnified his abilities was not his to consume! Mongor reminded Lord Tirek about his task to remove the Changeling's magic and prowess of transforming into anything they see; Mongor is unsure that the Changelings would copy what the enemy wears and clone it for themselves to counter his Exo-Suits.

"When you're through with the Changelings, I'll apprehend the Hippogriffs, snuffing what remains of the society and capturing those that oppose me. You mentioned the pearl they have, so that'll be another relic for your consumption, amplifying your prowess with power beyond imagination."

"Thank you, Mongor," Lord Tirek bows in respect of his leader and enters the portal leading to the Changeling Hive.

At this given moment, Thorax had instructed the Changelings to depart after receiving a warning from his brother; he and many others are worried about Grogar's advances and stopped. They see Lord Tirek as more enormous than the time he fought Midnight Sparkle and lost.

"Too easy!" Lord Tirek didn't need to start searching as the Changelings appeared to him; he chuckled in delight, licking his lips with the anticipation of absorbing the magic from the Changelings and capturing them, preventing them from alerting United Equestria.

Thorax quivers where he stands and gulps, mustering enough confidence and bravery to oppose the abomination. Something about Lord Tirek's presence made him cower in fear. The size, the Exo-Suit, the potency he possesses; Thorax is in a trance when he sees a fellow Changeling charge after Lord Tirek.

"You will not harm my family!" The brave Changeling shouts, shooting a magic beam from his horn. He sees Lord Tirek reach out with his left hand; a shield activates to repel and disperse the attack.

"Hmm, it is a thought-process machine," Lord Tirek tests his new Exo-Suit with a simple command. He imagines the Exo-Suit's expanding his skeletal function, enabling him to stand on his hind legs; his front hooves now have energizing glove fists shimmering in a purple radiance, and he stands sixty feet tall. "Mongor, you brilliant madman. You've allowed all possibilities, after all." Lord Tirek admired Mongor's technical genius when he worked on the Exo-Suits for weeks. He clenches his fists and imagines his front hooves doing the same thing.

The Changeling that attacked Lord Tirek remains firm, not allowing nervousness to overwhelm him; more of his kin align themselves, getting ready to attack Lord Tirek. It moves Thorax so much that he subsides his fear and gets in front of his army, allowing the younglings to flee from the battle.

Lord Tirek activates the visor sequence from the Exo-Suit and tracks every Changeling fleeing the battle; he knows where they're hiding until they feel safe. "This'll be fun!" Lord Tirek sprints towards the Changelings.

"Separate and attack! He won't subdue us if we work together!" Thorax commands his army, taking the lead to attack Lord Tirek head-on.

Lord Tirek laughs sinisterly, absorbing the magic from the Changelings before crippling them.

Mongor arrives at Mount Aris, preparing to seize control of the nation, eradicate their armies, and retrieve the pearl that contains an overwhelming surge of magic power. Lord Tirek had informed Mongor about the Hippogriffs' capabilities, the clones of Discord enacting as the Navy with the Hippogriffs, and warned him about going underwater. Mongor reminded Lord Tirek about the Exo-Suits, which enables an underwater sequence, allowing him to breathe underwater like air. Mongor explained the Exo-Suit's protocols with all possible scenarios that'll come into the fray no matter the outcome.

Clones of Discord sensed an unwelcome guest and became petrified by the tremendous power. He alarms everyone to be on guard while he investigates.

The clone's name is Marshcord, and he dresses up as a general; he flies and sees what appears to be Grogar out in the open. "This can't be Grogar? He looks different than I remembered during my youth, during the original's briefed chaotic spree elsewhere in Equestria."

Mongor lifts his head at the Draqonecuus flying on the horizon, staring at him in wonder. Mongor wastes no time and fires a yellow gemstone missile from the turret of his Exo-Suit; it collides with the Draqonecuus as he inhales the fumes. The clone failed to realize the rigorousness of the projectile's capabilities. He drops like a raindrop, paralyzed as he watches Mongor approaching.

Marshcord moves his eyes up, staring at the figure. "You're not Grogar!" He recognizes Grogar's horns, but the figure in front is familiar.

"I'm not," Mongor shoots a red gemstone pellet through Marshcord's chest with his pistol. He screeches loud enough for his clones to hear; however, those screams are silent due to the chaotic magic depleted by the effect.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" Marshcord shouts irately at the figure in front of him.

"Formerly known as Spike Knightwalker. Now, I'm Mongor!" Mongor raises his scythe, decapitating the Draqonecuu's head.

Marshcord feels his lifeforce drained from the decapitation; he's unable to send memories of Spike Knightwalker's presence to anyone. He fears for the lives of everyone, knowing he aligned himself with forces beyond magic.

The clones of Discord felt an eerie shudder when Marshcord's magic dissipated and his lifeforce begone. Mongor is flying in the direction where Marshcord came from and notices the clippers on the sea. Using the visors on his Exo-Suit, he sees over a hundred clones and Hippogriffs.

"What is that?" Everyone on the Navy vessels says in unison; they start arming themselves to attack the invader after Marshcord's sudden silence.

General Seaspray doesn't want history to repeat itself. It feels like Midnight Sparkle invaded their homeland and expropriated their magic. "Get-" His speech gets interrupted by yellow and red gemstone pellets piercing his back; General Seaspray screams in agony from the attack and falls over.

"That sucka is mine!" Several clones of Discord ascend to apprehend the intruder; they want vengeance for another fallen brother due to the enemy's wrath.

Mongor uses the visors to scan the clones approaching and uses his scythe to create small portals.

"What the?" The clones are confused by Mongor's tactics when they see Diamond Dogs, Chameleons, and Lizards aiming their weaponry at the clones and firing immediately.

Mongor uses the scythe to decapitate every clone that falls due to the paralysis and eradicator gemstones his army used to puncture their bodies. Mongor slashes his scythe to generate more portals around the clones on the clippers and take out the Hippogriffs. Using the full power of the Eternal Cataclysm Scepter, he calls forth a typhoon to send everyone flying, allowing him to dive underwater to the kingdom.

Many Hippogriffs fell as the Diamond Dogs, Lizards, and Chameleons stepped through the portal to unleash their fury upon the populous, distracting Queen Novo from the pivotal threat that wanted to seize the pearl.

Queen Novo hears the commotion and informs her army to clash with the intruders, giving her ample time to send an SOS to United Equestria and retrieve the pearl. The tremors of the waters made her frightful about Grogar's advances, believing he initialized a divide-and-conquer strategy to thin the numbers of United Equestria.

Mongor uses his scythe to track the pearl's magic particles to the undersea kingdom; Exo-Suit converts the water into oxygen for Mongor to breathe. When his visors scan the inhabitants within a nation, it does an initial count percentage-wise. Fifty-five percent of the Hippogriffs have resided on Mount Aris, meaning all the others live in United Equestria. As for clones of Discord, they're eliminated and won't return since Lord Tirek told Mongor about his cloning capabilities.

Mongor confronts two Hippogriff guards and slashes their throats before they can counterattack; they watch helplessly by the swift motions of Mongor. They realized it was Spike Knightwalker due to his attire and hair before closing their eyes.

Queen Novo notices the colors in the throne room turning dark with the scent of blood filtering. She turns and sees the figure that enters the throne room carrying the scythe. "You must be Grogar."

Mongor slightly chuckles. "I have his horns as my crown; however, I am not Grogar. I am Mongor. The Demon of FEEEEEEAR!" Mongor roars and shoots the paralysis and eradicator gemstone bullets at Queen Novo; she easily dodges and notices the fumes filtering in the water.

"Those guns..," Queen Novo recognizes the pistols from the Edolas adventure the Fairy Dragon embarked on moons ago. It becomes evident that Mongor is- "AH!" Queen Novo's fin turns into ice and drops to the throne room's floor. She attempts to crack the ice, but it's feeble.

Mongor walks up to Queen Novo. "Such a fine specimen, and yet, got distracted by my appearance. Do I resemble someone you know?" Mongor uses his scythe to lift Queen Novo's head after shooting her with the yellow gemstone for paralysis through her chest. It doesn't kill her but infects her body.

Queen Novo resisted the urge to let out a painful growl when she got shot by Mongor's pistols. She grits her teeth, panting heavily while her blood oozes into the water, allowing Mongor to drink it like wine. "You monster..!" Her eyes widen when she sees Chameleons swimming in her waters with Hippogriff guards paralyzed, begging for their lives.

"My lord, we have diminished the Hippogriff army, slain the clones, and apprehended the younglings as you've commanded," Aster bows to Mongor.

"Excellent, Aster," Mongor turns to Queen Novo. "If you don't want an extinction, surrender the pearl to me," Mongor says as cruel, heartless, menacing, and calm to Queen Novo, sending shivers down her spine, allowing her heart to pound rapidly with the idea of watching her race die in front of her.

"My lord, perhaps a demonstration of your power may influence the Queen to retrieve the pearl quicker?" Aster suggests slaying a youngling, knowing Queen Novo can't defend the child.

"Proceed with a youngling aging five years and below," Mongor twirls his scythe, preparing to behead and drink the blood of a young Hippogriff child.

"NOOOOO!" Queen Novo shouts and looks upward at the jellyfish. Mongor slightly tilts his head, understanding how to procure the pearl. "Release me from the ice, and I'll retrieve the pearl."

Mongor shoots an orange gemstone pellet at the ice; it shatters Queen Novo's fin, rendering her useless to swim and deactivate the defense sequence protecting the pearl.

Queen Novo cries in torment, feeling her fin breaking into pieces; she curses at Mongor for removing her ability to flail, hold, and comfort herself.

Mongor uses his scythe to slash the jellyfish, obliterating the defense protocols to secure the relic Lord Tirek will consume to magnify his power tremendously as planned. "Aster, return to the surface and chain the prisoners. Have them in cages for the trip to the mines."

"As you wish, my lord," Aster grabs Queen Novo and swims out of the throne room, returning to his army where they are shackling the younglings, muzzling them, and putting them with their parents and families except for military personnel; they'll get a different punishment soon enough.

After resurfacing from the undersea kingdom, Mongor uses his scythe to open a portal to the mines, allowing the Diamond Dogs, Chameleons, and Lizards to return with the new prisoners. Over a hundred clones belonging to Discord have perished during the onslaught; neither sent any memories to District 11, to the original, and United Equestria. Hippogriffs that were in their aquatic bodies turned into their earthly forms.

Lord Tirek returns from the Changeling Hive with many prisoners in magic orbs; he's more puissant with the Changeling's magic flowing through him. "These fools came straight to me when I arrived. According to the percentage of Changelings at their hive, I procured fifty-eight percent of the populous."

"Impressive, Lord Tirek," Mongor tosses Lord Tirek the pearl to heighten his magic power.

"NO! DON'T GIVE HIM THAT!!!!" Queen Novo watches Lord Tirek consume the essence of the pearl's immense power, strengthening Lord Tirek's mass. She's full of dread with the possibility of United Equestria being at the mercy of Spike Knightwalker and his uprising army.

Lord Tirek feels more omnipotent than the magic he held with Midnight Sparkle's demon curses and shared alicorn amulet power. He starts kissing his masculine muscles.

"Mongor," Fido approaches his superior with curiosity. "What would we do now?"

"Celebrate," Mongor genuinely smiles despite revealing a monstrous look on his face. "We succeeded in crippling United Equestria's air support. Lord Tirek, place the Changelings with Grogar."

"As you wish, my lord," Lord Tirek bows to Mongor and commands the orbs to descend to the Grogar's imprisonment. There are many cells and cages for the Changelings to live in briefly.

Thorax and many Changelings are weary about their circumstances since Lord Tirek drained their magic and paralyzed them with the yellow gemstone missiles he released from the turrets mounted on his shoulders earlier in the showdown. Thorax sees Grogar without his horns; he and the others know that Mongor is Spike Knightwalker after noticing the green mohawk and attire from the memories of when Spike the Fairy battled his sadistic counterpart.

The Diamond Dog guard watches Lord Tirek putting a new set of prisoners in their cells and walking away; the conversation he had with Grogar earlier made him think otherwise. He turns to Grogar with a worried expression.

"Help... me... before... it's... too... late..," Grogar weakly advises, watching the number of prisoners piling up every hour.

The Diamond Dog Guard turns to every creature within the room, now pondering a life-changing decision that'll hinder all life in Equus with time running out.

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