• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Being a Dragon

Spike is following Garble and Smolder to the Dragon Lands. Charcoal and Clump are behind them. Many Dragons wave at Spike even though he's not the Fairy Dragon. They believe Spike can become similar to Fairy Dragon.

"So, what are we doing?" Spike asks Garble and Smolder.

"We're teaching you how to be like a dragon since you were a dog," Smolder said.

"I taught the other you, but I was mean. Things will be different to teach you how to become more like us," Garble said.

"We were also mean, Spike," Clump and Charcoal said. They regret the treatment they gave to Fairy Dragon at first and afterward with the egg hunt.

"Hey, Spike? Want a snack?" Smolder offers a ruby gemstone.

Spike takes the gemstone and looks at it. "Will it be a better substitute than meat?"

"Taste and find out," Smolder enticingly says.

"Well, okay, I suppose," Spike takes a bite and spits it out. "Ah! It's like eating glass," Spike drops the gemstone. "I miss eating meat."

"Okay, we need to get you into eating gemstones like the rest of us," Clump said. Clump watches a good sizeable ruby descend.

"It tastes like glass. I'm not eating it again," Spike refuses to eat other gemstones.

"Okay, gemstones are out of contention," Garble said. Smolder, Charcoal, and Clump agree and won't be inviting Spike to the all-you-can-eat gemstone buffet.

"Hey, let's show him the thrill of swimming in lava!" Clump suggests.

"Yea!" Garble, Charcoal, and Smolder get excited and flies towards the lava pool.

"Is it that thrilling?" Spike asks Clump.

"Uh-huh. We have a cannonball contest. Let's fly!" Clump flies to the lava pool.

Spike takes a deep breath and follows Clump and the rest of the dragons to the lava pool. He sees several dragons waving at him and some whistling at him. He's used to the attention and understands his role is to become much similar to Fairy Dragon.

"Hey, Spike! Over here!" Smolder catches his attention from a mountain cliff.

Spike flies and lands next to Smolder. A purple dragon name Fume and a white dragon name Fizzle approach Spike.

"Hey, welcome to the Dragon Lands," Fume said. He was one of the dragons that were mean to Fairy Dragon.

"Sup, Fairy Dragon," Fizzle didn't mean to address Spike as Fairy Dragon.

"Thanks, and I'm not Fairy Dragon. I don't have the emblem on my chest as the other me do."

"My bad," Fizzle apologizes. "You have a canny resemblance."

"I'm aware of that. I'm still in the process of using Energy Maker Magic the way Fairy Dragon does."

"That's cool," Fume said. "Up for a cannonball contest?"

Many teenage dragons are ready for the cannonball contest. Spike looks down and sees the gap. A forty-story drop that scares him a little.

"Whoever makes the biggest splash is the ultimate dragon!" Garble declares. "Cannonball!" Garble jumps first and makes a huge splash.

Fizzle, Charcoal, Fume, and Clump do their cannonball. Each dragon makes a bigger splash than the last. Clump so far made the largest out of every dragon.

Smolder is about to jump when she sees Spike feeling unnerved. "Something troubling you, Spike?"

"I've never done a cannonball before. I normally chased squirrels or my tail back home," Spike said.

"Have you ever gone swimming?" Smolder asks.

"No. I hated taking baths back home," Spike admits. He always hated water until he took his first bath at the Castle of Friendship. "There are many things I still haven't tried. All I've done was study, learn how to use my magic, and play games. Lava cannonball is a new experience for me. Swimming qualifies as an experience I haven't tried. There's so much I haven't done since my year in Equestria, Equus, this world."

"Spike!" Garble shouts from the lava pool. "Make your grand entrance!"

"Come down, Spike! The lava is great!" Clump shouts.

"Do the cannonball!" Charcoal encourages Spike. Then the rest of the dragons start chanting Spike's name.

Smolder walks up to Spike. She grabs his claw. "Let's go down together."

Spike looks up at Smolder. He smiles. "Let's do it."

Spike runs and jumps off the cliff with Smolder. The dragons down below cheer loudly. Smolder is successful with her cannonball attempt. As for Spike, he does a belly flop instead. The dragons cringe from the impact of the belly flop.

Smolder surfaces after her cannonball. "So, what do you think about the cannonball, Spike?"

"Sis, Spike did a belly flop," Garble said.

"Spike!" Smolder shouts.

Spike rises and takes a deep breath. "Ow," Spike rubs his belly. "I think I did it wrong."

"Dude, that was one sick belly flop," Clump said.

"Nice one," Charcoal throws the thumbs up.

"What else is there besides lava cannonball?" Spike asks every dragon around him.

"There's King of the Hoard, a belching contest, and tail wrestling. There are other things we did but not anymore with the whole Bar of Alliance and unity," Garble answers.

"Which, in retrospect, it's kinda bizarre that we have a Bar of Alliance, and back in Earth Land, Dark Guilds used the same format as the Bar of Alliance," Fizzle said. Every dragon around him is dead silent. They remember Juvia explaining it in one of Fairy Dragon's memories right before his first coalition mission.

"So, uh, King of the Hoard?" Spike asks his dragon friends.

"Yea," They say in unison.

Spike watches every dragon gathering all sorts of gemstones and piling them like a mountain. He gets a little excited and may want to show his new prowess to every dragon. After a few minutes, since there are tons of gemstones everywhere, the mountain is set. The rules are simple, only one dragon remaining on top is King of the Hoard. In Smolder's case, it's Queen of the Hoard.

"Spike wants!" Spike increases his size. He's as tall as Laxus. The dragons are in awe after seeing Spike increasing his size.

"Dude," Garble can't believe what he's seeing.

"How did you do that?" Charcoal asks Spike.

"I tried many months and couldn't pull that off," Clump said.

"It doesn't add up. Fairy Dragon's perspective of obsession for succession doesn't work with us," Fizzle and Fume said.

Smolder is silent. She's aware that Spike can increase his size after bringing Twilight (Sci-Twi) to the guildhall earlier today, though witnessing this close is breathtaking.

"I rewatched and observed Spike's practices on increasing his size. Yes, the logic Fairy Dragon received from his friends is crucial. However, I took the time to hone my capability. Now, I can't increase into a full-size dragon, but this is a good start," Spike flexes his body. "Since we're doing King of the Hoard, why hold back when we can make it more competitive."

"So," Garble's body ignites in hellfire. "You want competition, huh?"

Smolder does the same. Her body ignites in hellfire flames. Charcoal ignites his body in lightning; Fume does the same, igniting his body in lightning. Clump stomps on the ground, quaking the area around.

Every dragon gets excited. They roar King/Queen of the Hoard and climb on the mountain pile of gemstones. Garble and Spike got in each other's faces. The two try to push one off of the mountain hoard. Clump jumps and punches the mountain hoard, causing a trembling which causes some dragons to fall. Smolder uses her hellfire breath attack to remove Clump from the mountain hoard. He crashes into the ground hard. Smolder flies up and spears into her brother and Spike. Smolder and Garble notice their hellfire consumed by Spike.

"Uh, oh," Garble and Smolder say in unison.

"Hellfire Blazing Rooooooooooar!" Spike uses his fire breath at Garble and Smolder. The two take the hit and crash onto the ground.

"That hurt," Smolder flexes her wings.

"Is it me, or has Spike gotten stronger?" Garble asks Smolder.

"I have no clue. We've trained with our friends at the guildhall. We were the ones that defeated Midnight Sparkle. I wonder what kind of intense training Spike does annually."

"We should ask," Garble gets up, and he helps Smolder up.

Charcoal comes from behind. "Electric Shockwave!" Charcoal places his claw on Spike's back and electrocutes him. Spike slides down the mountain hoard. "King of the Hoard!"

"Damn it," Spike said. "I let my guard down."

"Hey," Clump helps Spike get up. "You did awesome on your first try."

"Thanks," Spike smiles. He reverts to size. "I can't maintain size for long periods. I'm still working on it."

"I will say, you are one tough dragon," Fizzle said.

"Thanks. There's still much I need to improve."

"The same goes for the rest of us," Smolder said. "When you consumed my hellfire, you also drained my magic power."

"Whoops," Spike sweats a bit. "Sorry about that."

"No need to apologize. It's a reminder that many foes can drain magic power," Smolder replies.

Garble and Charcoal cringe from the memory of having their magic drained by Midnight Sparkle. Clump knows the feeling when he fought Lord Tirek.

"Also, we can't let any guard down during or after the battle," Charcoal noted. "Never know what can happen to any of us. It could be a life or death situation during any fight."

"Agreed," Every dragon nods.

"We're doing the belching contest or tail wrestling?" Fume asks his friends.

"I think we should spend the rest of the day training and sparring. I think Garble may want another go-at-it against me."

"Oh, you know it," Garble cracks his knuckles. "I have a fire in my belly!"

Spike lends Garble some fire for him to consume. Garble eats the fire, and his body ignites in hellfire once more. Spike smirks and prepares himself for a brutal sparring session with Garble. He uses his magic to create energy wings to fly.

For many hours, teenage dragons fought hard and practiced their magic. Every dragon pushes themselves to the limits in honor of their guild and the Fairy Tail Guild. They strive to ensure they can defeat the upcoming enemy that used the unfathomable magic power for their purposes.

Nightfall approaches, and every dragon calls it a day. Everyone got their bumps, bruises, and scars from the intense training session. Spike knows Twilight will worry and wants to go back to her. The dragons decide to go to United Equestria. Mainly District Ten to see if Neighsay and Twilight uncovered the mystery foe.

It's 11:30 at night in District Ten. Twilight (Sci-Twi) is in her room. She waits anxiously for Spike's return. She groans and wishes she knew her teleportation spell properly to go to Spike. Spike enters the room and sees Twilight sitting on her chair.

"Spike!" Twilight (Sci-Twi) is happy to see him.

"Hi, Twilight. I had a good day with the dragons. There's pride in every effort and encouragement."

"Wonderful, Spike," Twilight (Sci-Twi) smiles at Spike and hugs him. "I'm glad you had fun."

"Also, I trained and practiced my skills with the dragons. Smolder is-" Spike gets sidetracked from her encouragement.

"What, Spike?"

Spike snaps back to reality. "Oh, right. Smolder helped me overcome a nervousness I went through."

Twilight (Sci-Twi) chuckles a bit. "Like what?"

"She held my claw to jump a forty-story cliff into a lava pool."

"WHAT?!" Twilight (Sci-Twi) shouts in horror.

"I did a belly flop and got stung a bit. Overall, I got my bruises from my workout than that."

Twilight (Sci-Twi) sighs in relief. "I'm so glad," Twilight (Sci-Twi) pulls Spike into a hug. "Time for bed, Spike."

On cue, Spike yawns. "I agree."

Twilight (Sci-Twi) and Spike get in bed. Twilight (Sci-Twi) wants to hold her Spike in her sleep for the night, to enjoy every moment, unlike her counterpart. Twilight (Sci-Twi) still keeps her vow with Spike and never abandons him. Always be by his side and allow him to grow with his friends.

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