• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Reuniting the Guild: Part 2

A few hours while walking in the open fields, heading towards a mountain, Natsu starts complaining that his stomach feels sad and empty.

"I guess I can give you my fish and eat it," Happy suggests while flying steadily next to Spike.

"Eh, not unless it's been cooked," Natsu replies.

"Are you crazy!? Fish is yummiest at its best when raw and slimy," Happy starts drooling at the idea of eating fish raw.

"I gotta wonder how many times I heard this exact same argument before," Lucy said, a little annoyed of the two bickerings.

"I heard the two complain about a month and a half straight before coming to Crocus, Lucy," Spike said. "It's like having an alarm clock. It rings annually and routinely."

"Lucy, Spike, are we there yet?" Natsu asks while his belly growls louder.

"Just a little bit farther, Natsu," Lucy said.

A gigantic wild boar stands on its two hooves, looking adorable looks down at Spike, Lucy, Natsu, and Happy. Lucy shrieks.

"Whoa, that thing is huge and so adorable," Lucy admits.

"Wait, I think I know what kind of monster it is. First, it lures people in with its fluffy fur; then it gobbles them up in a single bite," Happy said. On cue, the gigantic boar roars, revealing a hundred razor-sharp teeth.

Spike roars so loud he scares the gigantic boar. Then, he increases his size into a full-size dragon. The boar looks up in shock and horror. It realized it made a mistake on trying to eat Spike's friends.

"Hey, Natsu. A pig that big is delicious," Happy said to entice Natsu into cooking it.

"Oh yea, now we're talking!" Natsu punches the boar so hard the landscape around explodes. Natsu stands on top while the boar twitches. Now it knows it made a fatal mistake. "He's going in my belly, pronto!" Natsu shouts in triumph.

"You better share," Spike said.

Nightfall approaches. Spike, Lucy, Natsu, and Happy have already set up camp. Natsu is eating a slab of the boar with Spike and Lucy. Happy is eating his fish.

"Nothing like a meal you make yourself," Natsu said while enjoying his fill. He ate most of the boar.

"Thank you for heating up the meat," Spike takes a bite from his slab. "Who knew this monster had better taste compared to the other animals we hunted."

"I agree. From the stories you told, this monster tastes great," Lucy said. She remembers the worst animal she ate, Wing Fish. The food made her cringe.

"Wing Fish, right?" Spike asks Lucy.

Lucy sighs. "Yea, it tasted horrible."

"Maybe I should cook it with my flames," Spike suggests.

"No offense, I highly doubt your flames can make Wing Fish edible," Happy states while eating his fish.

"My flames made a cookie to die for," Spike reminds his friends.

"Man, you need to make more of those," Natsu said while eating with his mouth full.

"In due time, I will, Natsu. Right now, we're rounding our friends."

"No, right now, we're eating," Natsu corrects Spike, taking another bite of his slab.

Spike rolls his eyes with a chuckle. The rest of the night goes with retelling tales of their previous adventures and getting excited to create new ones when the guild comes back together. It's the dawn of a new day. Natsu and Lucy start packing.

"Guys, we're teleporting to the Lamia Scale Guildhall in Margaret Town," Spike informs his friends.

"Why there?" Natsu wonders why there of all places.

"I don't want to be late for a concert," Spike said. He remembers what Wendy told him before going to Eden's Forest.

"Okay, then," Lucy said now that she's finished packing her belongings.

After ten minutes, Spike uses his fire breath to teleport his friends and himself to the Lamia Scale Guildhall. There's a ton of festivities going on, especially with Lamia Scale. Today is Thanksgiving Day. Spike, Lucy, Natsu, and Happy arrive in the back of a large crowd. Sherria and Wendy are standing on stage, getting introduced as the Sky Sisters. Wendy and Sherria wave at their fans before they sing.

"Wow," Spike mutters. He sees Wendy in a gorgeous white dress, red ribbons, white wings, white thigh highs, and brown shoes.

"Hold on, if Wendy's here. Where's Carla?" Happy looks around, hoping to find Carla somewhere in the crowd.

"I thought I see familiar faces in the crowd," Carla walks up to Natsu, Lucy, Happy, and Spike. "If it isn't Natsu, Lucy, and the Tomcat. Hey, Spike."

Natsu, Lucy, and Happy turn to see Carla; they're dumbfounded with Carla's new physique. Carla is a humanoid cat wearing brown shoes, black tights, a red skirt, a green buttondown shirt with a blue tie with a white paw at the bottom, and a blue and white jacket. Her tail has a red ribbon. Her head features white hair and ears. She also has a kitten clip on the left side of her hair.

Spike laughs at his friends' faces. "That's right. I didn't tell you about her transformation."

"Thanks for keeping it a secret, Spike. Say, what brings you lot here?" Carla asks.

"Well, I'm not missing out on my Wendy singing, Carla. Also-" Natsu interrupts Spike's speech.

"We're bringing the guild back together to rebuild our guildhall!" Natsu shouts.

While Wendy sings, she overhears Natsu's shouting. Wendy has her eyes on Spike and tries to focus on her singing with Sherria. Spike's attention is on Carla's while laughing at the faces of Natsu, Happy, and Lucy. Wendy stutters with her lyrics before Sherria takes it up a notch with her singing.

"It's a bit early, isn't it, Master?" Carla looks at Spike.

"Well, try telling that to Natsu, who is eager to be back with his friends and family again. Plus, I don't mind. It is time to reunite the guild and start rebuilding our home."

"Alright, Spike. Tomorrow, Wendy and I will be ready to leave with you four. I'm sure by now. Wendy is longing to hold you in her arms."

On cue, after her singing, Wendy rushes into the crowd and lunges at Spike. She holds him dearly while some of the fans curse at Spike.

"I missed you so much!" Wendy said, holding her Spike.

"I missed you too," Spike hugs Wendy.

"Please, don't separate from me for this long," Wendy wants to be with Spike. She had many nights longing to hold her lovely dragon.

"Promise," Spike kisses Wendy. Some people in the crowd go aww while others are booing. Some of the guys would want to kiss Wendy.

"I wish I can share a moment with Carla the way Wendy and Spike are doing." Happy thought to himself.

Wendy and Spike smile after the kiss. Wendy grabs Spike's claw. "Come, guys. Follow us inside the Lamia Scale Guildhall," Wendy walks with Spike to the guildhall. Carla, Happy, Lucy, and Natsu follow them.

Lyon, Yuka, Toby, and Sherria are inside the guildhall. They welcome Spike, Lucy, Natsu, and Happy inside. Toby hates the idea of letting Wendy go back when she's been with Lamia Scale for a few months now.

"Aww, you have to go..?" Sherria is in tears a little. She enjoyed having Wendy around.

"We can sleepover for the night. Then we'll set our course to the next wave of friends," Spike decrees.

"Yay!" Sherria is happy to hear the news. Another day to spend time with her Sky Sister.

"Thanks for housing her, Lyon," Spike said.

"Anytime, my friend. We fought in many battles, and you saved us from that Midnight Sparkle demon who nearly erased time. We may not be here if it weren't for you."

"Now, on a different subject," Natsu, Happy, and Lucy turn to Carla. "How the heck are you human?!"

"I mastered my transformation ability. I read a few books Spike brought from the Magic Library to help me practice. This form increases my magic power. What about you, Happy?"

"I trained super hard. Now, I'm able to wait a little while before I eat my fishies," Happy drools a bit.

"How is that... never mind," Carla shakes her head. Why bother to understand Happy's logic.

"I loved your singing voice, Wendy," Spike said.

"Thank you, Spike. It means a lot that you came to my performance," Wendy smiles.

"You like my singing voice, Spike?" Sherria asks.

"Yea, it was good," Spike honestly says.

"So, any word on Makarov?" Lyon asks Spike.

"I tried to get in contact with Makarov. He still wishes to be left alone. I don't know why it's taking so long to do what he needs to do."

"What is Makarov doing, Spike?" Lucy asks him.

"Sorry. That's classified."

"It sucks that we don't have Jura here," Toby said. He remembers like it was yesterday when Lyon and Sherria return to the guildhall without Jura.

"Man, I'm hungry," Natsu said.

"Uh, there is plenty of food and drinks in the mess hall. So help yourself," Lyon said. Natsu and Happy rush to the mess hall to eat their fill.

"Careful, they might pig out," Lucy warns Lyon.

"Nothing new with us," Lyon calmly replies.

"We have Toby for that," Yuka said.

"HEY!" Toby finds it offensive.

Wendy brings Spike to her room, where she's been sharing with Sherria and Carla. Lyon allows it for this one time. He's aware that the two share a loving embrace.

Carla and Lucy catch up with all they have been through while Natsu and Happy gorge themselves in the mess hall. Ooba decided to spin Natsu and Happy for eating all of Lamia Scale's crabcakes.

Sherria enters her room to see Spike and Wendy sitting on the bed. They are talking about possibilities of the future as a couple. Sherria inserts herself into the conversation. Calling herself a Sky Sister Auntie, which made Spike and Wendy laugh. The trio spent hours talking to each other in the room, not noticing time flew by as the sunset. A loud bang disrupts their conversation. Spike, Sherria, and Wendy look out the window to see homes ablaze and explosions happening all over Margaret Town.

"What's happening?" Spike asks.

"I know who may be the cause of this. Come on," Sherria runs out the door. Spike and Wendy follow her. They meet with Natsu, Carla, Lucy, Happy, Lyon, Toby, Yuka, and Ooba. "The Orochi Fin Guild has to be the cause of these attacks."

"What's happening?" Spike asks his friends.

"Hoard of Monsters are attacking. The Orochi Fin Guild must have planned this when we had our guards down," Lyon is irate. "They're going to pay for this."

"Lyon, this is the first wave of them," Yuka warns him. "There's a massive swarm coming from the east!"

"Yea, like a hundred thousand!" Toby shouts.

"That many..?" Lucy is mesmerized by the number of monsters on its way.

"They must have a monster tamer on their side," Lyon said.

"I'm on it," Spike flaps his wings.

"You can't be serious, Spike!" Wendy said in shock.

"Watch me. Spike wants!" Spike increases his size into Laxus' and roars. He takes flight.

"Let's go, Carla!" Wendy wants to join Spike in this battle.

"Right!" Carla grabs Wendy and flies after Spike.

"Let's go, Happy!" Natsu is fired up and wants to join Spike in this battle.

"Aye, Sir!" Happy is about to grab Natsu when Sherria kicks Natsu's face.

"Sorry about that, Natsu," Sherria apologizes while Happy goes with it. He's confused while flying Sherria next to Carla.

Natsu, in a fit of rage, storms after Sherria. A monster hoard enters Margaret Town and doesn't stand a chance against a fuming Fire Dragon Slayer. Natsu takes down each monster to get back at Sherria and take Happy back.

Spike sees the trail of monsters coming from one direction. The monster tamer and his guildmates are there to watch the carnage. They're in for a rude surprise when they see a dragon coming to fight them. Sherria and Wendy are not far behind Spike. They see the monsters going directly into Margaret Town. Happy and Carla know that Natsu, Lucy, and the rest can hold them off long enough. They are wondering why Spike is not fighting the monsters.

"Hey boss, look!" One of the members of Orochi Fin's Guild pointed up.

"Huh?" Orochi Head looks up. His eyes and tongue are yellow in serpentine in appearance. His pale skin is also somewhat peculiar, bearing what appears to be snake skin's markings in the area around and on his nose. He sports a green bowl cut haircut, and a cloak, with the upper part having a rectangular pattern. Under his cloak, he dons a coat. He wears round-shaped earrings. "WHAT THE HELL?!"

Spike roars and lands in front of the guild. Several members get hurled back from the impact.

"That's a freaking dragon!" A member of the Orochi Fin's Guild shouts in horror.

"No. That's the legendary Fairy Dragon..," Another member craps himself, realizing Spike is tougher in person.

"He's not alone!" Wendy and Sherria drop into the fray and stands by with Spike. They combined their breath attack for a unison raid to blow them away.

"Nice of you to drop by," Spike said.

"And miss the opportunity to fight with my boyfriend? No chance," Wendy said.

"I'm fighting with my Sky Sister. No way I'm letting this one go," Sherria said.

Carla shows off her skills and attacks a member of Orochi Fin. She uses her White Moon attack. It's a cartwheel maneuver with a dropkick. Her strength for performing the attack knocks out her opponent. Happy watches and does nothing.

"Meteor Rain!" Spike conjures Sparkling Green Orbs and unleashes it on the guild. He doesn't know which member is the monster tamer, so he's attacking any he sees. The Sparkling Green Orbs explode on contact.

"That dragon is running amuck with those kids," Orochi Head said. He notices his comrade twitching a bit. "What's wrong?"

"The girl. That dragon. I've seen them somewhere before," He steps in after remembering his last encounter with them.

"Wait, are you sure?" Orochi Head asks. He didn't think his comrade had any history with them.

"I want to see how you fly now," Bluenote Stinger uses his gravity magic to destroy the landscape in front of him. Rocks and debris explode, causing Wendy, Sherria, Spike, Carla, Happy to fall. Several members of the Orochi Fin's Guild also fell.

Wendy looks up and sees Blutenote Stinger. "No.., it's him again."

"Oh, dear. That's Bluenote Stinger!" Carla said. "He's from Grimoire Heart!"

Spike stands up. "This is one rematch I'm looking forward to."

"Hmm," Blutenote Stinger uses his gravity magic on everyone except for Spike. He's wondering why Spike is not affected by his magic power.

"Spike!" Wendy tries her hardest to look up, but Bluenote Stinger's gravity magic proves to be too much for her to move an inch.

"Ice Spike," Spike conjures an ice spike under Bluenote Stinger. He dodges and loses focus on his gravity magic.

"There you are," Natsu grabs Sherria and lifts her up. "What's the big idea with stealing Happy?"

"I'm sorry about that," Sherria said.

"Natsu, this isn't the time for such nonsense," Carla said. She's annoyed with Natsu's timely moments of petty.

Bluenote Stinger powers up in anger. Seeing the faces of the Fairy Tail Guild reminds him more of his defeat at Tenrou Island. "I'll crush you all!" Bluenote's anger gets the better of him.

"You're not crushing anyone!" Flames engulf Natsu's body. He creates a pillar of molten rock and fire. "You should never mess with Fairy Tail!"

"Black Hole!" Bluenote extends his arms forwards before himself and before closing his palms together. A dark orb appears in front of him, which creates a gravitational field around itself. It continues to grow larger and immense.

"Fire Dragon Roooooooooar!" Natsu unleashes his fire breath on Bluenote Stinger. Natsu's fire breath takes out a mountain behind the invading guild. As for Bluenote Stinger, he's scorched and charcoaled from the attack. He falls flat in defeat.

Everyone except Spike and Happy is stunned beyond belief to see Natsu taking out Bluenote Stinger in one attack. Orochi Fin's Guild raises a white flag, surrendering their assault on Margaret Town after witnessing Natsu's fierce magic power.

"Bummer. I was looking forward to fighting Bluenote Stinger. Oh well," Spike helps Carla and Wendy up.

"Aren't you amazed by what Natsu did?" Carla asks Spike.

"No. I trained with Natsu. He and I went hard on each other, and he held back," Spike informs Carla and Wendy. Sherria, Wendy, and Carla's jaws drop to the ground after hearing what Spike said.

A while later. The authorities came and apprehended the Orochi Fin's Guild. Spike uses his fire breath to teleport everyone back to the Lamia Scale Guildhall. The wizards of Lamia Scale and Lucy succeeded on their mission, fending off the monsters from wreaking havoc. Carla informs the others of their mission, and Natsu defeats Bluenote Stinger with one attack. After witnessing Natsu's power, they surrender.

The next day. Spike, Natsu, Wendy, Carla, Happy, and Lucy are up, and ready to go.

"Thanks for everything you've done for us, Fairy Tail. We appreciate your help," Lyon said.

"Thanks for housing us for the night, and thanks for taking care of Wendy and Carla while we were training during the year," Spike said.

"Anytime, Fairy Dragon. If you ever need us, don't hesitate to call. We'll be there for you. Give Gray my regard."

"Bye, Wendy," Sherria waves at her Sky Sister.

"Bye, Sherria. It's been a blast to work and hang out with you," Wendy replies.

"We wish you luck on reuniting the guild. Wherever your friends are at," Yuka said.

"Thanks. We know where to find them," Spike said.

"So, are we flying on your back?" Natsu asks Spike.

Spike shakes his head. "Nope. I want to spend the day walking and holding Wendy's hand."

"Awe, he's showing love," Sherria said.

Wendy holds Spike's claw. "Let's get going, Spike," Wendy smiles.

Spike, Wendy, Natsu, Happy, Lucy, and Carla leave Margaret Town together. Spike knows where Gray and Juvia are after receiving a letter from them months ago. A place called Rain Bringer Village. An ideal location to use water for training sessions all day, every day.

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