• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Dragon Cave Discoveries

Discord (clone), Princess Luna, the Unity Seven, Twilight (Sci-Twi), Spike, Sunset Shimmer, Aria, Adagio, and Ember arrive in the Dragon Lands. Ember escorts every creature to her chambers. Starswirl the Bearded has many notes to create a short story based on hieroglyphics. He deciphered the first half to Princess Celestia and Luna not long ago. He's close to solving the dragon's origins.

"Starswirl!" Ember walks into her chambers with her friends following closely.

"Empress Ember, I'm nearly finished deciphering the engravings marked by your ancestors."

"What have you uncovered?" Neighsay asks Starswirl.

Starswirls inhales. "I'll tell you what I know. From beginning to where I am now."

"I don't have chairs, so sit on some rocks or the ground," Ember said.

Discord (clone) snaps his paw, spawning comfortable chairs and couches in the area. Every creature grabs their seats while Starswirl grabs his notebook. He sits on a lounge chair Discord (clone) conjured.

"Thank you for spawning these, Draqonecuus," Starswirl opens the book.

"You're welcome," Discord (clone) drinks a barrel of chocolate milk while laying on a floating hammock.

"The Exodus Project. The Exodus Project was designed by a clan of dragons after winning the Great War. A war between two sides of Dragons. One that was against a creature known as humans. The other was for humans. To co-exist with them evenly."

"What? Humans?" Ember gets the suspicion that something else is in play. Something she's familiar with. Every creature else has the same feeling as well.

"Yes. According to the hieroglyphics, humans were given the ability to possess the powers of a dragon. The texture of the ability is scrapped and illegible for me to read, so I don't know what to call it."

"DRAGON SLAYING MAGIC!" Everyone shouts in shock. Discord (clone) spits his chocolate milk in shock.

"No..., no way..," Smolder has goosebumps. She's starting to believe that the dragons are somehow relatable to Earth Land.

"Dragon Slaying Magic?" Starswirl is confused. He's one of the few that hasn't seen Spike the Fairy's memories.

"Yes. We've seen memories of Spike the Fairy. It's tying into Earth Land," Ember says.

"Then.., that means..," Starswirl looks at his notes. "Oh, my..," His eyes widen in the revelation he uncovered.

"Are dragons migrants of Earth Land?" Ocellus asks Starswirl.

Starswirl takes a deep breath and continues his story. "After the humans were given Dragon Slaying Magic, they turned and killed the dragons that gave them power."

"Dragon Slayers killed dragons that granted them power..?" Ember is dumbfounded.

"Yes. According to the scriptures, I was able to translate the inscribing. Dragons once used humans as a reasonable source of food," Starswirl explains.

"Now I see why they hunted the good dragons. They don't want to have newer dragons to start hunting them down or other dragons that lost the war go after smaller villages or towns," Gallus said.

"However, some dragons sought to save the youth while a mad dragon was on the loose. He's once a man who practiced Dragon Slayer Magic. Now cloaked in black scales. The name goes by Acnologia."

Silence reign. The Unity Seven, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight (Sci-Twi), Spike, Discord (clone), Aria, Adagio, Ember, and Princess Luna are dead silent. From Spike the Fairy's memories, they know Acnologia is a dragon but didn't know he was also a man.

"Okay, after all of this, I need to see Spike the Fairy's memories. Anyway, back to the story. While Acnologia hunted other dragons, Amy the Amethyst Dragon, and several more gather as many dragon eggs as possible to a gate known as the Eclipse Gate; The Eclipse Gate opens a portal of time and space. Amy the Amethyst Dragon carefully placed the eggs, including hers, into the portal. Torch, a protector of the eggs. Is to watch over the young and train them into becoming dragons of the past."

"The past?" Princess Luna is confused.

"Originally, the Eclipse Gate was supposed to send the dragons a few centuries back in time to prevent the Great War. However, according to the inscribing that I managed to read, there was a loud gong and a fish hovering in the skies."

"THE INFINITY CLOCK!" Everyone said in unison.

"Yea, I need to watch Spike the Fairy's memories."

"The Infinity Clock messes with time and space throughout the land of Earth Land. That's what we saw in Spike the Fairy's memories," Adagio said.

"Yea. Everyone changed except for Erza due to the hammer timeclock weapon she wielded," Silverstream said.

"This is crazy. I can't even fathom it!" Smolder is holding onto her head.

"There are things I need to speak about my father. Things about his childhood."

"Due to the gong of the Infinity Clock, it's been documented that dragons have lost the ability to use their magic. Only one dragon can unlock the magic within dragon kind. The dragon has to come from the Energy Maker Dragon family. Only one egg comes from the family in which I have a picture. This egg belongs to Amy the Amethyst Dragon."

"Care to review the picture with us, Starswirl?" Princess Luna asks.

Starswirl nods and uses his magic to levitate the picture. Princess Luna's eyes widen as every creature else sees her expression. Princess Luna is stunned. A purple egg with polka dots on it.

"You've seen this egg before, Luna?" Discord (clone) asks.

"There is a picture Princess Celestia has of that egg. It's the one Twilight Sparkle hatched during her entrance exam."

"Wait, wait, hold up!" Smolder turns to Princess Luna. "How is that possible? There have been many generations of dragons that lived here in the Dragon Lands. How did Spike not hatched long ago?"

"That is a good question now that I think about it," Ember puts the question into thought.

"I found out that the hieroglyphics say it disappeared before the arrival came five minutes later," Starswirl said.

"Then, that means Spike's dragon egg arrived ahead of time while those dragons with Torch went further in time into Equestria," Discord (clone) claims.

"That is correct, Draqonecuus."

"That means Spike the Fairy has the power to awaken dragon magic power within!" Silverstream shouts.

"That is correct," Starswirl nods.

"Our home is Earth Land..," Smolder looks at the skies while taking in all she heard. She can't believe that this whole time, dragons are immigrants. She remembers Twilight demanding a rule change and telling Spike that the law was effective. "If the law were to take effect, then all dragons would be living illegally."

Ember has a lot of questions for her father. She takes note of what to ask.

"Now, I'm up to the last bit of deciphering the hieroglyphics," Starswirl gets out of the lounge chair and uses his magic. He reads the last remaining texts.

"What does it say?" Spike asks.

"Starswirl sighs. "It says, never go back."

"That's what it says?" Ember flies up to the texture.

"Yes, Empress. Without Spike the Fairy unlocking your magic, I assume Acnologia will slaughter the entire Dragon Land occupants."

"Spike got his butt handed to him by Acnologia once. I don't think he's capable of defeating him alone in Earth Land," Sandbar says.

"I will honor the warning for the safety of my dragons. We will remain here. I don't want any of my kin to suffer the way our ancestors have," Ember decrees. She turns to Smolder. "If we get the opportunity to return to Earth Land, we are to remain here where it's safe."

"Understood, Empress."

"Say, can Spike here unlock the magic within dragons?" Silverstream asks.

"Spike doesn't know the basics of magic. Also, he's a dog converted into a dragon. I don't think he qualifies for being in an Energy Maker Dragon family," Twilight (Sci-Twi) says.

"I don't know how. I'm years behind my counterpart in terms of studying and practicing magic. I think I'm in the same boat as the other dragons. Unable to use magic."

"Empress Ember. Thank you for allowing me to uncover the history of your species."

"Thank you for answering some questions. Now I know where my kind originated from."

"I'll be leaving and taking a route to the nearest movie theatre. I want to see Spike the Fairy's memories," Starswirl said as he's packing up his belongings.

"There's a lot I need to inform my sister," Princess Luna takes flight leaving Ember's chambers.

"I'll take us back home to the dorm," Neighsay uses his medallion to teleport the Unity Seven back home.

"Well, time to go," Discord (clone) snaps his claw and teleports Aria, Adagio, Sunset, Spike, and Twilight (Sci-Twi) to his home.

Discord and Sonata are rewatching Spike the Fairy's memories with the clones. Discord (clone) Aria, Adagio, Sunset, Spike, and Twilight (Sci-Twi) are in the living room. Discord turns to his clone and pauses the movie.

"So, how did it go?"

"Well..," Discord (clone) explains everything that transpired. From what caused the Tree of Harmony's destruction, to what happened in Tartarus, the discussion of the Emergency Bar of Alliance, and the discovery of the Dragons. The whole explanation took three hours to explain. Discord and Sonata jaws drop to the floor.

"If Midnight Sparkle is that powerful to turn one of my clones to stone and destroy not only the Tree of Harmony, the Elements of Harmony but the Gates of Tartarus. We need help."

"I wish there is some way we can contact my counterpart," Spike said. "Perhaps he can finish where he started."

"There may be a way but, it's crude," Discord turns to Twilight (Sci-Twi). "I erased my memories of how to get to Earth Land using my power. I think I can use this Spike and my chaos magic to send a beacon to Spike the Fairy. However, I need Princess Luna's help."

"What would it do?" Twilight (Sci-Twi) asks Discord.

Discord sighs. "When your son goes to sleep, Princess Luna and I will use our magic to create focused nightmares. My chaos magic and Princess Luna's night realm magic can perhaps find the other Spike's dream door of a different reality and show the possibilities of what Midnight Sparkle can do to Equestria. I gave Spike the magic card to come here and back whenever he likes."

"I.., I'm not sure about that."

"Spike the Fairy could be the only one strong enough to defeat and destroy Midnight Sparkle," Discord states. "However, I need your permission to do such a thing to your son."

"Can I think about it?" Twilight (Sci-Twi) knows her answer. It's simple but to put her son into a sleep of terror is not right. She wants to consult with him.

"Yea. I also have to get Princess Luna's approval, and she might not be on board with my idea."

"Thanks. What room will you put Spike and me in?"

"Upstairs to your left. Second door. That closet will transform into a room of your likings," Discord said.

"Thanks," Twilight (Sci-Twi) puts Spike on her back and walks up the stairs. They enter the second door to the left and see a gorgeous purple and blue room. A big bed, shelves of books and comic books. A mini-fridge and a picture of their family. It made Spike and Twilight (Sci-Twi) while looking at the family portrait from last year's Christmas party.


"Yes, Discord."

"Go to Canterlot and ask Luna about my proposal."

"Right away," The clone leaves the house.

"If she approves, how long you think it'll take Spike to get here?" Sonata asks Discord.

"A few months unless the wish I granted Spike is tethered differently."

"Differently, how?" Aria asks. She sits next to Discord on the couch.

"Well, Spike and his friends were asleep for seven years. He woke up and felt like a day or two has passed. Perhaps that's how the wish is tethered. It's by his age and how long he's been with the guild. I want to say he's been with them for a year and a couple of months. That is the same from the time I granted his wish. A year and a couple of months. Then again, I could be wrong. We will have to say how it transitions if I get the approvals necessary."

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