• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Fairy Tail vs Tartaros: Part 8

Midnight Sparkle kicks Erza's lifeless body away. She stares down at Spike. "Are you ready to go home?" Midnight Sparkle calmly asks.

"I am home, you psycho!" Spike retorts.

"Don't you care about Equestria? The destruction they're facing due to your absence? Your friends in Equestria could be dying."

"That's not my problem! I am home! You dishonored your word!" Spike refers to the agreement during the Grand Magic Games.

"Action speaks louder than words, Spike. I had a feeling you wouldn't come willingly. Perhaps another friend of yours must die due to your selfishness," Midnight Sparkle powers up.

"We won't let you take him!" Panther Lily transforms into his battle form. He's armed with his red music sword.

"I didn't know Exceeds had that capability. Drinking your blood and devouring your magic power will be delicious," Midnight Sparkle balls her fists, creating an aqua blue flare sword.

"I'm aware of the stories that you told me. About the land of Equestria and how pivotal Spike is to you; Now I know it's a selfish gain," Minerva powers up.

"You wanted to kill Spike and Erza. I performed the act of killing Erza, you traitor. Also, why side with Spike? Why side with Fairy Tail in this futile war?"

"I'm tired of allowing my hatred to be my guide. Starting right now, I'm allowing love and compassion to be my everlasting guide!"

"Wasting the two of you is child's play," Midnight Sparkle claims.

"Sky Dragon Crushing Fang!" Wendy punches Midnight Sparkle from behind. A terror of winds hurls Midnight Sparkle away from Spike. "Stay away from my boyfriend!" Wendy's clothing is tattered from her brawl against Ezel. Her hair is short while having some bruises on her body.

"Boyfriend?" Midnight Sparkle gets up. Wendy and Carla hear the voice of Midnight. They now know this is Twilight Sparkle. "So, Spike has a girlfriend. How cute."

Carla checks on Erza and feels her pulse. "You monster..," Carla doesn't feel anything. Erza is lifeless.

"Don't worry. You'll see your friends while I bring Spike back home with me," Midnight laughs.

"That won't happen!" Wendy remembers the times Spike would be by her side during the heap of trouble. She remembers meeting Spike for the first time and how her time with him made her stronger. Today, she's going to fight for Spike with all her heart. Wendy roars while powering up.

"Yes! Be an open target!" Midnight shoots aqua blue flames from the palms of her hands at Wendy. On impact, the aqua blue flames explode at a catastrophic level. Smoke covers the area where Wendy stood.

"Wendy!" Spike bursts into tears while Midnight expects to see Spike's girlfriend in ashes.

Smoke clears. Wendy gains pink eyes together with longer hair, now pink instead of blue, that curves and points upwards. Wendy also has white scales, similar to Grandeeney's, that spring out of her back and smaller ones on her hands and feet. Midnight glares at Wendy's transformation.

"You're supposed to be dead!" Midnight doesn't understand the powerful physique of a small child.

"Let me show you the power of what love brings!" Wendy flies after Midnight Sparkle and uppercuts her with immense force. She soars in the skies.

Midnight Sparkle gathers herself and sees Wendy flying at fast speeds. "Come, meet your demise!" Midnight Sparkle ignites her horn and shoots aqua blue energy stars at Wendy.

Wendy dodges each attack until Midnight slashes Wendy's side with her flame sword. The burning sensation from the slash leaves third-degree burns on Wendy. She screams horridly. Midnight grabs her throat and tosses her to the ground.

Midnight Sparkle raises her arms, generating an aqua blue energy bomb. She launches it at Wendy.

Wendy gets up. Her body aches from the impact. "Sky Dragon Rooooooooooar!" Wendy unleashes her Sky Dragon breath attack on Midnight's energy bomb.

"You think you can push it back to me? Newsflash for you. My magic is ineffective against me," She flies through her bomb. However, Minerva shoots a Territory Bomb at Midnight. It explodes on impact.

"Did that work?" Lector asks Minerva.

"Not quite," Minerva replies.

Midnight Sparkle is unfazed by the attack. Her horn ignites again but, instead of aqua blue, it's now crimson red. "Scatter Explosions!" Midnight shoots crimson red fireballs at Minerva and Wendy. The two dodge but notice it follows them.

"Sky Dragon Wing Attack!" Wendy unleashes swirling winds from her arms, destroying the crimson red fireballs in the process.

Minerva uses Erza's sword to deflect each fireball before it detonates. Midnight Sparkle grabs and shatters Erza's sword from Minerva and kicks her in the stomach. Minerva crashes into what remains of a wall. Midnight uses her horn to levitate the shattered metals of Erza's sword and ignite them.

"Sky Dragon Talon!" Wendy kicks Midnight Sparkle, and gushes of winds strike Midnight. She hurls away a bit which does Midnight Sparkle some good.

"Perfect," Midnight Sparkle smirks.

"Huh?" Wendy notices her mistake.

"Cyclone Tempest!" Midnight Sparkle sways her arms in a circular motion. Crimson red flare winds push Wendy back. "Go, scatter metal!" Midnight commands the shattered pieces of Erza's sword to pin Wendy to the wall.

"Wendy!" Spike doesn't have much magic power. He's weak and badly bruised.

"Sky Dragon!" Wendy is about to use her breath attack when Midnight uses her magic to create a sticky substance from her flares. She shoots it at Wendy's mouth, gagging her in the process.

"I can't have you, speaking," Midnight's hand glows a fusion of crimson red and aqua blue. Her magic power creates an energy sword.

"Stay away from her!" Spike demands. He hobbles over and conjures what remaining magic he has left.

Panther Lily charges at Midnight when she uses her energy sword to slash Panther Lily once. The force from the strike causes Panther Lily to drop his sword and revert to his Exceed form. He received a scar on his chest while barely breathing.

"Panther Lily!" Spike pants in fear.

"Don't worry. He won't be around for much longer," Midnight Sparkle turns to Wendy.

"I'll claw your eyes out!" Carla tries to scratch Midnight's eyes but, Midnight flicks her away with her fingers. Carla crashes into the ground hard. "She's.., too.., strong..."

Wendy struggles frantically, but the shards of Erza's sword hold her in place. She glares at Midnight Sparkle. Midnight Sparkle walks up to her.

"Stay away from her! I'm what you want! Spare Wendy! Let her go!" Midnight Sparkle turns to Spike.

"Her death will be quick and painless. I can't have any members of Fairy Tail interfering with my plans. I promise you, the best thing you can do for Wendy is have her forget all about you, Spike."

"Rage. I don't know what to do. I'm all out of options."

"Then, it's time."

"Wait! What are you doing?!"

"What needs to be done."

"Rage. Rage..? RAGE?!" Spike no longer feels Fairy Rage within his mind. He becomes worried.

Within Erza's mind.

"Hello, Erza."

"Fairy Rage?" Erza looks around and sees a long hallway sort of-speak with a shining light at the far end of the pathway. Behind her is another light, but it flashes different colors. Around Erza are orbs filled with memories. "What is this place?"

Fairy Rage appears in front of Erza. He looks exactly like Spike, but his spikes are orange while his scales are amethyst. His eyes are orange, while the Fairy Tail Emblem on his chest is black.

"From our previous adventure, we've entered the Astral Spirytus. This Erza, this is the Astral Plains."

"What are we doing here?" Erza asks, confused with the situation she and Rage are in.

"Well, there's no other simpler way of expressing the situation. You died."

"What?!" Erza's voice echos the Astral Plains. "How?! Who?!"

"Midnight Sparkle. She was hiding in plain sight, watching everything unfold. I didn't sense her presence. She must have used a spell that allows her to bypass my perception. She impaled your chest with her hand. It was ablaze in aqua blue flames."

"You're warning..," Erza realizes what Rage's warning was meant to be. Spike losing her to Midnight Sparkle. She falls to her knees. "If I'm dead.., why are you here? Why are you telling me this?"

"I'm here to inform you that you have another mission at hand."

"What mission?"

"To defeat Midnight Sparkle."

"How?" Erza grabs her hair in frustration. "I'm dead! There's nothing I can do! What about the others? Are they helping Spike defeat Midnight Sparkle?"

"Panther Lily is defeated. Minerva is taken out. Spike is unable to defend himself, and Wendy is about to die."

Erza gasps. She covers her mouth with the fear of Spike losing his girlfriend. "So, I'm supposed to go back to my body?"

"The light with multiple colors represents the physical world. The light at the end of this tunnel represents the afterlife. Normally, for anyone who dies, it's a straightforward path."

"Then why are there two entrances?" Erza asks.

"There are two souls in one vessel. The Grim Reaper only needs one soul. That is why I'm letting the Grim Reaper take me instead."

"No..," Erza grabs Fairy Rage's shoulders like looking at her brother's eyes. She tears up a bit.

"I've learned the power of resurrection through sacrifice. Something that Spike doesn't know."

"I won't let you sacrifice your life for mine!" Erza angrily shouts, knowing that Spike is losing a piece of himself.

"Spike will never forgive himself if I were to tell him that I have the power of resurrection and did nothing about it. He loves you so much like a sister. Midnight Sparkle is about to win and ruin Spike's life all over unless you step in and defeat her."

Erza sniffs, knowing this is a painful goodbye. She pulls Fairy Rage into a hug. "Thank.., you..."

Fairy Rage returns the hug. "When you return to your body, your health will be restored as well as your magic power."

"What will happen to Spike?" Erza asks.

"He'll be saddened that I'm gone but, he'll understand what I've done is the best thing a brother can do. Also, I left a gift for him."

"What kind of gift?"

"I cast a protection ring from mind manipulating matter. His memories will not be erased or affected by other magic users as long as there's love in his heart. Speaking of gifts, I have one for you." Fairy Rage open his claw. A Sparkling Orange Energy Ball floats.

"What is it?" Erza grabs it.

Fairy Rage smiles. "The power to defeat Midnight Sparkle. After the mess, when things are settled; Let Spike know what I did unless he figured it out."

"I will," Erza crushes the Sparkling Orange Energy Ball. The magic within engulfs Erza. She feels her magic power and strength multiplying.

Fairy Rage starts walking towards the light. "I bid you adieu, Erza."

A few seconds later.

Midnight Sparkle notices something peculiar about Spike judging by his sudden reaction. Spike grabs his head and pants. He no longer feels Fairy Rage within him. Not an ounce of his presence. Erza's body starts illuminating, then stands up. Midnight Sparkle smiles devilishly.

"Yes! He's taken the bait!" Midnight Sparkle proclaims.

"What are you talking about?" Carla asks.

"To kill Fairy Rage. I need him to take control of another body. I saw what he did with the Chairman, taking possession of his body to try and stop Face! Now I get to kill two for the price of one body!" Midnight Sparkle flies directly at Erza's body, hoping to kill Fairy Rage by decapitating the head.

"NO!" Wendy muffles and Spike shouts. Now knowing Midnight's true objective is to eradicate Spike's protection.

Erza catches Midnight's energy sword with her bare hand. Her body glows Sparkling Orange. "I will not have you harm any of my friends nor my brother again!" Erza declares. She kicks Midnight Sparkle away. Midnight Sparkle crashes into the wall; she has a bruise on her left cheek.

"Wait. That didn't sound like Fairy Rage. That sounded like-"

"Erza!" Carla, Happy, Lector, Frosch, and Spike shout in joy. Minerva gets up and sees Erza's body Sparkling Orange.

"What happened?" Minerva wants to know how Erza is still alive after confirming her death.

"That's Erza for you..," Mirajane smiles. "She never quits."

Erza powers up. "Requip!" Fairy Rage's gift is a new armor for Erza. An orange plated armor covers her chest, with a large metal Fairy Tail Emblem over it. She has two orange metal wings that shimmer fire. She wears a large orange billowing skirt that has a black metal plating in the upper area. Erza wears orange-black metallic knight boots. Her helmet is adorned with a dragon's facial features. Erza's weaponry consists of two flame swords. One for creating energy; the other, dispersing energy. "Fairy Rage Armor!"

"Fairy Rage Armor!" Midnight Sparkle is appalled. "What did you do, Fairy Rage?!"

"Fairy Rage Armor..?" "Rage, are you in there?" Spike doesn't hear anything from Fairy Rage.

"Spike. Get Wendy and our friends out of here!" Erza commands.

"So, it appears I'll have to kill you again," Midnight Sparkle gets up and powers up as well.

"The first time was by cowardness. This time, I will kill you!" Erza roars and flies after Midnight Sparkle.

Midnight Sparkle flies after Erza. The two collide with tremendous power. Midnight Sparkle and Erza have their sword fight in the skies. Spike hobbles to Wendy and uses his fire breath to teleport the shards away. Wendy fall and lands on her feet. She hugs Spike. As for the sticky substance, it wears off after Spike uses his fire breath to melt it.

"Thanks," Wendy hugs Spike.

"We'll kiss later, right now," Spike grabs Wendy's hand. "We have to get moving," Spike walks and picks up Panther Lily.

"Right," Wendy nods.

As Spike, Wendy, and Carla help get everyone away from the battle, Midnight Sparkle and Erza continue to clash.

"Tell me, did Fairy Rage die?" Midnight Sparkle smirks. She swings her energy sword at Erza.

Erza deflects Midnight's attack. "He sacrificed himself to bring me back! Now, I will slay you!"

"Erasing Spike's mind just got easier for me. The fool sacrificing himself has ruined Spike's mental protection!" Midnight Sparkle tries to flee, but Erza grabs her wings.

"You're not going anywhere near my brother!" Erza throws Midnight Sparkle to the ground. She swoops down and slashes Midnight Sparkle at rapid speeds.

Midnight Sparkle creates a bubble shield but notices one of Erza's swords dispersing her shield. "What?!" Midnight Sparkle flies back and shoots crimson red fireballs at Erza. Once again, one of Erza's swords disperses each fireball created by Midnight Sparkle. "How is this happening?!"

Erza teleports behind Midnight. "My brother's magic is Energy Maker Magic. The same applies for Fairy Rage!" Erza's dragon helmet grants her the ability to breathe raging fires at Midnight from behind. Midnight Sparkle screams in agony and crashes to the ground.

"She's stronger than before. Her sword is dispelling my curses before it can inflict damage. Fairy Rage Armor is too strong. I should have decapitated her instead of impaling her. Now, to resort into plan B."

"It's over."

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Midnight Sparkle holds her head. "I told you I'm in control! AAAAAAAAAAH!" Midnight Sparkle appears to lose control of herself.

Erza's eyes glow Sparkling Orange. "You deceiver!" Erza is irate and charges at Midnight Sparkle.

"Shit!" Midnight Sparkle was hoping to deceive Erza into believing she's possessed.

"This ends now!" Erza declares.

Midnight Sparkle claps her hands to create an energy dagger. Midnight Sparkle tries using Erza's momentum against her but, Erza grabs Midnight's face, slams her to the ground, and drags her roughly. Erza lets go of Midnight Sparkle.

"You.., haven't.., won..," Midnight gets up and shows signs of fatigue.

"It's over." Erza's glare scares Midnight Sparkle. She begins to sweat.

"I have one last trick up my sleeve, bitch." "Blind and despair!" Midnight Sparkle conjures dark, thick clouds from her hands and a blinding light from her horn. The dark, thick clouds are lased with tear gas lacrima. Midnight Sparkle flees while Erza coughs a bit from the sudden outburst while her eyes hurt her from the blinding light.

"She's after Spike!" Erza flies out of the dark thick clouds. Using her sense of hearing and sense Midnight's curses. She follows in hot pursuit.

Spike, Wendy, Mirajane, Minerva, Panther Lily, Happy, Carla, Lector, and Frosch are hiding in a different room from the battlefield. Wendy is using her magic to heal everyone with her remaining magic. Everyone recovers while Spike catches Wendy from collapsing.

"Thanks for catching me, Spike," Wendy said.

"Thanks for saving my behind back there," Spike smiles.

"Any ideas of bringing Twilight back to her dimension?" Panther Lily asks.

"There's one way," Spike uses his fire breath to spawn a magic card Discord gave him. "With this card."

"What does it do, Spike?" Carla asks.

"Discord gave this card to me an hour before going into the dragon catacombs. I breathe into this card, and I can open a portal to Equestria."

"So, you use that card to lure Twilight into a trap, and she goes back home?" Happy asks.

"That's the plan unless Erza already killed Midnight Sparkle."

"SPIKE!" Midnight Sparkle is tracking Spike's magic power. She takes out her artifact Mard Geer created for a one-way ticket to Equestria.

"SPARKLE!" Erza is catching up to Midnight. Her rage for Midnight increases her flight speed.

Spike takes a deep breath and runs away from his friends. He's out in the open. Midnight Sparkle is getting closer. She believes Spike is offering himself to Midnight to spare his friends.

"It's time to go home!" Midnight smirks.

"Yes, it is," Spike breathes into the card. He creates a magic portal. Midnight Sparkle gasps, eyes widen in horror. "For you, that is."

Midnight Sparkle tries to alter her flight speed so she'll avoid the magic portal. Spike tucks and rolls out of the way. Midnight Sparkle grabs onto the edges of the magic portal.

"NO! YOU HAD A PORTAL TO EQUESTRIA THIS WHOLE TIME!?" Midnight Sparkle feels the portal pulling her in. She's livid that Spike could have easily visited Equestria whenever he felt like it.

"I did. Now, you can go without me," Spike flips the bird.

Erza roars and kicks Midnight's head. Midnight loses grip as the portal shuts.

"Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Midnight Sparkle shouts while being pulled back to Equestria.

Erza takes several deep breathes. It's over for Spike. The fear of Twilight is gone for good. Erza's Fairy Rage Armor dissolves.

"Spike," Erza turns to Spike. Spike hugs Erza and cries a bit. Erza hugs and soothes him. "I'm not going anywhere, Spike. Big sister is always here for you."

"Fairy Rage's warning.., came to pass. He said.., I'll lose something close to me. I lost you..," Spike holds onto Erza.

"Erza," Happy and the others approach her and Spike. "How are you alive?"

"We saw Midnight Sparkle kill you from behind," Lector said.

"I don't get it. That attack should have left you for dead," Mirajane is puzzled by Erza's durability.

"Spike," Erza rubs his head.

"Yes, Sis?" Spike sniffs.

Erza frowns. "Fairy Rage sacrificed himself to resurrect me."

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!" Everyone shout in shock.

"He figured out a way to bring me back to life. His soul entered my body. I met him in the Astral Plains. Two souls in one vessel don't work with the Grim Reaper. He chose to take my place, allowing me to have a second chance in life."

Spike's jaw drops. He's glad that Erza is alive but saddened that it cost a piece of him. "I rather lose a piece of myself than fall into the pathway of Spike Knightwalker."

"What do we do now, guys?" Happy asks.

All of a sudden, everyone starts losing their magic power. The world starts losing magic power due to the Ethernano of Face. Cities going dark, chaos running amuck, people are panicking while many wizards around feel weak and collapse.

"Guys, I sense Grandeeney," Wendy said.

"You can?" Carla asks Wendy in shock.

"If she can sense her dragon. Then Sting, Rogue, and Gajeel's dragons are out there," Spike theorizes.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Franmalth still in his mushroom form flees. "The Faces are being destroyed! Tartaros Failed! TARTAROS FAILED!"

"Then that means. We get to keep our magic!" Frosch shouts in excitement.

"Yea!" Lector celebrates with Frosch. "We get to live with our magic intact!"

"DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Natsu's cries are heard throughout the area.

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