• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Krystina Larva

Krystina Larva is holding herself together due to starvation. The Unity Seven and Dazzlings arrive. They see Krystina Larva sitting at the corner, holding herself.

"Hey, are you alright?" Sonata asks Krystina.

"No. I didn't get to eat again. My emotions got the better of me," Krystina holds her stomach. Her hunger pains are making her feel weaker. "I'm starving."

"Oh, this is not good," Ocellus becomes worried about Krystina Larva.

"I have an apple I saved during lunch," Silverstream gives Krystina Larva the apple.

"I don't get much nutrition eating an apple. It can calm my nerves. I have to eat it and show that I am one of them." Krystina eats the apple to show appreciation. She slowly chews on the apple. It tastes foul for her but, she needs to calm herself. "Thank you..."

Trixie and Starlight Glimmer walk into the room; they notice Krystina Larva looking ill. They see everyone else trying their best to help Krystina Larva.

"Krystina?" Trixie trots up to Krystina. "Are you feeling alright?"

Krystina Larva shakes her head. "I'm not feeling well, Professor Trixie."

Starlight Glimmer feels bad for Krystina. It appears her first day isn't going well. She trots up to Krystina.

"Krystina, do you wish to continue your first day?" Starlight asks.

Krystina looks at Starlight. "I'm sorry.., the way I'm feeling right now.., I don't think I can continue.., I'm sorry.., I'm a failure..," She sniffs.

"No. You're not a failure. Today happens to be one of those days in life where it gets the better of you. Why don't you take the rest of the day to recompose yourself."

"Really?" "Yes! Just the thing I need to replenish myself."

"Yes," Starlight turns to Ocellus. "Ocellus, mind taking Krystina Larva to her room at the dorm?"

"Yes, Headmare Glimmer," Ocellus nods respectively. "Let's go, Krystina."

"One more thing, Ocellus," Starlight addresses.

"Yes, Headmare Glimmer?" Ocellus turns to her.

"Help comfort Krystina. As a shy creature like yourself before, expanding to others, perhaps you can give her some advice. Trixie and Sunburst will give you two some extra work later in the week to catch up."

"Alright, Headmare Glimmer. I'll try and do my best."

Krystina gets up and follows Ocellus. As she trots, she observes other changelings having fun and sharing the love of friendship. Seeing ponies associating with changelings made her gag mentally. A few minutes later, Krystina Larva sees how close the dorm is to the school.

"Quick question, do you know what room number you have?" Ocellus asks Krystina Larva.

"Oh.., uh..," Krystina Larva takes out her room number and gives it to Ocellus.

"Room 310. Okay, follow me," Ocellus leads the way.

Krystina Larva follows her and sees no one in the dorm. Just her and Ocellus. Krystina's stomach pains continue to bother her as she trots. Ocellus and Krystina climb three floors to the room. The door is open. It appears that no one else has claimed the room, meaning that Krystina has a room to herself. Krystina steps inside.

"Thank you for bringing me here," Krystina shyly thanks.

Ocellus closes the door and turns to Krystina. Her demeanor changes which bother Krystina. She's unsure as to why Ocellus looks more serious than her kindful nature.

"I know who you are," Ocellus seriously and calmly states.

"Wh-What do you mean by that..?" Krystina steps back a bit and sweats.

"I am a Changeling, and I remember the tactics I once used for my hunts. Feeding the love out of ponies and other creatures to get my fill."

Krystina bites her lips. She didn't think about being caught red-handed like this. Her stomach growls achingly, and her breathing is becoming a bit unstable. She longs for her fill.

Ocellus takes a deep breath. "I won't tell anyone. I ask of you to reveal yourself. I promise I'll get your fill."

Krystina Larva closes her eyes and uses her magic; she dissolves her disguise and sits on the floor. Ocellus knew it but wished it was someone else.

"Oh.., how it pains me to see myself at the mercy of another Changeling," Queen Chrysalis said. Her hunger pains continue to get the better of her. She hadn't had her fill in months due to every species united as one; Protecting and engaging with each other.

"What were your intentions of infiltrating the school?" Ocellus asks.

"Why would I tell you that?" Queen Chrysalis spits on the floor in spite.

"You're weak, hungry, and will be surrounded by more species within two hours. May I remind you that Discord will sense your magic energy the moment you decide to go hostile on me?"

Queen Chrysalis groans. She put herself in a bad situation. "Fine.., I'll tell you... After hearing rumors that friendship nearly turned into a weapon, I thought about completing that task and used it against Starlight Glimmer and everyone that betrayed me."

Ocellus sadly sighs. "Queen Chrysalis. You won't be winning that battle. There is no point in fighting where every creature is united. I understand your frustrations. How the hive changed except for you."

"Stop pitying me!" Queen Chrysalis angrily shouts.

"You're alone. It's a fate worse than death."

"Stop!" Queen Chrysalis looks away from Ocellus.

"You don't have to be alone anymore."

"The hive is gone. I'm all that's left..," Queen Chrysalis takes a deep breath. "My family changed.., they don't need me anymore..," Queen Chrysalis doesn't sound like herself. She's genuinely sad.

Ocellus trots up to Queen Chrysalis and sits beside her. "You're wrong. You're still a Changeling. You're still part of the hive. Our family," Ocellus is calm and nurturing.

"What then? Solitary confinement in Tartarus until my release day? House arrest in the hive under a cage?" Queen Chrysalis is coming up with punishment theories.

"No," Ocellus shakes her head. "Sometimes in life, there are those hurting for so long, they need a second chance in life. A clean slate to start over."

"You're suggesting that I start over? Turn a new leaf?" Queen Chrysalis turns her subject, Ocellus. She has a lot running in her mind. The life choices and consequences that follow.

"Yes," Ocellus nods. "You remember Spike, right?"

Queen Chrysalis rolls her eyes. "The little slave that worked for Princess Twilight Sparkle."

"You're right about that. Spike was a slave to Twilight Sparkle. He ran and found something new in his life. He turned a new leaf and started prospering. Have you heard of the Dazzlings?"

"Yes, I've seen them in our class. What about the Dazzlings?"

"Well, they were Sirens that laid waste upon Equestria, and this other world Sunset Shimmer ran. They came back as new creatures, turned a new leaf, and now prospering."

Queen Chrysalis sadly sighs. "Where would I fit in if I were to come back to the hive? They have their King."

"A young King still inexperienced while you have plenty of it. Things do change for the better. The question is, are you willing to change for the better or continue in a restless attempt that'll lead to your demise?"

Queen Chrysalis takes it to heart and thinks about it. A few minutes go by in silence. Ocellus sees a tear stream on Queen Chrysalis' face. She's suffering from loneliness since the hive changed over a year ago. Her quest for vengeance has taken a toll on her body. Queen Chrysalis lets out a sigh of defeat.

"I don't wish to be alone. All I wanted was my subjects to be happy and fed. My anger drove me to great lengths. My hunger pushed aside other alternatives. My plans for sustainable food crumbled due to friendship. For many years, I allowed myself to go astray. While I was getting weaker by the days, the hive continued to grow strong," Queen Chrysalis looks down. "They would want me gone. Those I sworn vengeance and the hive would prefer to exile me. What's the point?"

"I don't want you gone nor exiled. I believe there's a new you ready to blossom when given the opportunity. I can vouch for you. I'm sure Starlight Glimmer would welcome you with open hooves. Discord, Starlight, Trixie, the Dazzlings, even Neighsay have done something horrid and were allowed to become anew. The same right shall be upon you."

"Y-You think so..?" Queen Chrysalis feels worried that it'll backfire.

"There are some that are willing to change or some that'll continue to go downhill regardless of consequences. Princess Twilight Sparkle is going downhill on her relentless hunt for Spike. She changed for the worse ever since Spike left her over a year ago. Instead of letting him go and allowing herself to heal, she is chasing after him for her needs. Her actions are her demise. You want your actions to lead to your demise?"

"No. I'm tired, hungry.., and lonely. I can't keep living like this anymore..," Queen Chrysalis falls to the floor. Her stomach pains are aching badly. "Not again..," Queen Chrysalis holds herself while her body twitches.

"Here," Ocellus releases the love she has for Queen Chrysalis to feed. She watches Queen Chrysalis enjoying her fill for the first time in months. She catches her breath after eating Ocellus' love.

"Thank you," Queen Chrysalis sounds gracious.

"You're welcome. I'm happy to help my family when I can," Ocellus smiles.

Queen Chrysalis wants to smile. However, the fear of being rejected is getting the better of her, preventing her from smiling. She sighs and stands on all fours. She uses her magic to disguise herself as Krystina Larva.

"I'm not ready to reveal myself to everyone yet. I need a proper way of doing so. Any suggestions?" Queen Chrysalis asks.

Ocellus puts some thought into it; she trots around in circles a bit. After a few minutes, an idea comes to her. "I got it."

"What are you planning?"

"A meeting later tonight with the Bar of Alliance, at the Castle of Friendship. Stay here in the room until I come back. I'll let everyone know that you want to take a nap. Saying that it'll help you feel better."

"Will it work?" Queen Chrysalis still has doubts about the meeting.

"I know it'll work. Believe me. Family sticks together," Ocellus smiles.

"Okay, I'll believe in you to make it work."

Ocellus nods and leaves the room. Queen Chrysalis gets on a bunk bed and lays down. She's worried about things failing due to her vendettas in the past. "I hope I didn't sign my death warrant."

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