• Published 7th Jan 2021
  • 11,355 Views, 7,094 Comments

Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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An Interesting Day

Spike wakes up earlier in the morning. He writes a note and leaves it on the desk in Wendy's room. He uses his magic to teleport back to the apartment.

It's 7:15 in the morning. Spike arrives in the apartment and sees Lucy sleeping on her bed, Natsu and Happy sleeping on his bed with a weird-looking egg. The window that's broken is taped up with cardboard.

"Where did that egg come from?"

"No clue. I bet it fell from the sky as you did when you first came to Earth Land. Crashing into Natsu's face like a magnet."

"That's more than likely with Natsu's timing. Oh well." Spike shrugs. "I'm going to make breakfast for them."

Spike is in the kitchen making bacon, eggs, and grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato sauce. The aroma coming from the kitchen causes Lucy, Natsu, and Happy to wake up.

"Man, something smells awesome," Natsu yawns, his mouth starting to water.

"Aye," Happy licks his lips.

"Oh wow, that smells good," Lucy frantically wakes up, realizing she's not the one cooking breakfast.

"Morning, Lucy, Natsu, and Happy," Spike waves from the kitchen.

"Spike! You came home!" Lucy runs up to Spike and hugs him.

"Sorry for the scare, Lucy. I spent the night with Wendy."

"So, do you know what happened to our window?"

"Yea, it was an awkward situation. Get yourself freshen up, and I'll tell you while serving breakfast."

"Hey, Spike! Man, have I ever told you that you're cooking is delicious?" Natsu laughs while sitting by the table.

"Not enough," Spike chuckles.

"So, why did you fly out the window yesterday?" Happy asks.

"I'll tell you about the story in a jiffy. I still need to make sure the grilled cheese sandwiches come out steaming hot," Natsu and Happy lick their lips, waiting to taste pure perfection. "So, what's with the egg?"

"It fell out of the sky and hit Natsu in the face. Spike, I swear, Natsu's face is a magnet."

"Hahaha, very funny, Happy," Natsu sarcastically said.

"So, I want to say that the egg could be another Exceed or some creature abandoned by its mother. So after breakfast, Happy and I will take care of the baby."

"Uh-huh," Happy nods. "I can't wait to be an older brother."

"Well, hope all goes well for the two of you," Spike pours tomato sauce into four small bowls. He puts a serving of bacon and eggs with two grilled cheese sandwiches on each plate.

Lucy comes out of her bathroom to see Spike putting plates on the table. Natsu and Happy are devouring their plates. Lucy goes to the fridge to grab orange juice for her friends. She pours a good serving into each cup to give.

"Thank you, Lucy," Spike, Natsu, and Happy said in unison.

"You're welcome. Thank you for cooking breakfast, Spike."

"You're welcome," Spike smiles.

Spike tells his friends about the date he and Wendy had yesterday. The trio is in shock about Carla's ongoing spying routine. Natsu, Happy, and Lucy admit to Spike about their spying but only at the diner. Spike sighs a bit but lets it pass cause they didn't cause awkward scenery. Spike tells Lucy that Carla will be paying for the broken window.

Lucy, Natsu, and Happy tell Spike about their job after taking some transformation magic lessons from Mirajane and a corny fight scene displayed in town by Fairy Woman and two other bozos from the guild. Their job was to collect scales from a lizardman when a shadow cast hovers in the skies and drops an egg on Natsu's face.

"So, that's how you got the egg."

"Yea," Natsu grabs the egg. "Thanks for breakfast," Natsu jumps through the cardboard box window.

"Are you freaking kidding me?! That window is broken, you idiot!" Lucy is irate at the fact Natsu forgot about the broken window. Happy flies out through the broken window, catching up with Natsu. "Why do I even bother?" Lucy sighs.

Spike finishes his plate and starts putting the dishes in the sink. Lucy helps Spike wash and put the dishes away. The two hear a knock on the door. Spike answers the door to see Carla and Wendy.

"Hey, Wendy, Carla," Spike said.

"Hey, Spike," Wendy hugs Spike and kisses his cheek.

Carla walks inside. "Here, Lucy. I explained to the Landlady that I broke the window yesterday. She told me the cost is 20,000 Jewels, so here you go," Carla gives Lucy 20,000 Jewels.

"Thank you, Carla. I can buy a replacement window now. Hey, Spike, want to go window shopping with me?"

"I'm good, Lucy. I'm going to stay and catch up on my reading. There are spells I want, and I know there is some that Fairy Rage wants to master."

"Alright, then," Lucy grabs her purse and leaves the apartment.

"So, after you're done studying, what are you planning, Spike?" Wendy asks.

"Don't know. I don't feel like working today. I feel the need to hone my magic a bit more."

"You should do the same, Wendy. Instead of lollygagging, you should hone your skills," Carla said.

"Hmm, how about you and I train together, Spike."

"Sure, Wendy. Let me grab some magic books, and we'll train together."

"Sweet," Wendy smiles.

Spike grabs his backpack and stores a few magic books. He, Wendy, and Carla leave the apartment. The trio runs into Erza and Mirajane while they are bringing supplies to the guildhall.

"Hey, you three," Mirajane smiles.

"Where are you three running off to?" Erza asks.

"Spike and Wendy are off to do some training today," Carla answers Erza's question.

"You know, I haven't got the opportunity to spar with Spike. How is he during your sparring sessions, Erza?"

"He's tough. You want to improve any strengths that you may lack, spar with Spike. He will push your limits."

"A Satan Soul versus Fairy Demon Dragon?" Wendy imagines the horrific clash the two can have in an apocalyptic setting.

"I don't think eating Mirajane's Satan Soul magic would trigger my Fairy Demon transformation."

"Well, that's an interesting thought," Erza imagines what the battle would be. Satan Soul and Fairy Demon Dragon, fighting over braggings rights as demonic ruler of the underworld.

"Do you want to spar with me, Mirajane?" Spike wonders if she does want to.

"Well," Mirajane remembers the brawl Spike had with Jura during the first day of the Grand Magic Games. Spike's tenacity and technicality in battle are more than enough to persuade her to say yes. "I do. Just not at the moment. I have a ton to do at the guildhall, and Master Makarov needs my assistance."

"Fair enough. Perhaps another day we'll get the chance to spar."

"I'll look forward to it," Mirajane smiles. She walks to the guildhall.

"Have fun with your training, you two," Erza follows Mirajane to the guildhall.

"To the East Forest where we camped months ago," Spike suggests.

"Sounds good. Hey, mind waiting a bit. I need to grab the book Grandeeny gave me," Wendy asks.

"Sure. I can teleport you two to your room, and I'll meet you outside the dorm."

"Thanks, Spike," Wendy graciously said.

Spike uses his fire breath to teleport Carla and Wendy to their room at the girls' dorm. Spike uses his fire breath to teleport outside of the dorm and waits. After a few minutes, Wendy and Carla come outside.

"Thanks for waiting, Spike. I have to say your teleportation spell is a gift," Carla said.

"It's a perk I'm glad I can use more often than to send mail."

"Let's get moving," Wendy holds Spike's claw.

The two walk together into town with Carla. They are taking a different route that'll lead to the East Forest. Half an hour later, the trio arrives and sees Sherria fishing by their camping spot next to the river.

"Hey, Sherria!" Wendy runs up to her.

"Wendy!" Sherria runs to Wendy and hugs her. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to train with Spike. What are you doing here?"

"I'm doing my own training. The Old Hag is having a senior moment at the guildhall, and I didn't want to be bothered. When she throws a fit, everyone gets spun. I'm one of the few that didn't get spun, so I'll be here for a few days."

"Does it take that long for your Guild's Master to calm down?"

"Depending on the Old Hag, it can take a week or two. I'm going to be out here for a little while. I've done this with Sherry when we were younger, so I'm used to being out here in the wilderness."

"Well, you won't be out here alone. I have an idea, how about you train with us, and Spike, Carla, and I will camp with you. So you won't be alone."

"That sounds great, but I don't have enough room in my tent," Sherria points to her small tent.

"I'm on it," Spike uses his fire breath to teleports to the apartment.

"Spike's tent could fit all four of us," Wendy said.

"It can?" Sherria questions the size of the tent.

"Mmhmm," Wendy nods.

"Also, you didn't pitch your tent properly," Carla observes the tent's condition. "And, it's falling apart."

"Well, it's not the greatest tent in the world, but I manage," On cue, a Forest Vulcan shows up and tears the tent apart for having the scent of strawberries. "Hey! You destroyed my tent! I sleep in there!"

"Where are those strawberries?" The Vulcan said. He sees Sherria and Wendy. "Oh! Luck struck big time! I get to have strawberries and the ladies?" The Forest Vulcan gets excited.

"Sky Dragon Rooooooooar!" Wendy unleashes her Sky Dragon breath attack.

"Sky God Belloooooooow!" Sherria unleashes her Sky God breath attack.

The breath attacks form in a unison raid to blow the Forest Vulcan away; however, the breath attack also sends a swarm of Forest Vulcans far away. Sherria walks up to her destroyed tent and finds that her backpack containing junk food and clothes is all that's left.

"I guess I'll have to bunk with you and Spike," Sherria turns to Wendy.

"It's not so bad," Wendy reassuringly says to comfort Sherria.

"Yea. I could be spinning for hours by the Old Hag."

Spike returns with Traveler's Prime tent and a few essentials for him, Carla, and Wendy. "Uh, what happened while I was away?"

"Perverted apes came and wrecked my tent. I had strawberry jam and soda in the tent, and they wanted it. Mind if I bunk in your tent, Spike?"

"Sure, Sherria. My tent can fit up to five people. There's plenty of space for you. I need to set it up first."

"Thank you, Spike," Sherria hugs Spike in thankfulness.

"You're welcome," Spike starts pitching the tent while Sherria and Wendy decide to set up the bond fire to cook later.

Jura comes looking for Sherria. He remembers the stories about a good camping spot in the East Forest. He sees Spike pitching the tent while Sherria and Wendy are making the bond fire.

"There you are, Sherria," Jura approaches them.

"Hey, Jura. I guess the Old Hag has calmed down?" Sherria asks.

"Indeed. I've come to inform you that it's safe to return. Greetings Wendy, Carla, and Spike. Nice to see you once more."

"Hey, Jura," Spike waves while pitching the tent.

"Hi, Jura," Wendy looks at him.

"I'm going to stay here for a few more days, Jura."

"I can see why, Sherria. Nice open fields, a river to fish, and camping with good friends. I presume you're going to be training as well?"

"Yes, Jura," Sherria humbly nods.

"Well, the Old Hag's instruction was to return with you, so that means I'll be camping as well," Jura uses his iron rock magic to create an iron rock shelter.

"This is cool," Spike gets excited.

"Fairy Dragon. I do want to spar with you. Perhaps, we can have our rematch," Jura smirks.

"I did promise you a rematch during the Grand Magic Games. I still have to honor my commitment."

"I bet the others would be pissed to miss out on this rematch," Sherria whispers to Wendy's ear.

"Definitely. I didn't see the two battling each other, but I figure it must be climatic since the fight is proven to be the best in all of Grand Magic Games history. Sorcerer Weekly did an issue on the best Grand Magic Games matches, and theirs are number one on the list," Wendy whispers in Sherria's ear.

Spike finishes pitching Traveler's Prime. Sherria put her belongings inside.

"Wow, Spike. The interior looks roomy," Sherria puts her sleeping back on the far left.

"Thanks," Spike turns to Jura. "My tent can fit up to five people. Are you going to be fine under a rock house?"

"Don't worry about me, Fairy Dragon. I'll be fine."

"Alright, Jura," Spike turns to see Wendy and Carla.

"Mind teleporting us back to the dorm so we can pack some clothing and snacks?" Wendy nervously chuckles a bit.

"Sure. However, the two of you are flying back here."

"Sounds fair," Wendy said.

"Agreed. There could be something else Wendy and I may bring," Carla said.

Spike uses his fire breath to teleport Wendy and Carla back to the girls' dorm. "Alright, I'll say in two hours they'll be back."

"In the meantime, let's do a sparring session," Jura suggests.

"Sure," Spike and Sherria said in unison.

"Go all out!" Jura commands.

Jura, Spike, and Sherria battle each other during the sparring. Sherria took it more personally with Spike considering he's the one that defeated Lamia Scale during the Grand Magic Games. Jura and Spike engage in close-quarter combat. Spike still has ways to go in terms of physical strength.

After an hour of training, Wendy and Carla return with supplies and clothing for the next few days. They see Spike, Sherria, and Jura lying on the ground with some bruises, laughing for having a good workout session.

"Hey, what did we miss?" Wendy asks Sherria.

"An intense training session. Spike, Jura, and I went all out in a close-quarters situation."

"You still need to work on your physical strength, Fairy Dragon. I do give you props for using your opponent's strength as leverage."

"Thanks, Jura. Magic-wise, I can hold my own against the two of you; strength-wise, I need to lift mountains to reach new heights."

"Wendy, we should train later today," Sherria said.

"Sure. But first, there are other spells I want to study first," Wendy grabs her book of spells.

"You and me both." Fairy Rage takes control and spawns a magic book from the tent.

"So, when you take over Fairy Rage. What does Spike do?" Jura asks; he always wanted to know what happens when Spike isn't in control.

"Spike goes into a deep sleep or watches what I'm reading. There are spells I want to add to my power mentally. One which I can restore a Wizard's power it's too low or if a Wizard loses magic power for good. Perhaps restoring a trait of a wizard that was lost."

"Interesting, Fairy Rage. One more question. Do you wish to have a body of your own?" Jura asks.

"Not really. I'm still an aspect of Spike with my own soul. I'm comfortable with how things are and will be."

"I respect that. It's an honor to have you as an ally."

"Likewise, Jura."

Spike, Wendy, Carla, Sherria, and Jura camped in the East Forest for a few days. They went through intense training physically and magically. Sherria and Jura go their separate ways after thanking Spike and Wendy for their assistance during training. Spike and Fairy Rage have learned different spells. Wendy mastered a few during the time.

Spike, Wendy, and Carla go to the guildhall to see Natsu, Gray, Erza, Lucy, and a strange but cute little critter in Natsu's arms. The critter has black fur, large round black eyes encased in a green-colored shape like a heart.

"Hey, Spike. Had fun camping?" Lucy asks.

"You guys went camping!? Since when?" Gray asks.

"A few days ago. Interestingly enough, Wendy and Spike not only camped, but we also trained with Sherria and Jura."

"Whoa, that must have been intense," Lucy said in awe.

"Anyway," Natsu but in. "Let me introduce you to Kemokemo!" Natsu shows Kemokemo to Spike, Wendy, and Carla.

"Wow, so that's what in the egg days ago," Spike gently pokes Kemokemo. He makes a cute murmuring sound. "He's cute."

"He sure is, Spike!" Natsu hugs Kemokemo.

"I guess this means we're going to have one more mouth to feed," Happy said; he's eating his plate of fish.

"We should be careful with it; this mystery pet smells nothing but trouble," Gray said.

"Oh, come on, it looks too fluffy to cause much damage," Wendy said, watching Natsu playing with Kemokemo.

"That puff can grow into a vicious beast for all we know," Carla said, analyzing the creature from the table.

"You think so?" Wendy turns to Carla.

"It can do anything. We're playing with fire here. The responsible choice is to take it to the woods and leave it there," Gray said.

"If it grows, I'm sure I can manage," Spike said.

"Says the doofus that couldn't take a mole," Gray painfully reminds Spike of the gigantic mole he had problems with.

"Why you," Erza irately grabs Gray's head and slams it on the table. "Don't mock my brother like that!"

"Sorry, Ma'am," Gray remembers not to disrespect Spike in front of Erza.

"So, Erza. What should we do with Kemokemo?" Lucy asks.

Erza's demeanor changes within an instant when Kemokemo's name comes up. "Get a stick and play fetch," Erza wants to play with Kemokemo.

"That's not what I meant, but thanks anyway," Lucy groans a bit.

"Is this a Wizard's guild or a pet shop? I forget," Master Makarov gazes at Natsu and his pet.

"Like I bring a pet in here. This guy's kin," Natsu proclaims.

"When it has an accident, it should not be on the floor of this hall. Besides, that dog grows too quickly," Master Makarov sees Kemokemo increasing in size. Moments ago, it was smaller.

"Yea, he's right!" Lucy sees Kemokemo. "He grew like two inches."

Gray, Erza, Wendy, and Spike get closer to Natsu to see Kemokemo. They are in shock to see how fast Kemokemo is growing already.

"Kemokemo is not a pet. If he makes a mess, I'll clean it!"

"If I ever see you clean up after yourself, I'll believe you," Master Makarov doubts that Natsu will clean up after Kemokemo. "Keep it if you must but not in here."

Kemokemo gets upset and shoots fire from his mouth, scorching Master Makarov. "Kemokemo, you can breathe fire!" Natsu is delighted to see Kemokemo do such a thing.

"That's no dog, it's a hellhound. We should shoot it!" Master Makarov is fumming.

"I don't care about what mean stuff you say about Kemokemo; I'm going to keep him. You don't ditch family."

A frogman that represents the Magic Council enters the guildhall. He explains the Wizard Exchange Program. Each member that made it to the Grand Magic Games will send wizards to work with each other's guild. The goal is to prosper cooperation and sharing knowledge among each other. The representative tells Makarov that he can choose up to five wizards. Natsu volunteers to go as an exchange wizard. Happy decides to go, then Lucy, Erza, and Gray. The representative asks Makarov to allow Spike the Fairy to participate in the program. The Magic Council needs to take account for the next generation of dragons among the guilds with him being around. Master Makarov allows Spike to partake in the program.

Three hours later. Spike, Erza, Lucy, Natsu, Happy, Gray, and Kemokemo arrives at the Blue Pegasus Guild. Throughout the trip, Kemokemo increases his size. He now looks like pillow plush.

"Welcome friends, it's been too long. Maaan," Ichiya poses with Jenny and the Trimen, greeting Spike, Erza, Lucy, Natsu, Happy, Gray, and Kemokemo.

"Uh, thank you for having us," Erza feels uncomfortable being this close to Ichiya.

"I smelled you coming for miles, Erza. Having once intertwined your parfume with my own, I'm tuned into your scent. Best sniff I ever had."

Lucy and Erza are creeped out by Ichiya's antics. The Trimen starts flirting with them until Spike punches the trio in the face.

"Dude, this isn't a hookup date. We're here for the Wizard Exchange Program!" Spike reminds the Trimen of the reasoning for coming to the guild in the first place.

"My beautiful face hurts!" Hibiki rubs his face while remembering the punch Spike delivered seven years ago.

"Dude, you hit my handsome face!" Eve now has a black eye.

"I'm going to lay on the smackdown with you!" Ren wants a piece of Spike. Hibiki and Eve hold him back.

"Hibiki told me I can do that when you guys step out of line," Spike said in his defense.

"You did?" Ren and Eve turn to Hibiki angrily.

"I did say that. I thought Spike would forget by now," Hibiki admits with a nervous chuckle, remembering the time he said it to Spike during the Nirvana crisis.

"Thank you for remembering, Spike!" Lucy said in relief.

"Forgive my Trimen and me when we step out of line. However, I'm going to have to ask you to refrain from striking us. You're here to work with us. Strike us, and I'll have to ask you to leave," Ichiya respectfully said to Spike.

"Don't step out of line, and I'll hold my punches," Spike calmly replies.

"Very well," Ichiya sees Kemokemo.

"This is Kemokemo," Natsu introduces Kemokemo to Ichiya. "Have you seen someone like him?"

"No. Sniff sniff," Ichiya smells Kemokemo. "His parfume is unlike any beast I smelled."

"Thanks, man. I washed him earlier today."

"I know. As long as he doesn't bite our patrons, he can stay. Alright, show them to the dressing room."

"Do I have to wear clothes?" Spike asks Ichiya.

"While in our guild as exchange wizards, you must comply with our regulations. So, do please dress appropriately."

Spike sighs. He follows Natsu and Gray to the men's dressing room. Jenny of Blue Pegasus takes Erza and Lucy to the women's dressing room. Ten minutes later, everyone comes out dressing stunningly except for Spike.

"Hey! Why aren't you dressed!?" Ichiya angrily points at Spike. Spike's eyes are orange when he grabs Ichiya's hand, breaking his fingers. "OOOOW! OW OW OW OW OW OW!"

"Hey, that isn't cool!" Eve said, watching Spike let go of Ichiya's hand.

"You're clothing is uncomfortable, no holes for my spikes, wings, and tail. I'll wait outside for a while," Spike leaves the guildhall, knowing he is unable to comply with the rules for the Blue Pegasus Guild.

"Poor guy," Lucy feels bad for Spike.

"You guys should take account for dragon clothing since there'll be a generation of his kind," Happy said.

"Point taken," Ichiya breathes his pain-killing parfume. "Now that everyone else is dressed; let's see what you can do. Your job is to go mingle with our guests. Entertain them a bit and make them feel right at home."

"As long as they don't touch me," Lucy said.

Spike is sitting outside waiting, hoping that there may be another task the Blue Pegasus Guild can offer him during the exchange program. Less than half an hour, Spike hears screams, then a loud crash.

"What was that?"

"I guessing Natsu used his fire breath and scorched whoever pissed him off."

"Yea, I'm going to go with that."

Spike sees Natsu, Kemokemo, Happy, Lucy, Erza, and Gray leaving the guildhall. They tell Spike that they got kicked out due to Kemokemo using a fire breath on the Blue Pegasus Guild.

"Huh, I was close with my prediction. It was Kemokemo that breathe fire. That's interesting. So, where to?"

"Lamia Scale isn't far from here. We're heading there now," Erza said.

"How are you feeling, Spike?" Lucy asks.

"I'm okay. I am glad that we're leaving the Blue Pegasus Guildhall. Hopefully, things will go smoother in Lamia Scale."

An hour later, Natsu, Spike, Kemokemo, Happy, Lucy, Erza, and Gray arrive at the Lamia Scale Guildhall. Ooba Babasaama sees Kemokemo and explains she has never seen a creature such as Kemokemo before. Throughout the hour of traveling, Kemokemo grew twice as big. Ooba believes that Kemokemo is a new species.

"Why would Fairy Tail send a lazy slacker like you instead of Juvia?" Lyon asks Gray. He's disappointed that Juvia didn't partake in the program.

"I'm not here because I wanna be, alright? If the bar is so high, why aren't you doing the program?" Gray asks Lyon.

"Such things are beneath me," Lyon smirks, hearing Gray's pathetic excuse. "What can I possibly learn from something utterly juvenile?"

Jura walks by everyone with stone tablets. Earlier today, when he and Sherria returned to the guildhall, Ooba gave Jura stone tablets that washed up from the sea and asked him to decipher them.

"Fairy Dragon, nice to see you again," Jura looks down at Spike.

"What you got there?" Happy asks Jura.

"Stone tablets that were washed up by the sea. My task is to decipher them. They're written in a tongue both foreign and ancient. Your help will be much appreciated."

"You can count on us," Lucy said.

Jura goes to a table nearby to place the stone tablets. He grabs a book that has the same scripture as the stone tablets. Lucy tries her best to decode what the scripture on the tablets reads.

"Spike, can you teleport to the guildhall and bring Levy?" Erza asks.

"I think she's busy with a job with Droy and Jet. We're going have to make do with what we have," Spike replies.

"Alright, let's do what we can to help," Erza said.

"Lucy, what can I do to help?" Natsu asks while holding Kemokemo.

"Go away," Lucy and Happy politely answer, knowing that Natsu will cause an accident.

"That's just mean!" Natsu is upset. He notices something under the stone tablets. Erza, Ooba, and Spike take a look.

"Seashells. Judging from the color, they look fresh," Erza said.

"What beach produces those seashells?" Spike ponders a bit.

"It could be any beach, but judging from the stone tablets, it could be from an island that's been off the grid."

"I wholeheartedly agree with you, Fairy Rage. I traveled throughout the land and sea and never encountered those stone tablets on any island," Jura said.

In the background of the scenery, Lyon and Gray are fighting and arguing loudly. Ooba tells them to shut up or else she'll spin the two to oblivion.

"Alright, so far, I am to decipher three texts, tree, a sun, and a blessing. To me, that's photosynthesis. The picture in the book shows people running away from the smoke. How does that tie in?"

"We only have pieces to the puzzle. We need to find more crucial evidence to make our case."

Spike takes a look at the book. "The smoke looks like one ugly creature. Perhaps the smoke is some sort of poison or cleansing."

"We'll take that to account. Spike's guesses are accurate, Jura. Give him something, and he can solve it," Erza said.

"Very well, Titania. If what Fairy Dragon says is true, there is more than meets the eye," Jura takes a look at the book and the scriptures.

The tensions are rising rapidly between Gray and Lyon; they start battling with each other. An ice boulder crashes into the tablets due to the bickering. Lyon and Gray realized they made a fatal mistake when they turn to see the wreckage.

"You idiots!" Erza is livid.

"Why?" Lucy angrily asks why the two were at each other's throats.

"You could have hurt someone!" Natsu refers to Kemokemo.

"My the vigor of youth is astounding. But since no one is hurt and the tablets are fine. We should be able to proceed with our progress," Jura sounds pleasant and humble. When he turns around, the stone tablets are reduced to rubble. He panics and screams horridly.

Ooba angrily tells Fairy Tail to leave after causing a scene. Erza whacks Gray's head as she and her friends leave the Lamia Scale Guildhall. The next guild that isn't far from Lamia Scale is Mermaid Heel. After a two-hour walk, they arrive at the beach near the guildhall. Kagura sees Erza and runs, leaping into her arms. Erza hugs her and is happy to see Kagura again.

"Okay, first, there are some ground rules with the Wizard Exchange Program," Risley Law said. "We don't allow boys to join Mermaid Heel."

"W-Wait. Then what are we supposed to do?" Gray and Natsu nervously ask.

"Improvise, of course," Beth Vanderwood said.

Natsu and Gray don't like the sound of it. They don't want to lose their dignity like this. Erza lets go of Kagura and decides to help improvise.

"How are you doing as of late, Sis?" Spike turns to Kagura, ignoring the squeals of Natsu and Gray getting dragged to Mermaid Heel's Guildhall.

"I'm doing good, Spike," Kagura hugs Spike. "I missed you."

"Likewise. So, do I have to-" Kagura puts her finger on Spike's mouth.

"No. I won't allow my younger brother to degrade himself. Plus, everyone knows who you are. I'll say you are a paying customer to try our new trademark dish."

"Thanks, and to be honest, I am famished," Spike rubs his belly.

"Here, I'll take you to the outdoor venue of our guild," Kagura leads Spike, Lucy, and Happy to the venue.

Millianna sees Happy and takes him, hugging him tightly while cooking a slab of meat. Erza comes back to hug Kagura after helping Natsu and Gray to improvise as disguised members for Mermaid Heel. Natsu and Gray are humiliated at the fact that they are crossdressing in public.

"Alright, I need you, girls, to go around tables and take orders. Then you are to deliver their food and drink, got it?" Millianna commands the Exchange Wizards.

Gray and Natsu wonder why Spike isn't partaking with the crossdressing and taking orders. Kemokemo is beside Natsu. Wherever he walks, Kemokemo will follow him. Lucy complies and starts going table to table, writing the orders the customer wants.

"Say, Millianna, where did you come by that massive slab of meat?" Erza asks.

"It's from a deep-sea fish. They're huge," Millianna answers.

"How you catch it?" Erza asks.

"We didn't. For reasons unknown, they've been washing up onshore. We threw them on the menu as a special, and now they are a trademark," Kagura replies to Erza's question.

"It smells good," Spike is sitting on the stool.

"Think you can spare a bite for me, please?" Erza asks.

"Sure, no problem. Spike, is it true? Is your cooking heavenly? Kagura mentioned it a while ago when she returned from the pirate quest," Millianna turns to Spike while cooking the slab.

"When you taste my cooking, you'll know," Spike answers.

"Millianna, a sandwich made by Spike is heavenly," Erza said.

"Wooow," Millianna can only imagine the flavor.

"Spike's cookies are to die for..," Happy said.

"Indeed. Perhaps after you eat, you can bake those cookies as a special. We'll pay you half of what we make from them," Kagura said.

"Half?" Millianna doesn't like the sound of it.

"When you taste his cookies, you'll understand why," Kagura said.

"Okay, and Erza. Are you sure your friends got this?" Millianna watches how Natsu and Gray are doing while disguised as girls. Gray is disturbed that his feelings get the better of him when serving food and drinks to customers. Slamming the drinks on the tables hard, whiplashing the customers with force. Kemokemo knocks people off their seats and flips some tables while Natsu tries to bring their food. Lucy does her best, but she has her struggles with the chaos spewing from Gray, Natsu, and Kemokemo. Things aren't going smoothly, as hoped.

"The service may be terrible, but that drag is on point. Once I got their wigs on, I was nearly fooled myself," Erza said with pride. She's delighted in her work on improvising the guys.

"Yea, but if someone did notice..," Millianna starts losing faith. She fears that Natsu and Gray's disguises will be exposed.

"Right," Kagura nods. "If word got out that our girls' only guild have been infiltrated by the coarser sex, it'll be P.R. Disaster," Kagura seriously states.

"Ouch..," Spike imagines how bad the reputation of Mermaid Heel would be if word got out. "Millianna, how long does the slab need to be cooked for?"

"Mind waiting a half an hour longer. I need to add some spices to it."

"Sure, I can wait," Spike smells the aroma of the slab, which causes his belly to growl louder.

"Hey! I didn't order this drink!" An angry customer barks at Gray.

Gray whacks the guy with the tray and rips his dress. "Screw this! I quit!"

People panic and run away after Gray stripped. They can't believe that a man is part of a girls' only guild. Lucy covers her face in shame while Natsu burns his dress apart, knowing that he's free from his job.

"The guild's reputation will never recover from this. Ever!" Kagura is displeased and pissed with Gray for ruining the reputation and trust that Mermaid Heel has with the people.

Erza sighs. She understands that her plan backfired and ruined Mermaid Heel's reputation. "Don't worry. I know the drill. We'll be leaving now."

"Please do," Kagura said. She turns to Spike. "You can stay, Spike."

"What?" Lucy is confused.

"His slab isn't finished cooking, and I have another use for him to redeem your mistake for our guild's reputation!" Kagura angrily replies.

"How would Spike help regain your guild's reputation?" Erza asks.

"His cookies. If the people see that Mermaid Heel and Fairy Dragon are working together on a dish and make it special, it may help those people forget about the males infiltrating our guild."

Erza sighs heavily. "Very well. Spike, we're off to the Quatro Cerberus Guildhall. If we're not there, we're off to another guild. Let's go, guys," Erza leaves with Gray, Lucy, Natsu, Happy, and Kemokemo.

"Okay, Sis. See you later," Spike watches them leave. He then uses his fire breath to teleport the list of ingredients for his freshly baked homemade triple-decker nut-crazy vanilla cream cookies. "Have these ingredients in your storage or fridge?"

Millianna takes the list and reads it. "Yes, we do, but not much. We normally bake cakes, but not many people have requested cakes."

"Why is that?" Spike asks out of curiosity.

"We're not good bakers. Kagura is our best but," Millianna tries not to sound disrespectful.

"I have my good days and bad days when it comes to baking, Spike," Kagura admits her fault.

"Alright. The good thing about my cookies, you can keep them refrigerated for a few months at best. I can bake dozens of cookies within the hour."

"That's good. Though won't be all gone if you say the cookies are to die for?" Millianna asks.

"Yea. I only say that cause I will have to go back home to Fairy Tail after baking as many as I can."

"Fair enough, Spike," Millianna starts adding spices to the slab.

"Hey, Kagura. What happened to Fairy Tail?" Risley Law comes out after the screams go silent.

"Gray of Fairy Tail quit and tore his clothes. The people now know that men infiltrated our guild," Kagura answers.

"Good grief," Risley facepalms herself. "How are we going to regain our reputation?"

"My brother's cookies for a special. Also, he's going to help people forget about our incident."

"The same cookies you mentioned, Kagura. The ones to die for?"

"Yes, Risley," Kagura nods. "While Erza and the others continue their part in the Wizard Exchange Program, Spike will be here helping us.

"Risley, mind showing Spike where the kitchen is after he eats?" Millianna continues to add spice to the slap.

"Uh, sure. Do we have what Spike needs to bake?"

"Here," Kagura takes the list and hands it to Risley.

"Wow, that's a whole lot of ingredients for a cookie," Risley reads the list. "I may have to run in town to get more."

"Please do. We'll need them," Kagura said.

"I'm happy to help my sister out," Spike said. "Buy as much as you think I'll need, and I'll bake as many as I can."

"Alright then," Risley goes inside the guildhall to grab her purse and leaves for the supermarket.

"Hey, we heard the commotion," Beth Vanderwood said.

"Are those cookies that powerful of a tastebud?" Araรฑa Webb asks.

"My freshly baked homemade triple-decker nut-crazy vanilla cream cookies are powerful depending on the sweet tooth."

"That's the name of the cookie?" Beth Vanderwood is in shock.

"I think my heart skipped a beat," Araรฑa Webb holds her chest a bit.

"I've tasted it. It's the only dessert I want in my fridge in my room every day," Kagura said. She licks her lips as she relives the memory. To Araรฑa, Beth, and Millianna, this is a new side of Kagura they don't see.

"So, how are we going to convince the people to come back? By now, they could be spreading the word about our guild," Beth Vanderwood asks Kagura.

"Making some fliers. If people of our town see that Fairy Dragon is here and hear that he can bake, that'll draw interest. Perhaps the people that fled come back. and hopefully, by tasting Spike's cookies, they'll forget what transpired earlier."

"Alright, we're on it," Beth and Araรฑa enter their guildhall to make fliers.

"I really appreciate you doing this, bro," Kagura turns to Spike.

"Well, considering my friend blew a fuse and shamed your reputation, it's the least I can do. Plus, it gives me more time to be with you as a brother. It's not often I visit other guilds to say hey. Interestingly enough, I wasn't supposed to be here. The Magic Council wanted me to tag along with the Wizard Exchange Program cause someday, I will bring a new age of dragons, and they may join other guilds in the future. So, with that said, the Magic Council wanted to see how an active dragon fair in the program."

"Well, I'm glad you're here. It means a lot to see you, Simon," Kagura smiles at Spike.

"Spike," Spike corrects Kagura.

"Sorry. It's still a work in progress. With you calling me sis and all," Kagura blushes in embarrassment a bit.

"I will say this, Spike. You're filling a hole that tore years ago. Kagura looks and sounds better after the Grand Magic Games," Millianna said, now giving the plate of their trademark dish to Spike.

"I'm glad to help out. Thanks for the food," Spike cuts a piece and tries it.

"So, what do you think?" Millianna asks the master chef.

"It's delicious," Spike takes another bite. "I want to say add half a cup of vinegar."

"Why vinegar?" Millianna questions Spike's theory for adding vinegar to the dish.

"It'll add a little zing to make the flavor pop out a bit since the meat is chunky. Overall, the dish itself is pretty good," Spike continues to eat.

"Hmm," Millianna thinks about adding vinegar. She'll do a taste test in a while.

As Spike continues to eat his meal, Risley Law returns to the venue with the ingredients on Spike's list. She bought so much for the overwhelming potential customers they'll have. Beth and Araรฑa come out with fliers about the new dessert special baked by Fairy Dragon. The two leave to give out the fliers all around town.

"Phew, hopefully, this'll be enough," Risley turns to Spike. "How's the slab, little buddy?"

"It's good," Spike finishes eating. "That was good, Millianna, thank you."

"No sweat," Millianna starts cooking another slab and decides to take Spike's word for adding vinegar to it.

"Now, I'll show you the kitchen, and we'll do some baking."

"Sounds good, Risley. Lead the way."

"A thousand Jewels say that our friends got kicked out of the Quatro Puppy Guild for reckless behavior."

"That's more than likely since we've got kicked out from two guilds, Rage."

"I don't think I'll ever get used to hearing two voices from one dragon," Risley said.

"In due time, you will."

Risley leads Spike to their kitchen. It's a chef's paradise in there with the ovens, cabinets, grills, tables, bowls, potteries, sinks, fridges, and storage. Everything is clean and ready to go.

"Wow," Spike is in awe.

"So, mind showing us how to get it going?" Risley asks.

"Yea, however, these cookies won't be replicated by your hands as you need a special flame to make it work."

"What kind of flame?"

"My flame," Spike breathes his Sparkling Green Fire as a demonstration.

"Your flames are the deciding factor?" Risley is a bit confused.

"It's a bit of my love and magic into the cookies as well, Risley. However, this is a treat I don't bake often. I once made twelve dozens in two hours."

"Wow, alright then. Let's get started," Risley brings the ingredients to the kitchen.

Spike cracks his knuckles and gets to work. Within the hour, Spike has made fifteen dozens of cookies since Risley and Kagura are helping him. Millianna couldn't believe that adding vinegar to the special made it more delectable than before. Beth and Araรฑa are making good progress with attracting people to their venue. They are more than interested in tasting Spike's dessert. They are eager to see Spike the Fairy themselves after watching highlights of the Grand Magic Games.

Three hours later. Spike has made a total of forty-two dozen cookies with the help of Risley and Kagura. Spike made a sample tray for his friends to try. Beth Vanderwood and Araรฑa Webb return after giving fliers to many people in the town. Millianna comes in to check the progress after smelling the cookies from the outdoor venue.

"So, how are things going?" Millianna asks. She sees the kitchen covered in some cookie dough and flour.

"Good. We have a total of forty-two dozen freshly baked homemade triple-decker nut-crazy vanilla cream cookies," Spike answers, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Whoa! That's a ton of cookies," Millianna said in awe.

"However, I did make a sample tray for you to try," Spike brings the tray to Millianna.

"Let's see how powerful these cookies are," Millianna takes one and bites it. "Oh my God," Millianna is in sweetness heaven. "Oh.., this cookie is so overpowering..," Millianna savors the flavor. "It's so good..," She loves the cookie.

"Whoa," Risley takes one and bites it. "Ooooh wow..," Risley now understands why Kagura only wants Spike's cookies as her only dessert. "This is amazing. I have never tasted anything this delicious! Not even the banquet we had in Crocus!"

"Hey, we have drawn the attention with the fliers. A lot of people are interested in tasting Fairy Dragon's dessert," Beth Vanderwood says in delight.

"Hey, what's with the faces?" Araรฑa Webb sees her friends Risley and Millianna in a trance of sweetness.

"Here, try a sample," Spike brings the tray to Araรฑa and Beth.

"The cookies to die for?" Araรฑa takes one and eats it. Her eyes widen in shock. "Oh.., my. How can a cookie be this tasty and sweet!"

"More!" Beth Vanderwood ate hers. She craves for more. "I need more of them! I never tasted anything that delicious in my whole life!" Her sugar rush and excitement get the better of her.

"Calm down. I know the feeling each of you has. That is why I asked Spike to make them," Kagura commands which tone down her guildmate's tone. "Hopefully, his cookies can make everyone forget what transpired earlier today."

"How long until the people arrive?" Spike asks.

"In a half an hour for the dinner special. On the flier, we mentioned not only do you bake, but you can cook as well. I hope that is alright," Araรฑa said.

"That's fine. I have no problem with it," Spike looks at the clock. "6:30. Okay, let me wash up a bit. Mind putting these dozens in the fridge?"

"Sure. After you clean up, you'll be with Millianna cooking and grilling outside," Kagura said.

"There will be a lot of hungry customers so, are you ready for that, Spike?" Risley asks.

"I'll be ready. It's not the first I cooked for many and won't be the last. Mind showing me to the nearest bathroom?"

"Follow me, Spike," Kagura leads the way. Spike follows her.

It's now 7:00 at night. Spike is cleaned up and ready to cook any dish the customer may want. He's outside with Millianna. The two see a long line of customers waiting to take their seats. They're even chanting Fairy Dragon's name.

"Wow, this may be the longest line I've seen in months or before I came to Mermaid Heel," Millianna said in shock.

"I guess I am that popular," Spike said.

"You are the fan-favorite. I'll never forget the battle you had with Jura during Day One of the Grand Magic Games," Risley said.

Kagura and Beth Vanderwood allow the people to come and take their seats. Tables are getting filled by the second. Spike and Millianna take a deep breath and prepare themselves to cook for the many hungry customers. Millianna and Kagura recognize the same people that fled earlier today have returned. Hopefully, tonight will be the success they need for their guild's reputation.

Spike and Millianna have been cooking the trademark dish and similar entrees of the seafood kind. People are chanting Spike's name and can't believe they are seeing him this close. Some kids wanted Spike to notice them. When Spike took his eye off the entree, he would wave at the kids. Throughout the night, people ate and drank while enjoying each other's company. They compliment Millianna and Spike's delectable cooking. When the dessert came, the people ordered the freshly baked homemade triple-decker nut-crazy vanilla cream cookies. They were awestruck with the flavor and order more than five cookies. They didn't care how much it cost. The people that fled earlier were given an extra ingredient within the cookie courtesy from Spike. Kagura, Risley, and Beth are overjoyed to see their customers happy with the entrees and desserts. They see more people waiting anxiously to try the food and see Spike the Fairy in person.

It is now 11:00 at night. Spike takes a breather after a long night cooking entrees and taking many pictures with the people. Spike's freshly baked homemade triple-decker nut-crazy vanilla cream cookies were a hit. Mermaid Heel sold a total of four hundred ninety cookies. The people left after tipping Mermaid Heel for their outstanding service. Two people from the Magic Council come to pay a visit.

"So, this is where you've been, Fairy Dragon?" Lahar said.

"Erza and the others failed in informing your whereabouts," Doranbolt said.

"Did something happen while I was here?" Spike asks Doranbolt and Lahar.

"Indeed. However, your friends succeeded with the task at hand. Everything is settled," Lahar answers.

"I'm sure your friends will tell you all about it. So, why are you here with Mermaid Heel? Shouldn't you be with your friends when they got booted?" Doranbolt asks.

"I allowed Spike to stay after today's fiasco with Mermaid Heel. Gray of Fairy Tail ruined Mermaid Heel Guild's reputation with the people. I ask of them to leave while I had an idea to redeem our guild's reputation," Kagura speaks on behalf of her guild.

"How were you able to reobtain your guild's reputation?" Lahar asks.

"Fairy Dragon is an excellent cook and baker. I've tasted his cookies and decided to make them a special for the dinner service. Tonight was a successful dinner service, and Mermaid Heel has regained our reputation."

"So, is there any of those cookies left?" Doranbolt asks. "My friend and I are a bit peckish from the long day of travel we had."

"Here you go, Sirs. It's on the house," Risley said, giving Doranbolt and Lahar a box of the freshly baked homemade triple-decker nut-crazy vanilla cream cookies.

"Thank you for your kind service," Doranbolt takes a cookie and bites it. His eyes widen in amazement at the dessert. "Lahar, you have to try this before I eat it all," Doranbolt eats a few more.

"Very well," Lahar takes one and bites. He turns to Spike. "Will you be interested in becoming the official baker for the Magic Council?"

Spike chuckles a bit. "No. That would mean I have to give up being a member of Fairy Tail. I am Fairy Dragon. If there's a job request for my freshly baked homemade triple-decker nut-crazy vanilla cream cookies, that's when I take the job."

"That's the name of that cookie! WOW!" Doranbolt couldn't believe the name of Spike's powerful delectable.

"Very well, Spike the Fairy. Do please, find a restaurant to collate. I would love to buy more of these delectables," Lahar says with satisfaction. He takes the box away from Doranbolt. "That'll be enough. I do want to take some more before you eat it all."

Doranbolt coughs a bit to recompose himself. "Thank you for the dessert, Mermaid Heel. Spike, you are free to go as the Wizard Exchange Program is suspended until further notice."

"Thanks for letting me know," Spike watches Doranbolt and Lahar leave.

"Thank you, Spike, for helping us today," Kagura said.

"Yea, I think those that fled will forget about what Gray did," Millianna said.

"Oh, they will. I added an extra ingredient to those that saw and fled from the scenery. A little amnesia spell to wear out any images of Gray stripping. As far as your guild is concerned, no one remembers about a man infiltrating your guild," Spike smirks.

Kagura, Millianna, Risley, Araรฑa and Beth gasps. They can't believe what Spike said.

"Is it true?" Risley asks Spike.

"I added the spell on the cookies. Only the people who saw Gray stripped and revealed himself have amnesia. Tomorrow, those people will remember the taste of the cookies and tonight's meal."

Mermaid Heel couldn't believe that Spike and Fairy Rage saved Mermaid Heel's reputation even more. Every member feels happy and relieved from the possible trauma from everyone the following days yet to come.

"Thank you," Kagura hugs Spike wholeheartedly.

"Thanks, Fairy Dragon. We owe you big time," Risley said in gladness.

"If you need anything, don't hesitate to call," Araรฑa said in happiness.

"Hey, how are you getting home?" Millianna asks Spike.

"I can use my fire breath to teleport myself back home. I would be there in a few moments tops."

"Here," Beth Vanderwood gives Spike 100,000 Jewels. "With the money we've collected, we earned over 500,000 Jewels. So, a hundred grand is for you. For helping us and all."

"I'm glad to help. I'm glad to expand my list of friends to anyone I come in contact with. I'll see you next time. See you later, Sis," Spike smiles.

"Take care. Come back anytime you wish. I'll check on you from time to time when I can," Kagura said.

Spike waves and uses his fire breath to teleport where Lucy is at. Spike arrives inside the Fairy Tail Guildhall. He sees Natsu, Gray, Happy, Lucy, Wendy, Carla, and Erza.

"Hey, I'm back," Spike announces.

"Where were you?" Gray asks.

"Why did you abandon us?" Natsu asks. "We needed your help when we fought that gigantic sea serpent!"

"I'm guessing you forgot about what you did at Mermaid Heel's venue today," Lucy is unamused with Gray and Natsu's forgetfulness.

Spike rolls his eyes. "I didn't abandon you. I stood behind because Kagura asked me to. Today, I had to fix your mistake, Gray, for ruining Mermaid Heel's reputation. I baked many freshly baked homemade triple-decker nut-crazy vanilla cream cookies today and cooked many entrees tonight. Lahar and Doranbolt told me a while ago that the Wizard Exchange Program got suspended. After redeeming Mermaid Heel's reputation, I got paid 100,000 Jewels for my hard work. Today's been an interesting day. So tell me, what did I miss?"

Erza, Lucy, and Natsu told Spike that Kemokemo is a cleansing creature that combats a poisonous creature and island, which explains a lot of phenomenons that happened. Stone tablets washing onshore, the deep-sea fishes arriving on the beaches, an island rising above the seas, and Kemokemo falling onto Natsu's face. Wendy mentions that Sting, Rogue, Lector, and Frosch tagged along the journey. A small coalition to investigate the island.

"Wow. That's a lot to endure in one day," Spike yawns.

"Uh-huh," Wendy nods.

"Well, I'm glad that everything worked out alright," Erza gets up. "Time to get some shut-eye."

"Let's go, Spike," Lucy gets up.

"Coming," Spike follows Lucy.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow, have a good night's rest," Spike waves to his friends. He blows a kiss to Wendy.

"Night, Spike. See you tomorrow," Wendy blows a kiss to Spike.

"So, did you and the rest got kicked out of Quatro Puppy's Guildhall?" Spike asks.

Lucy yawns. "Yeah. Kemokemo scorched Natsu and Bacchus. I think we would have been kicked out of Sabertooth's Guildhall by Natsu or maybe Erza. We were on a roll of getting kicked out for causing damages."

After a twenty-minute walk, Spike and Lucy enter their apartment. The two lay on their beds, releasing a satisfying sigh. Lucy takes off her clothes and puts on her pajamas. Spike gets under the blankets.

"Night, Lucy," Spike yawns.

"Night, Spike," Lucy gets under the blankets of her bed. "See you tomorrow."

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