• Member Since 31st Aug, 2019
  • offline last seen 39 minutes ago


More of an Equestria Enthusiast but glad to be here. | Audio Reader


When Applejack delivers a package to the Kirin Village, Autumn Blaze meets a cardboard box for the first time.

Idea from ROBCakeran53's first PANIC fiction prompt, "A :yay:ing Cardboard Box," from the Quills and Sofa Speedwriting Competition.

A thank you to ROBCakeran53 and Syke Jr for proofreading before publishing.

Now with a sequel by TheDriderPony.

Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI.

Now with a reading by me!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 32 )

Dammit, Autumn's way too cute in this. Well done.

...The Kirin are based on... Kirin (or qilin), a creature of Chinese myth. It's a kind of dragon that's often depicted with an oxen, cervine, or equine body. Japanese depictions (where the "kirin" romanization comes from) are typically more cervine, with a backward-curving horn. Wikipedia's got a lot of information on them, and there are probably sources with even more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qilin.

No problem.

So, Autumn Blaze is basically a cat. Good to know.

Kirins gonna cat

I love this story!

Autumn Blaze we hardly knew you.


It was an honor to preread. Best Kirin is adorable.

This story makes me wish Autumn Blaze was a recurring character.

Good job.

Delightful stuff. I can alays enjoy a good cutefic, and this most definitely qualifies. Especially when it makes this mich sense. Of course the foremost kirin playwright will see all the potential of cardboard. Thank you for this.

Awww, Autumn... so precious and innocent :twilightsmile:

Kid, cat, or kirin, everyone loves a cardboard box.

That's the pronlem with children and fancy very expensive presents...
- They're more interested with the hox they came in

Loved this a lot :pinkiesmile:

This is so cute, I love it.

Adorable. Cute. Autumn Blaze is adorable. This story is cute.
*gives headpats*

Hey Bill! This one was pretty damn cute. Even at my age, part of me gets just a little bit excited when I see a large cardboard box, and it was adorable to see Best Kirin (who really should've come back one more time in Season 9, let's be honest) show that sort of childlike wonder at something so mundane to AJ and so exotic to her. The icing on the cake was the reveal that Pinkie anticipated that outcome perfectly.

And just for good measure...

"Silly minds thought alike."

Ain't that the truth! :ajbemused:

So kirins act like cats and love cardboard boxes? I approve of this headcanon.

Kinda disappointed at the lack of a Metal Gear reference

*adjusts glasses*
Actually, Autumn Blaze DOES show up in the final battle/confrontation in season 9 finale.
In the giant crowd of creatures running around in the dust cloud that create the distraction in front of the three baddies, you can see Autumn Blaze running around. Little Strong Heart (buffalo chief's daughter) is also visible there too.

Though yeah. Would have been nice to see her have some more lines or more visible after the Kirin episode.

With Apple Jack's rapidly increasing load, this fic kinda got close to becoming a Death Stranding crossover.

The only thing to roll out was the party cannon.

“When I told Pinkie Pie how much you loved putting on plays and actin’ in them, she thought it’d be a good idea to fix you up with, uh, ‘special effects.’ This here is one of her party cannons – it shoots confetti when you pull the string.”

Autumn Blaze poked her head down the cannon’s barrel, not noticing that its pull chord had gotten stuck in the books still in the box.

This has been sitting in my Read Later shelf for a while, and I finally got to it. T'was cute! :twilightsmile:

This is a funny story and it makes sense that Pinkie Pie knows how Autumn Blaze would think. Also Autumn would indeed be creative enough to think of many uses for a cardboard box.

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