• Published 16th Nov 2017
  • 5,765 Views, 508 Comments

The Beard with a Jerk-Ass Hanging off of It - Justice3442

Star Swirl the Bearded is freed from over 1,000 years spent in Limbo, but a dark presence is released with him. So he decides to be a complete jerk about the whole thing.

Comments ( 37 )

Most disfunctional and delightful Equestria ever. And apparently all we needed was a lot more Sunset.


Once again, another masterpiece.

And Star Swirl sort of only got moderately what was coming to him. Ah, well, can't win 'em all...

I will, as always, await the next delve into this particular little corner of the multiiverse (as one can only hope will come eventually) eagerly.

Haven’t seen that insult since Blade III.

And they all get drunk. Or pass out. Whichever.

Celestia let out a sigh as Luna did her best to contain her laughter. “Yes, Star Swirl,” Celestia said as she tried to hide the irritation from her voice. “It is us.”

She is not going to have fun.

Star Swirl shook his head. “I simply cannot believe how enormous you’ve gotten.”

Hey now...

Luna stifled her laughter somewhat and nodded. “Yes… You have proven that you’re ready, Star Swirl.”


Star Swirl’s brow had furrowed in irritation to the point where his eyebrows new resembled a long, black caterpillar, which was also irritated. “You know, just because you two are now bigger than me doesn't mean you’re too large to be taken in my lap and swatted with a bell hat.”

They kinda are. And probably stronger than you.

Celestia raised a forehoof into the air. “For like… two centuries, Luna! Where’ve you been?!”

Where do you THINK?

A set of wings were attached to Star Swirl’s back. However, these were not wings of feather, no. Instead he had wings that seemed to be made of a sort of heavy, rigid parchment of which somepony had taken the time to write “An Effort Wuz Made” across the right wing in a glittery ink of some sort. And behind Star Swirl himself were Celestia and Luna, both clearly unable to contain their joy at the scene in front of them.


Sunset shot her mom a smug, knowing smile. “You sshpent most the day hiding under your bed, didn’t you?”


Applejack stood up and stretched her back, then took a moment to give both her hind legs a good stretch. “Jus’ wanted the world to maybe not be in peril before askin’…”

Fair enough, fair enough.

“Oooooohhhh… That make shenshe!” Sunset declared as she made an exaggerated motion to the setting sun then fell to the ground, seemingly causing the sun to wobble more. “Ehhh….heeee… I am drunk…”


Fluttershy frowned. “Still maybe a little offensive to donkeys…”

A bit.

Applejack groaned. “Everypony, I’d like to formally announce Ah’m takin’ a week-long vow of silence jus’ because Ah’m THAT done talkin’ to y’all.”

That is an impressive level of done.

Star Swirl groans. “Somepony remind me to leave explicit instructions to leave me stuck in limbo the next time I have to seal something away…”

Can do!

Star Swirl’s brow furrowed immediately. “Life is endlessly vexing…” he mused.

It is.

Celestia continued, “There’s a little gray area in there… that’s where you should all be.”

Is that a Spiderman Homecoming reference?

Fluttershy nodded. “Yes, I thought as much. I also wanted to make sure when you’ve had too much to drink you end up in your bed, and not passed out with your body stuck in a cloud wall.”

I love Fluttersass.

Starlight shook her head and began to trot back towards Twilight’s castle. “Nothing. You did absolutely nothing.”

Which is the problem.

Twilight stopped dead in her tracks for a moment as her chest began to heave up and down with heavy breathing and foam appeared at her mouth.

Oh dear.

“F-fine!” Twilight stuttered out as she regained a modicum of control over her respiratory system. “J-just… had a moment of pure mental bliss!”


Twilight paused long enough to give Starlight a side hug with a foreleg and wing. “Thanks for helping remind me of that… and for not using magic to make your problems go away today…”

Daaaw. Hugs are nice.

“Cock-juggling thundercut.”

Oh wow.

I shudder to imagine if Sunset will now affect the events of the movie.

Go Spike! Getting the hottest mare in Equestria. You go dude!

Aww, he's still a stallion? :derpytongue2:

Oh dear god yes do it!

Wow ... That ending was a billion times better than Canon. Not just Luna showing how skilled of a linguist she is. But the truly epic bait switch trolling the princesses did.

Yes! More Sunset makes everything better.

Luna always was a cunning linguist. Ask any of the maids and half of the royal guard.

I now want a comedy romance sequel where Sunset and Luna get together, with all that implies :pinkiehappy:

“We need to corrugate Star Swirl!” she cried.

I'm pretty sure the wings already took care of that. :raritywink:

In any case, most enjoyable conclusion. Thank you for the whole glorious pile of madness.

All my praise to all who had a hand in making this great story! You people are AWESOME!:moustache:

This was amazing. Thank you and I hope there will be a sequel/spin-off outlining the adventures of Luna and sunset.

By the way, it's cock-juggling thundercunt, not thundercut.

Huh. Thought I had caught and fixed that already. Welp. Fixed now. Thanks! :twilightsmile:


A wonderful conclusion, only marred by Starswirl not dying.

Now I wonder how Sunset will react to the Friendship School. Outraged Twilight is stealing her schtick?

Yep, that was the implied joke.

The whole linguist are skilled with their tongues :raritywink: ,:raritywink:, *nudge*, *nudge*.

And now that song is stuck in my head. Well done, you smarmy bastard. :rainbowwild:

Great end to a great fic bud.

So i wonder what is next for Sunset, will she be invited to the Friendship Festival and have to put up with all of the movies antics, or will she skip that one and go straight to finding out about Twilights new school ?

I’m more interested in how she’s going to deal with ‘Forgotten Friendship.”

Yay, the world is saved and the former Pillars get to adapt to their new time (I figure Luna will help out there) :yay:
Boo, Star Swirl is still around, but he is learning to be less of an asshole, so, maybe a net gain?
The volleying insults between Luna and Sunset at the end was hilarious :pinkiehappy:
And maybe Cadance, Fluttershy and Rarity should help Luna find a special somepony (or someponies)?

It would have been most cruel and enjoyable if Star Swirl actually did ascend. Because all alicorns are mares.

Totally awesome!

“You know, just because you two are now bigger than me doesn't mean you’re too large to be taken in my lap and swatted with a bell hat.”

Now I want to read that story. Anyway, this had me laughing throughout.


Honestly, I was going to only sprinkle in references here and there and then I had an idea for an approach that was quite a bit a different then "Sunset lashes out angrily regarding all her misfortunes", so this might actually be the next thing I get out... even though I nearly wrote the first chapter to something else last night and have been mentally working through a different fic entirely for two days! :rainbowlaugh:


This was fantastic.

I get the feeling that for Twilight, Sunset's like an annoying big sister you still love which is why you don't kill her.

(I had no idea all these Alicorn Sunset Stories tied into each other. They're even funnier now.)

Late to the party... but this was damn funny. Angry Sunset Shimmer is always great!

Star Swirl was something else... I kept expecting somepony to kill him at any moment. Then Twilight to rewind time to stop it happening.

Great work!

Nice Spider-Man: Homecoming reference.

Where did Luna get her insults, umm first person shooters duh. All the swearing colts loading it when the princess of the night owns their flanks!

It might not do anything, or it might bug her perfectionism enough to work. Who knows. We’ve seen her remorseful of ruining Cadance’s wedding. GRANTED, she was actually right and that was Chrysalis masquerading, but for that moment before the big reveal, after being scolded and refuted, she felt that her intuition and assumptions were wrong and was apologetic for causing a mess of everything.

This was funny, but it's full of grammatical errors and other stuff that your three editors should have caught.

Must admit, it was hard at times watching Twilight take so much abuse (seriously, the way she kept defending him gave super terrible domestic violence vibes)


I didn't think anything could top Sunset burying Starswirl under a mountain of newspapers that she then set on fire, but everything Twilight did in Point Break was exceedingly satisfying.:moustache::trollestia:

So, I went to re-read this today, only to discover that I couldn't find it on the author's stories page, or the MADverse stories list, I had it favorited, but couldn't see it on my bookshelf either.

The only way I was able to get to it, was by Google searching the title, and direct linking to it.

After getting to the story page, the site then warned me that the story had mature content, and forced me to accept that I was aware of that before I could read the story.

My profile settings are setup to allow mature content automatically, so I'm not sure why it did that.

This has been a confusing sequence of events... :ajsleepy:

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