• Member Since 19th Mar, 2014


I'll fondly remember this site.

The Absolute Best 15 stories
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This story is a sequel to Canon Perpetuus, Canon Perpetuus, Canon Perpetuus

Twilight Sparkle, shocked with missing thinking
Sees a thing which did, just now, efface
Itself from all memory and meaning
But just how long has she been in this place?

Twilight Sparkle, shocked with missing thinking
Sees a thing which did, just now, efface
Itself from all memory and meaning
But just how long has she been in this place?

Twilight Sparkle, shocked with missing thinking
Sees a thing which did, just now, efface
Itself from all memory and meaning
But just how long has she been in this place?

Pseudo-experimental literary faffery; a vaguely Gödel, Escher, Bach influenced E-rated horror story in the round.

Created for the Thousand Words II contest in the "Horror" category.

Chapters (1)

Celestia travels to a far corner of her kingdom to investigate a rumor about a colt with strange, illicit cutie marks. She meets Radish Root, a boy whose marks make him an anomaly in the fabric of Equestria, a mystery to himself, and an outcast among society.
When Radish joins the Royal Guard just prior to the return of Nightmare Moon, he finds his life being complicated by all the changes coming to Equestria. His marks will lead him into adventure, intrigue, and trouble... but will they ever lead him to answers?

Proofreader: Slavenger Karl
Cover Art Gallery
Table of original characters
A reader is translating this story into Spanish. Check it out here.

Chapters (135)

Idol Hooves holds a special place in Equestria. He's probably the only exiled changeling to serve in the Royal Guard, or at least, that's what he expects, as exiles don't really broadcast that fact. However, it's well known that Princess Celestia loves all of her little ponies, and her guards perhaps more so, and that makes it one of the best ways for a changeling to discreetly feed.

But how does a changeling even get there, let alone get exiled in the first place? For that matter, why would it ever go to Canterlot? Set a number of years before the series proper, before Luna’s redemption, Idol details how he was exiled, the ponies he’s met, and the series of misadventures that led him to joining the Royal Guard, and should continue a good ways into the series, as something of an alternate perspective.

Soon, he’ll have to deal with a boisterous new princess to serve and a royal wedding in the works bringing a third to power. Will his old instincts bring this new life crashing down around him? What precipitates Chrysalis’s ill-fated assault on Canterlot? Is it really so wrong for a changeling to enjoy good craftsmanship to an obsessive degree?

New cover art provided by the fantastic Carnifex

And a TVTropes page here.

And an Ask Blog of questionable canonity!
Out of Idol Curiosity

Fanart by Norad2! Major thanks! Short For a Royal Guard

Art by Egophiliac of Idol and his Daring Duckie Please don't tell him what that brush is meant for.

Rating updated to (T), it's a bit darker than (E)
Comedy Tag added as well
And changed the character tags a bit.

Chapters (74)

Leave it to Twilight Sparkle to create the greatest spell of the past century – and then want to destroy it.

It's too dangerous to use, she says. It's too tempting. It can't help you the way you think it can.

Well, Starlight Glimmer knows a thing or three about temptation. She'll prove to Twilight that this spell – this magnificent book – is too important to destroy. That it can help ponies.

She just has to survive using it, first.

Second place in the May 2018 WriteOff.

Cover art is "Reformed" by Okaces.

Chapters (1)

An older, wiser Trixie Lulamoon just so happens to have a somewhat above average student named Sumac Apple, whom she takes to meet with Twilight Sparkle, as Twilight is holding a contest, looking for the best and brightest students.

Sumac Apple just so happens to have a Horrendous Hypothesis that will not only change the lives of himself and Trixie, but holds an ominous warning for all of Equestria.

An entry in the Weedverse.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Through the Well of Pirene

Equestria Daily Post
Hardcopy Available for Order

NOTE: I wrote this before the 2020 BLM protests and my learning more about policing. I would have written it differently after, but I won't be changing it. Just keep in mind that the depiction here is of another world and another species from a different perspective.

In the City of Dreams, the City That Never Sleeps, a wistful heart walks the lonely streets, searching for answers to questions no one else is willing to ask. A reluctant pilgrim arrives from a long journey, weary but determined to make his mark. An old warhorse, his soul cracked and bleeding, saddles up for his last battle.

A noir tale set in Manehattan, fifteen years after the events of Through the Well of Pirene. Three people over the course of three nights weave and unravel a tale of anxiety, pain, and hope under the lights of the greatest city in Equestria, and the watchful gaze of a green star.

Chapters (12)

Now Featured on Equestria Daily!
TV Tropes and a group of its own.
Audio version
Three Nights in Manehattan, a sequel
Hardcover Print-on-Demand Order Page

As a child, Daphne knew of a world where magic lived, where an immortal princess reigned over a beautiful kingdom, and longed to journey there beside Leit Motif, the filly she'd grown to love in the woods behind her home. But one day, when she needed her most, Leit Motif was gone, and she never came back to show her the way. As she grew, she put aside her childish dreams, and taught herself to believe the lie.
When forces beyond her knowing take her sister Amelia, though, she discovers that her childhood fancies were entirely too real, and is thrust into a journey that will take her back to that land she longed for, back to the childhood friend she'd abandoned, and to worlds she'd only dreamed of.

Interview with Pre-Reader Amacita
PresentPerfect's Review

Chapters (26)

The last time the Cutie Mark Crusaders worked on the school newspaper, they used gossip, rumors and innuendo to drive circulation through the roof. Their brief rise and rapid fall taught them a valuable lesson about truth and honesty in reporting. Apologies were made, hugs were exchanged, and everypony lived happily ever after.

For about three weeks, anyway. Now the Crusaders are back in the newspaper business, and it won't be lies that set the town on fire.

A short story about the triumph of enthusiasm over ability.

Written for the December Writeoff Event, Behind Closed Doors.

Chapters (1)

Curious about Five Score? Come check out the story that inspired dozens of side fics and been enjoyed by bronies for years!

Original Synopsis Even though MLP:FiM ended a few years ago, my friends and I still loved the show. Stories, merch, fan art, I loved it all. Things started to get a weird though when I found myself with a cutie mark appearing on my leg. Humans aren't supposed to get cutie marks, so where the heck did this come from? And what's going on with my hair?

More Detailed Synopsis: Five Score is an action/adventure story of the human-to-pony transformation genre. It’s unique from most transformation stories because the transformation itself is not really the point of the story. It’s the inciting incident that raises countless challenges that must be resolved. They are on earth, as a pony, and need to fix this before things get worse. Think about yourself in their hooves for a moment. How are you supposed to change back or even figure out what caused it in the first place? How are you supposed to get food or do anything on Earth without being spotted by humans? If you are spotted or captured, how would you escape? How does one even open a door with hooves!? Did anyone else on Earth get changed as well? How could you get the word out to the other ponies who are themselves hiding? Is it worth risking travel across the country to reach the others? Which of your friends would you trust to help you deal with this? And why did you turn into this particular pony? Surely it wasn’t random chance, right?

These challenges are the tip of the iceberg in this full length adventure novel There’s a lot of humor, many tense scenes, and hell maybe even a war.

But don’t just take it from me, Look what random people on the internet are saying about Five Score, Divided by Four

One of the best things to come out of this fandom.

This made me change how I think about fictional worlds, imagination, and creativity

The only story on FimFiction to have me literally shaking with excitement.

-Shadow Reaper

Five Score master editor:

Five Score proofreaders:
Comrade Sparkle
Rustle my Jimmies

Chapters (38)

Prince Blueblood thought the Grand Galloping Gala was over. He thought he could just go to sleep and put it behind him. He never expected to be reliving the same disaster of a day, over and over... and over.

TV tropes page here:

Thanks to all the people who wrote the page and all the people who gave me a little wakeup call and comment to become aware of that fact! You can't see it, but you guys put a real smile on my face tonight.

Also, recently, extra thanks to RD Dash for giving TBNE a thorough editing. I've updated the fic accordingly (7.11.12)

Chapters (5)