• Member Since 26th Oct, 2013


Sooo.... I've kinda dropped the whole MLP fan thing... BUT! I still love ponies, and if I could remember my ideas I'd continue writing. Also, READ MY WORK ON WATTPADD: MindTheGlitch!!!

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After a long, quiet day of reading, Twilight picks up another book. Well, what else was she gonna do, Sherlock? Sleep? Of course not. There's far too much to learn. This book she picked up was different. Blasphemous. It suggested that Celestia and Luna may not have created everything around her. But Twilight was open-minded, she always has been, so she carried on reading. It explained about something called "Multiverse Theory".

After that... Well, that's when the weird stuff started happening.

Chapters (2)

Ally Corne is just an average girl, living in an average town. She is nothing special, but when her grandmother, Grammy Tia, mysteriously disappears, she goes to investigate, based on a note found on Tia's bedstand.

It leads her to a small island in the Caribbean, where Tia's old barn full of 'peculiar' ponies once stood. It was now abandoned and desolate. At least, that's what the townspeople think.

When Ally goes to explore, looking for any clues about Tia's whereabouts, she discovers a secret that has carried on for years.

The ponies are still alive.

Sorry about the cover image, that was the best I could find.

This story is based on the book Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, though I have added some twists to the plotline that make this story my own.

Thanks to my editor Rotorix for all your help!

Chapters (2)

Gilda's trip to Ponyville ended worse than she could have imagined. She didn't exactly leave on the best of terms with her only real pony friend, and a temper tantrum on the outskirts of the Everfree leaves her with an even bigger problem than that.

After a year at home with no hope to fix her situation, Gilda has no choice but to turn to the ponies she may very well dislike the most. But can they just forgive and forget in her time of need?

A/N: This is just a short little fic that I collaberated together with Merlos the Mad on. It was fun as heck to write and I hope everyone enjoys!

This story is 100% approved by Twilight's Library!

Chapters (6)

A young human child wakes up in the dragon lands as a dragon, following some unforeseen events he ends up in Equestria with his new dragon friend of the same age. Follow his insane journey as he tries to make sense of it all and the ponies try to make sense of him. Eventually a certain goddess discovers his strange actions and ideas have something in common with a certain bearded wizard of the past.

Editors: skultech, Albert Manhattan

Fully Edited as of 8/8/14

Chapters (18)

(Only rated teen because of language at a point or two)
Would've... Could've... Should've...
What happens when someone you love goes off the "deep end?"
What happens if you were the only one who could've done something to stop the downward spiral?
What happens if you stood by and did nothing?
Fear not, there is still time to correct your mistake. But you better go now.

Chapters (28)

As the newly coronated princess of Equestria, Twilight attempts to go back to the everyday life with her friends that she had grown used to.

...but being a alicorn princess living with her newly acquired royal retainers in the small town of Ponyville can lead to some... problems.

Chapters (26)

Ponies get older over time. They slow down. This is a part of life. But Rarity, Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie can keep pursuing their dreams as they get older. Rainbow Dash can't. This is her last chance to be a Wonderbolt, and despite working her tail off, she's not getting any better. In fact, she's getting slower. She just wants things to be fair. She wants one last chance to achieve her dream.

She wants to be faster.

This is what happens when she gets her wish.

A three part story.

Featured 10/7-10/9/13. Posted to Equestria Daily on 5/2/14.

Now with a sequel.

This story is part of Twilight's Library because of Skeeter the Lurker.

Twilight's Library Ribbon


It also won Skeeter the Lurker's medal.

Skeeter the Lurker's medal

Entry for the Writer's Group Contest & the Rainbow Dash Contest.

Winner, 2nd place, Rainbow Dash Contest.

Voted in by Twenty Great Stories on 11/3/13.

Voted in by The Royal Guard, March 2014

Edited by: SpaceCommie, Cola Bubble Gum

Artwork by: 2135D

An earlier draft of this cover art was featured on EQD.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Faster

Fluttershy had the best, most loyal pony in the world as her fiancee. But after the events of Faster, Rainbow Dash is gone. Now, weeks after the funeral, she still blames herself and own weakness for Dash's death. She also has questions. Who is this bigger, stronger pony glaring at her in the mirror? What hasn't she been told about Dash's death? When did this giant hole appear in the side of her bedroom wall? Why is she suddenly so quick to anger? And how will she handle the fact that the reports of Dash's death have been slightly exaggerated?

The kindest, gentlest, most soft-spoken pony in Ponyville is about to become the strongest pony in all of Equestria.

What happens when she gets mad?

Sequel to Faster. Featured 2/7-2/9. Added to Twilight's Library 2/7.

Note: I have left enough clues for you to piece together what happened without having to read Faster, but really, you should read Faster before reading this. It's a Nolan Sequel, not a Burton Sequel. (In terms of a continuity, I make no promises as to quality)

Additional Note: Because Knighty is a tyrant, I can't tag everyone on the poster, because my poster has six characters. But rest assured, I didn't work this hard on a sequel to Faster without eventually getting around to the fate of Dash.

Artwork by: 2153D (Sadly, probably our last collaboration due to his site retirement)

Pre-read/Produced by Cola Bubble Gum.

Additional pre-reading by: Space Commie

Edited by Sharp Spark and Cola.

Executive Produced by: Skeeter The Lurker

Chapters (5)

Several weeks after recovering her crown from Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle discovers she can communicate with her counterpart from the other world, who has finally arrived at Canterlot High. When Celestia theorizes that the portal can be re-opened, Twilight and her friends--as well as the OTHER Twilight and HER friends--decide to trade places, so they can learn more about each others' worlds. The only catch: neither party can return to their own world for a full thirty moons...

This story is now cancelled. Its concepts will (eventually) be retooled into (Mis)taken Identity.

Chapters (11)

On a dark night filled with even darker magics, an insane cult attempts to give Nightmare Moon a body and life of her own, utterly separate from Princess Luna. But, when the spell is interrupted by Celestia, something unexpected is created.

Now, a little black alicorn filly named Nyx finds herself living under the care of Twilight Sparkle, only to be haunted by memories and emotions from her past. Is she Nightmare Moon reborn or is she simply a doppelganger with a soul and mind of her own? Can Twilight Sparkle protect Nyx from those who refuse to see past her dragon eyes and black coat?

Or, will Nyx be forced to inherit the sins that may not even be hers and become the greatest evil Equestria has ever known?

Chapters (22)