• Member Since 26th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Dec 15th, 2015


Sooo.... I've kinda dropped the whole MLP fan thing... BUT! I still love ponies, and if I could remember my ideas I'd continue writing. Also, READ MY WORK ON WATTPADD: MindTheGlitch!!!

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Total Words: 2,171
Estimated Reading: 8 minutes


Equestria was created by Night Eyes and Wildfire. From darkness came the light of the kingdom. But the Two knew that Equestria could not exist with out darkness. So they created Him.

Many eons past since the first day. Night Eyes had two little fillies, Celestia and Luna(honestly, did I really have to tell you their names? :raritywink:). It was a happy time for the kingdom, and everypony celebrated. But the Darkness was to come forth for his turn to rule. Night Eyes and Wildfire knew that. And so was the greatest tragedy of Equestria yet to come.

Author's Note:
Despite the cover art, this has very little (if not nothing) to do with King Sombra.

Chapters (1)

It was nearly two whole years since Twilight Sparkle had come to the human world from Equestria, defeated Sunset, and returned to her home world in a matter of days. Sunset had changed since then, and had tried to fix everything she could. She'd befriended the Elements of Harmony, and apologized to Rarity for the Spring Fling incidents. Still, she felt she owed a better apology and thank you to Twilight for helping her escape her cruelness. This story is about Sunset Shimmer's actions if she ever returned to Equestria. Will she apologize and move on? Or will she return to her cruel, greedy ways and try once again to take over Equestria?

This is my very first fanfic and I got the idea from glidergirl's Thirty Moons Later... I just decided that I wanted to write about Sunset Shimmer and here I am. Feel free to dislike if you want, I am not expecting too many likes. I may be writing more fanfics like this, (Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity versions) so you might as well get used to my stories. Since the whole reason why I'm writing this is because of glidergirl's fanfic, I will not be writing a Pinkie Pie version. Post comments, give me feedback, and I shall pray to Celestia that I don't get my dreams of a writing career crushed.

Sidenote: No Sunlight (or Sunset Sparkle, whatever you people like) shipping found here. Sorry :twilightsheepish:

Side-sidenote: Help me with this fic and give me advice here.

Chapters (1)