I Dreamt of Her

by ben717

Chapter 8: Check Yes or No

I backed away from Twilight, giving me the death stare. She advances towards me, one step at a time.

I continue backwards until the door is at my back.

"Buck..." I curse, Big Mac taught me some vulgar language.

She continues to advance towards me until she is up in my face.

"Tell me again... Why. Were. You. Tardy?" She questions

"I- I- I was with the g-g-girls, the-the Crusaders."

"Aaaaaaand?" She whispers

"And we were b-building a snowman. Please don't hurt me..."

"Oh I won't hurt you." She reassures me

"Oh good..." I say relieved


"Wait wha-?"

"POP QUIZ!" She sings, face returning to the normal Twilight I know and love.

"Good GAAAWD... Don't do that Twilight! That legitimately scared me!" I say, and not much scares me. Well more accurately, plenty does now after I read Chapter 6: Magical Creatures.

She smiles in warmly in my face as if to say, "You mad bro?"

"You have fifteen minutes to complete this quiz!" She says

"Please answer all the questions, in paragraphs, completely and correctly, to the best of your ability! In FULL Equestrian... no English. And remember... Good luck!" She winks at me.

What in the?

She hands me a slip of paper.

I get up from being backed into the doorway and move towards the table. Once there I set the paper down, reach into my pack and pull out ink and a quill, and begin the quiz.

What's this thing over anyway?

Question One:
"Who is Star Swirl the Bearded and what is his significance in the world of magic?"

I dab the quill in ink and begin writing.
"Star Swirl the Bearded was a very powerful wizard who single-hoofedly wrote hundreds upon hundreds of spells, including the Amniomorphic Spell. Which by definition means "bowl-shaping" or "pottery spell". This, in a reference you ponies will not understand, makes Star Swirl the Bearded, a very Hairy... Potter. Among his well known spells include the famous, yet dangerous, "Time Travel Spell." In conclusion, he broke much ground in the field of magic."

"Hooray for Potter Puns!" I joke to myself

Question Two:
"What is the difference between an Amulet, and a Charm?"

"The difference between an Amulet and a Charm is as following. An Amulet, is a magical object that allows the wearer to access magic stored within said Amulet, thus making their magic more powerful. Theoretically, an Amulet could allow a non-magical pony such as a Pegasus or Earth Pony access to magic. But with rather few Amulets in existence powerful enough to do that, nopony has ever tried. This is also due, in my opinion, to the fact that by the time any Earth Pony, or Pegasi are old enough to even think about it, they have discovered their true talents already, causing them to lose the motivation to pursue magic. A Charm, similar to an Amulet, has stored magic within it. The difference is that while an Amulet boosts and gives magic in general, a Charm has a specific spell set aside within it. There is no way to change the spell once the charm has been set. You can only destroy the Charm."

Question Three:
"Give three examples of magical creatures and why are they dangerous?"

"Example one: Timberwolves, these creatures can devour a pony, or person, rather quickly depending on their size. In a very punny turn of events, Timberwolves are made up of a collection of sticks, logs, and twigs. Also known as Timber. They are held together by a natural variation of the Tethering Spell, also designed by Star Swirl the Bearded. Nopony knows by who or by what force of nature these beasts developed, but they are a perfect picture of the worlds tune with magic.

Example two: Windegos, these creatures are similar to horses that ride on the winter winds. Few reports of these cases come in a year, but are given their fame because of their influence on the foundation of Equestria. Their magical abilities include the ability to freeze stuff. And... Their ability to freeze stuff. They are dangerous because they can freeze stuff. It's a one trick pony, but a very dangerous trick.

Example three: Changelings, these are one of the most dangerous of magical creatures. Changelings are like parasites. Changelings are like a virus. Changelings are basically the anti-pony. These dangerous creatures are so infamous for their ability to shape shift into any pony they want. They are intelligent and know how to coordinate attacks effectively. They are dangerous because they are every bit as smart as a pony, yet they need ponies to survive. They have a form of government somewhere in the west in a place they call The Hive. Nopony has ever ventured to the hive and returned. Among their abilities are shape shifting, flying, and casting spells. They have are all Alicorn essentially but are not nearly as powerful, individually, save for the Queen herself. They act as a virus, and a parasite at the same time. Their usual plan of attack is to move into an area unnoticed and take the form of any given pony they see. It usually involves pony-napping the pony they shift into, and feed off of the love they feel for those around them. Slowly sapping the life from them. Once they have drained an area of life and resources, they move on to another, and the cycle continues until they are repelled or run out of love to feed on."

"Five minutes left!" Peeps up Twilight

I glance up and see Twilight fixing her hair from where she scared me earlier.

Crap, spent too much time on question three...

Question Four:
"What have you learned about friendship during your stay in Ponyville?"

"I've learned that the kindness and hospitality of others is possibly one of the greatest ways that people, and ponies alike can come together. The fact that ponies were able to take an alien creature from a world unknown with almost no question, rhyme, or reason, makes me thankful to have landed where I did. Friendship came almost immediately, first by Fluttershy, who showed me kindness by checking on this strange creature that walked into town. And then by the rest of you, who offered me food and a place to stay. Finally by Rarity, who came to me that night whenever the road got rough. And Sweetie Belle, at first she was fearful of me, but as soon as she knew I wasn't dangerous, she welcomed me in like one of the family. And finally to you Twilight, for taking me under your wing as a student, and teaching me so many things about magic that would never have been possible in the place I came from. So thank you."

Question Five:
"What is the significance of the Magic of Love?"

"The Magic of Love is one of the few types of magic that can compete with, and are on-par with the Magic of Friendship. In an ironic turn, Changelings use this magic as their food source and use it to strengthen their own. The Magic of Love can be spontaneous and has shown evidence of existing between two ponies even before they have met. Similar to how a connection exists between a ponies best friends, even before they have met."

I've never understood that. How connections exist between ponies before they met. Maybe it's just a pony thing? I consider Lyra my best friend, I don't recall any random connections between me and a mint-green unicorn when I was younger... I wonder if Lyra has... She hasn't seemed to show any pre-meeting connection. Then again I didn't know her before then. Actually, she does kind of obsess over my hands... And... Wait... She sits like a person... She said she sat like that since she was young?

Oh. My. God.


"OH! MY! GOD!"

"Twilight! I've just literally had my mind blown!"

"What is it?" She questions

"Remember when you were giving that lesson on friendship? And you said something about a ponies best friends having connections, even before they had met?"


"Well, I just got to thinking about that and I was skeptical. I've never had any pre-magical connections with any colorful talking unicorn before I got here. But I got to thinking, you know how Lyra sits?" I ask

"Yes, I know how Lyra sits, where are you going with this?" She asks

"Look how I sit."

"Oh. My. Celestia. You're right! I've always wondered why she sat like that! Ben you're a genius!"

"I try."

"Oh by the way! There is a bonus question on the back! You don't have to answer it if you don't want to. It's a... bit more personal." She says, losing eye contact intentionally.

What's up with her? I shrug it off, Twi's gonna Twi.

I turn the paper over and read the question.

Bonus Question:
"Somewhat related to the previous question. Do you have anypony that you would consider taking on a date?"

Hold up. Time out.

I look up at Twilight in her perch, "Twilight? May I ask why this question is on here?"

"No reason" she says, avoiding eye contact.

I'm not stupid, I know she's lying, she's not exactly the Element of Honesty.

I place the quill on the table and think about the question.

I hadn't even thought about it. Dating. That had left my mind the moment I woke up that fateful morning.

Would it be wrong of me to date a pony? Given the circumstances?

If I'm stuck here forever. Which nothing I've learned about magic said anything about being able to travel between two different realities.

Then what other choice do I have? I don't wanna die alone in all honesty. Even if its not with another human being.

I look down at the paper, and re-read the question over and over. Why would she ask that?

I mean, ponies are like humans, mentally and emotionally, it wouldn't be like I was dating an animal. They are all people.

And in all honesty, some of em are pretty cute.

Either way I don't wanna think about it. And I'm WAY overanalyzing this.

I look up from the paper and wonder out loud.

"Would it be wrong of me date a pony?" I ask Twilight

"Well, you are an intelligent creature making you're own decisions. I don't see why you couldn't." She replies

"That doesn't entirely answer the question." I say

"What would you think if, for example, you saw me and a random mare hand in hoof one day. What would you think of me? Or of that mare?" I continue

"The Magic of Love can work in mysterious ways." She continues

I look down at the paper again. Eager to forget the subject.

I jot down "I don't know" and hand it to Twilight. Who quickly grades the quiz.

"Hairy Potter?" She asks

"There was a book series about a wizard named Harry Potter back on Earth." I inform her

"Oh I see." She says.

She finishes grading and hands it back to me. 5/6 marks.

"5/6?!" I exclaim, "I thought all my answers were perfect!"

"You didn't answer one of the questions!" She says

"The bonus question?!" I say shocked, OCD over grades flying out the brain.

"You didn't answer it!" She says, getting flustered.

"I thought I didn't have to!" I say

"Is my answer not what you wanted to hear?" I ask

"No! It wasn't!" She says in a huff

"What did you want to hear?" I ask

Then realizing her mistake, and immediately hides behind her wing.






"Somepony want to know?" I ask


She says nothing, still hiding behind her wing. Even so I can tell she's blushing behind those wings.

Disregard everything I've just debated with myself. I don't give a buck who you are, that is cute.

"Well... If you want a different answer, I mean... I could redo the question... I mean, if that's ok with you."

She still says nothing, but floats me a different piece of paper.

Oh my god. This is actually happening.

Attached to the paper is two movie tickets, "Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone" is what they read.

The paper has two boxes drawn on it.

A grin forms on my face. It was so damn cute.

"Check Yes or No" it reads.

I look down at the slip of paper, then back up at Twilight, who peeked up from under her wing. Cheeks ridiculously red.

I smile and think to myself, "Just this once, why the heck not?"

She notices me looking and ducks behind her wing again.

I chuckle a bit, "You haven't done this much have you?"

"No.." She whispers

I quickly check my response. Take one of the tickets and place it on the table in front of me. I take the piece of paper and the remaining ticket in the center, fold it into a paper airplane. I can play this little game to.

Do you know how cute that is? Check yes or no? Take a note ladies!

I throw the little plane and it lands perfectly in front of her in her perch. She picks it up and unfolds it, still ridiculously nervous. She opens her wings up enough to read what's inside. Looks at me, I wave my ticket at her, she takes hers and waves back shyly, then immediately retracts back into her wing fortress.

Jeez, what did she do before she had those things to hide behind?


"Well, if we are done here..." I say edging towards the door, maybe I'd gotten away with no lecture. "I think I'll just be goi-"


So close...

"Don't think I've forgotten that you're tardy mister! I'm still your teacher!" She says regaining she usual confidence

I would've gotten away with it too!

"As your punishment, I want one five page essay on the different types of Unicorn Spells!" She says

"Five pages?" I say, with as many spells that exist, shouldn't be too hard.

"And!" She adds


"I want you to learn how to use the Magic of Music." She says

"Your assignment is to get the entire town to participate in a song." She continues

"How the hay am I supposed to do that?" I ask

"It's simple! All you gotta do is start singing! Magic will do the rest!" Says Twilight

"Will do!" I say grabbing my coat and walking out the door, alright lady killer, lets do it.

"And Twilight, one more thing."

I turn to look at her, "See you tomorrow night" *wink*

She goes red and says, "Get outta my library!"

I laugh and close the door.

Close enough.


Of course, this is only a one time thing, I like Twilight, she's cute for a pony. I won't be doing any serious dating though, probably for quite a while.

It just seems too early to be dating anypony. I agreed to this because I mean, Twilight's my friend, and really how was I supposed to say no to that? That was amazing. Do you know how long it's been since I've been through the whole "Check yes or no" thing? I welcome it with open arms, it was cute.

I am curious though, why me? Why the alien creature from another world who isn't even a pony? Why didn't she just get some other stallion? So many questions.

I walk down the street and see our snowman. He's a very handsome snowman, I'll give him that. The girls however, are nowhere to be seen.

I continue my walk and find myself back at the Boutique. It's about lunch time.

I walk into the kitchen, in search of nourishment. When I bump into a stallion I've never met before.

"Well heeey! You mus be tha human Sweeties been tellin' me about!" Says the mystery stallion.

"Uhh... Yeah!" I reply, "The name's Ben." I say holding out my hand.

Surprisingly he takes it and shakes it, no explanation needed.

"They call me Magnum! I'm Rarity and Sweeties father!" Says Magnum

I quickly look him over, his mane is dark brown, while his coat is white, and has footballs as his cutiemark. FOOTBALLS!

He's wearing a Hawaiian style shirt? Ponies have shirts? And also a funny looking straw hat. Is this guy really Rarity's dad? Dressing like that? Rarity would have a heart attack. But wait... What's this? Dat mustache...

"I uh... Like your hat?" I say, unsure of what to say.

"Oh thanks! I got it years ago, Rarity jus hates it but it keeps tha sun off ma face." He says, with a very thick accent that I just can't put my finger on.

"So... If you don't mind me asking, it could be personal, but it's my understanding that Sweetie is still in school right? So why doesn't she live with you? In fact, I've been in town for a while, why don't I see much of you?" I ask, curiosity peeking.

"Well the girls' mother and I have been out of town for work purposes." He says

"For almost six months?" I ask

"Well, when Pearl has to move away for work, we can't stand for Sweetie to be away from her friends, so we allow her to stay with Rarity." He explains

"Rarity didn't have tha luxury of havin' a big sister. So when she was young she would move around with us a lot. She spent the good bit a her adolescence in Canta-Lot. If ya can't tell by her regal demeanor."

"Oh I can tell." I joke

"When she was finally old enough to go on her own, we was livin' here in Ponyville so she bought herself this here Boutique an' started makin' a living."

"Wow" I say

"Yeah, but we figured we'd be back in town for tha wintah. It bein' the holidays an' all." Continues Magnum

"So you're gonna be around for Hearths Warming?" I ask

"Oh yeah yeah. We rented out a little cottage down tha road for the winter. Unfortunately we gonna have ta move back to Canta-Lot after the season changes. Work really puts it outta you sometimes." He says

"I understand." I say

"So what do you do for a living?" I ask

"Well, funny enough I am tha stadium announcer for the Canta-Lot Royals." He says

"The Canterlot Royals?" I ask

"Yessir, the Canta-Lot Royals! The worlds finest hoofball team!" He says, "I have ta live in Canta-Lot because tha contract says I have ta be 'round for all tha games. They paid me a really pretty penny ta announce these shows. I don't know why they want me so bad. They say its a cuz a my accent. I don't know what they're talkin' about."

"I'm sure it's a mystery." I say completely sarcastically.

Just then pony that everypony should know walks in.

"Ah! Father! You made it!" Exclaims Rarity who runs into the kitchen and gives Magnum a hug.

"A course I did!" He says, "I've missed you an' Sweetie Belle so much!"

"We missed you too father dear!" She says

"Now I've just been introduced to Ben here. He seems like a fine fella'." He says

"Why yes, he's been a dear to have around." She replies

She turns to me, "I hope my father wasn't much of a bother."

I reply, "Oh no! It was a pleasure to meet Magnum!"

She turns back to her father, "Where is mother?"

"Ah, she's back at tha house. I was jus tellin Ben here that we was a jus livin' down tha street there!" He says

"Whatever is she doing there?" Questions Rarity

"Oh you know ya motha' she has to be perfect to go anywhere." Replies Magnum

"Why in Equestria is it always like that with Mother?" Asks Rarity

"Says the fashionista" I cut in

I begin to imitate Rarity, "You leave those dirty shoes outside young man! If I so much of see one drop of dirt in the Boutique I swear I will burn this place down."

Magnum starts laughing

"You take that shirt off! It looks absolutely dreadful. If your pants don't match your shirt then what will other ponies think?"

Rarity starts getting flustered. Making Magnum laugh harder. This is too easy.

I begin talking to myself as if it were a conversation between me and Rarity.

"Ben, could you be a dear and throw that shirt on a fire?"

"But Rarity why?"

"It is absolutely hideous and must be destroyed immediately!"

"But you made this!"

"No matter! It is a crime against fashion and must be dealt with accordingly!"

Having successfully rendered Magnum useless via laughter and causing Rarity a world of embarrassment, I take a bow.

"Ah hahahahaha! I can't! I can't!" Magnum tries to say

"That was- ahahaha! That was perfect!" He regains his composure

"Why I never!" Exclaims Rarity

"I have never made you burn a shirt!" Says Rarity

"Feels like you want me to sometimes." I reply

"No... I just wish you would make better fashion choices."

I hate the fashion world honestly.

Magnum speaks up, "I like this kid, Rarity, where'd you find 'im?"

I speak up, "I was on a bench one morning."

"Oh really? Now jus what cha think you were doin on a bench?" He asks

"If I knew I'd tell you." I say

"Oh, I see." He returns

After a moment of silence, Rarity turns to me, smiling very widely.

"Uh.. What's up?" I ask

"Oh... Nothing!" She says with the same smile, "I just heard something about you!"

I start to smile back, "Like what?"

"Oh well I was just down at the library.."

"And?" I say, grin spreading across my face

"And I think that you are going to need..."

"Need what?" I say, word spreads like fire.


My smile disappears, replaced with confusion and fear.

"Wait, WHAT?!"

I turn and am able to run a grand total of three steps before she grabs me with her magic.

"Oh come on!" I protest!

Rarity starts humming and carries me down the hallway.

"This is unethical!" I shout

"An outrage!"

"This is a crime!"

Rarity speaks up, "You can fight all you want but if you are taking a Princess on a date you have to look nice. Even if it is a casual get together!"

Oh lord, casual for Rarity is like suit and tie for me.

I call down the hallway, "MAGNUM HELP ME!"

"Sorry! Can't do it son!" He shouts back

"WHY NOT?" I call back

"Only Celestia herself can save you now!" He returns


"Ow!" I say

"Quit being a baby" Rarity returns

"You just stuck a needle in my arm!" I protest

"If you would just sit still this wouldn't have happened!"

"What are you measuring me for anyway? It's not like it's the Grand Galloping Gala or something! We are going to the movies!" I say

"Daring Do is one of Twilights favorite books, so you are not going to spoil this movie night with your drab sense of clothing and questionable fashion sense!"

"I don't dress any different than any other human being!" I say

"Perhaps but how many human beings are around here!" She says

"Are you suggesting I dress like a pony?" I ask

"Well, yes!"

"So your saying I shouldn't wear any clothes at all?" I ask

"Don't get smart with me!" She says back

"Sorry..." I say, "but why do you insist on measuring me as if it were for a suit? I'm not going to wear a tuxedo to a freaking movie."

"I'm not making you a tuxedo!" She says

"Then what?" I ask, "What do you have in mind?"

"Well I had your outfit planned for two layers. Layer one being a white undershirt. It could even be one of your t-shirts. The second will be a simple blue flannel outer shirt, then it will look casual and somewhat dress-ish at the same time." She replies

"Oh! Well why didn't you just say so?" I ask, I like flannel

"Well you didn't let me, darling."

"So why do you have to measure me?"

"So that the outer shirt fits your torso just right and looks good!"

I do enjoy looking good...

"Ow!" I say after another needle penetrates my skin

"Oh I'm sorry dear. My mistake!"

"What are the needles for?"

"To hold some bits of fabric in place so I can get an idea as to where to make the cut."


"So why do you think she asked ME?" I ask

"What do you mean?" She says

"I mean, why did she ask me of all people. Er more accurately ponies? I'm not even a pony."

"Because she likes you." Rarity replies simply

"But why not just ask a stallion or something?"

"Because obviously she sees something in you that they don't have."

"Like what?"

"You're funny!" Replies Rarity

"I don't know what you're talking about." I say teasingly

"Because you're smart, you actually care to listen to what she's teaching. I've hardly seen you out of that book she gave you."

"It's about magic! If there's even the slightest chance I can learn to harness magic, I'll take it!" I say, "and besides, maybe it's just me, but it just seems weird to be dating someone of a different species. To be fair, I come from a world where there is only one intelligent race and therefore no one... Well save a few sickos... Thinks about relations with something else... Can you see where I'm coming from? It's just hard to really take into consideration that I may not have a choice anymore."

"I think I can see where you are coming from, but it's not like we consider you an animal!" She says, "you are very capable of being your own person and you are a very likable pony."

"But I'm not a pony."

"But you might as well be."

"And that's why everypony is ok with it." She says

I take a second to let that soak in.

Might as well be... I guess that kinda makes sense.

Just then Magnum walks into the room.

"Have you two seen Sweetie Belle? It's getting late and I haven't seen her since I got here."

"Last I saw her was this morning." I say

"Well it couldn't hurt to go look for her." Says Rarity putting away her measuring tape, tools and such. "We will continue this later."

I am able to step off the stand she had me on.

"Well we better be going then!" I say


The sun was getting low in the sky.

"We'd better split up. I'll check the marketplace, Ben, you check around the schoolhouse, and father, you check up by Sweet Apple Acres. You know Big Macintosh right?"

Magnum replies, "Eeyup"

"Alright, I'll head on down there." I say

"If we find anything we meet back at the Boutique! Agreed?" She says

"Agreed" Magnum and I say

Magnum takes off towards the farm and Rarity splits to the market.

I take off in a steady jog towards the schoolhouse. Perhaps Sweetie and the girls went down there to say hello to Cheerilee.

Eventually I find my way to the schoolhouse. It's a little one, one room, red, looks exactly like something you would find in a cartoon.

No signs of the girls or Sweetie anywhere. Drat. I walk up to the schoolhouse and knock.

*knock knock knock*

Cheerilee answers the door.

"Oh! Good evening Ben, what brings you here?" Says the teacher

"I'm looking for Sweetie Belle, has she been around?"

"I haven't seen the girls since this morning. After you left I stayed and watched the girls play. After a few minutes the girls got tired of tag then Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon went their own ways. The Crusaders said something about going to Zecoras to retry potion making cutiemarks. But that was several hours ago."

"Thank you Cheerilee, if you see them could you tell them to head to the Boutique?" I ask

"Will do." She says

"Good night Cheerilee"

"Good night Ben" she says and closes the door.

Zecoras house... This is turning into a wild goose chase.

Looks like I'm headed into the Everfree.

I turn and look at the forest in the distance. There's only two times I've been in there. Whenever I first appeared here in Equestria, and whenever I first met Zecora. But that's a different story. I could still remember the way.

The treeline was only a few hundred yards from the school playground. The path to Zecoras was a short distance in the trees.

I walk to the treeline and prepare to enter. There are a lot of mysteries in here. Maybe one day I will solve them. But today is not that day. I step in.

Ok good, I haven't died yet. That's typically a good sign.

I continue through the trees until I see the proper path.

Thankfully it was winter. I didn't have to worry about walking through poisonous plants like last time. The cold killed them off this time. Or made them dormant. Same difference.

Poison joke is NOT a joke. I repeat NO a joke. You don't even wanna know what happened.

It's quiet in the woods, a little too quiet to be comforting, especially in the Everfree.

One thing you have to know about woods. If you don't hear any type of nature sound, you're either completely and utterly alone. Or you're being stalked.

Call me paranoid but that's how it is in deep woods. Usually I'm the one stalking, but that was on Earth. The Everfree is a whole other ball game.

The sun was about to set when I finally saw Zecoras hut. There were lights coming from the windows so that meant she was home.

I walk up to the door and hear giggling fillies inside. That's a good sign.

I knock on the door, *knock knock knock*

The door opens and I look down,

"Applebloom?" I ask

"Boy howdy! Come on in!" She says

I step in and look around the room, Scootaloo is asleep on chair in the corner and Sweetie Belle is staring into a potions book.

"Where's Zecora?" I ask

"Oh she had ta go and collect some herbs for a potion of hers." Replies Applebloom

"Well it's starting to get a little late, we were getting kinda worried. Also Sweetie Belle. Your parents have arrived and been dying to see you!" I say

"Mom and Dad?!" She says poking her head out of the book.

"Yup, and your dad. Let me tell ya, I like him, he's got a sense a humor!" I add

"C'mon girls lets go!" She shouts

Her excitement wakes Scootaloo, who says "Who? Wha?"

"Come on girls, it's time to head back." I say

I leave a note for Zecora so she doesn't think the girls ran off in the dark Everfree by themselves. I grab the hut key off the table.

I glance out the window. It looks like the sun had gone down since I had been in the hut. Which wasn't that long, I must've hit the transition right on the dime.

I gather up the girls and we head out the door. I lock the door and leave the key under the mat for Zecora.

For a while, it's quiet, nothing but the sound of feet and hooves on the soft ground. In the distance we hear howling. We quicken our pace.

"Ben? What was that?" Asks Scootaloo

"Nothing Scootaloo, just keep moving." I reassure

The darkness seems to be closing in around us. The silence screams at us alone in the night. The cold air growing colder with each passing minute.

Then we hear a sound in the dark.

A quiet *snap*

A chill runs down my spine as I turn to face our predator.

A howl rings out in the forest around us.
