Gilda's trip to Ponyville ended worse than she could have imagined. She didn't exactly leave on the best of terms with her only real pony friend, and a temper tantrum on the outskirts of the Everfree leaves her with an even bigger problem than that.
After a year at home with no hope to fix her situation, Gilda has no choice but to turn to the ponies she may very well dislike the most. But can they just forgive and forget in her time of need?
A/N: This is just a short little fic that I collaberated together with Merlos the Mad on. It was fun as heck to write and I hope everyone enjoys!
This story is 100% approved by Twilight's Library!
Ohh... I liked the beginning. You may want to go back and capitalize the Ponyville though.
Give us more from Pony Gilda! (maybe not the best choice of words hehehe)
May I suggest an alternate title? Gilda'd seems... just plain bad in my opinion. I do know you were thinking of an offshoot of the whole "Golden opportunity," thing, so why not make it relevant to both Gilda and gold itself?
A Gilded Opportunity?
Just a suggestion, I couldn't care less if you wish to keep it this way. It's your story.
Ummm... I'm pretty sure the title is supposed to be a play on words... So, it wouldn't make sense to change the title to what it was jokingly referring itself to...
But that's wrong, I suggested changing it to A Gilded Opportunity, which was NOT the phrase it was parodying.
I did refer to the Golden Opportunity, which was the initial phrase. I said in my opinion it is his title, and he doesn't have to change it if he doesn't want, but I really don't think it works that well as it is.
I recommended "A Gilded Opportunity," because it ties into both the initial phrase, and Gilda's name, and sounds a bit better than Gilda'd.
But it's up to him to decide. I don't care what he does, it was only a suggestion.
3547763 please tell me you at least liked the story...
Yes, I liked it. I never said that I didn't...
Clearly the BLue plants were POISON JOKE [But since its been a year perhaps its harder to cure now?]
A nice start.
However, I noticed there are several times when you fail to capitalize Dash's name. You might want to do a find and replace on that.
Well this is one story Gilda does not want out.
[insert angry Gilda face]
We need more character emoticons...
3550051 agreed...
Give me mo- Wait I didin't read it yet
This was actually a very enjoyable read. At first I was all skeptical, thinking it a ridiculous premise that Gilda might suddenly turn into a pony. Lo and behold, you explained it almost as soon as the story began with what is potentially the only explanation that makes sense! Poison Joke! Though I might argue that its effects would wear off in less than a year, it still damn well makes sense. In fact, it makes too much sense. It's probably the exact joke the funny blue flowers would play on ol' pony-hating Gilda. Or, well. Maybe 'hate' is a strong word, but she is pretty much the poster child for everything not-pony, in many more ways than just her species. So being Poison-Joked into a pony makes perfect sense.
Come to think of it, when Dashie finally realizes this is a bad case of poison joke, she'll probably string Gilda along for as long as she can. I know I would!
"Yea Gilda, that poison joke is some serious stuff. I got into it when I was a little filly once."
"Yea? What happened?"
"I used to be gray."
3551724 Dangit Bobbeh, what'd I tell you bout asking those fim... fiction people for moar? Bwaaa... Have you had your propane today?
Oh, and I might mention something that I found particularly funny in another Gilda fic, was her disdain for teeth.
lol 3552625
nice i like gilda stroies too bad there isn't more of them

There are far too few good Gilda stories out there. But this, it seems, is one of them.
The writers need to bring Gilda back and give her an epic episode or something.
3553846 I'm writing this story in the idea that it could be its own episode. I have full plans for this story, but because it's shorter it's gonna take a back seat to my more active story for now, but this wont take long at all I promise!
I am perfectly fine with this taking a back seat to "A Scratched Record," because I love that one too.
Some day, I might get tired of Vinyl Scratch. Some day, I might get tired of "voice in your head"-type stories. But neither of those days is anytime close.
SO looking forward to here and how you take this

Wait... I'm just a tad confused; is Twilight in this story Pre-Alicorn or Post-Alicorn? Just because I had this image in my head of Twilight (Without wings) just falling off the edge of Dash's house...
3558473 teleport spell or that's what the story implied to me anyway
3559110 Very astute! But to clarify, no Twilicorns here... This is a year after Gilda's visit, i'm pretty sure Twilight's ascension happened some time after that.
Let the madness begin!
3559821 What's a Tilicorn?
I just came to a conclusion
When I first saw the episode where Gilda came to ponyville I thought that pinkie planned the party and let rainbow dash plan the pranks so that it would show her that she really is mean to all her freinds ,but in reality pinkie really DID just plan the party to make Gilda happier, pinkie did not actually conceive a plan to show everyone who she really is, she only wanted to help her
And in this revelation I find how people have more in common with griffons than ponies. Whereas ponies would not make such a conniving plan humans would, for justice? Of course not all people would but it gives a sense or feeling of justice. Sorry for the small wall of text and me rambling, but I had to get the idea out of my head
I like the story. When comes the next chapter
3562727 Chapter updates are when I can pump em out. This story takes a back seat to my main project 'A Scratched Record', but I already have the next chapter in the works!
You have a multitude of capitalization errors in this story.
3578708 So i'm informed, haven't had the time to go back and fix it yet but i'm not ignoring them. I want to submit this to equestria daily, but not until its shined to perfection.
Ah, g'day Four. I do hope you liked my apprentice's story overall. For a talking animal he's not bad, eh?
3578907 No comment...
I suspect it might wear off in time if you just took a stroll through it, but it seems Gilda actually ate some in her temper tantrum.
3580628 Well, idk if she ate any, but she sure as hell decimated those plants. If anything she got a huge dose one way or the other.
I hope you didn't pump too much magic into him. I thought wolves had an issue with sometimes exploding.
No, that's platypus. Platypi? Those things took so much magic to make in the first place even a smidgen more makes them pop like cherries in a microwave.
It says specifically that she 'chomped down' on some of them. Doesn't say if she swallowed deliberately, but I'd say it's safe to assume that at least a little got down her throat regardless.
3580737 Ah.
Well this is just snazzy! I have a full fledged debate about my fic in my comments! 3578708 3581123 3580628
Clearly this means you must write more so the debate may (eventually) be settled.
3581429 Way ahead of you, look forward to a new chapter this weekend, along with a new ASR if your following that too.
3581434 Hurry uuuuup.....
3581885 Nice Rarity impression!
Now do Dinky Doodle! 
So typing and chatting wolves are just child's play?
Oh Gilda, if only she knew what poison joke was. Though if she did, there probably would be no story here.
3582331 You make me sound like his pet project
Finally fixed as many Caps mistakes as I could find! If I missed any let me know!
Typo in your short description
That wasn't my doing, or maybe it was, but Merlos got me started down that path. If you want I can read through it again and try to pick out more typos and such.
3583413 Don't do anything you don't want to. ^^
3582112 Dinky Doodle?