After a long, quiet day of reading, Twilight picks up another book. Well, what else was she gonna do, Sherlock? Sleep? Of course not. There's far too much to learn. This book she picked up was different. Blasphemous. It suggested that Celestia and Luna may not have created everything around her. But Twilight was open-minded, she always has been, so she carried on reading. It explained about something called "Multiverse Theory".
After that... Well, that's when the weird stuff started happening.
An intriguing concept, I must say. It should be interesting to see how Twilight views the world now that she's been made aware of the 'Multi-bread' theory.
But I have to point out one particular criticism, though:
One loaf.
Two loaves.
The word 'loafs' only applies as a verb, i.e. 'He loafs around on the sofa all day.'
I don't know if this is replying or not. Maybe you'll never see this. Heh. Oh well.
I'm glad you enjoyed it! The concept was born when a friend of mine sent me an email saying "Teleporting bread", and I kinda got carried away. xD
As for the plural of "loaf", thanks so much for clearing that up. I was always weary whenever I typed that out, to have my doubts confirmed is a load off my mind! (Self-proclaimed grammar Nazi, here! :3)
I'll bet my bits that this happened at the same time with the events of Expiration Date.
You're right, you didn't reply, but I just happened to be on this page anyway so I saw the message.
To reply to a message, you first need to click the icon to the top right of a comment that looks like this: >> Once you do that, you'll see '>>' followed by a number code appear in the comment box, meaning whatever you type after that code will be classed as a reply and the other person will be notified. Hope that helps!
4751625 What's that? :o
This particular story was inspired by the works of Tom Holt, if that's what you mean.
4751638 Oh wow, that was lucky then!
Again, thanks for the help, otherwise I might have looked more of a fool than I already do! x3
4751650 Expiration Date is a TF2 short. Here it is.
You have inspired me! For the next three days I shall do nothing but teleport bread!
4751710 Oh that's brilliant, I wish I'd seen that sooner. xD
4751724 YOU MADMAN
4755222 I'm a doin it!
Oh this is gonna be good
We'll, okay then
These cliffhangers nowadays....
Well now we have to wait another ten years.
Hurry up with a new chap, I can't wait for more ^^ how many universes will she traverse? *whispers* Please be some sort of Superwholock.