"What happened?"
"What is going on?"
"Why are we Pokémon?"
"Why are we in Equestria?"
So long story short, a brony and pegasister are sent to Equestria as Pokémon and they don't know how it happened or why. Now they must travel through Equestria to either find their way home, or live out the rest of their lives in a new world in new bodies. And only one of these questions will be answered.
"Where is Fluttershy with the cuddles?"
"Don't look at me like that, I know you want one too."
Probably going to be that one.
Edited by: BronieMan305
Pre-read by: psychicscubadiver
Tank you Koru Konsui for helping me think of a name for this freakin' story.
2049127Kind of a dick move seeing as though you're my editor.
hilarious so far, and pretty well written. certainly an interesting twist on the pokemon in Equestria concept. Fav'd and following.
keep up the good work. And have a pinkie!
Being my two favorite fanfiction fandoms, I've always wondered what a pokemon and MLP crossover would be like. It took me completely by surprise seeing this in the featured box, but I guess I'll finally have an answer to my question. Gonna have to follow this one.
Yay! Ireland RULES!
this is a great story kiip up the good work
Troll face.jpg
Instant Fav!
do you by any chance have a link to the cover image? this fic looks good
Lawdy lawdy, I need moar.
2064462Here you go.
I think I'll stick around and see where you're going with this. It's interesting so far, but there are a whole load of errors, and I'm going to be that annoying guy that points them out.
2064581I find those more helpful than annoying. Thank you for pointing those out to me good sir. I tip my top hat to you.
Say uh, you wouldn't happen to read Piers Anthony's Xanth series do you?
I wish there were more fics like these...
Please continue good sir
That was an excellent troll. Well done.
2064581 so... "wooden blanket" and "creeks?"
I only read because your avatar is OneyNG.
My god... SO AWESOME
2064687I knew it was a good idea to change my avatar pic.
You dirty little sellout whore.
You didn't see it, did you?
2064716Dragonzball peepee? 'Course I saw it. Or are you refering to something else?
There are a few awkward transitions, a couple of places that look like editing fragments, and some showing vs telling difficulties, but over all quite well written.
You have a nice balance between description and allowing the readers imagination to fill in the blanks after the first few paragraphs, and I really like the personalities of the two protagonists.
I look forward to future chapters!
2064686 Huh, didn't even notice the "creeks" part. But I honestly did laugh at "wooden blanket".
2064648 You are welcome then.
Wait, someone wrote a series about my home?I mean, yes, yes I do.I was wondering when someone would make the connection.
2064734... huh.
must..resist... to fav. resistance...failing...
on another note isn't arcanine and ninetails like the only likable pair back in the original 150?(or is it 151? can never tell)
R U Cereal?
If there are two pokemon that I would love to have it's those two...
to the story and to your pic!
This is pretty good
Also, I just remembered I had a Charizard pic...
Saw the Pokémon, I squeed. Saw it was humans turned into Pokémon in Equestria, I squeed so hard it hurt.
Ah, a simple healthy troll. Gotta have those every now and again.
Eh. It's alright. It's better than most of the other Pokémon crossovers I've seen here. So far.
Except the Lucario one, even though he's ludicrously overpowered. And maybe that one with Pikachu and Buneary, but then I haven't seen hide or hair of that one in a while.
Why Arcanine and Ninetails? Why not Rapidash and Zebstrika? Why does no one ever make that connection?
It would've been more awesome if the characters were a Blaziken and a Gardevior respectively.
*golfclap* Most epic, yet classic, smartarse response to any question - For that, this gets fav'd.
First off, Vega approves. Second off, if Prince is going to be the "annoying guy" that points errors out, I'm going to be the annoying Eevee to point Pokémon related errors out.
Those sir, would be moves. If they were talking about Abilities then Drex would've talked about Flash Fire, Intimidate, or the hidden ability Justified. Also, when typing the E in Pokémon or any Poké part, try Holding Alt then typing in the Numpad 130. It should come up as é. Though you wouldn't have to, I just thought of putting that out there.
I usually don't like Pokemon but THIS is funny. GO ON
Second chapter finished. Actually, I finished reading it well over an hour ago, but then I went back to hunt for errors. Here be my booty:
This may sound odd, but I derived a good measure of joy from finding these errors.
I'm getting a distinct "male animated lead" vibe from Drex. Have you noticed all such characters are good-hearted stubborn idiots? (If this is a self-insert, I am obsolved of all psychological damage this statement may inflict upon your reading of this line. Oh, and I'm sorry too. )
I have no idea how this went unnoticed: Ninetales. Not Ninetails.
I am loving this story. I shall follow it posthaste.
Ninetales is the sexiest pokemon.