• Member Since 21st Mar, 2018
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


A steaming cup of coffee that will never spill – the perfect gift for a dad!


Fed up with being the bridesmaid but never the bride, Spitfire confronts Soarin about his lack of proposals.

Cover by ZantyARZ on DeviantArt.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 37 )

This was a fun story.

Definitely a choatic good read. Very solid writing and engaging as can be.

Howdy, hi!

That was fun, also enjoyed the community reference you snuck in there. Spitfire and Soarin are a bumbling couple and I had a fun time reading about them. Glad they finally got married after all this time. Thanks for the read!

That was insane and I loved it

:rainbowhuh: So how'd you two do it?
:moustache: Las Pegasus , You know the Elvis guy at the 24 hour wedding chapel
:raritystarry: How could I forget Fashion Friday
:facehoof: Cadance was still blasting Thunderlane
:rainbowlaugh: He was shitting lightning for a week
:pinkiehappy: "🎶 Thunderlane and lightning very very frightening, 🎶 Boom, Moma Mia Moma Mia, Momma Mia let me go!🎶 "
:facehoof: ...


Someone get Martin Billany to do a reading of this with voices.

Spitfire being incompetent at being proposed to is a hillarious thought . .

"Think of Rainbow Dash, but a prick!"

Oh my goodness that is apt.

I mean... At least she didn't find out they already had been married for 10 years....

Little head's up, the mods don't like stories with swears in the title unless they're either censored, or the story itself is rated mature. Just trying to save you some trouble.

Oh man this was so fun and hilarious to read!!! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

Bwahaha! That was a great read, and I loved the final punchline. :rainbowlaugh:

Hmm, why do I have an inkling a certain draconequus may have been involved, a great read!

That was equal parts cute and really fucking hilarious. I love that Soarin’ has been proposing to Spitfire constantly, that entire setup is hilarious.

You could probably do with less breaks, but otherwise, I liked this story.

I hope you and your fiancé are happy together.

Ah, Fire Streak, keeping up the finest traditions of military camaraderie. When you see your buddy buried up to his neck in something foul, you immediately grab a shovel...

... and pile it up the rest of the way.

Excellent read.

I have to wonder who Lightning Dust is marrying. Is it possible that a certain yellow Pegasus is going to get an annoying sister-in-law?

Pretty fun story overall. Not that many in the SoarinFire field nowadays. Definitely adding it to my favorites.

Aye, I thought so too. I knew went a bit overboard with the breaks. 😅

We've never been happier! Thank you very much! 😁

Yup! My second favourite thing after featuring background characters as much as possible is to feature the uncommon/unusual pairings!

Thank you so much for reading! 💛

Author's note came across as patronizing, but story is solid and I didn't see the "twist" coming at all.

Now Ah am itchin' ta read tha stories 'bout Lightning Dust's marriage an' Thunderlane vs Cadence.
...I have no Idea why I wrote like that,

"Not on purpose!" Soarin exclaimed. "I was trying to do that thing where I put the ring in a wine glass and say 'Let's make a toast!' and then you'll go 'Woah! Is this what I think it is?!' Only it, uh, didn't exactly work out like that."

:rainbowlaugh: This story is so fucking funny! It deserves its place in the featured box.

I loved this! It's great!

Definitely worth the read! :rainbowlaugh:

"Think of Rainbow Dash, but a prick !"

So... a typical Wonderbolt?

"And just what is so funny?" She asked, rounding on Wonderbolts she'd considered friends and comrades nearly all her life. If looks could maim, the Wonderbolts would have been short a few Sergeants and up a few dozen meat cubes on its way to the Dragon Lands.

You demonstrating why the stallion has the good sense to NOT marry you...

So good :rainbowlaugh:

[I don't think ponies have menstrual cycles, but rule of funny applies :twistnerd:]

..and congratulations to you, I assume :)

Personal highlight: Sandy Somnambula. The town, not the pony. Because nopony would know about the pony, right? :rainbowlaugh:

Anyway, others already said it: This was funny as heck.

Thank you!

Honestly, it was a surprise to me when I was writing this. I was searching for deserts or desert villages in the MLP world, and it went over my head that Somnambula was also the name of her village.

Makes you think what came first? And why. :rainbowlaugh: Option #1: She went there and she or somepony who was with her said 'yeah, nice spot, let's found a town here, let's name it after me/you'. That's just... wow. Option #2: Nice town was there, her parents got their offspring and decided 'you know what, I'm not that great with names... uh... she got born here, so why not name her after the town?' - 'Yeah, that won't confuse anypony!' :rainbowlaugh:

I've been looking forever. Where is it implied that it's Zephyr?


GravityDefyingCoffeeMug: Yup! My second favourite thing after featuring background characters as much as possible is to feature the uncommon/unusual pairings!

"Delicate? I'm not delicate. You take that back." Spitfire weeped.

Is spitfire supposed to be weeping here?

This was pretty funy.

Dang. So many attempts. Idk which got me more the yak amnesia or the one where she swallowed it! :rainbowlaugh:

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