Doctor Whooves - The Series: Episode One - The Pinkie ConundrumAfter the harrowing events of "Traveller," the Doctor is forced into having some downtime in Ponyville while the TARDIS rests. Meanwhile, Twilight goes to confide in her beloved mentor, but ends up learning far more than she Loyal2Luna
30,783 words
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When the Man Comes AroundAs Ponyville prepares for arriving royal marshals, a new traveler quietly slips into GentlemanJ
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PetricultureTwilight tries to figure out how rock farming Kwakerjak
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Stories in Stone, Luna's Royal Guard.The Gardens of Canterlot contain more than their fair share of stories. And more creatures than just TDR
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Edit 5/19/23: And now thanks for adding Parent-Teacher Conference as well!
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