I never expected much to happen to me when I joined the Royal Guard. It's a nice job, don't get me wrong, but all those stories about saving the princess and getting a reward were just stories. Of course, sometimes those stories come true and in the came of myself I happened to have done just that. I saved Princess Celestia and in return I got to go out on a date with her.
Absolutely adorable, not really sure what else to say.
Sometimes the way to a mare's heart isn't intending on winning it.
Hm. I liked it. This was an interesting story 👌🏽
Comfortable to read, long enough to entertain. funny at times and having a very unexpected ending with comical crumbs that I loved.
Not perfect, but as great as many other stories.
P.S: There are few grammatical issues, but it's common to see them in every story.
Good story I give it a. 10 out of 11 .
And if yor interested I have 2 fanfic story that you mite like to write.
1 lord beerus the farther of the royal sisters.
Beavis and butthead the sons of luna
That was a nice fun read. It got a little deep towards the end when Celestia said she couldn’t have children, but then went right back to funny and adorable.
Nice little fic of romance.
I always consider anyone unable to have children an absolute tragedy since somebody in my family has experienced it firsthand, so I kinda find it bit insulting quite frankly when her own sister decides to choose her own sex for romance while (I assume) still having the ability to have children and deciding not to have any for her and her family. Almost a slap to the face toward Celestia. I'm not saying she's obligated to have children, I just think it's sad she chooses not to bring the gift of life while I know others that would very much love to have it.
Just my opinion, but hey, I'm just a guy with more conservative viewpoints for which many immediately hate me for because of it, so fuck if I know right?
I'm having a bad day, so I dont care.
Utterly adorable.
btw, spotted a few errors
(Also this was hilarious)
extra ]
I love this, he is a lucky bastard,and I want more.
Before someone makes a comment to this guy below or so much as disapproves of the... content. I must respectively ask for you not to. Not because I agree with this person - far from it. I may not approve of what he says, but as insane of a statement this might be - I do not believe that one who wrote this is evil. As I've come to learn when people are often angry or bitter, they do so because that's how they are - but because somewhere offstage, something happened to them that made them so.
To quote someone wiser than me, "Never assume that the one who acts badly is evil - always look for the pin." In other words, never assume that the person who made this was doing it just to be a jerk for the fun of it. It's best to use one's imagination that maybe whoever this is, their morning routine has gone off track, perhaps something spilled and it took a long time to clean it up, maybe they were late, or had a furious argument with someone that they were blamed for that wasn't their fault.
Or maybe, whoever it was that wrote this didn't do it to be evil, but simply had a bad day. As much as I disagree with this person, I don't think that telling him would do any good. Perhaps, it may be better to say "I sympathize that you're having a rough time right now, I do hope you find peace in the near future."
A families lineage is important this I can agree on.
More along the lines of saying: "Look, I can tell this guy, whoever it is, might be honest about having a bad day. So maybe cut 'em some slack." It's not about what kind of opinion he has, but just to tell everyone else to go easy on 'em.
Shame people can't just, "have opinions" without others attacking them.
I confess it's a... difficult skill to learn and be reminded of. I'm still learning how not to be quick to anger, but try to use my imagination to see past the obvious.
Well, opening was kinda weak.
I enjoyed his monologue of guard life.
Luna was perfect.
The date was adorable and actually heartfelt in the park.
The other guards reactions were also enjoyable.
Ha ha, very funny
This was perfect think we can get a sequel?
Your story sparked my Muse! It compelled me to write up this alternate take at a key moment in the story.
"Roses happen to be my favorite," Princess Celestia said as she took one of them and put it in her mane. "I'll have one of my servants put it in a vase."
I felt the corners of my lips pull up slightly. I had no idea what my bunkmate gave me in that "energy drink to soothe my stomach," but it certainly worked. Not only had the dry heavings stopped entirely, I hadn't felt nervous for hours. To be honest, it was like the fear response in my brain had been given the night off.
Princess Luna levitated the flowers away and turned to her sister. "Enjoy your date, Sister." She then turned to me while pointing the flowers at me like a sword. "And as for you, Young Guard?"
"If you do anything to hurt or humiliate my sister, I shall spend the entirety of your life sending you nightmares. Ones so horrible that you never have clean sheets on your bed ever again," Luna warned. Her eyes were glowing white.
I grinned then turned to my date. "Does she always flirt this aggressively with stallions?"
Celestia eyes sparkled and she smiled. "Always."
A gasp in front of me brought my gaze down to the Lunar Monarch. Her starry mane whipped around her head, growing darker. "Thou darest to put words in my mouth? Uncultured cur, thou shalt--"
I stepped closer and cut her off. "Did you or did you not just say you wanted to spend every single night with me for the rest of my natural life?"
"Kkk!" Her glowing eyes got wider. I noticed the guards to her sides step back from Luna but in my current mental state, I just didn't care. The Night Alicorn got her composure back. "I said no such thing!"
"True," said her sister. "You merely 'strongly implied' it."
I smirked back at Celestia. "Thanks, dearest."
She snorted. "No problem, hon."
I turned back to see Luna's narrowed eyes now free of white magic. "Thou seekest to humiliate me in front of my guards. I shant--"
Again. "You commanded me, an off-duty soldier mind you, to not humiliate your sister." I moved to right in front of her face. "I can't be responsible for you forgetting to include yourself in that order."
Luna's mouth moved but no sound came out.
I turned and smiled up at my date. "Shall we?"
"We shall."
After the two of us had traveled out of Luna's line-of-sight, Celestia said, "Exhale please."
I did so and her nostrils flared. "Crimson arrowroot. A rather powerful Zebrican herb. Your idea?"
I shook my head. "Is that what it is? Never heard of it. Oh, and no, it was my roommate's idea. He got tired of my shenanigans after my third nervous breakdown."
My date straightened up and I think there was a bit of a prance to her step. "The drug does more to stallions than just alleviate a bad case of nerves. Did your roommate tell you that?"
I perked my ears. Part of me was screaming that I just can't act so familiar with the royals. Fortunately, the genuinely curious part had a much louder voice right now. "Oh, really? Like what?"
Celestia smirked and looked straight ahead. "Ah, well. A refined mare doesn't speak of such things. If the right opportunity comes up later, I'll let you know."
A tease. Great. "Noted…" I said quietly.
I mean, it's not really a conservative viewpoint. I don't think that most conservatives believe that their siblings are obligated to have kids for their own sake, that's just a bizarre degree of entitlement IMO.
Yeah that's a bit... much... Plus, adoption is a thing.
Sequel pls!
Yep. I like this very much.
Guardxlestia added to the list of ships I didn't know I liked
Sequel? I really enjoyed this piece of work you both did.
This was a fun little comedy of errors. The inversion of a couple of tired tropes and lively tone made this one a nice little romcom romp.
This isn't a conservative viewpoint, this is, as another commenter said something so bizarrely and maliciously entitled. While Celestia phrases things differently, it's made very clear that Luna is gay. (And while gay couples can have children through adoption and other means, that's a different story.) The way Celestia says things could be interpreted as Luna being bi, but later lines affirm that she is gay. Luna isn't choosing one or the other, she has absolutely no attraction to stallions. Celestia does not show any ill will towards her sister over this, and she really shouldn't because it would be irrational.
Loved this story, very fun, very sweet. A well deserved like a fav.
This was surprisingly sweet. This is kind of striking though. It puts me in the mind of fics where the main character is first person or anon and a thin excuse for a self insert. Even if it's not the case, like I said it reminds me of one. But the fact that you actually made it a character and gave him a back story actually made it more immersive. That's the right way to do a random unnamed character falls for a main character fic. Once again, sweet and I liked it.
This took me forever to finish reading, because life. But
I am glad i stuck it out.
Always a fan of Celestia finding happiness.
"Alright, I accept."
"And if I need me to be punished for this- wait, what?" I asked in disbelief. I thought for sure I was dreaming as she looked at me with a smirk and nodded her head.
"I said, I accept. I'll go on a date with you."
And that's when I fainted.
Super fucking cute and dorky! Usually, I mostly read romance fics with humans but this oc guard is super likeable :)
U got my like and fav already
This story killed me. 🤣
Hmm.. pony version of Indian, eh? I like it! Fun fact, I am from India!! 🇮🇳🇮🇳
Hope there is more some day.
Truly good and very interesting, made an amazing work