• Member Since 15th Dec, 2019
  • offline last seen Jan 9th, 2023


I just really like worldbuilding!


Ocellus's life had taken some wild turns lately. The tyrannical Queen Chrysalis had been outed, replaced by the former AWOL Changeling Thorax. Now, the Changelings could live free, unshackled from doing the bidding of an uncaring queen.

Even better, she had been chosen to go to the brand new School of Friendship! She could actually go and receive a proper education that greatly overshadowed anything the meager Changeling Hive library had.

Only one task stands in her way: alongside her normal application, Ocellus has to write a "cover letter" expressing her personal reasons for wanting to go to this school. It had to be written from the heart; any sort of "business speak" would get her application trashed instantly.

Ocellus has no idea what to write for this.

Written for the writing prompt "The Winner Takes It All". Thank you to Smokey for his critique on my fic, as well as everyone else who has read it!

NOTE: This story takes place shortly before MLP Season 8.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )

Fics like these really make me wish Seasons 8 and 9 had been structured better so that we could have given each of the Young-6 focus episodes, rather than basically always only seeing them acting as a group.

RDT #3 · Jan 6th, 2022 · · 1 ·

You didn't keep the written profanity warning, just the tag :(

Great story!

Profanity doesn't need a warning. The tag is more than enough.

I know right? Each of the Young Six have enough going for them to make their own focused episodes. They sorta teased that idea with the episode that went over their individual Christmas traditions, but more focused stuff on them would be rad.

Oh well, that's where fanfiction can fill the gaps.


Trust me, it was on my mind XP

However, I don't think I could've really gotten away with it here. The content warnings on Fimfiction are on tags, so it may have given confusion to also see a content warning in an Author's Note.


For context: I gave him (and the rest of the writing group) a Google Doc to preread prior to upload. On that doc, I wrote a content warning right before the first line of the story. So it lead to comedic timing where the user got warned of profanity, and the very next line was usage of said profanity.

Not a bad story. I like the Book Bug and this story gives an interesting motive for writing her letter.

Great story, I love it! I wish I could create such stories, but I am always out of ideas. So, this is why whenever I have to write an essay I look for examples on the Internet in order to find some inspiration. For example, I had to write an essay related to movies and didn't have any idea what to write about and how to start, but the examples from this site https://samplius.com/free-essay-examples/movies/ helped me a lot and I wrote the essay very quickly as it boosted my creativity.

First line in and I already knew I was going to love this story. I love this characterization a lot! 10/10 from me :rainbowkiss:

This reminded me of college application essays. The first word of the story is also something I find myself screaming at my computer a lot.

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