• Member Since 15th Dec, 2019
  • offline last seen Jan 9th, 2023


I just really like worldbuilding!


At the North Pole, in the northmost extremity of Equestria stands a remote research base, dedicated to studying a strange obelisk erected for unknown reasons. Here, a small research team works to find out what they can about this structure. Their research hasn't progressed very far, and it's generally unexciting work.

The most interesting thing to happen on the job is the yearly visit from Waypoint. For the last three years, this odd goldenrod pegasus visits by plane, says hello to the team, assists in an experiment or two, and leaves a few days later.

All they really know about him is that he's the only son of well-off parents, and he claims that the reason he wants to visit so much is because the North Pole is where he got his cutie mark. Clearly there's more to his reasons, but what? What sort of answers would a pony wanting for little in the world be looking for out in the middle of a frozen wasteland?

Death tag is due to references to a near-death experience.

Takes place a few years after the Season 9 conclusion, but this story does not contain any spoilers for that conclusion.

Thanks to my friends who proofread my story!

Cover art by Calmivore!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 6 )

Wow, really nice emotions and foreshadowing in this story!

I can tell you've been wanting to tell this story for a while. You've done an excellent job of carving Waypoint's tale, and although it was a bit of a thick read, I enjoyed this tremendously. Well done.

Thank you very much! I was worried about if I put enough foreshadowing in there, so it's good to hear that I did a good job there.

Absolutely. I came up with this OC a few months ago and been brainstorming ideas for him. I actually have a lot more I'd like to write about him (showing his goofball side in more upbeat stories, introducing other OCs as his friend group, etc), but those stories will come in time. I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the story though!

Why isn't this more popular?


Probably for a few reasons. It's my first story on the site, I didn't try to have it be included in any groups, and I only notified my friends about it. It would be neat to have more widespread exposure for my story, but overall I wrote the story for my own personal pleasure. Fame comes second, even if it'd be the icing on the cake!

However, the biggest advantage of having my story be spread further is more chances at constructive criticism. I'm going to continue writing no matter how popular this story gets, but getting ideas on what I may need to work on will prevent those issues from arising in the future.

Of course, you're always welcome to share the story as much as you want as well! Also, thank you for taking your time to read it too!

good story deserve more read.

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