• Member Since 13th Jan, 2020
  • offline last seen 14 minutes ago


I... have no idea what I'm doing...

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  • 36 weeks
    "A Life in a Day" gets a Cover image

    Hey peeps,

    A while back one of my stories, Blood and Glamour, was awarded a bonus prize in the contest it was written for, and the prize was one of the judges making a cover image for one of my stories. So I chose the first story I wrote on the website; "A Life in a Day."

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  • 55 weeks
    I'm writing for a Cartoon Show!

    Greetings Denizens of the Interwebs! Big news!

    So almost a year ago I got involved in a project led by a good friend of mine, and I became lead writer for a cartoon show named "Gamma Girl and Friends!" It's a teen-superhero story set in an arctic world where the main characters are anthro penguins and other arctic themed animals. We're a small team that has been working hard, and the heart and soul going into this show is amazing (Not to mention the art is incredible! just look at this!)

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  • 86 weeks
    Lavender Scales was Featured!

    OMG, we hit the featured list!
    I never expected this much attention, and I am utterly honoured and humbled
    Thank you everyone who read, liked and faved the story since the upload, and I see I've got a few more followers, so welcome. I may not post very often, but I'm happy to have you here :pinkiehappy:

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"A Life in a Day" gets a Cover image · 12:26am Nov 13th, 2023

Hey peeps,

A while back one of my stories, Blood and Glamour, was awarded a bonus prize in the contest it was written for, and the prize was one of the judges making a cover image for one of my stories. So I chose the first story I wrote on the website; "A Life in a Day."

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Report Mindscape · 71 views · Story: A life in a day ·
Comments ( 19 )
  • Viewing 15 - 19 of 19

Yeah it was announced last night it is coming May 31st.

no, I can't say I'm familiar

Oh okay well happy birthday and yeah your welcome and did you hear the news about Toonami Rewind at all?

It was actually my birthday today, so I had a chill day visiting my parents and playing boardgames. Thanks for asking :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 15 - 19 of 19
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