• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Bar of Alliance Meeting

Today's the day, The Bar of Alliance Meeting at the Crystal Empire. Discord wakes up after having a good nap.

"Good morning, Sonata," Discord walk past Sonata. She's strung up like a piñata for pulling Discord's strings and pressing his buttons.

"I hate you..," Sonata groans. "Is my punishment over?" Sonata has some bruises after Discord broke her like a piñata several times.

"Hmm," Discord snaps his claw, and Sonata is released. Her body is back to normal after the snap.

"Finally!" Sonata goes to her room to get some sleep.

Discord grabs a barrel of chocolate milk and sits on his couch. "I can't believe this is how I'm drinking chocolate milk," Discord drinks the barrel of chocolate milk. "That Cana girl is creative when it comes down to drinking."

Discord thinks about how to approach the Bar of Alliance after deceiving them for many months. Would they accept the reality of the situation or explode in rage? Discord ponders a bit while drinking his barrel of chocolate milk.

It's 9:30 in the morning. Sunset Shimmer comes downstairs and sees Discord meditating. Discord is speaking in tongues, trying to come up with a fail-safe procedure for the meeting.

"Hey, Discord. Is everything alright?" Sunset interrupts Discord's speaking in tongues.

Discord sighs. "I'm mentally preparing myself for the worse. I deceived many nations while imposing as Spike. Not everyone is on board with my actions ever since I was exposed. I had timing and place once the waters become still. Unfortunately, Twilight went astray the moment I told the painful truth after exposure."

"Well, judging from what Spike can do during the Grand Magic Games, I'm sure he and his friends can subdue Twilight no problem."

"You would think so but, Twilight has a habit of wanting to know all sorts of magic. We've seen Spike's memory of the Magic Library. If Twilight finds that place, she can become an unstoppable juggernaut."

"I'm not sure. That takes years of studying and perfecting. I'm sure that Natsu, Wendy, Gajeel, and Laxus can find Twilight before she does anything. Those Dragon Slayers have a keen nose to scent and, there is no one on Earth Land that Twilight can ally herself. She's on her own, and she's only going downhill from there."

"True. So, after learning last week about the law being a fake, are you considering going back to the other world?" Discord asks out of curiosity.

"No," Sunset shakes her head. "Twilight made a painfully true statement. I am taking the life of another Sunset Shimmer. I didn't realize it at first but, it makes sense. I ran away to gain power but, I wind up having a great life in a new beginning. The other Sunset Shimmer could be in captivity by an underground agency or the government. She could have gotten her name change or worse."

"What can be worse?"

Sunset Shimmer sighs. "I did make some enemies in my time there, and I think they may have gotten the wrong Sunset Shimmer. She could be killed or arrested. I don't know. There are so many possibilities that can happen."

"So, you're committed to staying here in Equestria?"

"More or less. I've made peace with the Dazzlings. They welcomed me into their group while you were away. After finding out that Twilight and her friends caused Spike to run away, I don't think I can look at them in the eyes and be friends with them; it will be best if I weren't."

"I understand. That's a lot to take in," Discord hovers next to Sunset Shimmer. "What about the counterparts in the other world?"

Sunset takes a deep breath. "After Twilight told me what she and her friends have done, I don't think I can look at my friends the same way. Them being identical and imagine their faces causing that kind of harm to someone. It's mind-boggling. I know they are not at fault. It's painful that Twilight told me that I was in the wrong. Those thoughts and guilty consciousness broke me, Discord. Hearing what she and her friends did to Spike is beyond devastating. I came back home for the sake of my home, not for Twilight Sparkle. Now knowing it's all a lie, I'm not sure what to think."

"I'm sorry that I used your name. It was in the heap of the argument I had with Twilight and Celestia. The two decided species living in the homes they are born to; Spike originated here in Equestria, and so did you. It's my fault that you are here and not there. If I hadn't spoken your name, you would be living happily. Instead, you're not. I'm sorry," Discord is ashamed of himself for robbing a pony's happiness away.

Sunset Shimmer takes a deep breath. "I forgive you. During the time, you were in the right. They wanted Spike back home and say that all creatures cannot leave their world. It made them look like hypocrites because I originated from Equestria and living my life. If you hadn't spoken, they would have gotten away with their many secrets to ensure that ponies are above."

"I'm happy to know that you are a wise pony to forgive me of my actions."

"Discord, if it weren't for you, Spike would be dead. Spike wouldn't be happy the way he is in Earth Land. You saved his life; you are a hero in disguise."

"Thank you, Sunset. That means a lot," Discord smiles.

"There is something you should know, during my history classes, when a government in power or higher authority tries to play God while having favoritisms wind up falling to their demise. Equestria nearly fell because Twilight was highly on ponies in Equestria while disregarding the other species. She and most of Equestria are high in that regard and nearly went to war because of it."

"Indeed," Discord replies.

"What you have done is good intentions but, you didn't think it through to see the bigger picture, did you?"

"Well," Discord pause for a second. "I didn't see how it would affect the other kingdoms. I should have taken accountability in that department. What I witnessed is the Bar of Alliance forming to create unity among all species. They took the next step forward into building a better friendship than what Pony Kind was offering. Dragons, Griffins, Yaks, and Changelings are at peace with each other and continuing to create better bonds among each other and themselves."

"So, how are you going to address the severity of the situation at the Bar of Alliance Meeting?" Sunset asks.

"I have to be honest and speak the truth; No more deception and no more delays. I need to reveal everything Spike has gone through and to hear their reactions to take the steps forward. Hopefully, things don't escalate."

"You want me to come with you?" Sunset asks.

Discord takes a deep breath. "I won't mind having you with me. I do need friends in the meeting for support. I have a feeling that I may lose some friends today for the stunt I pulled."

"I'll be with you. You won't be losing any friends today."

Discord and Sunset hears knocking on the door. Sunset opens the door to see the Unity Seven with Princess Luna.

"Hi, Sunset. Is Discord home?" Princess Luna asks.

"Yes. You come to bring Discord to the meeting?"

"Indeed," Princess Luna nods.

"I'm coming with Discord for moral support."

"Awesome, Yak loves more company!" Yona gets excited.

"Are the Dazzlings coming by any chance?" Gallus asks.

"They're asleep. Sonata is sleeping now that her punishment is over," Sunset confirms.

"Alright, then," Neighsay said.

"Darn, I was hoping to see Adagio again." Gallus thought to himself.

"So, where's the meeting, Luna?" Discord asks.

"Changeling Hive. It's Thorax's turn in the rotation," Princess Luna answers.

"Alright," Discord nods.

"Who's Thorax again?" Sunset asks.

"King of the Changelings, Sunset. Don't worry. He's a nice guy with great intentions for the hive," Ocellus answers.

"Alright, let's get moving," Sunset said.

Discord snaps his claw and teleports everyone to the Changeling Hive meeting area. It's an open area with various plant life and gorgeous colorful hues. There's a rug for members of the Bar of Alliance to sit on to make themselves comfortable.

"Discord, Princess Luna. Welcome to the meeting," Thorax greets. "Welcome, Unity Seven. Who is your new friend?"

"Hi," Sunset trots up to Thorax. "My name is Sunset Shimmer. I'm close friends with Discord and Princess Luna. As well as getting to know the Unity Seven."

"Nice to meet you, Sunset Shimmer. I am Thorax, King of the Changeling Hive."

Princess Cadance and Shining Armor arrive with Flurry Heart. It's been a long time since Discord has seen Flurry Heart. Flurry Heart flies and lands in Discord's arms.

"You knew, didn't you?" Discord holds Flurry Heart.

Flurry Heart giggles and nods in response, turns out that Flurry Heart already knew Discord was imposing Spike all along. Discord smiles and tickles her belly, Flurry Heart giggles. She really missed Discord for the longest.

"Wow, Flurry Heart knew that Spike was Discord all along. She's smarter than she looks." Shining Armor is impressed with his daughter, Flurry Heart.

"Aw, such a tender moment," Thorax said, oblivious as to what Discord is talking about with Flurry Heart.

Ember arrives with Gilda and Grampa Gruffs. They take their seats on the rugs. Prince Rutherford enters the meeting room after Pharynx drops him off.

"Thank you for coming, everyone," Discord gets up.

"So, what is today's meeting about, Discord?" Ember asks.

"Yea," Thorax concurs. "It's cool that it's my turn in the rotation and all, but what's on your mind that is important?"

"Hey, wait, where is Spike?" Gilda asks.

"Yea, what happened to him?" Ember asks.

"Where's dragon friend?" Prince Rutherford asks.

"Well, today's meeting is about the truth about Spike," Discord sounds serious, which worries Ember, Thorax, Prince Rutherford, Grampa Gruffs, and Gilda.

"What happened to Spike? What did Twilight do?" Ember is getting irate at the moment.

"Twilight drove Spike away. Spike is not with us," Discord sighs heavily. "He was never with us, to begin with."

"What do you mean Spike wasn't with us?" Thorax is confused.

Discord snaps his claw and transforms into Spike. Thorax, Ember, Prince Rutherford, Gilda, and Grampa Gruffs gasp in horror. More questions are flooding in each of their minds, wanting to know what happened to Spike.

"For many months, I deceived you all because I granted Spike a wish. A wish for him to live in a world where he feels he belongs," Discord displays the memory from the night he spoke to Spike.

"When was this?" Ember asks.

"Over a year ago. Spike was on the brink of committing suicide that night."

"Wait, wait, something doesn't make sense. Why would Spike wished to be in a world where he could be free? Why didn't he come to the Dragon Lands?"

"Or here at the Changeling Hive? I have my brother's back."

"Spike feared that you or Ember tell Twilight where he's been and try to make amends. Spike wholeheartedly believed that wherever he went, there was no escaping from Twilight. He believed that his life only means slavery for the rest of it."

Silence reigned for everyone. Prince Rutherford believed that if Spike came to Yak Yakistan, he would be safe and away from the bad-ponies. Grampa Gruffs didn't know what to think. Things may have been different on his end, and he knows it.

"So, where is Spike now?" Thorax asks. He wants to know if Spike is living a life worth living.

"Spike is in Earth Land. He's happy and loved," Discord answers.

Thorax and Ember sigh in relief after hearing the news about Spike's whereabouts. Gilda nods with approval about Spike's condition. As long as he's happy, that's all that matters.

"However, we have an unfortunate situation regarding Twilight Sparkle," Princess Luna formally addresses.

"What is it, Night Pony?" Prince Rutherford asks.

"Twilight is in Earth Land. We have no way of getting there," Princess Luna replies.

"How is that possible?!" Ember irately asks.

"Pay attention cause I'm about to show you all the turn events of that faithful day," Discord pulls out a projection screen and replays the events of him getting exposed and going to Earth Land.

After three hours of footage and seeing how powerful Spike is with the Fairy Tail Guild, The Bar of Alliance sees the apologies, the goodbye presents, and finding out Twilight has deceived her friends on the return trip. The Bar of Alliance is in shock. They couldn't believe Twilight is willing to cross barriers to bring Spike back home.

"So, Spike is Spike the Fairy..?" Ember can't believe that Fairy is Spike's new last name.

"Spike has a tattoo on his chest. That's hardcore," Gilda said.

"It's not a tattoo. It's an emblem. Wizards have emblems to represent the guilds they're in," Shining Armor explains.

"Oh," Gilda responds. "Whatever."

"Is there more footage of Earth Land and what Spike endured?" Thorax asks.

"Yea. There's so much content that'll last for days. Spike is in good hands with the Fairy Tail Guild. I'm worried that Twilight may develop a new scheme to wipe out the Fairy Tail Guild with the Magic Library filled with years of ancient wisdom and magic."

"That's scary, Discord," Ember said.

"As I mentioned to Discord, that'll take years, and Twilight is on her own. She has no allies whatsoever," Sunset said.

"As you know, Spike has a magic card. If or when Spike uses it to send Twilight Sparkle back to Equestria, she knows the consequences that await her."

"Don't worry, Discord. If Twilight decides to 'visit' the Changeling Hive, we'll send her back to Equestria."

"Same goes for the Dragon Lands. She won't be deceiving us for fools."

"So, you guys aren't mad at me for deceiving you as Spike all this time?"

"Well, I'm upset that you hid the truth from me. Spike is considered my best friend since he's the first to show kindness to me while every pony else resented me and gave me scornful looks. Why did you impose as Spike in the first place; It wasn't thoroughly explained," Thorax asks.

"I wanted to answer a what-if scenario. I saw what it led me to, and Spike would have been fine and prospering if he went through with telling Princess Celestia and Luna what has been going on behind their backs."

"When Discord told my sister and me that night while imposing as Spike, I couldn't believe that Twilight and her friends would do such a thing. Considering they represent what Friendship is meant to be. Obviously, it was for a one-sided species."

"Discord portrayed Spike well during the time and showed genuine emotions during his time. He experienced what Spike would have gone through, and it was depressing. Right, Discord?" Princess Cadance turns to Discord.

"It was horrible. My objective was to see if Twilight and her friends are worthy of being Spike's friends again. Unfortunately, I didn't plan things right, and well, things took many turns. You can say I did a horrible job but, I tried to see where things lead up too."

"Well, thanks to you, we created the Bar of Alliance. Unity is spreading far and wide within our kingdoms and other nations. We're at peace and building stronger bonds. It may have not worked out for Twilight but, you created something better for the rest of us," Thorax said.

"Plus, sending some dragons to the School of Friendship made things better between Dragon and Pony Kind. Smolder there loves hanging out with Neighsay and Sandbar," Ember points to Smolder.

"They are my friends. We've been through a lot together. Plus, Discord created a famous line that everyone says in school," Smolder said.

"No creature should ever feel disgrace due to the history of their kind out of spite. Every creature is different and unique," The Unity Seven says in unison.

"Discord is an awesome teacher. Yona likes Professor Discord."

"Professor Discord taught two classes and were entertaining. Also, we learned a lot of revelations of interacting with other creatures in our world and be mindful of their feelings," Gallus said.

"The School of Friendship wouldn't exist if it weren't for Discord," Ocellus said.

"It's because of him, Hippogriffs are more interactive at the school and with other creatures we were afraid of," Silverstream said.

"I will never disrespect my friends and their families," Sandbar proclaims.

"These creatures are great friends. Because of them, I'm smiling more and having more fun in the past few months than an entire decade of working with the EEA," Neighsay wholeheartedly confirms.

"That's good, Smolder. The same goes for each of you; Going back on topic about Spike. Discord, you should have told us in the beginning," Ember turns to Discord.

"I wasn't sure how you would react at the time, especially when I told you what Spike endured during his life with Twilight and her friends back in Ponyville. Each of you was angry, and well, I needed to wait until the waters have calmed down."

"Yak gives Discord a pass. Yak was thinking about going to war with ponies for undermining a species into controlling them."

"I give Discord a pass too. Believe me when I say this. Every Griffin wanted to tear apart the Pony Princess and her friends for committing vile atrocities on Spike. It's truly uncalled for to treat a baby dragon as a slave," Gilda proclaims.

"I would have initiated war on Equestria," Grampa Gruffs admits.

"Well, I guess you were right to wait. I wanted to go to war on Equestria's soil and scorch their land for hurting my kin. Dragons are not inferiors to Pony Kind and what Princess Twilight did is unforgivable. I refuse to accept any apology from her and her friends. Those words don't matter to me when they disrespected the Dragon Kingdom."

"War wasn't on my mind. I didn't want to bring my Changelings into sadness. We just got over the reformation process and the changing. I warned Twilight and let her know that if she messes up, Changelings and Ponies will no longer have peace," Thorax takes a deep breath. "Right now, things are going in the right direction so, I'm not complaining."

"Neither are we," Gilda and Grampa Gruffs say in unison.

"Yak is okay with how things are. No complaints," Prince Rutherford said.

"The same goes for me," Ember admits. "Things are prospering better in the Dragon Lands."

"The Crystal Empire will survive. They'll miss their Champion for a long, long time," Princess Cadance said.

"So will Flurry Heart," Shining said.

"Uh, Shining. Flurry Heart already knew before anyone that I was Spike," Discord said.

"I know." "Oh," Shining said.

"So, is the meeting over?" Smolder asks.

"Not until Discord shows the rest of Spike's memory in Earth Land. I need to see from start to finish," Ember said.

"Movie Night!" Yona shouts.

"It's still morning, Yona," Gallus said.

"Whatever, it took three days to finish the memory," Yona replies.

"Three days?" The Bar of Alliance couldn't believe that's how long all of Spike's memories are.

"Well, Spike endured months but, I skipped some things that are not necessary. I skipped the bathroom and shower moments of the memory," Discord said.

"Oh," The Bar of Alliance said. They do not want to see anything of it from Spike.

"So, any plans for any of you?" Discord asks.

"I want to see everything from Spike's time in Earth Land," Thorax said.

"Same with me. The Dragons will be fine for a few days."

"Yak wants to see action from Fairy Dragon!"

"Gilda, you stay. I'll go back to Griffinstone," Grampa Gruffs takes flight and flies back to Griffinstone.

"Well, that'll do it. Please clap when you want food, drinks, snacks, and tissues."

"Tissues?" Ember asks. She's confused with the tissue part.

"Things can get a little emotional," Discord grabs a box of donuts from thin air and places a donut on the DVD player. The first thing the Bar of Alliance sees is Spike waking up in the Fairy Tail Guildhall in Magnolia, surrounded by his new friends.

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