• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Meeting Zirconis

It's 11:30 at night in Crocus. It's been an hour since Discord and the others head back home. Natsu and Gray are fighting each other. Spike is sitting with Erza having strawberry cake.

"Wow, this cake looks delicious," Spike is drooling a little.

"I know, I can hardly keep my tastebuds," Erza goes for the first piece when a burnt fish lands on it. Erza gets angry with her dessert destroyed. "That's enough!" Erza grabs Natsu and Gray's heads and slams them hard together.

"Sorry, Ma'am," Natsu and Gray said in unison. They groan in agony.

"Listen, you two. We're here to prove that Fairy Tail is the best in Fiore. Due to the Celestials stepping down, the final match is around the corner, we need to step up our A-game to solidify ourselves as the number one ranked guild. Save the energy for the final battle. So, what exactly is the point of ruining my cake!" Erza draws her sword, ready to attack Natsu and Gray. "On your feet! Die with dignity!"

"Sis, wait," Spike walks up to Erza. "You can have my piece."

"Spike, I couldn't," Erza turns to Spike.

"I haven't touched it. You deserve it after helping me in battle today," Spike smiles, still offering the cake to Erza.

"Very well," Erza takes the cake. "You two, consider yourself lucky," Erza takes the cake piece and sits down.

"So, Spike. What are you going to do with the gem cake Pinkie gave you?" Wendy asks.

"Yea. These gemstones do look precious and valuable," Carla said.

"Back in Equestria, dragons would eat gemstones. I had a huge craving for it, but not anymore. The craving switched over the moment I ate meat," Spike pulls the gemstones out of the cake. He cuts to see that Pinkie didn't insert any gemstones inside the cake. It's all vanilla creme layer inside. "I'll sell these to see how much they are worth."

Gajeel steps inside the Sun Bar. "If I see another mine car, it'll be too soon."

"Where have you been? Why you took off in the middle of our match?" Natsu asks.

Gajeel walks up to Natsu and iron clubs Natsu in the gut. "You freaking idiot! You put me in the mining car, and I spent half of the day trying to find my way out of the hole in the ground!"

"Sorry," Natsu wheezes after the iron club gut punch.

"I found something. You two should come with me. Fairy Dragon, you need to see this as well."

"Coming, Gajeel," Spike follows Gajeel.

An hour later, Gajeel leads Natsu, Wendy, Spike, Panther Lily, Carla, Happy, Gray, and Lucy to what appear to be the catacombs of dragon remains. Everyone is stunned to see the skeletons of dragons under the city of Crocus.

"Are any of these dragons yours?" Spike asks Wendy, Gajeel, and Natsu.

"No. Igneel's scent isn't down here," Natsu said.

"Grandeeney's scent is not down here either," Wendy confirms.

"Neither is Metalicana," Gajeel said.

"So, what was the point of showing us this, Gajeel?" Spike asks.

Wendy gets an idea. She tells her friends that she'll use her Milky Way spell. Hear the voices of the dragon's spirit that lead to the river of heaven. Wendy explains that the secret arts were an attack but now theorizes its other usage. Perhaps the spell can contact a spirit of a dragon that's been deceased.

"You can do that?" Spike is in shock to hear such a spell.

"Is that possible?" Happy asks.

"If we can somehow communicate with the spirit of these dragons, one of them might tell us what happened here. In addition, we might finally be able to find out why our dragons vanished."

"Go for it, Wendy," Natsu cheers.

"I need something to draw the enchantment," Wendy said.

"Here," Spike conjures a metallic sword for Wendy.

"Thanks, Spike," Wendy takes it.

"Fairy Dragon, mind tossing me some iron?"

"Here you go, Gajeel," Spike conjures a metallic shield and tosses it to Gajeel.

"Thanks," Gajeel takes a bite out of the shield.

Wendy takes thirty minutes to create the enchantment circle to use Milky Way. She asks everyone to step away from the circle. Wendy gets on her knees and chants the enchantment, activating Milky Way. The Milky Way spell is sparkling green with stars flowing around in the dragon catacombs.

"She really loves you huh, Spike," Happy said.

"She does. At least I can say I have someone who loves me, lone cat."

"I do have someone!" Happy takes a knee to Carla. "Carla, will you be mine?"

"Not in your dreams, Tomcat. Get serious for once!" Carla replies.

"Denied," Lucy said in satisfaction.

"I found one!" Wendy concentrates hard to bring the spirit of the dragon to her friends.

A Jade Dragon emerges from the spirit portal and roars, scaring the life out of Gajeel, Gray, Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Carla, Panther Lily, and Spike. The dragon laughs at their misery.

"Even in death, scaring the pants off humans is hilarious. My name is Zirconis. They called me the Jade Dragon back in my day-" Zirconis sees Spike. "Impossible," Zirconis observes Spike a bit. He places his finger on Spike, but it fades through.

"You know me?" Spike looks up at the Jade Dragon.

"Did you hatch here some time ago?" Zirconis asks Spike.

"Long story short, I was hatched in a different world, and I made a wish to come here."

"Wait, how do you know him? Why did you ask him that?!" Natsu shouts at Zirconis.

"I can't believe it. With my own eyes, I still can't believe it. You've come home. Kid, I'm you're uncle."

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!" Everyone shouts in unison.

"It's true. My grandfather looked exactly like you, kid. What is your name?"

"I'm Spike. These are my friends."

"Just like your mother, my sister. The Amethyst Dragon. She had a kind heart to humans."

"My mom..?" Spike falls to his knees. "What happened?" Spike sniffs at the shocking revelation.

"What happened to all these dragons?" Happy asks.

"For my nephew, I'll tell you everything. Over 400 hundred years ago, Dragon Kind once ruled every corner of the globe. We soared through the skies, raced over the land, and swam the great oceans. Everything in the world belonged to Dragon Kind, including humans. The race was plentiful and a great source for protein. But, there was one dragon that felt our reign was unjust," Zirconis sighs. "That was my sister, Amy. The Amethyst Dragon. She believes that dragons and humans can co-exist. Many dragons agreed with the idea, while others disagree. I was against the idea, but back then, I was a different dragon. It wasn't long before war broke out. I fought in the war but, I've kept my sister safe during the war. I could never muster enough to attack my sister, who at the time just conceived her egg. During the war, both sides were evenly matched, the fighting was so brutal an entire continent was scarred. Until the dragons supporting my sister's idea came up with a solution that doomed us all. The dragons granted humans magic that would be known as Dragon Slaying Magic. With that new power at hand, Mankind joined the war. The Dragon Slaying Magic turns the tide of the war. We were so overwhelmed that dragons supporting my sister's idea were certain of winning the war. However, tragedy came along. The humans that were granted Dragon Slaying Magic turned and killed the very dragons that granted them power."

"What happened to the young ones? You said that Spike came home!" Happy asks.

"After finding out that the humans turned on Dragon Kind, the remaining dragons took their eggs and located a human contraption known as the Eclipse Gate. According to humans, it's a time-traveling device. We intended on sending our young ones back in time to help turn the tides of the war when it came to be. However, another contraption that the stupid humans created came into the fray. I don't know what it is. I remember seeing this big fish in the skies, bearing a clock. It rang at the time of using the Eclipse Gate. Instead of seeing our young ones the next day when they're grown, they were nowhere to be found. The dragons believe that the eggs were sent into another dimension."

Spike is silent, slowly breathing from hearing the news. Everyone around couldn't utter a word. Silence reign; Zirconis knows that his nephew is taking the info hard.

"Spike," Spike looks at his uncle. "Are there more dragons living in the world you ran away from?"

"Yes!" Spike stands up. "There's more of them! Living in the Dragon lands but, they live closer to the volcanic. They are not the dominant species of the world. Not even close."

"If or when you can, bring them home. The Dragons deserve to live in the land where their ancestors lived. Also, don't become like me hating humans. It took me a long time to see how precious life is."

"My girlfriend, Wendy. She's the one that brought you here."

Zirconis smiles. "Just like your mother. She'll be proud of you. You have a long journey ahead of you if you are to repopulate the dragons."

"What happened to my mom? How did she.., you know..?" Spike is having a hard time finishing his question.

"It's a sad tale. I'll tell you. In case. You happen to run into him. There was one man whose power was so terrible; he bathed the countryside in the blood of my kin. The very mention of his name still scares me. This man slayed countless dragons and soaked in their blood. He used his power so often, that his skin turned to scales, his teeth sharp into fangs and, he stopped being human altogether."

"This man.., turned into a dragon..?" Lucy is now terrified.

"That is the fate of all those who practice Dragon Slaying Magic. All the bones here are victims of that monster. Despite his human origins, he became the King of all Dragon Kinds. And the war he rised to became the Dragon King Festival. His name was Acnologia. Once a human being, now a dragon. Cloaked in wings of darkness."

"Acnologia.., he slayed my mom?!" Spike starts getting angry.

"Yes," Zirconis admits. "That bastard killed my sister. He ended up killing me too."

Spike roars in anger. The angry roar is a blend of Fairy Rage and Fairy Demon Dragon. Zirconis gets chills hearing the roar, everyone around Spike couldn't believe that Acnologia was once human and he has slain Spike's family.

"Acnologia, your soul belongs to me!" Spike's eyes are a blend of orange, green, and black.

"What was that?" Zirconis hears the different voices of Spike's roar. Demonic and rage fusion.

"It's a long story. Spike has transformations to turn into when he's pissed."

"That makes sense since magic runs in the family," Zirconis said. "Kid," Zirconis starts to fade.

Spike looks up at his uncle, tears streaming down uncontrollably on his face. He doesn't want to see his uncle go.

"You have your whole life ahead of you, no need for waterworks. If you want to avenge our family, end Acnologia's reign."

"I will!" Spike starts crying.

"I guess my death wasn't so bad. I got to see my nephew, and I got to scare the humans again. Farewell, Spike. Also, that's the name Amy would have given you," Zirconis returns to his heaven as his soul rests once more.

Spike cries his eyes out. Wendy heard everything and hugs him dearly. A man dressed in a Knight's Armor walks up to the gang after hearing everything. Including the tragedy of Spike's family life. Yukino is with the Knight, standing by.

"That's not very likely," The Knight said.

"Who's there?" Carla asks.

"I took the liberty of eavesdropping. It would appear that our research is aligned with historical facts after all. Tell me, have you heard the demons of the book of Zeref?"

"Deliora." Gray thought to himself.

"Acnologia is similar to them, for it was Zeref himself who turned the Dragon Slayer into that creature of death. That means. If you wish to conquer the black dragon, you must find a way to subdue the wizard Zeref."

"Who are you?" Gajeel demands.

"How do we beat Zeref?" Natsu asks.

Carla remembers the vision of the Knight. It's the same guy, but he's not in his white armor.

"I'll explain more. Follow me," The Knight said, leading the way.

Author's Note:

I hated the MLP Episode with Spike's dad. Hasbro could have made it more epic or something thrilling for Spike. Instead, he got a douchebag of a father. I felt the story Sludge gave is a lie. So, here's my justice to it.

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