• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Grand Magic Games: Day 4, Naval Battle

Spike wakes up after having a good night's sleep. He sees his friends already gearing up for today's Grand Magic Games.

"Hurry up, Fairy Dragon. We're going to be late!" Gajeel shouts.

"What time is it?"

"9:30 in the morning. We only have a half-hour to get there," Mirajane said.

Spike brushes his teeth and puts on deodorant. He comes back out and uses his fire breath to teleport his friends to their suite at the coliseum.

"I keep forgetting you can do that, Spike," Juvia said.

"It's fine. Now, we're on time and have nothing to worry about," Spike said. He's more of himself today than yesterday.

"It's great seeing you in high spirit, Spike," Mirajane said.

"I'm ready to embrace the challenges ahead. I hope I don't succumb to my fears."

"Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Day 4 of the Grand Magic Games! I have interesting news for all of you!" Chapati gets too excited to continue to announce.

"As you know, Raven Tail has been disqualified in yesterday's events. Today, we have a new guild that'll be taking their spot and points. This is once in a lifetime opportunity in this year's Grand Magic Games. No other Grand Magic Games will allow this ruling," Yajima announces.

"They say this guild is out of this world! So put your hands together for the replacement guild, The Celestials!" Chapati announces.

Spike grabs his chest a bit. He starts having sudden flashbacks from the story Spike Knightwalker told him back in Edolas. Erza's eyes widen in shock. She knows who they are. Lisanna backs away in pure shock and horror. Mavis and Makarov turn to her.

"Something troubling you, Lisanna?" Mavis asks.

"Spike told me the story of Spike Knightwalker and his tormentors. A Dark Guild known as the Celestials."

"Are you freaking kidding me?" Wakaba said in shock.

"That's them right now? Are you sure of it?" Macao said.

"Listen to the names if you remember Spike's tale when he came to Fairy Tail," Lisanna said.

"Warren, alert the others with your telepathy and spread out. We need to take precautionary actions just in case," Master Makarov commands.

"I'm on it," Warren said.

"Erza, what's wrong?" Natsu checks on Erza.

Erza snaps out of it and gets serious. "The Celestials are Spike's tormentors. They're here. Spike told me the story of Spike Knightwalker's past when I 'captured' him. The Celestials was a Dark Guild that made Spike Knightwalker's life a living Hell."

"Well, now they'll have to go through us. All of us," Wendy declares.

"So, that's them," Gajeel tries looking for the guild. He sees the Celestials wearing their cloaks at the suite where Raven Tail would be.

"Wow, so many people. This arena is huge," Rainbow Dash sees the entirety of the coliseum.

"We're not here for sightseeing. We're here to bring Spike back home by any means," Twilight reminds Rainbow Dash.

"Unless Spike refuses to come back and fights for his freedom to stay," Discord reminds Twilight.

"I know he's coming back. It's only a matter of when," Twilight tries to locate Spike from the suite.

"Spike will have to listen to reason and the situation that all of Equestria could be doomed," Princess Celestia states.

"So, how do these games go again, Discord?" Pinkie asks.

"The first contest, eight teams select one member to compete. There's a point ranking system based on first to last place. After the contest, there are battles. What I've seen, their one-on-one battles that last for 30 minutes."

"Perfect, I'll go in and 'battle' with Spike. I'll talk to him, and hopefully, he'll listen to reason."

"Alright, ladies and gentlemen, it's time for Naval Battle!" The Pumpkin Head uses his magic to spawn a watery sphere in the middle of the coliseum. "In this contest, it's a battle royal. Competitors will battle and knock each other. When two competitors are left, there will be a time limit of five minutes. Now everyone, pick and choose the wizard to participate. We're near the final day of the Grand Magic Games! Every point counts!"

"I don't think Spike will be entering. He's not fond of cold water. Rainbow Dash, use your speed and knock everyone out."

"Can do, Twilight. Also, I'm going to need a bathing suit."

"Discord," Twilight turns to Discord.

"On it," Discord snaps his fingers and provides Rainbow Dash with a rainbow theme one-piece swimsuit.

"Thanks," Rainbow Dash puts on her one-piece rainbow swimsuit. She concentrates and sprouts angel wings on her back. She's ready for anything. Rainbow Dash hair color is a rainbow theme. Her skin tone is a light tan. She still has her rose color eyes. "Time to shine," Rainbow Dash flies and enters the Naval ring.

"From the Celestials, we're seeing Rainbow Dash!"

"Think you can keep up?" Rainbow starts getting cocky.

"So, that's the bitch that continuously harass Spike with ice water pranks?" Lucy grits her teeth. "I'm going in. She's going to rue the day of messing with my brother."

"Give that bitch a beating, one from every member of Fairy Tail," Natsu said.

"I wish I can show her how cold things will be if or when they dare to try and take Spike," Gray said.

"I would strip their air so they can choke on it," Wendy viciously claims.

"That's her. Rainbow Dash that continued to insult me with names, mock me by comparing me to other dragons, prank me viciously, and straight-up bullied me," Spike said.

"I'm going in, Spike. I'm going to drown her with my Water Nebula," Juvia puts on her swim gear.

"Give that bitch a thrashing for us," Gajeel said.

"Coming in from Lamia Scale, Sherria," Chapati announces.

"I won't be settling for a draw today," Sherria said. "I'm winning this!"

"Jenny from Blue Pegasus hits the wave," Chapati announces.

"You'll try, but I'll succeed," Jenny declares.

"Risley Law of Mermaid Heel has arrived," Yajima says.

"Underestimate me, and you'll lose it all," Risley said.

"Here comes Juvia of Fairy Tail Team B!" Yajima says, getting excited to see another Fairy Tail victory.

"Also from Fairy Tail Team A, it's Lucy Heartfillia," Chapati says, getting excited seeing the beautiful women competing.

Juvia and Lucy remain silent. They know who they want to go after first. Minerva enters the fray, representing Sabertooth. Lastly, Rocker of Quatro Puppy comes in.

"Open! Gate of the Waterbearer, Aquarius!" Lucy summons Aquarius.

"This is my domain, bimbos!" Aquarius uses her water urn, preparing to unleash her wrath.

"Start with the Rainbow Bitch!" Lucy points at Rainbow Dash.

"Who are you calling bitch?" Rainbow is appalled by Lucy's magic power for summoning creatures.

"This is for Spike, you bastard!!" Aquarius unleashes her water torrent at Rainbow Dash.

"Uh oh," Rainbow Dash uses her immense speeds to dodge the attack. She watches the water torrent knocking out Rocker of Quatro Puppy. He lands face-first into the dirt below.

"My turn, Water Cyclone!" Juvia unleashes her version of Aquarius' water torrent at Rainbow Dash.

"Crud!" Rainbow Dash uses her immense speeds. "Okay, I think they are mad at me for the way I treated Spike."

"Open, Gate of the Maiden, Virgo!" Lucy summons Virgo, who is wearing a black bikini.

"You're going to punish me now, Princess?" Virgo asks.

"No! See that rainbow-headed girl? That's Rainbow Dash. Take her down!" Lucy commands.

"As you wish," Virgo swims after Rainbow Dash.

"Oh, c'mon!" Rainbow outmaneuvers Virgo's attack with her speed.

"Water Slicer!" Juvia creates a single wave of multiple blades that resemble scythes. Rainbow Dash gets knocked out of the Naval Battle with the water attacks hitting her. Rainbow Dash is now eliminated.

"Okay, this Fairy Tail Guild has a vendetta on us. I'm going to have to wipe their memories so they can forget about Spike once I confront him." Twilight thought to herself.

"The Fairy Tail Guild are definitely aggressors. I'm going to have to use my magic around them if Twilight's plan backfires." Celestia thought to herself.

"Yea!" Natsu cheers. "That's what you get for messing with our buddy!"

"No one messes with Spike!" Wendy cheers.

"I wish there were more punishment involve, but we still need to win," Gajeel said.

"I hope I get a chance to teach them a lesson they'll never forget," Laxus said.

After Rainbow Dash's elimination, everyone remaining starts to fight each other. Rainbow Dash is angry at herself for being the second person to get eliminated and targeted. She returns to her friends at the suite.

"So, how's their magic power, Rainbow Dash?" Pinkie asks.

"Powerful. Here I thought I'll have the advantage, but I got triple-teamed. I think we may be at a disadvantage, guys."

"Spike didn't compete, so it doesn't matter," Twilight said. "Our goal is to bring him back, not winning these silly foolish games."

Juvia and Lucy decide to team up to knock out the other competitors. To make a statement to the Celestials about messing with the wrong guild and trying to go after their friend. Juvia unleashes her new powerful attack, which she named it after Gray. Juvia's attack knocks out Jenny of Blue pegasus first, Sherria of Lamia Scale second, and Risley law of Mermaid Heel third. Juvia hopes that Gray is watching but, Gray is stunned. Juvia realized that she's out of the water ring and gets eliminated by Minerva. Minerva and Lucy now have five minutes to duke it out. Minerva uses her territory explosions all around Lucy, causing intensifying heat that explodes all around Lucy. Due to the blinding explosion, Minerva swoops and takes Lucy's Celestial Spirit Keys.

"This is bad," Spike is watching the horrors.

"Lucy is unable to defend herself against this type of magic," Mirajane is watching the horrors unfolding by Minerva's dominance.

Minerva continues to use her territory explosions to torture Lucy left and right. She also uses her magic to prevent Lucy from falling out of bounds. Minerva uses her magic to bring Lucy closer to her and strike her with hard, heavy kicks at her back. Everyone witnessing this brutal attack cannot bear to look any further except for the Sabertooth guild and the Celestials. Twilight and the others except Discord believe it's karma for ganging up on Rainbow Dash. The five-minute mark expires. However, due to the added stipulation, the competitors must continue until a winner is declared. Lucy is defenseless due to being underwater as there are no knockouts.

"Stop it!!!" Natsu angrily shouts.

The Sabertooth guild smirks at Fairy Tail Team A. Spike looks at the Sabertooth guild and does the decapitation signal at them, telling them that they're dead meat.

"You guys are going to pay for this," Erza, Gray, and Natsu irately say in unison.

The Pumpkin Head sees enough and calls the match, declaring Minerva as the winner of the Naval Battle. Twilight is amused and sees an ally in the making if all else fails. Minerva has a firm grip on Lucy's head and tosses her out. Natsu, Erza, and Gray hurry to catch Lucy. Gray and Natsu catch Lucy before she landed on the ground. Wendy and Sherria come to heal Lucy after a brutal attack.

"Hey, it's best to divert that anger at the Celestials if we're called to fight any of their members."

"Not only I'm going to teach them a life lesson that their friendship won't fix, but I'm also going to destroy Minerva for torturing my sister. This means war," Spike angrily states. His face says it all.

These are the current standings after Naval Battle:

  1. Fairy Tail Team B - 55 points
  2. Sabertooth - 37 points
  3. Mermaid Heel - 37 points
  4. Celestials - 37 points
  5. Fairy Tail Team A - 35 points
  6. Lamia Scale - 23 points
  7. Blue Pegasus - 17 points
  8. Quatro Puppy - 14 points

Gray and Natsu pick up Lucy after Wendy and Sherria used their combined healing magic to help Lucy. Spike teleports his friends to the infirmary. As they arrive, Gray and Natsu enter to put Lucy in bed. Porlyusica begins her healing work on Lucy.

"Those assholes made a grave mistake," Spike angrily said.

"Sabertooth made an enemy on Fairy Tail. They'll live to regret it," Erza declares.

"Not only Sabertooth, but the Celestials are also here. We need to bury them six feet under," Natsu states.

"They won't take me back to Equestria. I'm sending them to HELL."

Master Makarov walks in the room, bearing news for his children. "I received word from the Game Organizers. Gajeel, you will be representing Team A in the duos battle of Day 4."

"Why is that, Master?" Gajeel is confused by the sudden trade.

"The Game Organizers want to feature the main event, The Battle of the Dragon Slayers. You and Natsu versus Sting and Rogue."

"Very well, I'll work with Team A. After this, I'm going back to Team B."

"Of course, Gajeel. It's only for today."

"What's going to happen with Team B since Gajeel will be working with Team A, Master?" Mirajane asks.

"The Game Organizers are being generous with the next stipulation. One member of Fairy Tail Team B gets to choose their partner during the duos battle."

"Interesting. That means we can create a stronger team during that battle," Erza said.

"Indeed," Makarov nods. "I wish you all luck, my children," Makarov leaves the infirmary.

"Lucy is going to need much-needed rest. I suggest you all come back later to check on her," Porlyusica said.

"Here, Lucy may want this," Happy gives Porlyusica Lucy's Gate Keys.

"Let's Go!" Spike's eyes are a blend of orange and green. Spike is in control of his anger this time.

Spike leaves the infirmary with Fairy Tail Team B. They'll be returning to their suite. Fairy Tail Team A goes to theirs to watch the upcoming battles. Spike blinks, and his eyes are back to normal. He's going to save it for the Celestials, then Sabertooth.

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