• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Grand Magic Games: Day 3, Pandemonium

Spike wakes up after having a nightmare. He pants a little and sees that his friends are still asleep. It's 7:30 in the morning.

"Something troubling you?"

"I had a nightmare. Don't you see my dreams when I sleep?"

"Apparently not. When you dream, I cannot look into it. So what happened in this dream of yours?"

"It was horrible. My magic wasn't working, and I was being forced away by a presence. My friends couldn't do anything about it. I was so depressed. I wind up committing suicide to be free of whatever custody that took me away."

"Damn, sounds brutal. Well, that was a dream. The reality is that our friends will come fighting for us and ensure our happiness. You have nothing to worry about."

"Thank you." Spike gets out of bed and flies out the window. Spike flies to the Honeybone Inn and taps on the window.

Wendy wakes up and sees Spike. Wendy was about to say something when Spike shushes her through the window. Wendy nods and gets dressed while not waking any of her friends up. Wendy goes downstairs and opens the door. She hugs Spike.

"Morning, Spike."

"Morning, Wendy. Wanna spend some time alone?"

"Yes," Wendy smiles.

Spike and Wendy go to the Crocus garden to be together for the next hour. They sit at a bench talking.

"Such a beautiful morning, isn't it, Spike?" Wendy said.

"You're more beautiful than anything else, Wendy," Spike smiles.

Wendy smiles and sighs happily. She puts an arm around Spike's neck. "Yesterday, when I wore that wedding dress, I didn't see the other men and women dressing up. I only saw you. It felt natural."

"I saw the future the moment I saw you wearing that wedding dress. It was like our wedding day has arrived. All of our friends are there to witness such a beautiful moment," Spike's smile fades.

"What's wrong?" Wendy sees Spike's smile fading.

Spike sighs heavily. "I had a nightmare last night."

"What happened?" Wendy is getting concerned.

"My magic wasn't working, and I was being forced away by a presence. You and the others couldn't do anything about it. It took me away, to a point, that I became so depressed, I committed suicide to be free."

Wendy is in tears after hearing the nightmare. She hugs Spike and vows that no one is taking him away from her. Spike hugs Wendy and feels the tears riding down on his back.

"Whoever attempts to take you away from me, they'll feel the wrath of the Sky Dragon." Wendy sounds more threatening than herself. She refuses to see Spike taken by anyone. "I promise you, nothing like that will ever happen to you. If those punks want to get to you, they'll have to go through me," Wendy sounds like herself now.

"Thank you, Wendy," Spike smiles.

"Even if those that did you wrong, they'll feel my wrath and then some," Wendy declares.

"Agreed," Spike concurs. Spike leans on Wendy's shoulders and enjoys the scenery together.

After an hour of spending time together, Wendy and Spike go to the coliseum. They wish each other luck and go to their teams at the suites. The other guilds have arrived and are anxious to know what today's contest will be.

"Welcome to Day 3 of the Grand Magic Games. That put us on the halfway point," Chapati announces.

"How are we going to top a dramatic fights and eye candy from the past two days?" Yajima asks.

"I personally will be on my best behavior around on today's guest from the Magic Council Marshall Lahar," Chapati said.

"It's been quite a while, hasn't it, Lahar?" Yajima turns to Lahar.

"Thank you for having me here," Lahar says with gratitude.

"Tell me, Lahar. Have you been paying close attention to the Grand Magic Games this year?" Yajima asks.

"I have. So far, I have to give it to Jura and Fairy Dragon for providing the best action-packed match in Grand Magic Games history. I was astounded to see how the two fare during Day 1. It's great to see Spike the Fairy and the rest of the guild after a seven-year gap."

"So, as Chief Marshall of the Custody Enforcement Unit, your job is catching the bad guys, isn't that right?" Chapati questions Lahar.

"Yes," Lahar nods. "Let me remind any-would-be-cheaters that I'm watching you," Lahar states while the audience laughs.

"That's right, he got eyes in the back of his head, and he never sleeps. So, no funny stuff," Chapati states.

"Good luck, Cana. I kinda wish I was out there, though," Spike said.

"You'll get your chance tomorrow. Maybe later today, you'll get to fight," Cana said.

"We'll see who'll be fighting," Laxus said. "I've been itching to do something either than sit around and watch all day."

"Fair enough. I have a feeling you'll be fighting today, anyway," Spike admits.

"From last night's disturbance, I'll step into the fray," Orga said.

"I'm going in," Millianna of Mermaid Heel volunteers.

"It's my turn. Wild!" Nobarly of Quatro Puppy is going into today's contest.

"I'm going in. It's up to me to rally us some points," Jura of Lamia Scale said.

"It appears that Fairy Dragon will not be participating, so today's contest is sure as ours," Lyon said.

Hibiki of Blue Pegasus decides to represent Blue Pegasus for today's contest. The leader of Raven Tail tells Obra to participate. Erza decides to compete since Natsu caused ruckus late last night at the resort Sabertooth was residing. The Pumpkin Head comes into the middle of the arena and spawns a purple demonic castle for all the contestants to compete.

"Now, with everyone on the field, let Pandemonium commence!" Chapati announces.

The Pumpkin Head explains that inside the castle, there are vicious monsters. Five classes determine the number of monsters within the castle:

  1. S-Class Monster - 1
  2. A-Class Monsters - 4
  3. B-Class Monsters - 15
  4. C-Class Monsters - 30
  5. D-Class Monsters - 50

The Pumpkin Head explains that monsters of a higher class are twice more powerful than the ones beneath them. Each contestant will enter one at a time and defeat a certain number they choose. After defeating the said number of monsters, they'll gain the number of points of monsters defeated. If the contestant loses a battle inside the castle, the number of points they score stands but will be eliminated from the game. To determine the order, everyone draws straws.

Erza looks at the straw she chose. "I'm going first."

"Man, you're lucky. I bet you'll be getting the most amount of turns. Meanwhile, I'll be stuck at number 8," Cana said.

Spike groans a bit. "I could easily say a hundred of them and be done with it if I were competing."

"I agree with that, Fairy Dragon," Gajeel says while eating iron.

"My lightning will have scorched them and demolished those creatures," Laxus said.

"I agree with Spike. Considering he can increase his size and get it done, regardless of what number he would have drawn," Mirajane said.

"Let's see how many Erza will fight," Spike looks at the demonic castle.

Erza smiles, knowing that the game is already hers. "I had assumed victory in this event that relied heavily on a luck of a draw. Now though, this is no longer a game," Erza walks to the stairs of the castle. The Pumpkin Head is confused with Erza's statement. "Inside this castle, wait one hundred monsters. I choose to challenge all of them!" Erza scares everyone with her challenge except a few of her friends in Fairy Tail.

"SAY WHAT!!!!!!?" The Pumpkin Head reacts in utter shock.

"Well, I guess we'll be scoring 8 points," Spike declares.

"Apparently so," Mirajane said.

"We'll still take first place today if Raven Tail doesn't score any points," Laxus said.

"Fairy Tail is about to regain the lead after today. I can feel it," Gajeel said.

"You can't be serious. We designed this game to be completed by multiple wizards," The Pumpkin Head said.

"I don't care," Erza responds. She enters the Pandemonium Castle. After a few minutes, Erza is in the middle of the Pandemonium Castle. "I am Erza Scarlet of Fairy Tail Team A. I will face one hundred."

All the monsters come after Erza. Erza requips into her Heaven's Wheel armor first and takes down most of the D-Class Monsters first. Then she uses her Black Wing Armor to attack the D-Class and C-Class Monsters. One by one, each monster is being slain by Erza. Erza continues to requip every time she sees a different monster. She's trying to figure out which one is the S-Class Monster. After a few minutes of nonstop action, Erza has defeated fifty monsters and showing signs of fatigue. Erza continues to show her display of rapid dominance towards each monster she encounters. Only one remains after defeating the A-Class, B-Class, and C-Class Monsters. The S-Class Monster reveals itself as an enormous demonic creature. The S-Class Monster shows its dominance and pinned Erza. However, Erza conjures two swords to fight the S-Class Monster, striking at various weak points to shatter and defeat the S-Class Monster. Erza emerges victorious after slaying one hundred monsters in Pandemonium.

"Wow, Sis defeated all one hundred monsters at ease," Spike said.

"Why are you surprised? She's taken on much more difficult opponents than those things," Gajeel said.

"Good point," Spike agrees. "She took on an invincible Imitatia before I went on a rampage."

Natsu, Wendy, Gray, and Lucy congratulate Erza on a job well done. Erza apologies for taking longer than she thought. Fairy Tail Team A return to their suite to see what happens with the remaining guilds.

Fairy Tail Team A scores 10 points in today's contest. With seven remaining competitors, The Pumpkin Head reveals a backup challenge. He spawns an MPF (Magic Power Finder) orb. With the order in place for Pandemonium earlier, the order is set for this game. Each Wizard will use its magic power on the MPF. The number of the MPF will determine the score. Whoever gets the higher score will win today's secondary game.

During the wait, Cana has been drinking many barrels of beer and liquor. Fairy Tail Team B now sees that Mavis made a huge mistake in selecting Cana. Spike feels that he should be competing in this competition.

Millianna is next and uses her kitten blast to attack the MPF Orb. The MPF reads 365, but people in the audience are confused about whether to cheer or not. Chapati and Yajima have no idea how to react to it.

"Millianna scores 365. That being said, I don't know if that's a good number or not," Chapati admits.

"Maybe I can help. We Rune Knights use MPF in training often. She actually did very well. That score will qualify her for Squad Captain," Lahar said.

"Wow, what an impressive start," Chapati says, now understanding how the MPF works.

"I am one pumped-up kitty!" Millianna cheers.

"Rocking in at 124 is Nobarly of Quatro Puppy. A little bit on the low side, wouldn't you agree?" Chapati announces. Nobarly is ashamed of himself and his power.

"Guess it's my turn to shine," Hibiki uses his power on the MPF and scores 95 points. He breaks down in tears.

"Hibiki of Blue Pegasus scores a measly 95 points," Chapati announces.

Cana comforts Hibiki. Hibiki couldn't stop crying and hugs Cana in the process.

"Is that the jackass that attacked Wendy and Carla?" Spike looks at Obra of Raven Tail.

"This has to be the guy that attacked Wendy and Carla," Gray said, watching the guy walking up to the MPF.

"Obra clocks in at 4 points?!" Chapati is confused.

Obra couldn't reveal his magic in front of Lahar and any of the Magic Council members that are in attendance. Raven Tail has decided to play it low until they are out of their way.

"Okay, Millianna is in the lead with 365 points!" The Pumpkin Head announces.

Millianna cheers. "This is better than chasing my own tail!"

"I'm about to change that," Orga of Sabertooth steps up and powers up. The crowd gets excited, and so do the commentators. "120 Millimeter, Black Lightning Cannon!" Orga unleashes his lightning on the MPF, and it reads 3825 points.

"Whoa! It's almost 4000!" Chapati shouts into the mic.

"No way! He's ten times stronger than me!?" Millianna is in shock.

"WHAAAAAT!?" Natsu couldn't believe it.

"THAT NUMBER CAN'T BE RIGHT!" Gray is in shock.

"Never in my life, I've seen a score that high." Lahar thought to himself. He can't believe how strong Orga is of Sabertooth.

"Wait, is Orga a Lightning God Slayer?" Spike is putting the pieces together.

"It appears that he is. I don't think he'll be much trouble for us. We will have to wait and see."

Jura steps up. "Do you mind if I give it my all?"

"That's the game, isn't it?" The Pumpkin head responds.

Jura focuses his magic. "Rumbling Fuji!" Jura unleashes an extremely damaging strike by an immense release of magic power surging from the ground on the MPF orb.

"8544! That is absolutely mind-blowing!" Chapati announces.

"No way!" Natsu is in shock.

"He sure packs a wallop for someone his age!" Gray shouts.

"What the?" Orga couldn't believe that Jura is three times stronger than he.

Spike is laughing. "I'm stronger than that attack!"

The crowd realizes that Spike the Fairy is stronger. Everyone around Spike doesn't want to mess with him, knowing that he defeated Jura earlier in the Grand Magic Games.

"Wow, that's kinda scary. We have someone to dethrone that number for sure," Mirajane said.

"Make that two. I know I can defeat Jura," Laxus said.

Cana walks up to the MPF after having her last drink. She removes her jacket revealing the Fairy Glitter emblem on her arm. "Now, the Grand Finale."

"Wait, what!?" Spike recognizes the emblem on Cana's arm.

"What's wrong, Spike?" Mirajane asks.

"I've seen that mark before. That's Fairy Glitter. She used it on Bluenote Stinger at Tenrou Island, but the dude got away in a nick of time. I remember how powerful it was at the time too."

"First Master?" Makarov turns to Mavis, now understanding the reason for Cana to participate in today's contest for Fairy Tail Team B.

"I lend it to her on this special occasion. Now, she's sure to win," Mavis smiles. Makarov is appalled.

"It's time to assemble!" Cana raises her arm. "O River of Light that's Guided by Fairies!"

"Using that spell is not easy. It takes incredible concentration and power. Cana has both, and I know she won't fail us," Mavis explains.

Cana uses her arm to aim at the MPF. "Shine your light! So I May Vanquish the Fangs of Wickedness! Fairy Glitter!" Cana unleashes a ring of absolute power and light on the MPF, shattering it to pieces.

"Oh my goodness! I can't believe it, ladies and gentlemen! The MPF is history. Her power is off the charts! This guild is beyond incredible! Fairy Tail once again has taken today's game by storm! Can anyone stop them now!?" Chapati says after witnessing a great turnaround of magic power.

"There's no stopping us! Fairy Tail will be number one in Fiore once more!" Cana declares.

"I think we can pull Fairy Glitter, Spike. We have the power for it. Concentration, that's something we need to work with."

"Understood." Spike said to Fairy Rage mentally.

"Now, with the contest dismissed, here are the current standings of Day 3," Chapati announces.

  1. Fairy Tail Team B - 39 points
  2. Raven Tail - 36 points
  3. Mermaid Heel - 23 points
  4. Fairy Tail Team A - 22 points
  5. Sabertooth - 17 points
  6. Blue Pegasus - 15 points
  7. Lamia Scale - 15 points
  8. Quatro Puppy - 14 points

"Just like that, ladies and gentlemen. Fairy Tail has reclaimed the top seeding in the Grand Magic Games. Fairy Tail Team B looks forward to staying in that position while Fairy Tail Team A is soaring with the momentum they have. Despite scoring no points, Raven Tail is behind by three points!" Chapati announces.

"I'm hoping that Fairy Tail doesn't blow the lead," Yajima says.

"I'm looking forward to the upcoming battles. I hope one of them can surpass Day 1's battle that Jura and Spike had," Lahar says.

"We will find out within half an hour, time for an intermission. Grab your snacks and drinks, folks. You don't want to miss the exciting matchups."

Spike grabs his head and falls to his knee. His eyes widen in terror as his body starts to tremble.

"Spike, are you okay?" Mirajane gets worried.

"What is wrong with me?" Spike clutches onto his head a bit more and begins to pant heavily.

"Hey, Fairy Rage, what's going on with him?" Gajeel asks.

"I sensed it... Well, one of them.., of the guild member that's going after Spike. One of them is near..." Spike roars and passes out.

Mirajane picks him up. "I'll take him to the infirmary," Mirajane runs as fast as she can to the infirmary.

"What the hell just happened?" Erza sees Mirajane carrying Spike for some reason.

"Erza, what?" Lucy asks.

"Mirajane picked up Spike and took off," Erza said. She hears Wendy running after Mirajane.

"We should follow her," Gray said.

"Agreed, let's move," Erza commands.

Mirajane runs to the infirmary. She sees the Thunder Legion, Elfman, and Porlyusica. They turn to Mirajane and are in shock to see Spike in his condition.

"What happened?" Porlyusica walks up to Mirajane.

"It's Spike. He sensed a disturbing presence that caused him to pass out."

"What kind of disturbing presence are we talking about?" Bickslow asks.

"Is it Raven Tail?" Freed asks.

"No," Mirajane shakes her head. "It's the warning that Fairy Rage said months ago."

"Hold on. You mean the guild that'll take Spike away?" Evergreen asks.

"Yes," Mirajane nods. "Fairy Rage sensed one of the members a few moments ago."

"Put him in bed," Porlyusica said.

Mirajane puts Spike in bed. Porlyusica examines Spike, checking his vitals and magic power. Wendy burst through the door to check on Spike. She is worrisome to see Spike in this condition.

"Did Raven Tail went after Spike?" Wendy worriedly asks.

"No. A member of a guild did. The one Fairy Rage sensed months ago," Mirajane said. Wendy gasps.

Erza, Gray, Natsu, and Lucy catch up and sees Spike on the bed. Erza and Lucy feel sick to their stomachs and wondered what happened. Mirajane explains what happened. Natsu wants to bring down the punk that's going after Spike. Gray wants to freeze the punk in his ice and shatter him. Erza wants to give the punk a beating of his life. Lucy wants to use all her Celestial Spirits to annihilate the punk coming after Spike.

"As much as I hate saying this," Porlyusica gets up. "You need to get back and prepare for the next battle. After one of you is called, you may return and see Spike."

Wendy pouts angrily as she leaves. She doesn't want to compete. She wants to be by Spike's side.

"What about Spike? How is he-" Porlyusica interrupts Erza's question.

"Spike is doing alright. He's in a comatose sleep and should be waking up in a little while. The stress from what Fairy Rage sensed triggered Spike to go into a deep sleep. All we can do is wait until he wakes up later today."

"Understood. Thanks, Porlyusicia."

Fairy Tail Team A return to their suite. Wendy has a hunch about who is coming for Spike, and she won't let her live if she dares take him away from her.

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