• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Aiming to the Top

It's been two weeks since the Legion Platoon went off on their quest to locate the rest of the Infinity Clock pieces. Spike and his friends are returning to the guildhall after a week of training and camping. Everyone has gotten stronger during the week while enjoying each other's company. Spike has perfected a couple of spells due to Fairy Rage's assistance that could be useful for the long run of his tenure in Fairy Tail.

"Hey, I'll be back later. I'm going to the apartment to take a nice long bath," Spike said.

"Not after me," Lucy said.

Spike chuckles. "Sure, lady's first."

"Man, that was fun training hard with Fairy Dragon," Gajeel said.

"I concur. It was nice and pleasant to train with Spike again," Panther Lily said. "I can extend my battle form for much more than I previously did."

"It was fun training with you, Gajeel," Spike said. "It was fun practicing different unison raids with all my friends."

"Especially, Wendy," Happy chuckles. "I heard you two did more in the tent than anyone else."

"At least I have my fun with the one I love then get rejected by someone every six seconds," Spike takes a shot at Happy.

"That's not true! Carla loves me, right?" Happy turns to Carla. Six seconds later, Carla turns away from Happy.

"Ouch, got you there, buddy," Natsu said.

"Spike! What is your secret? How do you get someone to fall in love with you!" Juvia grabs Spike's claws and pleas for answers.

"Be yourself and be honest," Spike answers.

Juvia accepts the advice and tries being herself and honest with Gray. Gray is nowhere in sight as he flees from Juvia. Juvia starts searching for him.

"Spike," Erza walks up to him.

"Yes, Sis?" Spike looks up at Erza.

"You did well in close quarters combat training. Continue that flow, and you'll be a force to reckon with."

"I will, Erza. Thanks for the in-depth training in close quarters training."

Erza smiles. "You're welcome. I'll see you around," Erza goes to the bathhouse.

"You coming, Spike?" Lucy asks.

"Yea, I'm coming. See you guys later," Spike waves and walks with Lucy back to the apartment.

"See you around, Fairy Dragon," Gajeel said.

"See you later, Spike!" Wendy blows a kiss to him.

"See you around. Hopefully, we can go on a job when you two come back!" Natsu shouts.

"Get home safely!" Happy waves.

Spike and Lucy walk together to the apartment. After half an hour of walking, they enter their apartment together. Spike gets on his bed while Lucy goes to the bathroom.

"I'll go first, Spike," Lucy closes the door to take her bath.

"Hey, Fairy Rage."

"What's up, Spike?"

"Can you still feel that disturbance you felt a few weeks ago?"

"What I sensed when I came to life hasn't happened yet but, it's drawing near. I still don't know what it is but, we're getting closer to that due date."

"Damn," Spike lays back on his bed. "With the spells, I learned during our camping trip, which is your favorite?"

"Protection Ring is my favorite. Also, thank you for reading spells that can counter the minds. It'll help when I enter the mind that dares use telepathy."

"Good. Thanks for having my back all this time."

"Ah, you're welcome. I have to say, being a Fairy Tail Wizard is awesome! I love everyone in Fairy Tail. Nice, friendly, chill, and knows how to fight and have fun even in the darkest of situations."

"Yea," Spike smiles. "The funny thing about it is, I wouldn't have any of this if it weren't for Twilight and her friends to treat me like shit. I'll have to thank them when I'm kicking their butts."

"If they decide to make an appearance, that is."

"True. However, I don't think they will be coming. My friends and I were asleep on Tenrou Island for seven years. Maybe they have given up by now."

"I'm not entirely sure but, we will find out eventually."

"Yea. They'll live to regret it. That I'll say."

Spike grabs a book and starts reading a bit more about magic to add to his arsenal. Half an hour later, Lucy comes out of the bathroom feeling refreshed.

"Ah, just what the doctor ordered," Lucy said in happiness. "Your turn, Spike."

"Thanks," Spike put his book down. He goes to the bathroom to take a nice long hot bath.

Lucy sits at her desk and starts writing to her mother. Telling her all she's been through while having an amazing brother. She tells her mother how Spike has grown since coming to Earth Land and Fairy Tail. From not knowing the basis into becoming a powerhouse. Lucy also says in the letter how much she loves Spike as a friend and brother. Maybe someday, people and dragons can co-exist in the future. Lucy gets an explicit thought of Spike and Wendy's children, which bothers her a little. Half Dragon, Half Human? The possibilities for their children are endless.

While Lucy continues to write to her mother, Spike is taking his long bath. He thinks about what's next for Fairy Tail and what jobs will be available for him and his friends. After Spike finishes taking his bath, he sees Lucy all ready to go back to the guildhall.

"Alright, let's get to work," Spike smiles.

Spike and Lucy leave the apartment and go back to the guildhall. On the way there, people are taking pictures of Spike the Fairy to boast to their friends and family about meeting and seeing an actual dragon. Some people wished that Spike were in a more promising guild than the weaker lesser guild of Fairy Tail.

Half an hour later, Lucy and Spike see Natsu fighting and sparring with Max Alors. Lucy asks Wendy what's happening. Wendy tells Lucy and Spike that Max Alors claims to be seven years stronger and Natsu wanted to see how strong he really is. Natsu taps into his Lightning Flame Dragon mode and unleashes a Lightning Flame Dragon Roar at Max Alors. The blast cuts a few strands of Max Alors' hair, and he bails. Natsu turns to the others and sees if they want to throw down. Natsu collapses after using a lot of magic power all in one attack.

"I guess the camping trip didn't help Natsu use his magic power properly," Spike said.

"That's because he's an idiot," Gray said. "Also, we have a serious situation on our hands."

"What do you mean by that?" Lucy asks.

"Gildarts, Laxus, and Spike are our only powerhouses, but no one else has caught up strength-wise," Gray explains.

"I'm on par with magic power. Physical strength, I'm still working on that. I can increase my size but, I still got manhandled by Acnologia. I still need to train harder than before."

"Also, while we were asleep, everyone else has been training for seven years," Gray said.

"We just trained for an entire week!" Happy said.

"A week doesn't measure to seven years worth, Tomcat," Carla said.

"Ah, you're right," Happy didn't think his statement through. "I wonder if there is a faster way to boost our magic powers."

"There are no shortcuts, Happy. There are multipliers, but it'll last for a while. It's through sheer will and determination to get stronger," Spike said.

"Well put, Spike. Saves me the effort of explaining it to Tomcat," Carla said.

"I know who to see! We should go ask Porlyusica!" Happy suggests.

"Oh, yea! I'm sure she has a potion to help us!" Lucy cheers.

"I guess no one is taking my advice about taking shortcuts," Spike said.

Carla sighs. "It can't be helped at times."

Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Wendy, Happy, and Carla go visit Porlyusica in the East Forest. Spike heads inside the guildhall to see what's happening with his friends. Spike sees everyone focusing their attention on Master Makarov. Spike stands next to Erza.

"Hey, Sis. What's happening?"

"Master Makarov has an announcement to make for all of Fairy Tail," Erza said.

Laxus walks inside the guildhall. The Thunder Legion are happy to see him. Makarov is confused, but he figures that Laxus wanted to see him and spend quality family time.

"The time has come, kids. I've done all I can in service to this guild. Allow me to introduce you to Fairy Tail's next Master."

"You're really stepping down?" Cana sadly asks.

"I'm honored, and I'll do my absolute best," Macao said, thinking Makarov is going to choose him.

"It ain't you, you dimwitt," Wakaba said.

"Without further ado, the Fifth Master of Fairy Tail, Gildarts Clive," Makarov points to Gildarts, but Mirajane is standing where Gildarts should have been.

Everyone is confused as to why Mirajane is standing where Makarov is pointing. Mirajane gives Makarov a letter to read. Makarov is stunned and angry while he reads the letter out loud to everyone. Everyone laughs at Makarov's reaction. Three things Gildarts has said in command of Fairy Tail while he goes on his way. One, as Master of the Guild, Gildarts reinstate Laxus to the Fairy Tail Guild. Two, Makarov Dreyar will become Fairy Tail's Sixth Master. Three, he won't help Fairy Tail become the number one rank. That's for everyone to do on their accord. That'll also be Makarov's last job as Master.

"But I just retired!" Makarov said in tears.

"I.., I can't believe it," Laxus said in shock.

"Yea! The Thunder Legion is back together again!" Evergreen shouts.

"This is awesome!" Bickslow said.

"Thank you, Gildarts," Freed said in tears.

"Hey, Laxus!" Spike walks up to him.

"Hey, Spike," Laxus looks down at Spike.

"I told you'll be back in Fairy Tail someday," Spike smiles.

"Yes. You had faith and believed I'll be back in the guild. Now, I have to uphold my promise to you."

"What promise?" Bickslow asks.

"What is he talking about, Spike?" Evergreen turns to Spike.

"Laxus will bring me on some jobs of his, and we'll train more together."

"Oh, yeah! With Spike on the Thunder Legion, we're an unstoppable force!" Bickslow shouts. "Fairy Dragon, Fairy Dragon." Bickslow's Tikis chants.

"Two Dragons on the Thunder Legion, that sounds exquisite," Freed said.

"I'll say, if we were to beat Erza's team, we'll win in a few seconds flat," Evergreen proclaims.

"What was that?" Erza turns to Evergreen, striking fear into her.

"Nothing, Ma'am," Evergreen said.

Makarov gets angry at Gildart's decision with his final task as Master. "What does that blundering fool mean my final task!? After the stunt he pulled, I'll never let anyone else be Master!" Everyone in the guildhall laughs. "I'll be this Guild's Guild Master until the day I die!" Makarov declares. "Somebody pour me a drink! That's an order!"

"Of course, Sir," Mirajane goes and grabs Makarov a mug of beer.

Spike sits at the table. He wonders what's next and how to make Fairy Tail the number one Guild in all of Fiore again.

"Something on your mind, Spike?" Erza sits next to Spike.

"I'm just wondering. How are we going to bring Fairy Tail to the top of the food chain."

"It is quite the predicament," Erza said.

"Hey, I know how!" Romeo looks at everyone and they know what Romeo is thinking.

"Romeo! Don't say what you're thinking!" Macao orders his son to shut up.

"Hell no, Romeo!" Wakaba said.

"I'm not keeping my mouth shut. With everyone back together, now's the perfect time to make it to the top."

"Please say what you need to say, Romeo," Erza said.

"As your father, I forbid you speaking about it!" Macao shouts at Romeo.

"As Guild Master of Fairy Tail, I'll allow Romeo to speak his mind," Makarov said, drinking his beer.

Macao is in shock and wanted to strike at Makarov but, he knows better not to provoke Master Makarov when he's drinking. He sighs as well as most of the guild sighs.

"We're home!" Natsu walks into the guildhall with his friends.

"Anything we miss?" Happy asks.

"Shush, Romeo is about to explain something important to us," Erza said.

"Now that everyone's here, let me tell you how we can become Fiore's Number One rank guild. There's a tournament where all guilds of Fiore come and face against each other in magical events. They call it the Grand Magic Games!"

"Oh yeah! Now I'm fired up!" Natsu's body is engulf with his fire in excitement.

"That sounds amazing," Lucy is happy to hear.

"Yea, I love to play some games," Wendy said.

"So it's like a magic festival?" Gray asks Romeo.

"I understand. Sabertooth is known as the top guild cause they competed in last year's Grand Magic Games and won."

"Yea," Romeo nods. "Lamia Scale came in second, and Blue Pegasus came in third."

"So, all we have to do is compete and win. For once, I'm excited to fight in front of an audience," Spike said.

"Also, if we win this year's Grand Magic Games, we'll be Number One, and there'll be a 30,000,000 Jewel prize.

"30 million?" Makarov is happy to hear the amount of prize money. "We're in!"

"Noooo! Master, it's humiliating!" Macao whines.

"This is our ticket to rising in the rankings in Fiore at short notice. With Laxus reinstated, our chances of succeeding are higher. Plus, we have Fairy Dragon with us. No other guild has an all-powerful dragon in their arsenal," Makarov says.

"Yea. Plus, we have four dragon slayers. We're basically powerful in the dragon's department," Romeo said.

"So, when is the Grand Magic Games?" Erza asks.

"It starts in three months!" Romeo proudly says.

"I can't wait for the Grand Magic Games!" Natsu yells. "Let's start training once more, guys!"

"Yea, we'll put Fairy Tail back in the rankings where it always belongs. Number one in all of Fiore," Gray said while wearing his underwear.

Spike chuckles. "Gray, your clothes."

"Damn it! Not again!" Gray panics.

"I have a lot of studying to do," Wendy holds her book of spells. Apparently, during the Porlyusica visit, Wendy found out that Porlyusica is Edolas version of Grandeeney. Grandeeny gave Porlyusica the book of spells, knowingly that Wendy will run into her someday.

"With all of us working together as a guild," Lucy states.

"There is no one stopping us from achieving our goal," Erza finishes Lucy's statement.

"Hey, Spike. I'm ready to fulfill that promise I made to you," Laxus said.

"Hold up, I want Fairy Dragon," Gajeel gets in the mix.

"Hey! Spike is with me!" Natsu said.

"No way, you had your fun training him. Now it's our turn!" Lisanna said.

"Yea!" Mirajane concurs.

Everyone bickers about training with Spike when Makarov yells to get everyone's attention.

"Now that the final decision has been made, there is no need for all this bickering, moaning, and groaning. So, let's get to work. Let's win that 30 million Jewel and the title of Fiore's Number One Guild! Fairy Tail is entering the Grand Magic Games and aiming for the top!"

"Yeah!" Everyone, including Fairy Rage, cheers.

"How about this. First month, I go with the Thunder Legion. Second Month, I train with Gajeel. Third month, I train with you guys," Spike refers to Natsu, Wendy, Erza, Gray, and Lucy.

"Sounds fair," Erza said. "What about you guys?"

"I'm cool with that," Gajeel said.

"Perfect. Time to train Fairy Dragon. Also, don't hold back cause I won't," Laxus said.

"Sounds good to me. See you guys later," Spike waves. Then he shoots a sparkling green bullet and hits Erza. It doesn't affect or harm her.

"Why you shoot me, Spike?"

"After my training with Gajeel, that's how I'll find you. I placed a flare marking on you to teleport. Pretty cool, huh?" Spike smiles.

"Oh yea, you did that with the Infinity Clock piece and helped the Legion Platoon," Lucy said.

"Why you didn't shoot me?" Gajeel asks.

"You already got the flare marking. So does Panther Lily."

"It's true, Gajeel. Right before the S-Class Trials. When Spike and I were training, he placed a flare marking on me. In case the S-Class Trials had us separated," Panther Lily states.

"Perfect. See you then, Fairy Dragon," Gajeel and Panther Lily departs.

"Let's go. We're wasting time standing idly," Laxus said. "I'll take good care of my brother, Erza," Laxus chuckles.

"Thanks, Laxus. Help him gain strength. That's what he needs right now."

"Will do," Laxus, Spike, and the Thunder Legion depart.

"So, where to, Erza?" Natsu asks.

"The perfect location for us to be. At the beach!" Erza declares.

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