• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Familiar Faces

"Coco!" Panther Lily shouts while seeing Coco outside the guildhall and can't believe she's in Earth Land.

"Huh, did you guys hear that?" Wendy asks.

"Coco. The name sounds familiar," Spike said.

"Let's check it out," Romeo suggests.

Natsu and the others overhear the name Coco and decide to come outside to investigate. They all see Coco outside next to two other people. Lucy and Wendy recognize them. The same is said for Happy and Carla when they came outside.

"That's the girl from Edolas," Wendy points to Coco.

"Coco? Long time no see," Lucy arrives at the guildhall with Michelle and Levy. She has a briefcase with her. "How did you get to Earth Land from Edolas?"

"Must be the clock piece she told me last night." Spike said to himself.

"Sugarboy, these tools totally think we're old chums of theirs."

"Sounds like it's their problem, Mary Hughes," Sugarboy is wearing a white 70's disco-style suit, with the front of the shirt left.

"Let's finish this up before they invite us to stay for dinner," Coco said.

"Mary Hughes?" Natsu is confused.

"Sugarboy?" Lucy remembers the name.

"The weirdos we fought at the Royal City's Amusement Park?" Natsu asks and remembers the two from their Edolas trip.

"Now that you mentioned it, there is a resemblance," Lucy states, putting the pieces together.

"What's with the lady clothes, pervert!" Natsu points at Mary Hughes. "You try to fool me or something?"

"I just met him, and now I want to kill him," Mary Hughes feels conflicted.

"Something is very wrong here," Wendy said.

"If you folks aren't here to hire us," Max Alors said.

"Then you can march back where you came from," Laki Olietta finishes the statement.

"We ain't taken no orders from slobs with no style, darling," Sugarboy claims.

"I'm only saying this once, so listen. I demand you hand me Lucy Heartfillia right now," Mary Hughes demands.

Everyone is stunned to hear that Mary and her friends want Lucy Heartfillia.

"There's no point in hiding from us," Coco said.

"We know she's living with the little dragon brat," Sugarboy points to Spike. "So, might as well come on over, Lucy Heartfillia."

"Also, we are aware she's part of the guild," Mary Hughes said.

"Little dragon brat?" Spike grits his teeth.

"You got some gut showing out of the blue and disrespecting us like this," Wakaba said.

"I'm the Master of Fairy Tail. Your request is denied. So I suggest you get out of here. We're not known for our patience with cocky punks," Macao proclaims.

"Especially when punks are shouting orders," Max Alors said.

"Like we run from kids, old men, a baby dragon, and cats," Mary Hughes smirks.

"I bet you guys are the arsonists, setting churches on fire for your amusement," Kinana points at the trio.

"Makes sense. Why else would they happen to show up?" Carla said.

"Even without proof, the timing too convenient," Panther Lily said.

"They have to be the culprits. Reading them in the newspaper is horrifyingly enough," Spike said.

"Keep on playing the blame game if it helps you sleep better at night. Now, hand over Heartfillia before we get nasty with you," Mary Hughes threatens Fairy Tail.

"We gonna rock you world," Sugarboy powers up and unleashes a swarm of mucous slime from his body.

"Gross, is that boogers?" Happy asks.

The mucous slime captures Elfman, Lisanna, and Mirajane. They are having a hard time moving in it. Everyone dodges the mucous slime. Coco runs behind Macao and beats him in close quarters combat instantly. Wakaba uses his smoke magic to knock Coco off of Macao. Romeo tries to take down Coco, but she moves too quickly. The mucous slime captures Romeo, Wakaba, and Macao in the process.

"Leave them alone!" Spike tackles Sugarboy, only to be taken down by Coco.

"Don't even try it, baby dragon," Coco teases him. She kicks Spike in the gut and throws him into the mucous.

Spike uses his fire breath to teleport and the mucous slime away from him.

"What?" Coco is surprised with that move.

"You're going to regret attacking my friends, punks," Spike sees the mucous slime that captured the rest of his friends go back into Sugarboy. They are feeling drained of their magic energy.

"It's only you against us. You pals are depleted of their magic energy, baby dragon," Sugarboy chuckles.

"Natsu, here!" Romeo shoots a yellow flame at Natsu.

"Thanks, Romeo," Natsu eats it. Unfortunately, the yellow flame is dragon fart. "Ew, nasty!"

"Whoops, wrong flame," Romeo chuckles a bit.

"It's fine. Ready Spike?" Natsu turns to Spike.

"Ready," Spike nods.

"Feel the burn! Fire Dragon Rooooooooooooar!" Natsu unleashes his fire breath at Mary Hughes, Sugarboy, and Coco.

"Spicy," Sugarboy says, seeing how huge the wave of Natsu's fire breath is.

''He's using fire magic? Lame. Conducting Art," Mary Hughes uses a wooden hand relic and redirects the flames at Laki Olietta and Max Alors.

"Hey, watch it!" Max and Laki shriek.

"Take this!" Natsu unleashes a wave of his fire at Mary Hughes. She redirects the attack at Lucy, Levy, and Michelle.

"My turn! Fairy Dragon Rooooooooaaaar!" Spike unleashes his Sparkling Green Fire breath at Mary Hughes, Coco, and Sugarboy.

"You should know better, stupid," Mary Hughes redirects the attack to hit Romeo, Wakaba, and Macao.

"Oh, really?" Spike uses his claw to redirect his attack at Mary Hughes.

"What!?" Mary Hughes is in shock.

"Now, my doggies, take the hit," Sugarboy commands his mucous slime to absorb the blow. "I thought you can redirect the brat's magic, Mary. What's wrong with your magic?"

"Nothing is wrong. Just drain the baby dragon!" Mary wants to see Spike suffer.

"Can do. Sic 'em, my puppies," The mucous slime goes after Spike.

"Spike! Don't let it touch you!" Elfman said.

"Get out of the way, Spike!" Lisanna warns him.

"Fly away from it!" Mirajane shouts.

"Spike wants!" Spike increases his size. His spikes from his body enlarge, his claws become sharper, and his muscles expand more as he's becoming ripped. Sugarboy, Coco, and Mary Hughes' jaw drops. Spike is now a quarter size of a dragon, and he steps on the mucous slime. "Who's little now?!" Spike snorts.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuh, truce?" Sugarboy sweats a little, making the offer. Spike's tail swats him far away from the guildhall. Sugarboy screams as he soars in the skies.

"Sugarboy!" Mary Hughes and Coco shout.

Spike looks down. "I'm going to say this once. Leave. And don't come back for Lucy Heartfillia."

Mary Hughes and Coco nod as they are petrified. They hightailed out of the presence of Fairy Tail. Mary Hughes and Coco decide to spy on the Fairy Tail guild a bit more. They need to know who Lucy Heartfillia to complete their mission.

Spike sighs and reverts to normal. "Is everyone alright?"

"Either than feeling drained of my magic energy, I'm good for the most part," Elfman said.

"You think they'll return?" Panther Lily asks.

"No doubt about it but, I hope they don't come for Lucy," Spike answers.

"Thanks for doing that, Spike," Lucy said.

"Anytime," Spike smiles.

"Let's get everyone back in the guildhall," Carla said.

Twenty minutes later. Everyone is inside the guildhall, recovering from the mucous slime attack.

"Hey, Fairy Rage. That weird magic Mary was using. Would it affect you and your attacks?" Natsu asks.

"My mind and Spike's mind. No. The magic can redirect our attacks but, we can also change the course of them. Mary Hughes is no match for us." Fairy Rage explains. "If you are asking about our body movement, it kinda depends on our size; if we were small, sure. Big, doubt it."

"Alright, I gotta remember that," Spike said.

"I have it in your storage. A perk of my mental magic."

"That's cool. It's like requipping or using my Celestial Spirits."

"Yes. However, you were wise not to use your Celestial Spirits. If you did, they would have known who you are clearer." Fairy Rage says.

"No kidding. Right now, they have no idea what Lucy Heartfillia looks like."

"But, they know Lucy Heartfillia lives with a baby dragon," Romeo said.

"So, to protect Lucy from the arsonists. Spike cannot return to the apartment until further notice," Carla said.

"What!" Spike shouts a little.

"It does make sense," Happy said.

"Where am I supposed to sleep tonight?" Spike groans.

Wendy gets an idea. "How about you bunk with me, Spike?" Wendy smiles.

"Absolutely not, child. Those punks will try come after you into thinking you are Lucy Heartfillia," Carla declares.

Wendy sighs. "I guess you're right."

Elfman places his hand on Spike. "We have a spare room in our house, Spike. You can use it until things clear up."

"We don't mind," Mirajane smiles.

"It'll be fun," Lisanna said.

"Alright then. I'll teleport to the apartment. Grab my stuff and come back here. I don't know where you three reside in Magnolia," Spike lightly chuckles.

"Sleepover!" Lisanna and Mirajane cheers.

"A manly sleepover! That sounds manly!"

"I'll be back in ten minutes," Spike uses his flames to teleport to Lucy's apartment.

"Thanks for doing this, guys," Lucy graciously says.

"It's no problem," Mirajane said.

"He did take out that Sugar-guy and his boogers with him," Elfman said.

"Plus, it'll be more fun spending time with our friend," Lisanna said.

"Also, gotta make up the time we would have had camping when Laxus came out of the blue yesterday," Elfman says.

Michelle looks slump over and sighs sadly.

"What's wrong, Michelle?" Lucy asks.

"It's the cute baby dragon," Michelle said in tears. "I won't wake up seeing his cute face still asleep!"

Wendy feels conflicted with that statement but keeps her emotions to herself. Michelle still cries over the fact that she'll be separate from Spike in the mornings and nights. Jet and Droy come into the guildhall.

"Yo, we miss anything?" Jet asks everyone.

"Yea? Why does everyone look like they got beaten up?" Droy asks everyone while eating a drumstick.

Spike is in the apartment, packing his stuff. He ponders a bit for the motives of Sugarboy, Mary Hughes, and Coco.

"Something troubling you, Spike?" Fairy Rage asks.

"Yea. Why did those three happen to show up while churches are getting scorched left and right?"

"Must be something big. Maybe it links up to that clock piece Lucy has. Something about its ancient runes triggered something. Perhaps, they may know what it is about?"

"Well, they should have sought for our help instead of attacking us."

"Well, they wanted to make their case. Apparently, they pissed off the wrong dragon."

"That's for sure. I'm glad you're opening yourself a bit more to our friends."

"If they ask me something, I'll answer it. However, you're still in control of what you do. I'll be observing or sleeping until I'm needed or me stepping in on my accord to protect your mind. I'll be glad to talk to them if they talk to me. As I'm talking with you now cause you want to."

"Thanks," Spike finishes packing his belongings.

"I will say, something bigger is coming. I don't know exactly what it is but, it's coming, and we all need to be ready for it."

"And we will, Fairy Rage. Have a good sleep, Fairy Rage."

"Talk to you and our friends later." Fairy Rage goes to sleep.

Spike teleports back to the guildhall. He sees Jet and Droy talking to Levy about what has transpired earlier today. Michelle is still crying over the fact that she won't be seeing Spike during the nights and mornings every day.

"Hey, ready to go?" Elfman asks.

"Yea," Spike nods. "Lead the way."

"Alright, we're taking him, Lucy," Elfman said to Lucy.

"We'll see you tomorrow," Mirajane said.

"Have a good night's sleep, everyone," Lisanna said, waving to everyone.

Lucy's smile fades a bit. She doesn't know why she's feeling like this. It's only temporary. Wendy notices Lucy's smile fading a bit. She guesses it's hard seeing someone you care to go to someone's care.

After an hour of walking, Elfman opens the door to their house. Spike walks in and looks around.

"Nice place," Spike said.

"Thanks," Elfman said. "You hungry? Cause, I'm cooking."

"Yea, I can eat," Spike rubs his belly.

"I'll help you, Big Brother Elf," Mirajane said.

"No, it's on me. A manly meal for a manly dragon," Elfman said.

Elfman and Mirajane argue a little in the kitchen. They want to cook for Spike.

"Oh, don't mind them. They'll accept each other's proposal and cook together. Let me show you to your temporary room," Lisanna said.

"Sure," Spike follows Lisanna to the spare room. Within the spare room, there is a bedroom, a drawer, and a closet. "Thanks, Lisanna."

"Don't mention it. Call it a thank you for saving my life. When you brought the fight to Spike Knightwalker," Lisanna remembers Spike Knightwalker approaching her back in Edolas during the fight against the Royal Army. It was Spike the Fairy that knocked him away from her.

"You're welcome. I wasn't going to allow the jackass to harm anyone else. Even after what he told me."

"What did he tell you, Spike?" Lisanna asks.

"You.., you want to know?"

"Yea. I don't think you told any of us what went down with Spike Knightwalker's mind."

"I've told Erza about it. You know the story of how I was abused and abandoned, right?"

Lisanna nods. "Yes. I want to teach those ponies a lesson they won't forget."

"Knightwalker had it way worse than me," Spike explains the origins of Spike Knightwalker to Lisanna. Her jaw drops after hearing the terrifying tale. "So, that's why he hates dark guilds and wanted to torture them. It was his sadistic way of coping."

"It makes sense now. He's the what if you went mad," Lisanna said in simpler terms.

"Yea. If or when Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy happen to come to Earth Land. I will give them their just desserts and then some. However, I will refrain from killing them. I want them to remember their regrets for the rest of their days as they are not my friends. They were never my friends. What am I saying?"

Lisanna hugs Spike. "I hope for their sake, they never show up. If they do, they have Fairy Tail to deal with. We don't let anyone mess with any member of Fairy Tail."

"Thanks, Lisanna."

"Anytime," Lisanna smiles and continues to hug Spike.

It's now 9:30 at night. Sugarboy, Coco, and Mary Hughes are regrouping after an embarrassing defeat.

"I can't believe he increased his size," Mary Hughes said.

"He prevented us from taking, Lucy," Coco said.

"He swatted me and my babies!" Sugarboy refers to the mucous slime.

"Samuel's calculations with Spike were way off. He doesn't know all of the brat's capabilities."

"Perhaps a different approach is in order," Samuel said.

"Speaking of the devil," Coco said.

"I didn't anticipate the dragon's capabilities of increasing his size the way he did. I'm now calculating that he won't be with Ms.Lucy Heartfillia. Therefore, a study is in order," Samuel said.

"What do you have in mind?" Mary asks Samuel.

"A lucrative job that requires a Celestial Wizard's capabilities such as Lucy Heartfillia. Once her identity is discovered, we can take the initiative steps in acquiring Ms.Lucy Heartfillia," Samuel said. He continues explaining his plan furthermore with his comrades.

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