• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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School of Friendship Week Six: Progress Report

It's 9:15 on a Thursday morning in the School of Friendship. Starlight is in her office deciding whether to pull Twilight's class or not. Discord arrives in the office while carrying two mugs of hot chocolate milk with whip cream, a wafer, and a marshmallow on top. He sees Starlight Glimmer a bit different than usual.

"Something troubling you, Headmare Glimmer?" Discord (clone) asks. He gives Starlight the mug of hot chocolate.

"Well, it's been two weeks since I greenlit Twilight's class. So far, not many students are interested. The ones that signed up rarely go. Only one student remains faithful. Yona, Silverstream, Sandbar, Neighsay, Gallus, Ocellus, and Smolder have gone to Twilight's class three times and stopped," Starlight drinks her hot chocolate.

"The Unity Seven is what I call them as of late," Discord (clone) said.

"Well, the Unity Seven has been more focused on going to the other classes. Plus, they helped eliminate the hate towards Twilight and her friends. I'm grateful for doing that. However, my concern is with Twilight's class. Should I withdraw the class?" Starlight asks Discord. She needs a second opinion.

"Well, the way I see it, I think it should be a private study than a class. Only those who want to participate should go."

"Private study. Why didn't I think of that?" Starlight said.

"It's fine and, no worries. Shall I bring Twilight here?" Discord (clone) offers.

"Yes," Starlight nods.

Discord (clone) claps his paw and claw. Twilight Sparkle falls from the ceiling, landing on a chair in front of Starlight. "There you have it, Headmare Glimmer."

"Thanks," Starlight says.

"A little warning next time, Discord. I was in the process of creating a chart explaining how crucial being united is with the Elements of Harmony," Twilight said, rubbing her back with her hoof after the rough landing.

"My apologies for the intrusion, Twilight. I need to discuss with you."

"About what, Headmare Glimmer?" Twilight formally says.

"It's about your class."

"What about my class?" Twilight is confused.

"The signatures you and Cozy got from the students are rarely showing up in your class, especially on Saturday. I had high hopes, but one student remains faithful to your class while everyone else has moved on from it or ignored it."

Twilight sighs heavily. She knows what's coming next. "So, you're going to disband my class?"

"No. Instead of teaching a class, it's going to be a private study on the students that want to learn. I know you had over a hundred signatures, but those students haven't shown up repeatedly. I need to take accountability for what goes on in the school."

"I understand," Twilight nods. "Thank you for allowing me to have a private study to teach instead of a class. I'll make the best of it count."

"I know you will. You already have a faithful student. More will come in the future. I have faith in you and your curriculum. I wish you luck, Twilight Sparkle."

"Thank you, Headmare Glimmer," Twilight smiles and leaves the office. When she closes the door, she sighs sadly. "How did Cozy helped getting those signatures and not even half shows up to class?" Twilight thought to herself. She trots to her classroom.

"Well, that went well," Discord (clone) said.

"I expected resistance from Twilight and her defending the cause of her class. She'd impressed me when she took the news calmly," Starlight said.

"She's changed for the better. Who knows, maybe Spike will see how far Twilight has changed and gives her a second chance."

"That'll be the best outcome for Twilight. I don't think he'll come back to live in Twilight's castle but, family restrictions will uplift."

"Definitely, Starlight. Let's call Spike in," Discord (clone) claps, and Spike falls from the ceiling, landing on the chair.

"Ow, Discord. That hurt," Spike (Discord) rubs his back.

"My apologies, my friend. There is something urgent we would like to speak with you."

"What is it about?" Spike (Discord) turns to Starlight.

"How do you feel about Twilight Sparkle and her friends?" Starlight asks.

"Fine, actually. I see the change in Twilight's face. The same is mutual for the others. Twilight is showing me remnants of herself before she forgot about me. She's focused on achieving her goals while trying to earn my forgiveness. Celestia told me a few months back that forgiveness is a long road. I see the energy and synergy within Twilight."

"When do you think you'll forgive them?" Starlight asks.

"I don't know when. I will say it's soon. During my classes, they accepted the facts on what they did wrong and are trying to atone for those sins against me."

Starlight smiles. "Well, you've been an excellent teacher for the school. Your classes are helping students say and do what's pleasing and not doing what isn't pleasant."

"Thank you, Headmare Glimmer," Spike (Discord) happily says.

"You're welcome. You earned the recognition based on your hard work. Now prepare for your next class, Professor Spike."

Spike (Discord) leaves the room. He feels light-headed due to his magic draining slowly from not using more of his chaos magic.

"Call in the Unity Seven, Discord," Starlight says.

"Right away," Discord (clone) claps, and the Unity Seven falls from the ceiling, landing on the chairs in front of Starlight Glimmer. They felt a little pain from the ceiling drop.

"Professor Discord, not cool," Neighsay said while his friends rub their backs from the landing.

"My apologies but, Headmare Glimmer wishes to speak with you."

"What is it, Headmare Glimmer?" Sandbar asks, speaking for every creature.

"How are you enjoying the classes here in the school?"

"Yak loves most of the classes in School of Friendship."

"It's pretty cool. Especially, Rockhoof's class about finding inner strength," Gallus said.

"I enjoy Professor Spike's class. He's teaching Neighsay and I how to interact with other creatures better and how not to upset them," Sandbar said.

"I concur. Professor Spike has been an excellent instructor. His roleplaying techniques are fascinating with his experiences," Neighsay said.

"I enjoy watching you and Trixie enact different scenarios on achieving greater things compared to solitary work," Smolder said.

"The classes here are entertaining! I love being with my friends as we learn more and more about friendship!" Silverstream cheers.

"I'm more open with my friends here than at the hive. The classes here make me more welcomed. Maud and Sunburst's classes are reminding me to listen and never to take advantage of my friends. Never forget about them as well," Ocellus said.

"I'm glad to hear. So, any thoughts on Twilight's class?" Starlight asks.

"Uh, at first, Smolder and; I had a personal vendetta to scold Twilight and her friends for the mistreatment of Professor Spike. We were planning to use the Element Ranks and put that to the test against them. To see if they are honest about themselves and loyal to Spike when he needed them the most," Gallus said, looking down a bit.

"However, we learn that we shouldn't be doing that to them. Professor Discord's motto got the better of us, and we started to become no different than they were. No creature should ever feel disgrace due to the history of their race," Smolder said.

"After that, we apologized. Then we start spreading the word about forgiveness," Neighsay said. "As you saw, most of the students started to forgive Twilight and her friends."

"Yea, I saw that, and I was in awe to see my students forgiving the ones that caused Professor Spike trauma throughout the years. So, tell me. Why haven't you been going to Twilight's class more often?"

"Well, Headmare Glimmer, Twilight's lectures with her friends were boring us," Gallus said. "No disrespect but, some of us have fallen asleep and weren't interested in learning about the Elements of Harmony. As important as they are, it's a weapon for Pony Kind. What the other classes teach is for all kinds of creatures to be in unison. That's why Professor Discord gave us the nickname Unity Seven." Every creature nods with that statement.

Starlight takes a deep breath. "Has any of you seen the students that partake in Twilight's class?"

"No, Headmare Glimmer," Silverstream said. "Just that one pegasus filly called Cozy Glow. She is the most eager student to only focus on the Elements of Harmony. We rarely see her in any other class."

"Is that true, Discord?" Starlight turns to Discord.

"Indeed. I haven't seen Cozy Glow in my classes in a while. I want to say that's the same for any other classes."

"Hmm," Starlight thinks a bit. "Alright, Unity Seven. I'll see you later. Have a fun day with your classes."

The Unity Seven leaves the office. After they left, Discord (clone) claps and, Cozy Glow falls from the ceiling, landing on a chair hard.

"Ow, golly, that hurts," Cozy rubs her back.

"Sorry, Cozy. Headmare Glimmer wants to speak with you."

"Oh," Cozy coughs a little. "Good morning, Headmare Glimmer. How are you doing today?"

"Good, Cozy. I notice that you haven't attended any other classes except for Twilight's as of late. Care to explain?"

"Well, to be fair. I'm more interested in learning about the Elements of Harmony, the history of its Friendships, and the relics that symbolize Friendships as well. When I heard about the school, I was so excited to learn from the Princess of Friendship herself. When I came, I was so disappointed. I didn't want to show that impression when I met you. I know the other classes are important but, it's not my calling to learn. I need to learn about the magic of friendship that defeats all evil in the world. The only way for me to learn is through Princess Twilight's teachings. I'm sorry," Cozy looks down.

"So, that's why you stayed with Twilight and her friends," Starlight understands Cozy's motives clearly.

"Yes. Please, don't take Twilight's class away. I still need to learn. It's my calling to know more and understand the power deep inside."

"Well, Twilight will now have a private study. You can continue to learn from her. I'll determine your grade based on Twilight's private study since you devoted your time in her class."

Cozy Glow joyfully smiles graciously. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome. Have fun learning from Twilight."

"I will!" Cozy leaves Starlight's office and runs to Twilight's classroom.

"You've done the right thing. I can't imagine bringing sadness to that young filly," Discord (clone) said.

"Yea. She has good intentions for devoting her time to Twilight's teachings. Who am I to strip that away from her after telling me her story," Starlight said.

"Agreed," Discord (clone) nods.

"For all we know, she'll be vital for something important down the road."

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