• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Spike & Fairy Demon Dragon

Spike wakes up in the middle of the night. He looks around and doesn't see Lucy in sight. "What time is it?" Spike looks at the clock. "1:30?" Spike groans.

"Hello." A dark voice greets Spike.

"Who's that?" Spike turns on the light and sees an apparition of himself as Fairy Demon Dragon.

"I'm you. Fairy Demon Dragon."

"Why are you here?"

"I know you have intentions of getting rid of me in the morning. Can't blame you cause I'm the remains of Master Hades."

"Remains? Did I killed him..?" Spike asks.

"No. Zeref finished him. We crippled him. As for answering your question, I'm here to warn you of an upcoming event."

"What are you talking about?"

"They are coming."

"Who's they?"

"A guild. A powerful magical guild that'll take something from you soon, I cannot explain much more in detail. I am dying, after all. The rage burst you had earlier; that's me losing control of myself. I am the last remnants of Master Hades, and he wants to possess your body."

"How do I get rid of it?" Spike pants a bit after hearing the news of his side effect.

"Visit Porlyusica. She lives in a treehouse in the East Forest. She's not a fan of humans. However, you'll do nicely."

"Thank you for telling me this."

"Of course. I'm also you. Well, parts of you made from anger. The rage when we thought Wendy died. You're going to do good when you feel better."

"So, after I flush out the remains of Hades, what's going to happen to you?"

"I'll be around. You can tap into your Fairy Rage Dragon once the remnants of Hades in me are gone. Say Spike Rage instead want, and I'll take control until you say that's enough. If you ask why you'll still be in control, I'm an emotion of you. Also, I'm a Fairy Tail Wizard. I got your back and everyone else I consider to be a friend. I won't interfere with your life. Just know, when you need a little boost, I'm here for you. Also, it's in case of any mind trickery from any wizards. I'll see what goes on and protect your mind from any spells that'll affect you."

"Wow, I'm speechless. Talking to myself that doesn't want to take full possession of me after I get rid of the rest of the dark energy."

"As I said, I'm you but as an emotion. Rage doesn't last long. Love does. You have a ton of it for the guild, our friends, and Wendy. Farewell, Fairy Dragon."

Spike sees the apparition of Rage Dragon vanishing. "See you soon, Fairy Rage. Thanks for the information," Spike turns off the light and goes back to sleep.

It's now 8:30 in the morning. Spike wakes up and leaves the apartment. Spike decides to go straight to Porlyusica's house in the East Forest. On the way there, he wonders what guild did Rage Dragon mentions last night.

A Vulcan approaches Spike and wants to make a meal out of him. Spike shoots flaming arrows from his claw, igniting the Vulcan as he flees for his life.

"I guess they don't remember the butt-kicking Gajeel and I gave them seven years ago."

Spike walks in a different direction, hoping to find Porlyusica. He didn't want to worry anyone about his condition. After forty minutes of searching, Spike found the treehouse that belongs to Prolyusica. He takes and deep breath and knocks on the door. Porlyusica opens the door.

"Hello, Fairy Dragon."

"Hi," Spike waves.

"Is there something you want? Something Makarov needs?"

"Seven years ago, I fought Master Hades. I consumed his dark energy, and the remains of Master Hades are trying to possess me. Think you can help?"

"Come in," Porlyusica allows Spike to enter her home and looks at her potions and medicine. "What were you thinking consuming his dark energy?"

"Protecting my friends cause when we fought him on Tenrou Island, he dominated Erza, Gray, Wendy, Natsu, Lucy, even Laxus. He recovered after taking a big blow from Natsu and me when we used a unison raid of fire and lighting. I am an Energy Maker Dragon, so any form of energy I sense, I can replenish myself by eating that energy."

"Interesting. So that's why Hades' energy particles are in you," Porlyusica finds the potion she needs to give to Spike. "Here you go," Porlyusica gives Spike some pills. "Take two a day for the next three days, and you'll be cleansed."

"Thank you," Spike smiles.

"You're welcome. I would advise you not to work for the next three days. Using magic with the medication will cause a side effect with the dark energy you're trying to flush out."

"Thank you for the advice, have a nice day," Spike leaves Porlyusica's home and goes home. For the next three days, he's going to chill with his friends, perhaps spend a day with Wendy, study, and relax.

On the way back to the apartment, Fairy Rage starts talking to Spike telepathically.

"So, no use of magic for the next three days due to the side effects?"

"Yea. I can live without magic for the next three days. I didn't know I can talk to you in my mind."

"One of the perks of being you while having my own subconscious as a backup when your mind gets infiltrated with mind trickery spells or manipulations or memory erase."

"Memory erase?"

"You never know, and it's always good to be prepared for anything."

"True. Can't argue with that. Expect the unknown, right?"

"Expect the unexpected at times. First Grimoire Hearts, then out of nowhere, Acnologia. We will get stronger when he shows his face again."

"Agreed. This is cool, though. Another me to talk to like a clone."

"Well, that's one way of looking at it. However, I'll be idle until you need me. I'll hear and see your memories to catch up to date. If I feel that I need to step in, I will. That's the only time I will. You're in control of your life. I'm here as a Rage Boost. Nothing more or less."

"Thanks, Fairy Rage. I'm going to tell the others about you."

"By all means. They should know about me and how I can help when it's needed. I just want Hades out of me so, I don't lose control of myself again."

"In three days, he'll be gone."

"Can't wait."

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