• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Unexpected Arrival on Tenrou Island

Two hours passed since Fairy Tail defeated Grimoire Hearts. Everyone is back in the base camp safe and sound. Wendy and Spike are sitting together, enjoying the scenery.

"So, how did you feel when you heard me say that's my Wendy?"

"I knew from that point on you loved me. I was over the moon when you said that, Spike. How are you feeling?"

"Better, now the dark energy is out of my systems. Now, I need to train harder to become stronger than before. That way, I won't resort to consuming dark energy to gain an advantage."

"Good call, what you did scared us all," Said Wendy.

"Well, I did say forgive me, didn't I?" Spike chuckles a bit.

"You did. What you said was fair at the time."

"Wendy, can I be honest with you?"

"Of course, Spike. What you have to say?"

"I've been having dreams of you ever since we've met. I couldn't stop thinking about you. The first thought that comes to my mind every morning when I wake is you. I can't stop staring at your beautiful face. Every time I see the color blue, I think of your hair. How marvelous your blue hair is. You are kind, sweet, caring, and beautiful, Wendy. I would love to spend an eternity with you, Wendy. I want to be your boyfriend. Can I be your boyfriend?"

Wendy is in tears after hearing what Spike told her. Her fantasies are becoming real. She couldn't think of anyone else to spend a lifetime with; she nods and smiles lovingly at Spike.

"Of course. Now, it's my turn, to be honest with you."

"Go ahead," Spike smiles back.

"Ever since we met, I saw the love and kindness you shared, how you wanted to fight and defend your friends. The fire and desire that burns in your heart. When I kissed your cheeks for saving my first guild and saw your gentle spirit when you comforted Erza when she needed comfort, I wished that you do the same, and you did. You helped make me feel right at home in Fairy Tail. Being around you puts a smile on my face. I have many fantasies, Spike. All of them are about you since I can't stop thinking about you. I've dreamt of sleeping with you and being with you. I want to be your girlfriend, to follow you until the end of time. As cheesy as it sounds, I've been sleeping with a Spike plush from the gift shop I bought and, imagine holding you in my arms. I would prefer the real thing now."

"Granted," Spike leaps in Wendy's arms as she holds him. The two embrace and feel each other's warmth.

"I promise to be with you forever," Spike and Wendy said in unison.

Juvia watches and wishes that Gray would act the same. She's jealous of the two love for each other and wants that kind of love and affection with Gray. She comes out of the bushes.

"Someone's there," Gray hears rustling in the bushes.

"Show yourself, now," Said Erza.

"It's just me. Please don't attack," Juvia said.

"Wait, Juvia?" Erza looks down at Juvia.

"Geez, what happened to you?" Gray asks

"I'm so sorry. I tried to catch Zeref, but he ended up getting away from me," Juvia said in tears. She scoots over to Gray, wiggling her butt, asking for a spanking as punishment for her failure.

"Thanks but no thanks, I'm not into that stuff," Gray said, horrified to see Juvia degrading herself a bit.


"Yes, Wendy," Spike looks at Wendy.

"I need to start healing our friends."

"Sure thing," Wendy lets go of Spike and sits down to start healing each of their friends.

Spike walks around a bit and sees Juvia chasing Gray, begging to be spanked, Gildarts talking to Laxus, Natsu getting knocked out by Gildarts, Cana and Lucy talking, a line formed for Wendy to heal. Spike decides to walk not far from the base to reflect a little. Erza dresses up as a nurse and draws the attention away from the guys. By doing so, Wendy sees Spike wandering off the base camp and decides to follow him. Lucy follows as well. She wants to know what Spike's thinking.

Spike walks near a riverine of Tenrou Island and sits down. Wendy and Lucy are behind some trees to hear what Spike has to say.

"Wow, I can't believe I found love. Actual love that is shared and not used for one's benefit. Rarity, that gold-digging high-class chasing bitch. I feel sorry for anyone else falling in love with her the way I did before leaving them. Rarity, a woman like her deserves to be alone for the crap she put me through. Using and abusing my love to get me to do her shit like a slave," Spike looks up at the bright blue sky. "Wendy. Every time I see the color blue, I think of her blue hair every time. She's a real woman, filled with love and compassion. I'm so happy to be her boyfriend and having her as my girlfriend. Discord, if you can somehow hear me, thank you for granting my wish months ago. If it weren't for you, I think I would have committed suicide back in Equestria to be free from Twilight Sparkle and her friends. I want to say thank you. I'm happy being with friends, going on adventures, laughing, crying, and having a family. I swear in my name that I'll be the best loving boyfriend Wendy will ever have. Always being by her side, protecting her, fighting battles with her, loving her, never ever use or abuse her. As for my friends, I'll always be at their side, fighting with them, protecting them, enjoying each other's company, training with them. I'll sacrifice my life if it means protecting those I hold dearly."

Wendy and Lucy are awestruck hearing Spike's reflecting on what he endured. Fairy Tail struck gold the moment Natsu and Happy brought him to the guildhall. Wendy and Lucy walk up to Spike. He turns around.

"Hey, you two," Spike notices that Wendy and Lucy have tears in the eyes. Spike realizes that they heard him reflect on his life. Wendy and Lucy hug Spike. Neither one of them speaking a word during the embrace.

Spike, Wendy, and Lucy return to base camp after a few minutes of hugging. They see Makarov getting ready to make an announcement.

"Be prepared. Change is on the horizon. I have a serious announcement I need to make. Once we leave Tenrou Island and return to the guild, all female members will be required to wear uniforms! Nurse outfits and school girl swimsuits galore!" Makarov hops left and right excitedly.

"In your dreams, you perv," Lucy responds.

"Swimsuits huh, I haven't worn mine in a while," Erza likes the thought Makarov came up with.

"Shut it, Erza. You're not helping!" Said Lucy.

"Swimsuits," Wendy looks at Spike.

"It's up to you. I'm not going to force you into doing anything your not comfortable with."

"Get serious. If you don't, then I'll have to," Mirajane scolds Makarov.

"Can an old man have some fun, party pooper?" Makarov sighs and goes straight to business. "I've decided to cancel this year's S-Class Trials. We start again next year."

"Is this a freaking joke?!" Some of the guys say in unison. They are pissed off with Makarov's decree.

"It's no joke, so deal with it," Makarov responds.

"We can still compete! C'mon!" Gray complains.

"I agree with Master Makarov to cancel the S-Class Trials," Said Spike.

"You kidding me! That means you don't become the fastest and youngest S-Class Wizard in the history of the Fairy Tail Guild, Spike! Don't you want to claim it?!" Gray asks Spike.

"I turned into a Fairy Demon Dragon to take down Hades. I went through an uncomfortable transformation to get my wings. I got tossed around like a ragdoll by Azuma first, Bluenote second, and Hades third. I've been through enough for two days now and want to go home."

"Fine! You go home, and we'll finish competing!" Natsu said.

"Enough! Spike has a valid point. Each of us has taken a toll throughout the invasion of Grimoire Hearts. Also, to compete for the rest of the trials will be tiresome, and no one would finish."

The guys groan and complain about wanting to become S-Class. While everyone admits defeat since Makarov won't change his mind, he made an exception for Natsu. All Natsu has to do is defeat Makarov in battle. In an instant, Makarov punches Natsu into a tree, giving Natsu the TKO. Gildarts come by to drag Natsu and Happy. He wants to take them fishing.

Spike walks up to Laxus while Wendy talks to Carla. "Hey, Laxus. How are you holding up?"

"Fine for the most part. You seem to be stronger the last time we've met."

"Yea," Spike scratches the back of his head. "I've been improving so much since I came here."

"Fairy Demon Dragon. You'll turn into that in the future?"

"No," Spike shakes his head. "I think it was a one-time thing. I promised my friends I won't be that reckless again. So, how's life after Fairy Tail going?"

"Boring but, I'm learning life lessons as I go on. I miss being in the guildhall and being with my friends."

"I still have a feeling that someday, you'll return to Fairy Tail as a member once more."

"Huh," Laxus chuckles a bit. "When that happens, I'll have you tag along with some jobs of mine and the Thunder Legion."

"Sounds good. There is one thing I want to ask of you."

"What is it, Spike?"

Spike smirks. "I want to spar with you. Even though you weren't yourself, you were mighty powerful. I want to fight the new man you are."

Laxus smiles. "Sure. I won't hold back either. I want to see what you're made of. Let me know when."

"Will do," Spike and Laxus do a fist bump to seal the deal.

Spike decides to sit with his friends by the table. He sees Wendy and sits next to her and Carla. A loud noise is distant, which catches everyone's attention. Gajeel jokes about Lucy's stomach growling.

"All jokes aside, what the heck was that noise?" Gray asks.

"No clue. Maybe it's Hades' ship malfunctioning. We did trash his ship fighting him," Spike said.

"Whoa, now it sounds like some animal and heat panting," Gray feels something different.

"Dude, it's your chair," Bickslow points at it.

"Why, is it squeaking or something?" Gray looks down to see Juvia. Gray now knows that he was sitting on Juvia's behind. "What the? What are you doing?"

"You wouldn't spank me due to my failure, so I thought of becoming your chair as my punishment," Juvia said.

"I almost smack you for scaring me, but I'm afraid you get the wrong idea!"

Spike laughs at Gray's comment. "I think someone's in denial," Spike teases Gray.

"Hey! Since when you turned into Happy!" Gray retorts.

Mirajane gives Wendy a cup of water. "Here you go. I bet you're pretty thirsty."

"You don't have to do all that when you're not feeling well," Said Wendy.

"It's fine. Helping out makes me feel better," Mirajane smiles.

"Working through the pain. Just like a real man!" Elfman throws the thumbs up.

"I don't think so," Said Carla.

Evergreen whacks Elfman on the head. "Please tell me you didn't mean to do that?" Elfman turns to Evergreen.

"Oh, I meant it alright," Evergreen relentlessly whacks Elfman on the head. "If I hear you say real man in the next five minutes, I'll turn you into stone!"

"Why do you care?" Elfman retorts.

"It's driving me crazy!" Evergreen replies.

"Oh, yea? It's only a short trip for you, you know?"

"A real man wouldn't talk back to a lady!"

"You two should fight so closely to your wedding day," Mirajane said.

"That was a lie!" Elfman and Evergreen say in unison.

Wendy notices the movement in her cup of water. Spike is laughing, watching Evergreen smack Elfman up. A loud roar scares everyone. Wendy recognizes the roar immediately.

"That sounds like a dragon's roar."

"That's a dragon's roar?" Said Spike.

"Dude, you roared before," Said Gray.

"NOT LIKE THAT!" Spike yells at Gray.

"Are you sure that was a dragon and not thunder?" Panther Lily asks.

"There are no dark clouds in the sky!" Elfman said.

"Hey! Is everyone alright?" Lucy asks. She's running with Gildarts, Cana, Happy, and Natsu.

"Do you hear that crazy noise?" Happy asks.

"Yea, we heard it," Said Gray.

Gildarts groans a little. "Are you okay?" Cana asks Gildarts.

"My wounds are starting to burn like hell. There's no doubt. That dragon is getting real close."

"The Black Dragon," Spike becomes worried. He remembers the time Gildarts nearly killed him because of it.

"Look up in the sky! Something is coming its' way!" Panther Lily points to it. Everyone looks up and becomes stunned beyond belief.

"Holy Crap!" Gray sees the dragon descending.

"That thing is humungous," Said Elfman in shock.

"HOLY SHIT! THAT'S BIGGER THAN ANY OTHER DRAGON I'VE SEEN IN EQUESTRIA!" Spike is lost for words. He thought the Dragonoid and Dorma Anim were big. He stands corrected.

A humungous dragon of black and blue arrives on Tenrou Island. Gajeel and Wendy couldn't believe their own eyes of seeing a huge dragon. Natsu knew there was one out there.

"I'm afraid that's Acnologia," Master Makarov approaches everyone. "The Black Dragon of the Apocalypse."

"Yea, it's definitely him," Gildarts starts having flashbacks of his first encounter with Acnologia.

"Hey, Dragon! You know where I can find Igneel? Tell me! Grandeeny and Metallicana too!" Natsu speaks loudly to Acnologia.

Gildarts go up to Natsu. "Stop it, Natsu. You don't want to provoke him. Did you forget what happened to me? How I lost my arm and my leg? Hell, I'm lucky I didn't lose my life that day."

Natsu remembers the day he, Spike, and Happy saw what happened to Gildarts. Acnologia lands in front of everyone.

"I don't think this is the same dragon that raised Natsu, Wendy, and Gajeel. This one seems evil!" Happy exclaims.

"You're certainly right about that. He's the most evil thing there is," Gildarts says.

"Are we going to fight it or what?" Natsu asks.

"We can't, Natsu. You don't understand the situation. It's not about winning or losing a fight. This is about getting away with our lives. I'm not sure that all of us are even going to be lucky enough to do that."

"Spike wants!" Spike increases his size.

"What are you doing?!" Wendy shouts. Everyone looks at Spike while he's increasing his size.

"Buying you time to leave!" Spike continues to increase his size. He pants a little. "Spike wants more!" Spike increases past his capabilities to match the size of Acnologia.

"NOOO! DON'T!" Wendy becomes worried for Spike's life.

Acnologia roars seeing Spike for the first time. Spike roars at Acnologia.

"We.., we.., we can't leave him!" Wendy is in tears.

"I know it's painful but, we have to honor his wish," Gildarts talks to Wendy.

Spike and Acnologia collide. The two generate enough force to wipe out a section of the forest every Fairy Tail Member stands. They start to run away and go to the ship. Spike punches Acnologia in the face hard. Acnologia does the same. Spike is knocked down but, Acnologia grabs his tail and throws him around a bit. He lets go and tackles Spike. Spike uses his breath to teleport behind Acnologia's back and tackles him to the ground.

"He's bringing the fight to Acnologia," Makarov is appalled.

Spike pants as he's hasn't fully recovered. Acnologia uses his breath attack on Spike. He hurls from the attack and collides into a mountain. Acnologia lunges at Spike in full force. He punches Spike left and right, rag dolling him around like paperweight.

"I.., I refused to leave him!" Master Makarov increases into his maximum size. "He's still my child!

Acnologia chokes Spike and bites his left shoulder. Spike squeals from the pain. Spike uses his breath to teleport Acnologia to give himself breathing room.

"I don't know how much longer I can keep this up," Spike spits blood. Acnologia flies directly at Spike. Spike smirks. "Come to daddy," Spike conjures his metallic flame sword with one claw. Spike swings and misses badly. Acnologia uppercuts Spike and claws him to the ground. Spike reverts to his size, feeling drained. "My friends.., my Wendy.., you're safe now," Spike smiles and closes his eyes. "I could die as a happy dragon. I lived, I fought, I loved. I saved them."

Master Makarov comes and tackles Acnologia. Spike opens his eyes to see his Master battling Acnologia. Erza is next to Spike.

"Sis?" Spike is surprised to see Erza next to him.

"There's no way I'm going to lose a brother," Gajeel is next to Erza.

"We were all in to evacuate but, you're part of the guild, Spike. We don't leave our kind behind," Said Laxus.

"Now attack!" Erza commands.

Spike sees his friends battling Acnologia. Everyone combining their magic into an ultimate attack.

"Spike, join us," Wendy extends her hand to help Spike up.

"Yea," Spike grabs her hand. Spike flaps his wings and flies up with Wendy, Gajeel, and Natsu.

"Iron Dragon Roooooar!" Gajeel unleashes his iron breath.

"Sky Dragon Roooooar! Wendy unleashes her sky breath.

"Fire Dragon Roooooar! Natsu unleashes his fire breath.

"Fairy Dragon Roooooar! Spike unleashes his Sparkling Green Fire breath in a unison raid.

Acnologia crashes into a mountain due to the combined attack from everyone except for Gildarts. Spike collapses. He's now all out of magic energy. Wendy holds him and heals him from his injuries.

"Did that work?" Erza asks.

"Of course not. He's not even using as half of much power as the time he fought me," Said Gildarts. He turns to Spike. "Spike, that was noble of you. Sacrificing your life to save everyone."

"I was hoping, once everyone is on the ship, I can teleport myself to the boat when the time came. Problem was, Acnologia beat my ass badly. All of my remaining magic energy went into the Fairy Dragon Roar. I am unable to increase my size. I'm too tired..," Spike admits.

Acnologia rises from the attack and prepares to do a breath attack. Stronger than the one he gave Spike.

"Spike! Think you can eat the energy from Acnologia!" Natsu asks.

Spike shakes his head. "I'm too tired. I'm.., sorry," Spike looks down and cries a little.

Everyone starts losing hope. Levy suggests using solid script magic for defense against Acnologia's breath attack. Mirajane tells everyone to hold hands to lend Levy and Freed for a powerful defense spell. Spike sniffs and sees Gajeel and Wendy reaching their hands to him.

"C'mon Fairy Dragon. Let's do it," Gajeel said.

"We're with you," Said Wendy.

Spike holds their hands and forms a circle with his friends that are also holding hands.

"Fairy Tail never gives up the fight!" Lucy shouts.

"We all gotta face our fears together. We'll show him we have a bond that'll never be broken!" Gray shouts.

"Okay, kids. Let us all go home together," Makarov said in tears.

"Back home to Fairy Tail!" Everyone said in unison as a bright light shines in the middle of the circle.

Acnologia unleashes his breath attack on Tenrou Island. After the attack, Tenrou Island is gone. Water fills up the hole where Tenrou Island stood. Acnologia, now satisfied, flies off into the skies.

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