• Published 7th Jan 2021
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Spike the Fairy - PonyJoel

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Grogar's Next Motive

It's been a few days since Spike Knightwalker arrived in Equestria. Grogar is reading the books available and knows that it's his works of long ago. It's a good refresher for certain things he has forgotten. The Diamond Dogs, Chameleons, and Lizards are working together to gather many supplies and materials for Spike Knightwalker to use.

Sadistic Spike Knightwalker is working on a new weapon using the different resources he has available. One thing that intrigued him was the color gemstones the mines have. He analyzed each one and uncovered many secrets of the sort. Sadistic Spike Knightwalker does get some headaches, but the medication given by the Diamond Dogs helps him overwhelm his other-self.

"Alright, I'm stumped. We've gathered all of this for what purpose!?" Spot complains after carrying more metal scraps and junk.

"Weapons to fight off the magic-wielding creatures," Sliver reminded Spot and the rest of the Diamond Dogs. "I swear, your minds are feeble. I don't understand why Grogar would be interested in you dogs."

"Hey!" Fido didn't like the remark from Sliver, making him and his species feel inadequate.

"Pay attention, and you'll learn that these two creatures are key to our salvation," Aster said, drinking a bottle of pop.

Grogar comes to check on Sadistic Spike Knightwalker's progress. He sees turrets on the table. "What's this contraption?"

"Turrets," Sadistic Spike Knightwalker replies while making adjustments to the turret.

"What does it do?" Grogar analyzes the weapon.

"Shoots missiles from long range. The missiles are made of the gemstones the dogs dug up. I've analyzed each colored gemstone for its better abilities. The red and blue ones are the more dangerous color."

"Why is that?" Grogar is intrigued to know what Sadistic Spike Knightwalker uncovered with the different usage of gemstone colors.

"The red gemstones are for incineration. The blue gemstones are for freezing."

"Impressive. What about the rest of the colors?"

"I'm still working on many formulas for the rest of the colors. Green gemstones are perfect for poisoning the Dragons."

"How so, Knightwalker?"

"Dragons eat these gemstones, so the green ones could make them sick with the right spell to amplify the stability. I need a little time testing the theory and will need a Dragon to test all of my theories," Sadistic Spike Knightwalker said.

"The Chameleons will get you that test subject. There is one other ally I need to recruit," Grogar leaves Sadistic Spike Knightwalker be, allowing him to resume his duties for engineering weapons.

Aster sees Grogar approaching. "Grogar, what are your commands, Sir?" The Chameleons are ready for any order.

"I require a Dragon for testing. Grab a Dragon egg by the volcanic nests," Grogar commands.

"Yes, Sir!" Aster and his Chameleons leave the mines and go to the Dragon Lands.

"Where are you going, Grogar?" Rover asks.

"Retrieving an ally for the cause. Do not follow me," Grogar wears his cloak and leaves the mines.

"Geez," Aster said. "I wonder who's he getting."

"Hmm, that demon he mentioned?" Spot answers with a question.

Two hours later. Grogar sees the suspicions and worries from February 29th's constellation has many creatures spooked with the unfathomable power he used. No one has figured out who's the culprit of using such magic power. Grogar notices many species more united than ever, having many theatres replay recent events and Fairy Dragon's memories. Grogar uses his magic to alter his appearance into a blue earth pony. Princess Celestia and Luna fly above him. Grogar takes a deep breath and continues his travel to his destination.

Grogar travels to the gates of Tartarus and sees Cerberus. Grogar uses his magic to put Cerberus, several Dragons, and many Royal Guards to sleep. Tartarus has not recovered well since Midnight Sparkle last came. Many creatures within the cages don't have their magic power and are close to death.

Grogar enters Tartarus and feels the dread lurking all around him. He relishes the feeling and imagines all of United Equestria fallen and filled with fear, sadness, and misery. Grogar walks up to Lord Tirek's cage. Lord Tirek is frail with minimum magic.

"So, I have another visitor," Lord Tirek turns around to see the blue earth pony. "Let me guess. You must be from the School of Friendship and wished to befriend me on a special Friendship Quest or project of some sort?"

"You are far from the truth," Grogar said. His tone sounds demonic and enticing.

"Eh?" Lord Tirek observes Grogar's disguise. "So, why are you here?"

"For my purposes and ensure the destruction of United Equestria," Grogar replies.

Lord Tirek laughs at Grogar's statement. Grogar remains silent while Lord Tirek continues to laugh in mockery. Lord Tirek now sees Grogar's blank stare as serious.

"You're serious?" Lord Tirek questions Grogar's firm belief in bringing destruction upon United Equestria.

Grogar narrows his eyes and reveals his true form to Lord Tirek. Lord Tirek is astounded to see the Father of Monsters in his presence; He feels honored and petrified at the same time.

"Hello, Lord Tirek," Grogar readdresses Lord Tirek.

"Grogar, wh-what an honor to meet a legend such as yourself," Lord Tirek bows before the Father of Monsters.

"I have a proposition for you, Lord Tirek," Grogar looks into the eyes of Lord Tirek.

"If you're asking for my assistance, it won't do you any good," Lord Tirek says in defeat.

"Why do you have any doubts about my objectives?" Grogar is captivated by any info Lord Tirek has.

"United Equestria has your bell in their grasps. They also defeated the most powerful demon known as Midnight Sparkle. She slew thousands of species with her curses. Sure, I helped in that regard by bringing an apocalypse, but I failed to defeat her and watched how misfits defeated her. Dragons are more promising in magic power than Unicorns and now Alicorns. What power you have bestowed is not good enough to match or override their forces."

"I have an equalizer that'll counterattack any magic they unleash. I have an army of species growing. If you believe the bell is my only relic of power? You are wrong!" Grogar slams his front hooves on the ground, shattering Lord Tirek's imprisonment.

Lord Tirek flinches from the sudden outburst of Grogar. His conscience is telling him to trust Grogar's words since he still despises all of Equestria. Sure, he still treats Cozy Glow as a friend, but she hasn't checked on him since departing from Midnight Sparkle's mind.

"Follow me," Grogar commands.

"Coming," Lord Tirek follows Grogar to the underground vault of Tartarus. Lord Tirek sees Grogar bust the door wide open, revealing different relics. "What are you looking for?" Lord Tirek asks while observing different relics and books contained.

Grogar found the relic he created by his magic of centuries ago. There's a defense circle protecting it.

"What is that?" Lord Tirek sees the artifact glowing and hovering in a defensive magic sphere.

"My Eternal Cataclysmic Scepter," Grogar uses his magic to dispel the protection spell. The magic power of the defense spell gets transferred into Lord Tirek, making him stronger.

Lord Tirek gains muscle mass and looks redder with his horns sticking out. He no longer looks frail. Lord Tirek kisses his muscles. "It feels great to have this much power again."

"I didn't free you to kiss yourself. I freed you for your power and assistance," Grogar angrily yells and grabs his Eternal Cataclysmic Scepter. The Eternal Cataclysmic Scepter is black with a pentagram carved on the skull on top. The back of the skull sports a large dark tanzanite gem.

"What does that staff do?" Lord Tirek is perplexed by the scepter's power.

"Brings calamity and gives birth to monsters of my imagination. Another equalizer for the cause, in case my army is not up to par. Now, we must take our leave before an inspection arrives," Grogar uses his magic to teleport him and Lord Tirek out of Tartarus.

Grogar and Lord Tirek arrive in the mines. The Chameleons return after snagging a Dragon Egg from the Dragon Lands' volcanic nest. Lord Tirek sees the species allied their allegiance to Grogar's purpose. He's not impressed with the Diamond Dogs, Lizards, and Chameleons' forces and believes they are weak.

Grogar and Lord Tirek enter Sadistic Spike Knightwalker's domain. Lord Tirek couldn't help but stare at Spike Knightwalker.

"Any progress, Knightwalker?" Grogar asks Sadistic Spike Knightwalker.

"The Dragon Egg needs a few days before I can test my theories. As for my weapons, some are ready for other testing to see how prominent they are for battle. Who is that?" Sadistic Spike Knightwalker sees Lord Tirek.

"Lord Tirek. He'll be helping us take control over the creatures I've shown you the other night," Grogar answers.

For Lord Tirek, it's a dream come true to see the twisted version of Spike the Fairy. Knowing that he is malicious, sadistic, cruel, and ready to kill makes Lord Tirek more of his fan in the art of magistracy.

"He's my depiction of what I believed the devil would look like running Hell," Sadistic Spike Knightwalker said. He imagines Lord Tirek bringing chaos and destruction wherever he goes.

"It's an honor to greet the one that gave Fairy Dragon a beating of his life," Lord Tirek respectively expresses.

Sadistic Spike Knightwalker grabs and pulls on Lord Tirek's goatee, nearly ripping it off of his chin. "Listen here, goat-face. Do not bring up that name in my presence! I will kill him for ruining my country's chances for eternal magic in Edolas! You want to be on my good side, do what I say, and we'll have no problems!" Sadistic Spike Knightwalker shoves Lord Tirek into a corner.

"Impressive," Lord Tirek spits some blood and a tooth from the impact.

"He's working on weapons that bring mass destruction. He's decoding the color of gemstones to weaponize them and turning the Dragon's strengths into weaknesses."

"Then what's my purpose?" Lord Tirek asks Grogar.

"I need you to turn our army into a vicious one. The Diamond Dogs, Chameleons, and Lizards need much improvement to pose a threat."

Lord Tirek groans, knowing the Diamond Dogs are idiots. He accepts his role to help strengthen the army by any means. Grogar amplifies Lord Tirek's power to ensure the Diamond Dogs, Lizards, and Chameleons that they'll become monsters for vengeance.

"Listen up, maggots!" Lord Tirek echoes with his speech in the mines. For the Diamond Dogs, it's worse than Grogar's echoed voice.

"My ears!" Rover, Spot, and Fido cover their ears. "They're bleeding!"

Aster and Sliver laugh at the trio and much of the Diamond Dogs' misery. Lord Tirek stomps his front hoof to make a statement and scares the life out of the Lizards and Chameleons. They ceased their laughter and turned to an angry Lord Tirek.

"Sorry, Sir!" Aster and Sliver salute their Commander in fear.

"Training starts now!" Lord Tirek shouts.

"Yes, Sir!" The Diamond Dogs, Chameleons, and Lizards say in unison.

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